Obama sure lied to NASA

Bump for independent logics explanatory post.defense should be.more evolving technology,then peoples lives to eliminate threats.precise,efficient,no nation building.

Ok, that was a sound post. Let me ask you: it is rare a conservative would be against NASA and space and the technologies that spin off it and so on. Ok, then, what is your thinking on Obama and this new agey socialist giveaway silliness in sums far far beyond NASA's budget but billions of dollars more.

Balance it, if you would.


Interesting. Robert you ignore my direct answer to your challenge and now go with a strawman.

Tell you what. I answered you directly. No strawmen, no dodge, no changing the subject or deflecting. Let's see if a Conservative like you will do the same.

Why is it that Conservatives constantly exclaim "It's not covered in the Constitution!" or "Private inudstry should do it! They always do it better and more efficiently!" about any government program until it's one Obama cuts some funding from?
If you were an Independent, don't you think this would seem pretty hypocritical?

Forgive me if I missed something. Please, post it again to me please and I was probably over typed out by answering questions like: "so, you admit you are a NASA Artist but are a warlord from Oxnard", or some such silliness.

Sorry, please post again asa I do not dodge anything, save for a bullet.

Thank you in advance, sorry about that.

As an evolutionist,i believe in elimination of all federal useless agencies and oversight.i believe in unions only to play part in workplace safety only.
I believe in evolving to a CAPITALIST DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC,with all levels of government being a profitable business partnership betwern citizens and government leaders,representing the interests of the citizens.
I've already directly answered a couple of your questions. Your turn. While you're at it, you can tell me why so many ConservaRepubs support Big Oil subisidies if so inclined.

Good query. I think first, for us true conservatives and constitutionalists, we do not subscribe to subsidies to anyone, unless they are some benefical start-up, some new tech company, etc etc. Thus, we do not think subsidies to big oil is morally acceptable in any venue. They have got theirs and they do not need little add on gifts.

Too, in our current fiscal situation (The National Debt Clock) we have no room for any subsidizing of anything, unless it provides work, R&D, Techs, new industry, med break throughs, ad infinitum. And in that veil, that is NASA.

For instance, I have a cardio defib, in my chest, upper left, and two wires that go from it into the ventricals of my heart. I picked up an unknown heart virus while scuba diving with the booster boats for Morton Thiokol as an invited artist back in '98. It is made directly and made possible by NASA technologies in the medical field, as an example. I have no effect from this and have my physical prowess in order and still dive, but that box is a life saver. That is a case in point where NASA techs, benefit the private sector. So, subsidy that sort of thing if at all.

So, it seems that many calling themselves Repubs are not really.

Hope that is clear and helpful.

Thank you,


I like diving but we don't do much of it here in Las Vegas. So of course, I'll have to Pay Another Diving Instructor to verify I don't hold my breath while surfacing quickly and can find that regulator thingy because we're thinking of moving to Belize after my daughter goes off to college. Oh well.
So your answer is directly contradictory to the overwhelming majority of Republicans in congress who just blocked Obama's efforts to end the subsidies. Definition of Irony: Obama was trying to exercise Conservatism and the GOP stopped him!
As far as the NASA tech that you have in the ribcage, most Conservatives would argue that it could have been developed better and more efficiently by private industry - until Obama cuts funds - then all of a sudden it's critical to US kickassiness.

So you're a rather progressive and independent example of a Conservative. I had many such friends (a few of whom worked for NASA) when I lived in Houston.
Glad you're healthy. It's rare to find someone here who is intelligent enough to disagree with a person of differing opinions, without instantly insulting or labeling them. Refreshing.
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Im the lonewolf. I support no subsidies,a.business needs to succeed on its own merit,like an individual. But, i also believe in the elimination of overregulation that is prohibiting the growth of a free capitalist market.
my balance?obamas communist redistributive is not only wasteful but intentional to destroy industry.
no waste,especially not the left.

Wow. I agree totally with that. I just posted this same thing to the libertariun poster. I agree and subsidies for anything, unless it is startups or new techs or R&D, etc.

obamas communist redistributive is not only wasteful but intentional to destroy industry, no waste, especially not the left.

This requires no response. It is totally correct.

Good post.

