Obama sure lied to NASA

Wait Robert. So your position is that we should have BIG GOVERNMENT wasting our money on something that produces absolutely nothing for our country?!?!?!
If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.


What was the lie in my question? Rather than engage in petty attacks, perhaps you might engage in civil discourse. Assuming that is within your ken.
But the crux is that Obama gave a speeh in 2010 to NASA-KSC that he would not cut NASA's budget. He did.

Listen to your fellow wingnut:

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.
Article I Section 7 U.S. Constitution.

You have no clue how the system deploys said bills and ratifications go into effect, by Presidential Approval and Signing.

This is how and why we have an interstate highway system, NASA, NSA, NRO, etc etc.

Learn the nation state, We The People, and how it is done.....

But the crux is that Obama gave a speeh in 2010 to NASA-KSC that he would not cut NASA's budget. He did.

Listen to your fellow wingnut:

Article I Section 7 U.S. Constitution.

You have no clue how the system deploys said bills and ratifications go into effect, by Presidential Approval and Signing.

This is how and why we have an interstate highway system, NASA, NSA, NRO, etc etc.

Learn the nation state, We The People, and how it is done.....

And what, pray tell, is it that the president signs?

Come on...you can do it...
Obama came out this week and states if the Supreme Court rules against his Obamacare it would be "an unprecedented act"
As if that would be a first.
The court has ruled over 120 times that Congress has passed laws that were unConstitutional.
And then he tries to cover up his ignorance of the law.

Damn, anyone that can not see this guy just does not cut it is a fool.
Obama came out this week and states if the Supreme Court rules against his Obamacare it would be "an unprecedented act"
As if that would be a first.
The court has ruled over 120 times that Congress has passed laws that were unConstitutional.
And then he tries to cover up his ignorance of the law.

Damn, anyone that can not see this guy just does not cut it is a fool.

What the hell does that have to do with anything in this thread?

Are you just posting this in every thread that you've posted in?

Does that not seem like rather trollish behavior?
Well, note, the thread starting Op was about Obama lying to NASA. Uh, well, let us continue here on the topic on page 16, no less.

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'Downgraded.' Americans better get used to that word. It's an Obomination now. Thanks to him, NASA's glory days will soon be just a distant memory. Welcome to mediocre America. :(
Wait Robert. So your position is that we should have BIG GOVERNMENT wasting our money on something that produces absolutely nothing for our country?!?!?!
If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.


What was the lie in my question? Rather than engage in petty attacks, perhaps you might engage in civil discourse. Assuming that is within your ken.
The lie was that NASA produces absolutely nothing for our country.

Utterly untrue. What else is there to talk about?
If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.


What was the lie in my question? Rather than engage in petty attacks, perhaps you might engage in civil discourse. Assuming that is within your ken.
The lie was that NASA produces absolutely nothing for our country.

Utterly untrue. What else is there to talk about?

Excellent and true.

I claimed that 92% of all new tech and tech related thins in our lives are from NASA R&D.

That little shriveled retro SNL like lifeform, "Conservative" (oh, real conservative......hahahahaha), challenged me. I sent him to the main site to check. He did not know how to read the NASA site and came back here and of course, I am a "liar", as always and fake and bla bla bla.....jesus help us.

Ok, I was wrong, since Mercury, it is more like 96%

Begin here:

NASA - Search Results

Its amazing the effect and this is NOT the time to trim NASA, period.

Thank you for your post.

NASA isn't full of lawyers and union goons, so they're an easy target.

NASA helps the Military Industrial Complex....another reason to attack them.

NASA is full of technical engineers and scientists that many times are conservative people....they are not Democrat goons, so to hell with them.

Obamination is destroying this country from the inside out gutting NASA, the military and the companies that make us a technological power in the world. We are going to pay for his bullshit for decades.
If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.


What was the lie in my question? Rather than engage in petty attacks, perhaps you might engage in civil discourse. Assuming that is within your ken.
The lie was that NASA produces absolutely nothing for our country.

Utterly untrue. What else is there to talk about?

Yes. According to our resident aline abduction and implant expert, 92% of all new technology came from NASA. of course, he refuses to prove it by posting a link corroborating that statement.

Yes, NASA has given us a lot of good things over the years... but 92% of ALL new technology is a ridiculous figure, and unless he can substantiate it, patently untrue.
What was the lie in my question? Rather than engage in petty attacks, perhaps you might engage in civil discourse. Assuming that is within your ken.
The lie was that NASA produces absolutely nothing for our country.

Utterly untrue. What else is there to talk about?

Excellent and true.

I claimed that 92% of all new tech and tech related thins in our lives are from NASA R&D.

That little shriveled retro SNL like lifeform, "Conservative" (oh, real conservative......hahahahaha), challenged me. I sent him to the main site to check. He did not know how to read the NASA site and came back here and of course, I am a "liar", as always and fake and bla bla bla.....jesus help us.

Ok, I was wrong, since Mercury, it is more like 96%

Begin here:

NASA - Search Results

Its amazing the effect and this is NOT the time to trim NASA, period.

Thank you for your post.


your link does not prove that 92% of all new technology came from NASA. You're a liar and a fraud. I knew enough about reading the NASA site to tell you that the Stephens that JScott came up with in Maryland wasn't you... or to see that you're not listed in there phone and email directory.

You continue to be exposed. Here, as on every other site you've posted on over the years.
Also, I'd like to state in this thread that:

- Dogs are better than cats.

- 30 Rock is a very funny show.

I say that 10% of our technology comes from NASA!

10%! No more.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong!

Actually, I'll tell you the same thing I told our new resident alien implant know-it-all... It's not our job to prove YOUR statement. If you claim something is factual, it's YOUR job to prove it.

Robert 'I am a Fraud' Stephens has YET to provide actual roof of his 92% statement. A link to a bunch of technologies on a NASA site doesn't cut it, unless he can prove the 92% figure.
Actually, I'll tell you the same thing I told our new resident alien implant know-it-all... It's not our job to prove YOUR statement. If you claim something is factual, it's YOUR job to prove it.

Robert 'I am a Fraud' Stephens has YET to provide actual roof of his 92% statement. A link to a bunch of technologies on a NASA site doesn't cut it, unless he can prove the 92% figure.

No, he's wrong because it's obviously 10%!


There, I've proved it.
What was the lie in my question? Rather than engage in petty attacks, perhaps you might engage in civil discourse. Assuming that is within your ken.
The lie was that NASA produces absolutely nothing for our country.

Utterly untrue. What else is there to talk about?

Yes. According to our resident aline abduction and implant expert, 92% of all new technology came from NASA. of course, he refuses to prove it by posting a link corroborating that statement.

Yes, NASA has given us a lot of good things over the years... but 92% of ALL new technology is a ridiculous figure, and unless he can substantiate it, patently untrue.
Obamination is all about getting elected and keeping Democrats in power, so stealing money from NASA to give to his supporters is strategy #1.

NASA money can help pay for Obamacare.
NASA money can help idiots in junior colleges train for so-called "green" jobs through loans and grants.
NASA money can extend the unemployment payrolls for more years.
NASA money can be funneled to "community" workers to get out the next vote.
NASA money can help the GSA pay for more Vegas trips.
NASA money can help pay for the next Solyndra.

Pretty much Obamination gets more votes if he steals from NASA's pot and gives it to his people. He doesn't give a shit about this nation, it is all about his political side winning election after election.
Ok NASA is still in business but Obama did kill the manned space flight section and that is what Obama lied about.....BTW, Killing the shuttle without a replacement vehicle in place was just plain stupid.

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