Obama sure lied to NASA

Fuck no. No more public money for bullshit.green commie programs or otherwuse.

How was it bullshit when NASA has invented over 1,000 common things that we use in everyday life, when thousands work for NASA to support their families, and when we were continuing to make leaps in science and expanding what we are able to do?

Medical advances were made by NASA.
No space exploration on my bill. Sorry.I am a taxpayer,I say so. No bullshit obama green programs,no alternative energy. People need to start gaining ground,and not get sucked into a communist welfare state.that holds higher precedent than egreigious spending. Privately fund the projects.
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I'm not arguing %, I'm stating the FACT that NASA's work benefits Americans and the world in general.

Tearing NASA apart in the middle of a recession to pay for Obamacare, green energy scams, welfare handouts, etc is stupid, pure stupidity.

The only people that support that bullshit are out to destroy this country or they should be locked in a prison for being too stupid to function in society.

Again, for fun, I don't know what platform you use and such. I am on a Mac and have been since 1984 when MDAC had me work with the Systems gal, Ladonna Hill and she told me about Apples, and brought in the first mac I had ever seen, a little 9" screen, B&W MacPlus. It changed my world and changed the way we do CAD in aerospace and so on.

Anyway, Apple a few years later build BT for slang and it was a proprietary ware for security. It is really cool. It can trace any IP, by original registar, down to one nautical second (33'), so it can trace anything down to transmission source and site source.

I use it over at the Christian Dating Site For Free (CDFF) to keep in touch with the filipinas that are members there, on what is happening back in Mindinao, in Davao City, PI, where I support a 100 bed women and children shelter there. So, BT works great at CDFF in catching all the scammers there from Nigeria and Ghana. It works well.

If you would like this ware, let me know and I will send a Stuffitt file of same, archived for you. Again, you do need a Mac.



Wow.. all that in response, and it had nothing to do with the content of the post you were responding to. My, you DO like to hear yourself talk, don't you.

you are so full of shit , it just has to be leaking out your ears.
One other thing,the premise of UFOs being alien lifeforms,along with manmade global warming,are the two biggest frauds ever perpetuated on humanity. Every knowledgable partly modern government has its own weapons development and research,and the anomalies are simply an observation of government weapons tech at work,some alien bullshit concocted to try to deflect from the real truth.
No space exploration on my bill. Sorry.I am a raxpayer,I say so. No bullshit obama green programs,no alternative energy. People need to start gaining ground,and not get sucked into a communist welfare arate.that holds higher precedent than egreigious spending. Privately fund the projects.

oh, you like supporting green businesses who lie, take your money, and go bankrupt, fucking you in the ass.

tbh, NASA was and still is a major player on expending with green energy. And they don't go bankrupt.
Unless it is of benefit for the united states,or help the economy of its people,then it should have a priority.

NASA, benefit the US?, society?, technology?, you gotta be kidding?........they build 'space chips, they done nuthin'.....

Start here:

NASA - Search Results

Then, type in the spinoffs and other benefits since Mercury. 390 pages of spinoffs. Thousands. 96%, not 92%, of tech is from NASA and related supporting RnD and industries.


Ok, so now it's not 92%, but 96%? Wow. You STILL have yet to provide proof of that percentage, you lying sack of crap.A link to a bunch of technology articles doesn't prove the 96% figure. You consistently refuse to prove it, because you CANT prove it. Fraud.
Not saying there isnt life outside of thus planet,its just the fact that we are seeing technology at work,earthly.
One other thing,the premise of UFOs being alien lifeforms,along with manmade global warming,are the two biggest frauds ever perpetuated on humanity. Every knowledgable partly modern government has its own weapons development and research,and the anomalies are simply an observation of government weapons tech at work,some alien bullshit concocted to try to deflect from the real truth.

oh, pardon me for taking you seriously.

I didn't know your intelligence was limited.
Yeah, I'm on MI. Right on Courtnay 2-3 blocks south of 528.

I have tried going as a contractor and doing private industry and was about to get hired, but due to budget changes, that went out the window.

Did you happen to know Renee Arriens by chance? I was related to him. :p

Hey Nitroz, hear ya. I was always and still am a contractor for NASA and never wanted to be civil service or contract for the companies that would get dumped on their contracts. I know how it goes. I answer out of DC and its better.

Whoa, you are related to him? Wow. He did good on STS-103 on Discovery. Quite the guy.


Also, can you relocate if something comes open and what is your job/title/field/expertise.

