Obama sure lied to NASA

Uh, Obamination killed the follow-on lift program after the Shuttle program.

He believes that money buys more votes through welfare handouts to people in the ghetto than employing people in Florida and Texas at NASA.....especially in RED states.

Ok NASA is still in business but Obama did kill the manned space flight section and that is what Obama lied about.....BTW, Killing the shuttle without a replacement vehicle in place was just plain stupid.

Utterly true. Kudos.


utterly false. The planning for ending the shuttle missions was begun under BUSH. It was outdated, and no longer safe. Period, end of story. Until private enterprise picks up the slack in regards to taking men and cargo to the ISS, the hitching a ride with the Russians was more cost effective and safer than the shuttle.

Live with it. It was awesome, but past it's time to end, Fraud.
Read dumbfucks...

NASA - Space Program Benefits: NASA?s Positive Impact on Society

Of course, benefits in science, engineering, medicine, transportation, etc aren't as important than giving money to Solyndra to employ 300 people while stealing $500B.

The lie was that NASA produces absolutely nothing for our country.

Utterly untrue. What else is there to talk about?

Oh okay. So what product or service does NASA produce that provides revenues to our country?
I thought the wingnut position was that if something cannot support itself and needs taxpayers to prop it up, it should be eliminated?
Read dumbfucks...

NASA - Space Program Benefits: NASA?s Positive Impact on Society

Of course, benefits in science, engineering, medicine, transportation, etc aren't as important than giving money to Solyndra to employ 300 people while stealing $500B.

Oh okay. So what product or service does NASA produce that provides revenues to our country?
I thought the wingnut position was that if something cannot support itself and needs taxpayers to prop it up, it should be eliminated?


Great post, links and comebacks. Sound and thank you. Hat is tipped, sir.

What was the lie in my question? Rather than engage in petty attacks, perhaps you might engage in civil discourse. Assuming that is within your ken.
The lie was that NASA produces absolutely nothing for our country.

Utterly untrue. What else is there to talk about?

Oh okay. So what product or service does NASA produce that provides revenues to our country?
NASA spin-off - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now before you claim that these products don't directly provide revenue to the country (by which I assume you mean the government), they do have billions of dollars of impact in the economy. So, yes, the government is receiving revenue from these technologies.
I say that 10% of our technology comes from NASA!

10%! No more.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong!

I have. NASA has. Go the links. They are in this thread 4 times now.



Sweet, perhaps you can quote exactly the passage that states your 92% figure.

Until then, I'll go on stating that it's 10%.

And your links back me up! They do! You just have to read them! Honest!

He can't he's a pathological liar, a narcissistic fraud, and is completely incapable of admitting his 92% figure was inflated.
Read dumbfucks...

NASA - Space Program Benefits: NASA?s Positive Impact on Society

Of course, benefits in science, engineering, medicine, transportation, etc aren't as important than giving money to Solyndra to employ 300 people while stealing $500B.

Oh okay. So what product or service does NASA produce that provides revenues to our country?
I thought the wingnut position was that if something cannot support itself and needs taxpayers to prop it up, it should be eliminated?

Di you agree with Robert_Dumbfucks 92% figure?
I'm not arguing %, I'm stating the FACT that NASA's work benefits Americans and the world in general.

Tearing NASA apart in the middle of a recession to pay for Obamacare, green energy scams, welfare handouts, etc is stupid, pure stupidity.

The only people that support that bullshit are out to destroy this country or they should be locked in a prison for being too stupid to function in society.

Read dumbfucks...

NASA - Space Program Benefits: NASA?s Positive Impact on Society

Of course, benefits in science, engineering, medicine, transportation, etc aren't as important than giving money to Solyndra to employ 300 people while stealing $500B.

I thought the wingnut position was that if something cannot support itself and needs taxpayers to prop it up, it should be eliminated?

Di you agree with Robert_Dumbfucks 92% figure?
Thank you Valerie, Ken, Donna, Hyperwar, and all the rest for my posts herein and the reputation points. Most kind and fedora is tipped to all of you kind, clear thinking people.