Im the lonewolf. I support no subsidies,a.business needs to succeed on its own merit,like an individual. But,u also believe in the elimination of overregulation that is prohibiting the growth of a free capitalist market.
my balance?obamas communist redistributive is not only wasteful but intentional to destroy industry.
no waste,especially not the left.
you aint the only one. govenrment needs to get out of business and get smaller. i'm for getting rid of anything linking money from the government and business as well as churches (they use the tax exempt status to hammer white churches, while black ones mix politics and religion like there is no tommorrow)

Kudos. Perfect. You are absolutely correct.

I also take true conservatism to the point of globalist elimination especially the realm of overseeing establishment and influence.

I agree with that as well. Question; I looked more carefully at your signature and your links, and wondered which one you recommend most for us conservatives, that would be the most fruitful to how we are convinced this way in conviction.

They are all good and good read.


I believe in evolving to a CAPITALIST DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC,with all levels of government being a profitable business partnership betwern citizens and government leaders,representing the interests of the citizens.

I missed this earlier. While it sounds great, businesses and governments will always have a corrupt element. That makes what you describe seem somewhat idealistic. But hey, without idealists, we wouldn't have many of our greatest accomplishments!
Its a great move by Obama to cripple NASA's space mission ability. After all, their new goal is to make Muslims feel good about themselves and their scientific contributions. Obama said so, remember? We dont need shuttles to make Muslims feel good. Good move Mr. President.
True progression is america again becoming the leader of the free world without globalism or communism.

Ok, this one and the selection is great and am going through them now.

This one,

marxist.org: The Leading Marxist Site on the Net

Was good only in that I seized instantly on this link:

Communist Praises Obama as "Black Radical"
Longtime U.S. communist praises Obama as ‘black radical’

Ok, and with your OP at the top of this post, I agree and this would return us to the place we were, as a wholly owned by the people, Constitutional Federal Republic for which we were framed.

I am now going through the rest of the links on that latter URL.

Ok, so what do you use and recommend from those two links, or rather, which is the best for supporting of the true, unfiltered Conservative stance.

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Its a great move by Obama to cripple NASA's space mission ability. After all, their new goal is to make Muslims feel good about themselves and their scientific contributions. Obama said so, remember? We dont need shuttles to make Muslims feel good. Good move Mr. President.

Why are these clear headed conservatives posting here tonight? Every one on the last two pages are excellent.

Your sarcasm is due noted and sadly, right on the money. Imagine, what you have posted there. A US President doing that. It is maddening and tragic as well.

And to reflect back how so many things about us and what we have done as first in the world, and now this.

Good post.

I like diving but we don't do much of it here in Las Vegas. So of course, I'll have to Pay Another Diving Instructor to verify I don't hold my breath while surfacing quickly and can find that regulator thingy because we're thinking of moving to Belize after my daughter goes off to college. Oh well.
So your answer is directly contradictory to the overwhelming majority of Republicans in congress who just blocked Obama's efforts to end the subsidies. Definition of Irony: Obama was trying to exercise Conservatism and the GOP stopped him!
As far as the NASA tech that you have in the ribcage, most Conservatives would argue that it could have been developed better and more efficiently by private industry - until Obama cuts funds - then all of a sudden it's critical to US kickassiness.

So you're a rather progressive and independent example of a Conservative. I had many such friends (a few of whom worked for NASA) when I lived in Houston.
Glad you're healthy. It's rare to find someone here who is intelligent enough to disagree with a person of differing opinions, without instantly insulting or labeling them. Refreshing.

Jesus, that is hysterical:

"I like diving but we don't do much of it here in Las Vegas. So of course, I'll have to Pay Another Diving Instructor to verify I don't hold my breath while surfacing quickly and can find that regulator thingy because we're thinking of moving to Belize after my daughter goes off to college. Oh well."

The PADI metaphor, too funny. True as well. That thingy, ah, your 2nd stage I believe.....hahahahahaha.

Before you go to Belize come down to Majahual, Quintana Roo, Yucatan, not more than 45 KM south of you there and stay at my place and check it out and then head out to Belize and then see that for yourself. My roommate maidens Olvia and Theresa go there to Orange Walk to do heavy shopping. Cool place, city and country.

You are welcome anytime whether I am there or not. And is is a large, long pueblo style home 400 years old I bought for $2340 back 20 years ago. Cool place. Its right on the ocean. Taxes for me there is $166 per year, and has went up from $99 in 20 years...........ouch.....heehee

Great post diver boy......haha

He set NASA back 50 years

The Muslim And Chief doesn't want us developing technology that could help out defense. And he's more than willing to say psss Russians I'll move those missiles out of Poland in a few months. I just need to pander to some useful idiots for a few months first.
He set NASA back 50 years

The Muslim And Chief doesn't want us developing technology that could help out defense. And he's more than willing to say psss Russians I'll move those missiles out of Poland in a few months. I just need to pander to some useful idiots for a few months first.

