Obama sure lied to NASA

Campaigning there in 08 he said he would never allow them to fold up.
He spoke at NASA stating that.
And then he folds them up.

NASA has been closed up? Really? news to me. Got a link?

Yeah, he did.
Thousands upon thousands have been laid off.

Even though it doesn't really sound like much compared to other situations, but NASA was our economy for the space coast. Now it's just nothing but struggle and desperation here.
I live on the same island as NASA and it has really hit hard.
Since NASA was our economy and it's been cut off, it's had nothing but a chain reaction and it would hurt other businesses.

High joblessness in the home of U.S. space flight - CBS News
Gone and Everyone,

This is a good one and intriguing in that this is at KSC and watch and read the story and what the dispensation is through their eyes of what Obama did when he came through and lied so terribly.


This is the first part of the report:

"Kennedy Space Center Director Robert Cabana, left, and U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Orlando, address human spaceflight during a forum Friday March 19 at Brevard Community College’s campus in Cocoa, Florida. (Rik Jesse, FLORIDA TODAY)

“The President made a mistake,” said Sen. Bill Nelson (D) of Florida in referring to President Barack Obama’s recent decision to completely terminate Project Constellation from the 2011 NASA Budget. “Because that is the perception. That he killed the space program.”

“I know him [Obama] to be a vigorous supporter of the manned space program”, Nelson added. “But he certainly has not given that impression. The President is going to have to prove that when he comes here on April 15,” said Nelson. He was referring to the upcoming “Space Summit” scheduled to take place at or near the Kennedy Space Center on April 15.
“The President made a mistake” in cancelling Project Constellation says Florida Sen. Bill Nelson. Nelson believes that the White House budget office or Science Advisor John Holdren (sitting to left of Obama) urged Pesident Obama to terminate Constellation. Does Obama really believe in continuing US Human Spaceflight ? Answers may come at the “Space Summit” set for April 15 at the Kennedy Space Center. Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

Constellation was the designated human spaceflight successor program to the Space Shuttle program which is currently planned to shut down by the end of 2010.

Comprised of the Ares 1 and Ares 5 booster rockets and Orion manned capsules, Constellation would have sent humans flying to exciting destinations of exploration beyond low earth orbit for the first time since the Apollo lunar landings ended in 1972. The ambitious targets included the Moon, Mars, Asteroids and Beyond.

Sen. Nelson made his remarks on March 19 at a public space forum co-hosted by Brevard Community College in Cocoa, Florida ,which is the local college located only a few miles distant from KSC and also by the local newspaper Florida Today. Nelson was joined by KSC Director Bob Cabana, a former astronaut who flew 4 space shuttle missions. Over 100 residents attended the space forum."

Obama Lies, NASA Dies | Mount Washington Valley Astronomy

Comment back on this when you get done reading and seeing it.

Campaigning there in 08 he said he would never allow them to fold up.
He spoke at NASA stating that.
And then he folds them up.

NASA has been closed up? Really? news to me. Got a link?

Yeah, he did.
Thousands upon thousands have been laid off.

Even though it doesn't really sound like much compared to other situations, but NASA was our economy for the space coast. Now it's just nothing but struggle and desperation here.

I live on the same island as NASA and it has really hit hard.
Since NASA was our economy and it's been cut off, it's had nothing but a chain reaction and it would hurt other businesses.

High joblessness in the home of U.S. space flight - CBS News

Hey, compelling post. I worked on STS-MDAC as a failure Engineer in the 80s and lived in Titusville. Are you there or over on Meritt Island? This is bad and of all agencies, NASA is the last one would want to cut at this time.

Have you tried any private industries yet. There are 80 alone here in NM. Just a thought. All my best and let me know if you need help searching down this way some.


Heres my problem. With all the domestic issues he have,illegal immigration gone wild,unemployment,communist taxation,we shouldnt be wasting any more money on NASA until we get our core basic human needs in priority.
I'm not arguing %, I'm stating the FACT that NASA's work benefits Americans and the world in general.

Tearing NASA apart in the middle of a recession to pay for Obamacare, green energy scams, welfare handouts, etc is stupid, pure stupidity.

The only people that support that bullshit are out to destroy this country or they should be locked in a prison for being too stupid to function in society.

Again, for fun, I don't know what platform you use and such. I am on a Mac and have been since 1984 when MDAC had me work with the Systems gal, Ladonna Hill and she told me about Apples, and brought in the first mac I had ever seen, a little 9" screen, B&W MacPlus. It changed my world and changed the way we do CAD in aerospace and so on.

Anyway, Apple a few years later build BT for slang and it was a proprietary ware for security. It is really cool. It can trace any IP, by original registar, down to one nautical second (33'), so it can trace anything down to transmission source and site source.

I use it over at the Christian Dating Site For Free (CDFF) to keep in touch with the filipinas that are members there, on what is happening back in Mindinao, in Davao City, PI, where I support a 100 bed women and children shelter there. So, BT works great at CDFF in catching all the scammers there from Nigeria and Ghana. It works well.

If you would like this ware, let me know and I will send a Stuffitt file of same, archived for you. Again, you do need a Mac.


NASA has been closed up? Really? news to me. Got a link?

Yeah, he did.
Thousands upon thousands have been laid off.

Even though it doesn't really sound like much compared to other situations, but NASA was our economy for the space coast. Now it's just nothing but struggle and desperation here.

I live on the same island as NASA and it has really hit hard.
Since NASA was our economy and it's been cut off, it's had nothing but a chain reaction and it would hurt other businesses.