Hail, NASA


speaking of which, where DID you pick up the fedora? I was planning on going to Hats in the Belfry later this month... I want to add to my collection of Indiana Jones style fedoras and get something a little more 'Bogie'.

I'll be damned, what a cool query. Ok, contact Steve Delk, as he is the hatter for Indiana Jones IV. He is a great guy and I know him well and Harrison Ford got 3 more from him to keep after the movie.

Ok, back in about 1906, Fedoras, like mine, were the case style for the industry of Archaeology....

Interesting. Here, you state you got the Fedora in your avatar from Delk, but here...
...you state...
Nice hat.

Haha. Oddly, most all Archaeologists have been wearing a brown fedora since 1902. Indiana Jones copied the style for the movies. And that hat was a gift from Harrison Ford, as he has one of my NASA paintings he bought.

Thank you,

So, in addition to lying about the whole 'archeologists all wore fedora like that and IJ used that style for the movie', you're also lying somewhere about where the stupid fedora came from in your av.

Really, Robert, if you're going to lie online, it's best to keep all the lies on the same board, matching. You look like less of a fraud and a fool then.
I'm not arguing %, I'm stating the FACT that NASA's work benefits Americans and the world in general.

Tearing NASA apart in the middle of a recession to pay for Obamacare, green energy scams, welfare handouts, etc is stupid, pure stupidity.

The only people that support that bullshit are out to destroy this country or they should be locked in a prison for being too stupid to function in society.

Read dumbfucks...

NASA - Space Program Benefits: NASA?s Positive Impact on Society

Of course, benefits in science, engineering, medicine, transportation, etc aren't as important than giving money to Solyndra to employ 300 people while stealing $500B.

Di you agree with Robert_Dumbfucks 92% figure?

And I agree with that statement. I do NOT agree that the correct figure is 92%
You're dumber than shit believing I'm a liberal.

I HATE liberals and losertarians. I guess you're the latter.....

I'm not arguing %, I'm stating the FACT that NASA's work benefits Americans and the world in general.

Damn namby-pamby Liberal! :badgrin:

You're dumber than shit for not getting my point:

It's usually Liberals who take the long view of how something benefits society.

It's usually conservatives who only place a value on short-term profit, and don't like to invest in things that will pay off later.

See: alternative energy.
You're dumber than shit believing I'm a liberal.

I HATE liberals and losertarians. I guess you're the latter.....

I'm not arguing %, I'm stating the FACT that NASA's work benefits Americans and the world in general.

Damn namby-pamby Liberal! :badgrin:

They are just chain pullers. They are fucking with you and they are brainless faggots is all. Bored, pale, fucking their own pets, we had them back in the 80s-90s on the UFO-Whacko sites. They are the kind of fuckers that eat their own shit out of boredom and absolutely no life. Fuck 'em all.

When I was fucking with Bell's worshippers they were exactly the same as these losers. We called them "woo-woos". Here, its a throwback and crossover of those days--same ilk, same losers, same woo-woos and a bunch of assholes is all--- and this site is sooooooooo retro, so lame. There were thousands of sites on this vein back then--all gone....

The ignore list works perfect here. They and their posts are just a blank, a white line, the option to remove them and the option to see what they have posted, if you want. I just block the whole maggoty mess. Fuck 'em again.

A Waste of fesh is all.

Too, I have noticed, doing a Blind Dynamic Transom Registar check on them, they are all losers. They have nothing, do nothing, some living with parents in their 20s 30s and 40s at home, no job to speak of, no assets, no nothing. They just flame and blither here in brainless bullshit and on other sites as well.

Hope that is helpful and thank you for your posts anyway.

Respectfully sir,


And to them all here at "Retro Woo Woo Discussion Dot WTF", I say:



I am love
You're dumber than shit believing I'm a liberal.

I HATE liberals and losertarians. I guess you're the latter.....

Damn namby-pamby Liberal! :badgrin:

They are just chain pullers. They are fucking with you and they are brainless faggots is all. Bored, pale, fucking their own pets, we had them back in the 80s-90s on the UFO-Whacko sites. They are the kind of fuckers that eat their own shit out of boredom and absolutely no life. Fuck 'em all.

