Obama sure lied to NASA

Nitroz,be careful,dude.
The guy you are talking to here is a complete fraud.
he has been over many a message board,and proved fraud.
even sued for it.
conservative and i agree on PRACTICALLY NOTHING HERE on the boards,ve he is dead on the money on this one.

Hahahahahaha I knew, it. A total woo-woo, far left wing freako, eatin' doo doo, tongue akimbo, shit in his pants, pounding on that 'lil Dell keyboard......wow. You stupid liberal left wing motherfucker. Hahahahahaha

"and you line up with shit for brains".........what an endorsement. You fuckin' that faggot also? Too perfect.

Pound glass faggot, or suck presidebt, your god, or is it goddess.....hahahahahaha

Nitro, ream this fuck.

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Listen here,you old scamming crook. Ill out your ass on the boards. I am a GOP delegate from 2004,and i am more rightwing than anyone on this board. Shall i post your litigation,or threads from the twelve boards you were outed on. Do you want me to out your ass?
I am also founder of the FRNP.nitroz,google "ROBERT A.M.STEPHENS" and see what you find.dont give this charactor the info he wants.
Listen here,you old scamming crook. Ill out your ass on the boards. I am a GOP delegate from 2004,and i am more rightwing than anyone on this board. Shall i post your litigation,or threads from the twelve boards you were outed on. Do you want me to out your ass?

oooooooooooohhhhhhh.. That is some really really rough stuff. You faggot. Suckin' alot of numbnuts semen are we? You left wing faggot, pound glass in your ass.

So retro, so woo woo.

"Hey, when they took you up in that space ship, "Vampire", did they, did they do sexual things to you".......(ID4).

Awsome, what a sissy boy. Get the doo doo out of your mouth and go back down on shit for brains.

Fuck off loser.

Hey hey,scamartist.why dont you own up to the fact you were proved a fraud,and the fact you were told by courts and the real NASA that you were told repeatedly to stop acting like you represent them?

ignore list. As if you are not here. Eat some more of shit for brains doo doo--a real credible woo woo if there ever was one. Tracking is fun. So liberal, so left wing, so gay, so much another loser. Fuck off, as I said....


Nitroz,you are apprently legit. But,youre young and impressionable.do as you wish,and who knows what this guys modus operandi really is,but,repeat,i implore,do not feed him any private information.for your own good.
Again, for fun, I don't know what platform you use and such. I am on a Mac and have been since 1984 when MDAC had me work with the Systems gal, Ladonna Hill and she told me about Apples, and brought in the first mac I had ever seen, a little 9" screen, B&W MacPlus. It changed my world and changed the way we do CAD in aerospace and so on.

Anyway, Apple a few years later build BT for slang and it was a proprietary ware for security. It is really cool. It can trace any IP, by original registar, down to one nautical second (33'), so it can trace anything down to transmission source and site source.

I use it over at the Christian Dating Site For Free (CDFF) to keep in touch with the filipinas that are members there, on what is happening back in Mindinao, in Davao City, PI, where I support a 100 bed women and children shelter there. So, BT works great at CDFF in catching all the scammers there from Nigeria and Ghana. It works well.

If you would like this ware, let me know and I will send a Stuffitt file of same, archived for you. Again, you do need a Mac.



Tell me, oh techno wizard... How would you run a trace on a poster's IP without having access to the board's server?
oooooooooooohhhhhhh.. That is some really really rough stuff. You faggot. Suckin' alot of numbnuts semen are we? You left wing faggot, pound glass in your ass.

So retro, so woo woo.

"Hey, when they took you up in that space ship, "Vampire", did they, did they do sexual things to you".......(ID4).

Awsome, what a sissy boy. Get the doo doo out of your mouth and go back down on shit for brains.

Fuck off loser.


Oooh, everybody's a tough guy on the internet!
Hey hey,scamartist.why dont you own up to the fact you were proved a fraud,and the fact you were told by courts and the real NASA that you were told repeatedly to stop acting like you represent them?

Ok, faggot woo woo, here you go:

Put me on ignore. Then see how it looks. Two things are there in a wite strip across your lil shit soaked screen: All it says is "this poster is ignored." And, "View Post".

I know you woo woos and know you just have to stomp your little tiny feet and get in one last juvenile bunch of bullshit, just like shit for brains.

You are a faggot, left winger a liberal and a fucking asshole. you have leagued up with a total, hated, phony that has nothing and has been proven 100% he is lying.

You are already on the ignore list so it is as if you are not here, banned, nothing, unless I WANT to see shit you post. Simple.

And you are so stupid, every single one of these posts are being d/l, copied and sent on to who needs them. That is how it is done.

So, post anything you wish hon, more material is best fuck face.

Please put me on your ignore list left wing woo woo fag.

Read dumbfucks...

NASA - Space Program Benefits: NASA?s Positive Impact on Society

Of course, benefits in science, engineering, medicine, transportation, etc aren't as important than giving money to Solyndra to employ 300 people while stealing $500B.

Oh okay. So what product or service does NASA produce that provides revenues to our country?
I thought the wingnut position was that if something cannot support itself and needs taxpayers to prop it up, it should be eliminated?

I don't think we should have made the loans to Solyndra.
I don't think we should give billions in subsidies to Big Oil either.
I don't think that not spending money on NASA forces us to give it to "welfare people" or whatever hyperbole and hysterics a couple of Conservatives have implied.