High joblessness in the home of U.S. space flight - CBS News

Hey, compelling post. I worked on STS-MDAC as a failure Engineer in the 80s and lived in Titusville. Are you there or over on Meritt Island? This is bad and of all agencies, NASA is the last one would want to cut at this time.

Have you tried any private industries yet. There are 80 alone here in NM. Just a thought. All my best and let me know if you need help searching down this way some.



Yeah, I'm on MI. Right on Courtnay 2-3 blocks south of 528.

I have tried going as a contractor and doing private industry and was about to get hired, but due to budget changes, that went out the window.

Did you happen to know Renee Arriens by chance? I was related to him. :p
Unless it is of benefit for the united states,or help the economy of its people,then it should have a priority.
Unless it is of benefit for the united states,or help the economy of its people,then it should have a priority.

The main thing is that the government needs to do it. Not private companies.

Private companies can and will bring in their own people, which will just hurt us even more.
Maybe i am wrong,but i consider this almost as bad as the liberal green projects.especially the billions wasted gping to other planets.
Yeah, he did.
Thousands upon thousands have been laid off.

Even though it doesn't really sound like much compared to other situations, but NASA was our economy for the space coast. Now it's just nothing but struggle and desperation here.

I live on the same island as NASA and it has really hit hard.
Since NASA was our economy and it's been cut off, it's had nothing but a chain reaction and it would hurt other businesses.

High joblessness in the home of U.S. space flight - CBS News

Hey, compelling post. I worked on STS-MDAC as a failure Engineer in the 80s and lived in Titusville. Are you there or over on Meritt Island? This is bad and of all agencies, NASA is the last one would want to cut at this time.

Have you tried any private industries yet. There are 80 alone here in NM. Just a thought. All my best and let me know if you need help searching down this way some.



Yeah, I'm on MI. Right on Courtnay 2-3 blocks south of 528.

I have tried going as a contractor and doing private industry and was about to get hired, but due to budget changes, that went out the window.

Did you happen to know Renee Arriens by chance? I was related to him. :p

Hey Nitroz, hear ya. I was always and still am a contractor for NASA and never wanted to be civil service or contract for the companies that would get dumped on their contracts. I know how it goes. I answer out of DC and its better.

Whoa, you are related to him? Wow. He did good on STS-103 on Discovery. Quite the guy.


Also, can you relocate if something comes open and what is your job/title/field/expertise.

Have you looked at Armadillo Aerospace or Space X here in NM? Two astronauts quit NASA and went to work for the latter.

Also, are you still there in FL?

Thank you in advance. As we go along we will work this.

Let me say this,if people want this egregious spending on space exploration,let the private sector foot the bill. For a family that cannot even sustaun their own economies to pay bills and exist,what makes you think they even give a shit about space?how does that help a working american sustain?think about it.
Let me say this,if people want this egregious spending on space exploration,let the private sector foot the bill. For a family that cannot even sustaun their own economies to pay bills and exist,what makes you think they even give a shit about space?how does that help a working american sustain?think about it.

If we let them foot the bill, then nothing will happen at all.
We are spending millions upon millions as "incentives" to the private industry (which isn't even established yet) and spending what we spend on the space program here to pay the russians to send our astronauts to the ISS.

And theres more to it than what you think, don't let ignorance make your decisions for you.
I understand the point of satellites and the ability and observe celestial threats,but,anything outside,is a waste. We should have it completely funded by the private sector. Like richard brannen,of virgin airlines,privately funding these projects. Cool. Whatever. When raping the public for money for these socialist commie green failures,and then this,at least i am consistant.
Hey, compelling post. I worked on STS-MDAC as a failure Engineer in the 80s and lived in Titusville. Are you there or over on Meritt Island? This is bad and of all agencies, NASA is the last one would want to cut at this time.

Have you tried any private industries yet. There are 80 alone here in NM. Just a thought. All my best and let me know if you need help searching down this way some.



Yeah, I'm on MI. Right on Courtnay 2-3 blocks south of 528.

I have tried going as a contractor and doing private industry and was about to get hired, but due to budget changes, that went out the window.

Did you happen to know Renee Arriens by chance? I was related to him. :p

Hey Nitroz, hear ya. I was always and still am a contractor for NASA and never wanted to be civil service or contract for the companies that would get dumped on their contracts. I know how it goes. I answer out of DC and its better.

Whoa, you are related to him? Wow. He did good on STS-103 on Discovery. Quite the guy.


Also, can you relocate if something comes open and what is your job/title/field/expertise.

Have you looked at Armadillo Aerospace or Space X here in NM? Two astronauts quit NASA and went to work for the latter.

Also, are you still there in FL?

Thank you in advance. As we go along we will work this.


No, I can't leave FL.

I'm almost 19 and was going to go as security or something entry level. I'm going to BCC currently.

And I was related to him, but my aunt got a divorce.
The divorce was the reason why I moved here from Las Vegas.
Fuck no. No more public money for bullshit.green commie programs or otherwise.If yall are independently wealthy enough to want to support these programs,do it yourself. My concern is for us citizens and their ability to grow their economies with limited government and imperialism.
Last edited:
Unless it is of benefit for the united states,or help the economy of its people,then it should have a priority.

NASA, benefit the US?, society?, technology?, you gotta be kidding?........they build 'space chips, they done nuthin'.....

Start here:

NASA - Search Results

Then, type in the spinoffs and other benefits since Mercury. 390 pages of spinoffs. Thousands. 96%, not 92%, of tech is from NASA and related supporting RnD and industries.


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