Obama sure lied to NASA

Okay so then my guess is that you think Robert is a really great guy with sound views on politics, you simply doubt the veracity of his claims about being an artist for NASA.
Would that about sum it up?

Hardly. I think he's a complete fraud in all aspects of his existence on this board, as is was on every other forum I found him on online. He is a liar and a thief (took credit for someone elses work on another thread... proven by two different posters).
THAT, about sums it up.

Ahhhhhh. I get it now. I've seen this before!
His artistic nature. The romantic lifestyle of exotic Mexico and faraway travel. The Indiana Jones quality about him.
You're attracted to him!
"The object of our affection, when unrequited, is quickly transformed into the object of our ire."

Truer words were never written.

you're a very strange man, did you know that? :rolleyes:
Hardly. I think he's a complete fraud in all aspects of his existence on this board, as is was on every other forum I found him on online. He is a liar and a thief (took credit for someone elses work on another thread... proven by two different posters).
THAT, about sums it up.

Ahhhhhh. I get it now. I've seen this before!
His artistic nature. The romantic lifestyle of exotic Mexico and faraway travel. The Indiana Jones quality about him.
You're attracted to him!
"The object of our affection, when unrequited, is quickly transformed into the object of our ire."

Truer words were never written.

you're a very strange man, did you know that? :rolleyes:

LOL! Yeah I know that. I'm just fcuking with you.
Tell ya what. I came here from Houston. NASA territory. I worked with their General Counsel (lawyer) on a couple projects and met a LOT of people while I was there. I remember a guy there named Crouch who was some bigwig and at least at the time, very involved in the art program. I bet I can track him down and verify whether Robert is a commissioned artist for them.
Also, if we go to Mexico and neither he nor the house are there, that would be somewhat suspicious.
But he seems nice enough to me.

Fun, we have long since beaten that to death and it wasn't even the point of the post/thread it was connected too. But gee, here it is again:

NASA - NASA and the Arts

Scoll down the left hand column right below the Normal Rockwell, "From the Seeds of Change", title coming from the fact it was the maiden flight of Discovery, and it had scrubbed 7 times, the most scrubs up to that point for a Shuttle Orbiter. When it finally went off on mission STS-41D, it was flawless and the bird became the most flown orbiter, ever....

Fruit wit "The Gay Conservative" never even acknowleged it. Still a FRAUD. Then, after this, he jumps to the next flaming. All 100% lies so far, 100% totally. You prove him wrong and he just jumps to the next bullshit lie of his. I'm not stupid, I know it is rapid sexual need motivated, but I am not gay....

Some of the girls here told me about the "Arts and Crafts" section here at the bottom of the front page. I posted a few in there and its been a great exhcange, then, the Gay bastard shows up and starts in with the gibberish. Too bad this wasn't a mall--hahahahaha.

In your case that California Girl has never accosted me and was quite kind in exchanges so am not sure about that but in your case, oh yes, they will target you and start in.

Then, the Gay Stalker started in with "You are a FRAUD, you did ONE painting for NASA and then keep harping on it, bla, bla, bla......"

Well, actually, I did 39 to date not counting the two I am working on now. Some on the covers of NASA magazine, like this one:



"Traveler On The Voyage". the artist in the MMU, painting the Earth, orbiter, and moon. In the collection of NASA-Smithsonian, All rights Reserved, Robert A,M, Stephens is a registered Trademark.

The Art Section here:

Next to the last painting commerating the end of the STS era, shuttle, for NASA:


'The Last Triumph", STS-129, Atlanis, at T+44 seconds. All systems nominal. In the Collection of NASA-Smithsonian, All rights Reserved, 2012. Robert A. M. Stephens is a Registered Trademark.

....and on it goes,

The folks that know this clown say he is a nutcase, gay, a liberal shill faking the conservatives, and has some sort of past issue I am not clear on, mentally they said but were not specific. I just know he is totally gay.

Interesting lifeforms. A waste of skin is all. I do admit, about "Conservative", I've had gays chase me all over in and out of country like he is doing on the board here, but never on a web forum before. This is new. I am amazed this gay, "Conservative", is so truculent in doing so, and he must need a really really big dick. How odd. He should consult some of the gay porn sites and work it out that way, since I am totally straight. Sometimes in his posts, I can just sense the smoldering need to be, well, you know what I am saying.....

Good posts and comebacks, Independent.

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Fun, we have long since beaten that to death and it wasn't even the point of the post/thread it was connected too. But gee, here it is again:

NASA - NASA and the Arts

Scoll down the left hand column right below the Normal Rockwell, "From the Seeds of Change", title coming from the fact it was the maiden flight of Discovery, and it had scrubbed 7 times, the most scrubs up to that point for a Shuttle Orbiter. When it finally went off on mission STS-41D, it was flawless and the bird became the most flown orbiter, ever....

Fruit wit "The Gay Conservative" never even acknowleged it. Still a FRAUD. Then, after this, he jumps to the next flaming. All 100% lies so far, 100% totally. You prove him wrong and he just jumps to the next bullshit lie of his. I'm not stupid, I know it is rapid sexual need motivated, but I am not gay....