Have you looked at Armadillo Aerospace or Space X here in NM? Two astronauts quit NASA and went to work for the latter.

Also, are you still there in FL?

Thank you in advance. As we go along we will work this.


No, I can't leave FL.

I'm almost 19 and was going to go as security or something entry level. I'm going to BCC currently.

And I was related to him, but my aunt got a divorce.
The divorce was the reason why I moved here from Las Vegas.

Wow, a young sort. Ok, stay in school and work towards your masters and stay in aerospace, especially with what is coming, both private and gov.

Ok, I will call Pam, my director in DC and will work this. There are things going in space/work there and it a matter of researching what is there.

Keep your spirits up lad and it all works out.

There are a lot of woo-woos at this site (whackos), so don't let them pull your chain too much. It is a good site. With traffic here it would be fun to have or own it.

Best, and PM me here for updates and I'll give you my cell and other info for contact. Also, I will call Brian at EG&G Florida and see what is for security. They are good, CIA affiliated, good outfit.

EG&G Florida, Inc (United States) - Jane’s Space Systems and Industry


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read my post nitroz.im a rightwing conservative evolutionist who not only does not support green alrernative energy garbagepails,but useless wasted tax dollars on non essential programs.read my posts three times i said no green programs or bullshit across the board.read my posts,and youll see that i am consistant.no wasted spending period.
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Hey Nitroz, hear ya. I was always and still am a contractor for NASA and never wanted to be civil service or contract for the companies that would get dumped on their contracts. I know how it goes. I answer out of DC and its better.

Whoa, you are related to him? Wow. He did good on STS-103 on Discovery. Quite the guy.


Also, can you relocate if something comes open and what is your job/title/field/expertise.

Have you looked at Armadillo Aerospace or Space X here in NM? Two astronauts quit NASA and went to work for the latter.

Also, are you still there in FL?

Thank you in advance. As we go along we will work this.


No, I can't leave FL.

I'm almost 19 and was going to go as security or something entry level. I'm going to BCC currently.

And I was related to him, but my aunt got a divorce.
The divorce was the reason why I moved here from Las Vegas.

Wow, a young sort. Ok, stay in school and work towards your masters and stay in aerospace, especially with what is coming, both private and gov.

Ok, I will call Pam, my director in DC and will work this. There are things going in space/work there and it a matter of researching what is there.

Keep your spirits up lad and it all works out.

There are a lot of woo-woos at this site (whackos), so don't let them pull your chain too much. It is a good site. With traffic here it would be fun to have or own it.

Best, and PM me here for updates and I'll give you my cell and other info for contact. Also, I will call Brian at EG&G Florida and see what is for security. They are good, CIA affiliated, good outfit.

EG&G Florida, Inc (United States) - Jane’s Space Systems and Industry



And I know about the nutjobs. :p
I like to troll.
Fuck no. No more public money for bullshit.green commie programs or otherwuse.

How was it bullshit when NASA has invented over 1,000 common things that we use in everyday life, when thousands work for NASA to support their families, and when we were continuing to make leaps in science and expanding what we are able to do?

Medical advances were made by NASA.

Brilliant, true, kudos, hat is tipped.

Thank you,

read my post nitroz.im a rightwing conservative evolutionist who not only does not support green alrernative energy garbagepails,but useless wasted tax dollars on non essential programs.read my posts three times i said no green programs or bullshit across the board.read my posts,and youll see that i am consistant.no wasted spending period.

oh, figures.

Do you suck cock aswell, or do you just like the look of a vampire?
One other thing,the premise of UFOs being alien lifeforms,along with manmade global warming,are the two biggest frauds ever perpetuated on humanity. Every knowledgable partly modern government has its own weapons development and research,and the anomalies are simply an observation of government weapons tech at work,some alien bullshit concocted to try to deflect from the real truth.

Uh oh, "woo woo"

Theyz here a molting.....

It is a good site. With traffic here it would be fun to have or own it.


First the site sucks, is lame, and 'retro'... now you want to own it? Hell, you came in here and started a thread about wanting to donate to 'pay the sites bills for a year or so', and never donated a dime!

Complete fraud.
Nitroz,be careful,dude.
The guy you are talking to here is a complete fraud.
he has been over many a message board,and proved fraud.
even sued for it.
conservative and i agree on PRACTICALLY NOTHING HERE on the boards,ve he is dead on the money on this one.
Conservative and i are watching your back dude.
dont give this guy any info.
We disagree on everything,except this.
youre nineteen.
hes not what he represents.

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