So if NASA provides breakthroughs in science & engineering, your logic would dictate that we give billions to other scientific endeavors, such as government run green technology R&D. Or is that fact that that tech is viewed as "Liberal" make self-contradiction okay?

If NASA provides breakthroughs in medicine, your logic would be that we should start a public health care option and make even more breakthroughs in medicine! Or is that fact that that is viewed as "Liberal", make your self-contradiction okay?

It seems to me that the basic Conservative philosophy is that anything done by the government can be done better, cheaper and more efficiently by private enterprise. Therefore the government should do virtually nothing but provide for national defense and those functions specifically outlined in the USC - which NASA obviously is not.

But since it is a Liberal Democrat president who is reducing all this big government spending, suddenly the whole basis of your philosophy and most of your complaints are abandoned so that you can criticize Obama. That seems pretty hypocritical to anyone who is not a Hard Right kinda guy.
BTW, Libs are self-contradictory too - just on different issues (notice how they have become hawks and the GOP sounds more like the ACLU since Obama showed some military savvy?).
But then, I'm an Indie, not a Lib or Conserv, so I'm less likely to contradict myself.
Listen here,you old scamming crook. Ill out your ass on the boards. I am a GOP delegate from 2004,and i am more rightwing than anyone on this board. Shall i post your litigation,or threads from the twelve boards you were outed on. Do you want me to out your ass?

oooooooooooohhhhhhh.. That is some really really rough stuff. You faggot. Suckin' alot of numbnuts semen are we? You left wing faggot, pound glass in your ass.

So retro, so woo woo.

"Hey, when they took you up in that space ship, "Vampire", did they, did they do sexual things to you".......(ID4).

Awsome, what a sissy boy. Get the doo doo out of your mouth and go back down on shit for brains.

Fuck off loser.



Pos repped Vamp for pissing you off so badly! Way to go, Vamp! You really got under his skin alright!

ignore list. As if you are not here. Eat some more of shit for brains doo doo--a real credible woo woo if there ever was one. Tracking is fun. So liberal, so left wing, so gay, so much another loser. Fuck off, as I said....



YET...YOU...KEEP... RESPONDING... :rofl:

The point of the ignore list, is to actually ignore someone. It's as pointless as you are to put someone on IGNORE, only to open and respond to most of their posts.

IGNORE is for pussies. Are you a pussy? :lol:
Again, for fun, I don't know what platform you use and such. I am on a Mac and have been since 1984 when MDAC had me work with the Systems gal, Ladonna Hill and she told me about Apples, and brought in the first mac I had ever seen, a little 9" screen, B&W MacPlus. It changed my world and changed the way we do CAD in aerospace and so on.

Anyway, Apple a few years later build BT for slang and it was a proprietary ware for security. It is really cool. It can trace any IP, by original registar, down to one nautical second (33'), so it can trace anything down to transmission source and site source.

I use it over at the Christian Dating Site For Free (CDFF) to keep in touch with the filipinas that are members there, on what is happening back in Mindinao, in Davao City, PI, where I support a 100 bed women and children shelter there. So, BT works great at CDFF in catching all the scammers there from Nigeria and Ghana. It works well.

If you would like this ware, let me know and I will send a Stuffitt file of same, archived for you. Again, you do need a Mac.



Tell me, oh techno wizard... How would you run a trace on a poster's IP without having access to the board's server?

It's called 'HE CAN'T'.

HE's as full of shit now as he ever was.:lol:

I'll make a $50.00 donation to the site if he can tell me my IP address.
oooooooooooohhhhhhh.. That is some really really rough stuff. You faggot. Suckin' alot of numbnuts semen are we? You left wing faggot, pound glass in your ass.

So retro, so woo woo.

"Hey, when they took you up in that space ship, "Vampire", did they, did they do sexual things to you".......(ID4).

Awsome, what a sissy boy. Get the doo doo out of your mouth and go back down on shit for brains.

Fuck off loser.


Oooh, everybody's a tough guy on the internet!

I think RS's latent homosexual tendencies are starting to show. Not that I have a problem with his preferences, that's his business. To each his own. However, maybe if he came out, he'd be less angry all the time.
Hey hey,scamartist.why dont you own up to the fact you were proved a fraud,and the fact you were told by courts and the real NASA that you were told repeatedly to stop acting like you represent them?

Ok, faggot woo woo, here you go:

Put me on ignore. Then see how it looks. Two things are there in a wite strip across your lil shit soaked screen: All it says is "this poster is ignored." And, "View Post".

I know you woo woos and know you just have to stomp your little tiny feet and get in one last juvenile bunch of bullshit, just like shit for brains.

You are a faggot, left winger a liberal and a fucking asshole. you have leagued up with a total, hated, phony that has nothing and has been proven 100% he is lying.

You are already on the ignore list so it is as if you are not here, banned, nothing, unless I WANT to see shit you post. Simple.

And you are so stupid, every single one of these posts are being d/l, copied and sent on to who needs them. That is how it is done.

So, post anything you wish hon, more material is best fuck face.

Please put me on your ignore list left wing woo woo fag.

yup. He really got your goat, didn't he :rofl:

As I said, the ignore feature is pointless if you're going to continually reply anyway, dumb-fuck.

Oh... you copies his posts and fwd them.... I bet he is just sooooooooooo scared :rofl:

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