When I was fucking with Bell's worshippers they were exactly the same as these losers. We called them "woo-woos". Here, its a throwback and crossover of those days--same ilk, same losers, same woo-woos and a bunch of assholes is all--- and this site is sooooooooo retro, so lame. There were thousands of sites on this vein back then--all gone....

The ignore list works perfect here. They and their posts are just a blank, a white line, the option to remove them and the option to see what they have posted, if you want. I just block the whole maggoty mess. Fuck 'em again.

A Waste of fesh is all.

Too, I have noticed, doing a Blind Dynamic Transom Registar check on them, they are all losers. They have nothing, do nothing, some living with parents in their 20s 30s and 40s at home, no job to speak of, no assets, no nothing. They just flame and blither here in brainless bullshit and on other sites as well.

Hope that is helpful and thank you for your posts anyway.

Respectfully sir,


And to them all here at "Retro Woo Woo Discussion Dot WTF", I say:


I am love

Wow... those of us who've found you out for a complete fraud and liar have really gotten under your skin, huh :rofl:

Oh, let's add homophobic jackass to your list of 'qualities', shall we?

You ignore us, yet you respond every time. Seems kind of narcissistic to me that you do that.

Blind Dynamic Transom Registar check? :rofl: what a pile of horse shit! :rofl: You throw around big words and terms, praying that no one bothers to check you on them, hoping to make yourself look smart or important. You're neither. I'd love to know how you managed this Blind Dynamic Registar check on me, when you haven't the slightest clue about me... no name, location, nada.

There is really only one word that describes you... FAIL
Last edited:
You're dumber than shit believing I'm a liberal.

I HATE liberals and losertarians. I guess you're the latter.....

I'm not arguing %, I'm stating the FACT that NASA's work benefits Americans and the world in general.

Damn namby-pamby Liberal! :badgrin:

Hey, Gone, thought you would like this, keeping this on topic, look at this and watch. This is the case in point, big time.

VIDEO: FORMER NASA WORKERS: OBAMA LIED TO US IN 2008. « GILL REPORT – The official website of the Steve Gill Show

You're dumber than shit believing I'm a liberal.

I HATE liberals and losertarians. I guess you're the latter.....

They are just chain pullers. They are fucking with you and they are brainless faggots is all. Bored, pale, fucking their own pets, we had them back in the 80s-90s on the UFO-Whacko sites. They are the kind of fuckers that eat their own shit out of boredom and absolutely no life. Fuck 'em all.

When I was fucking with Bell's worshippers they were exactly the same as these losers. We called them "woo-woos". Here, its a throwback and crossover of those days--same ilk, same losers, same woo-woos and a bunch of assholes is all--- and this site is sooooooooo retro, so lame. There were thousands of sites on this vein back then--all gone....

The ignore list works perfect here. They and their posts are just a blank, a white line, the option to remove them and the option to see what they have posted, if you want. I just block the whole maggoty mess. Fuck 'em again.

A Waste of fesh is all.

Too, I have noticed, doing a Blind Dynamic Transom Registar check on them, they are all losers. They have nothing, do nothing, some living with parents in their 20s 30s and 40s at home, no job to speak of, no assets, no nothing. They just flame and blither here in brainless bullshit and on other sites as well.

Hope that is helpful and thank you for your posts anyway.

Respectfully sir,


And to them all here at "Retro Woo Woo Discussion Dot WTF", I say:


I am love

Wow... those of us who've found you out for a complete fraud and liar have really gotten under your skin, huh :rofl:

Oh, let's add homophobic jackass to your list of 'qualities', shall we?

You ignore us, yet you respond every time. Seems kind of narcissistic to me that you do that.

Blind Dynamic Transom Registar check? :rofl: what a pile of horse shit! :rofl: You throw around big words and terms, praying that no one bothers to check you on them, hoping to make yourself look smart or important. You're neither. I'd love to know how you managed this Blind Dynamic Registar check on me, when you haven't the slightest clue about me... no name, location, nada.

There is really only one word that describes you... FAIL

Hey Robert... from now on, you're on Double Secret Probation! :rofl:

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