Some of the girls here told me about the "Arts and Crafts" section here at the bottom of the front page. I posted a few in there and its been a great exhcange, then, the Gay bastard shows up and starts in with the gibberish. Too bad this wasn't a mall--hahahahaha.

In your case that California Girl has never accosted me and was quite kind in exchanges so am not sure about that but in your case, oh yes, they will target you and start in.

Then, the Gay Stalker started in with "You are a FRAUD, you did ONE painting for NASA and then keep harping on it, bla, bla, bla......"

Well, actually, I did 39 to date not counting the two I am working on now. Some on the covers of NASA magazine, like this one:



"Traveler On The Voyage". the artist in the MMU, painting the Earth, orbiter, and moon. In the collection of NASA-Smithsonian, All rights Reserved, Robert A,M, Stephens is a registered Trademark.

The Art Section here:

Next to the last painting commerating the end of the STS era, shuttle, for NASA:


'The Last Triumph", STS-129, Atlanis, at T+44 seconds. All systems nominal. In the Collection of NASA-Smithsonian, All rights Reserved, 2012. Robert A. M. Stephens is a Registered Trademark.

....and on it goes,

The folks that know this clown say he is a nutcase, gay, a liberal shill faking the conservatives, and has some sort of past issue I am not clear on, mentally they said but were not specific. I just know he is totally gay.

Interesting lifeforms. A waste of skin is all. I do admit, about "Conservative", I've had gays chase me all over in and out of country like he is doing on the board here, but never on a web forum before. This is new. I am amazed this gay, "Conservative", is so truculent in doing so, and he must need a really really big dick. How odd. He should consult some of the gay porn sites and work it out that way, since I am totally straight. Sometimes in his posts, I can just sense the smoldering need to be, well, you know what I am saying.....

Good posts and comebacks, Independent.


Nice work!
So Robert, Robert, Robert.
Artist. Nice smile. Wears a hat.
Own a pair of hiking boots, do you?
I bet you can dance too.

Ever wonder why you might be attracting so many players from the other team? Jus sayin...

See. I'm equal opportunity when it comes to fcukin with people ;)
Nice work!
So Robert, Robert, Robert.
Artist. Nice smile. Wears a hat.
Own a pair of hiking boots, do you?
I bet you can dance too.

Ever wonder why you might be attracting so many players from the other team? Jus sayin...

See. I'm equal opportunity when it comes to fcukin with people ;)

I absolutely love it too. And why I am here. However, like you, if I had known what this place was I'd not use my real name and wouldnot even be here. I've used my name on the net since 1984, nothing to hide, its 30%-80% of my business.

Here, since we know 'Queenie Conservative is gay, here is my latest pic of myself for him to, well, you know they do at night by themselves after the folks had hit the sack:

Now, according to gay boy, I am sick, fake, bald, and so on. I'd hate to see his thong panties after he works a few weeks with this image. This is me in March, 2012.


Notice the Buck knife near my balls. I was cuttin' peppers for salsa

He really had an issue with this as it is on the one Christian Dating site I am on and post on. I've been there for 5 years and its a great site, lot of Jeep guys there too in the men's section for the ladies.

Then, got sued for $60,000,000, over this image by the top woo woo, Art Bell, back in '99. He thought it was real and then had his bud on there to beat NASA hard as they always did that NASA was lying, and on and on.

Too funny.


"Moon Illusion", rendered in RenderMan and Maya. All Rights Reserved, Copyright 1999, by Robert A.M. Stephens, LLC

I love Jeeps too:


Me, 2-10-2012, here in the NM, on the Desert plain of Zona Azteca. Audrey Abbott photo.


Me, Summer, 2011, Roswell NM.

Two days ago, one of these gay woo woos wanted to know if I had my hair still and if my teeth were real.........whoa. That darn close to getting cam fucked if someone like me were not careful. They are all animals and beasts and almost wanted to clutch my blouse.......

And ya know, everyone of 'em can kiss my fucking ass:


Great comebacks, Independent, and you may be right....

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The Art Section here:

Next to the last painting commerating the end of the STS era, shuttle, for NASA:


'The Last Triumph", STS-129, Atlanis, at T+44 seconds. All systems nominal. In the Collection of NASA-Smithsonian, All rights Reserved, 2012. Robert A. M. Stephens is a Registered Trademark.

....and on it goes,

The folks that know this clown say he is a nutcase, gay, a liberal shill faking the conservatives, and has some sort of past issue I am not clear on, mentally they said but were not specific. I just know he is totally gay.

Interesting lifeforms. A waste of skin is all. I do admit, about "Conservative", I've had gays chase me all over in and out of country like he is doing on the board here, but never on a web forum before. This is new. I am amazed this gay, "Conservative", is so truculent in doing so, and he must need a really really big dick. How odd. He should consult some of the gay porn sites and work it out that way, since I am totally straight. Sometimes in his posts, I can just sense the smoldering need to be, well, you know what I am saying.....

Good posts and comebacks, Independent.