Good post. Another thing that is cunfusing is Obama's use of SEALs in two very successful missions and such windfall from it and relief even from conservatives like me.

On the other, since NASA is so wild at what they do--nothing on Earth like it, EVER, why would he then cut it back and lie about dosing so, when had he left it alone and cut, say, Department of Education and saved 5 times more in bullshit spending, would have actually increased taxes more than the NASA cut did.....

I just cannot figurer out this pres nor his modis operandi. Weird, and bizarre.

He set NASA back 50 years

The Muslim And Chief doesn't want us developing technology that could help out defense. And he's more than willing to say psss Russians I'll move those missiles out of Poland in a few months. I just need to pander to some useful idiots for a few months first.

Good post. Another thing that is cunfusing is Obama's use of SEALs in two very successful missions and such windfall from it and relief even from conservatives like me.

On the other, since NASA is so wild at what they do--nothing on Earth like it, EVER, why would he then cut it back and lie about dosing so, when had he left it alone and cut, say, Department of Education and saved 5 times more in bullshit spending, would have actually increased taxes more than the NASA cut did.....

I just cannot figurer out this pres nor his modis operandi. Weird, and bizarre.


Simple -- Unions. They've made bloated bureaucracy more important than cutting edge technology.
The Muslim And Chief doesn't want us developing technology that could help out defense. And he's more than willing to say psss Russians I'll move those missiles out of Poland in a few months. I just need to pander to some useful idiots for a few months first.

Good post. Another thing that is cunfusing is Obama's use of SEALs in two very successful missions and such windfall from it and relief even from conservatives like me.

On the other, since NASA is so wild at what they do--nothing on Earth like it, EVER, why would he then cut it back and lie about dosing so, when had he left it alone and cut, say, Department of Education and saved 5 times more in bullshit spending, would have actually increased taxes more than the NASA cut did.....

I just cannot figurer out this pres nor his modis operandi. Weird, and bizarre.


Simple -- Unions. They've made bloated bureaucracy more important than cutting edge technology.

Good response. I had not considered that, and am pondering your comeback. That would explain many things.

I like diving but we don't do much of it here in Las Vegas. So of course, I'll have to Pay Another Diving Instructor to verify I don't hold my breath while surfacing quickly and can find that regulator thingy because we're thinking of moving to Belize after my daughter goes off to college. Oh well.
So your answer is directly contradictory to the overwhelming majority of Republicans in congress who just blocked Obama's efforts to end the subsidies. Definition of Irony: Obama was trying to exercise Conservatism and the GOP stopped him!
As far as the NASA tech that you have in the ribcage, most Conservatives would argue that it could have been developed better and more efficiently by private industry - until Obama cuts funds - then all of a sudden it's critical to US kickassiness.

So you're a rather progressive and independent example of a Conservative. I had many such friends (a few of whom worked for NASA) when I lived in Houston.
Glad you're healthy. It's rare to find someone here who is intelligent enough to disagree with a person of differing opinions, without instantly insulting or labeling them. Refreshing.

Jesus, that is hysterical:

"I like diving but we don't do much of it here in Las Vegas. So of course, I'll have to Pay Another Diving Instructor to verify I don't hold my breath while surfacing quickly and can find that regulator thingy because we're thinking of moving to Belize after my daughter goes off to college. Oh well."

The PADI metaphor, too funny. True as well. That thingy, ah, your 2nd stage I believe.....hahahahahaha.

Before you go to Belize come down to Majahual, Quintana Roo, Yucatan, not more than 45 KM south of you there and stay at my place and check it out and then head out to Belize and then see that for yourself. My roommate maidens Olvia and Theresa go there to Orange Walk to do heavy shopping. Cool place, city and country.

You are welcome anytime whether I am there or not. And is is a large, long pueblo style home 400 years old I bought for $2340 back 20 years ago. Cool place. Its right on the ocean. Taxes for me there is $166 per year, and has went up from $99 in 20 years...........ouch.....heehee

Great post diver boy......haha

fraud. Roommate maidens.... how does your fiance you've bragged about feel about them? :rofl:
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