That's they BEST you got? I prove you're a copyright thief, and all you can do is say 'he's gay'? :rofl:

Again, for those who have not seen it...
Link to ART Section Thread... http://www.usmessageboard.com/arts-and-crafts/196964-they-call-this-art-4.html#post5096298

Here is what you claim is YOUR painting...

and here is the actual copyrighted photograph by RED HUBER of the ORLANDO SENTINEL...

YOU... are a thief, a liar and a fraud.

Explain to everyone why these are identical. Go on... lets hear your explanation, dim-wit.
I was fortunate enough to be a guest for the very first Shuttle launch of Columbia, in the media section, three miles from launch (which is as close as anyone is able to get). I was a DJ at a local radio station at the time, and all the local stations received 2 complimentary passes. I was good friends with the station manager, so I got to go. All the luminaries from the media were there, but totally unapproachable. I brought my Nikon FT2 along, but now that I think about it, I have no idea where in my garage or house I've stashed those photos!
I was fortunate enough to be a guest for the very first Shuttle launch of Columbia, in the media section, three miles from launch (which is as close as anyone is able to get). I was a DJ at a local radio station at the time, and all the local stations received 2 complimentary passes. I was good friends with the station manager, so I got to go. All the luminaries from the media were there, but totally unapproachable. I brought my Nikon FT2 along, but now that I think about it, I have no idea where in my garage or house I've stashed those photos!

dude, you really need to find them! :shock:
I've never been stalked by a gay man before online. This is a new experience for me. How long have you been gay? What do you with my photos when you get them off here or elsewhere?

Nice work!
So Robert, Robert, Robert.
Artist. Nice smile. Wears a hat.
Own a pair of hiking boots, do you?
I bet you can dance too.

Ever wonder why you might be attracting so many players from the other team? Jus sayin...

See. I'm equal opportunity when it comes to fcukin with people ;)

I absolutely love it too. And why I am here. However, like you, if I had known what this place was I'd not use my real name and wouldnot even be here. I've used my name on the net since 1984, nothing to hide, its 30%-80% of my business.

Here, since we know 'Queenie Conservative is gay, here is my latest pic of myself for him to, well, you know they do at night by themselves after the folks had hit the sack:

Now, according to gay boy, I am sick, fake, bald, and so on. I'd hate to see his thong panties after he works a few weeks with this image. This is me in March, 2012.


Notice the Buck knife near my balls. I was cuttin' peppers for salsa

He really had an issue with this as it is on the one Christian Dating site I am on and post on. I've been there for 5 years and its a great site, lot of Jeep guys there too in the men's section for the ladies.

Then, got sued for $60,000,000, over this image by the top woo woo, Art Bell, back in '99. He thought it was real and then had his bud on there to beat NASA hard as they always did that NASA was lying, and on and on.

Too funny.


"Moon Illusion", rendered in RenderMan and Maya. All Rights Reserved, Copyright 1999, by Robert A.M. Stephens, LLC

I love Jeeps too:


Me, 2-10-2012, here in the NM, on the Desert plain of Zona Azteca. Audrey Abbott photo.


Me, Summer, 2011, Roswell NM.

Two days ago, one of these gay woo woos wanted to know if I had my hair still and if my teeth were real.........whoa. That darn close to getting cam fucked if someone like me were not careful. They are all animals and beasts and almost wanted to clutch my blouse.......

And ya know, everyone of 'em can kiss my fucking ass:


Great comebacks, Independent, and you may be right....


No worries and no, I don't think Conservative is gay - I was just fcukin with him. Whatever the deal, you rattled his cage and now he's got "feelings".
Like I said, i have my own little fan club so wtf who cares. Just offer him hugs and kisses from his new BFF!
I was fortunate enough to be a guest for the very first Shuttle launch of Columbia, in the media section, three miles from launch (which is as close as anyone is able to get). I was a DJ at a local radio station at the time, and all the local stations received 2 complimentary passes. I was good friends with the station manager, so I got to go. All the luminaries from the media were there, but totally unapproachable. I brought my Nikon FT2 along, but now that I think about it, I have no idea where in my garage or house I've stashed those photos!

dude, you really need to find them! :shock:
Believe me, nothing I shot was anywhere near the quality that the professionals from Life/Time/AP took that day. My shots of Columbia on the launch pad look just like every other one you've seen.
No worries and no, I don't think Conservative is gay - I was just fcukin with him. Whatever the deal, you rattled his cage and now he's got "feelings".
Like I said, i have my own little fan club so wtf who cares. Just offer him hugs and kisses from his new BFF!

Yea, I offered him a hard spankin', no reply to that as yet. True, on your fan club. Whenever the, uh, disturbed, get snotty, candy seems to calm them some......

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Cannot believe were still on this....lolol
hey,i have stuff i did and.one landed in the philadelphia.museum of art,2005,scanned the check copy from them,too.gotta post it. Its uh very unvampiric,lol.
Being the difficulties of damn links on smartphone,anyone who has photobucket lookup "edspacer"see all my paintings,graphics,weird shit.
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