Obama takes the Low Road Again.


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Well, we are not supposed to say we would kill the president if we had a chance, so........ I won't bring it up. This is one of the few issues I really have with Obama, in what I see as treason against America. It falls in the other World of the Elite, the untouchables where murder, torture & rape are protected sports, taxes only exist if they want them to, law means nothing, and dignity, morals & ethics of America take a back seat to the power hungry bastards, of which he is one.

What is so amazing, so interesting and leaves me in awe, the fucking media didn't run this on a front cover. The bastards are as bad as Obama, and in that other world. It was just by chance that I found this article buried in the gutter of America. Don't tell me how high and mighty your fucking Treasonous bastard media people are. They are the dog shit of America.


White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos ( 0) Print This ShareThisBy John Andrews

11 November 2010
The five-year statute of limitations for criminally prosecuting the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials who destroyed videos depicting torture during interrogations expired Monday with no charges being filed. The lapsing of the case followed a nearly three-year-long investigation by a special prosecutor.

Before their destruction, government officials were ordered by courts to preserve all records of so-called “enhanced interrogations.” Both before and after the videos were destroyed, officials lied repeatedly about the recordings’ existence.

Monday’s non-action is the latest by the Obama administration to cover up Bush era war crimes. Previously, Attorney General Eric Holder invoked the “state secrets” privilege to quash a case brought by torture victims against the private contractor hired by the CIA to transport them abroad for torture, and to block a case brought against the National Security Agency for illegal wiretapping.

White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos | World News |Axisoflogic.com
He's all yours, Bubba.

And you can have his sycophantic media, who are looking the other way, too.

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Well, we are not supposed to say we would kill the president if we had a chance, so........ I won't bring it up. This is one of the few issues I really have with Obama, in what I see as treason against America. It falls in the other World of the Elite, the untouchables where murder, torture & rape are protected sports, taxes only exist if they want them to, law means nothing, and dignity, morals & ethics of America take a back seat to the power hungry bastards, of which he is one.

What is so amazing, so interesting and leaves me in awe, the fucking media didn't run this on a front cover. The bastards are as bad as Obama, and in that other world. It was just by chance that I found this article buried in the gutter of America. Don't tell me how high and mighty your fucking Treasonous bastard media people are. They are the dog shit of America.


White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos ( 0) Print This ShareThisBy John Andrews

11 November 2010
The five-year statute of limitations for criminally prosecuting the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials who destroyed videos depicting torture during interrogations expired Monday with no charges being filed. The lapsing of the case followed a nearly three-year-long investigation by a special prosecutor.

Before their destruction, government officials were ordered by courts to preserve all records of so-called “enhanced interrogations.” Both before and after the videos were destroyed, officials lied repeatedly about the recordings’ existence.

Monday’s non-action is the latest by the Obama administration to cover up Bush era war crimes. Previously, Attorney General Eric Holder invoked the “state secrets” privilege to quash a case brought by torture victims against the private contractor hired by the CIA to transport them abroad for torture, and to block a case brought against the National Security Agency for illegal wiretapping.

White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos | World News |Axisoflogic.com

For the slow and stupid. The measures that were used to interrogate were not Illegal. No war crime occurred. After Obama became President the Congress changed that status. Last I checked in the United States one can not be held retroactively. In other words if it was not illegal until Congress acted in 2009 then anything done from 2001 to 2009 ( day before the law went into effect) was LEGAL.

Pretty simple concept to grasp, even Obama has. Even Holder.
Well, we are not supposed to say we would kill the president if we had a chance, so........ I won't bring it up. This is one of the few issues I really have with Obama, in what I see as treason against America. It falls in the other World of the Elite, the untouchables where murder, torture & rape are protected sports, taxes only exist if they want them to, law means nothing, and dignity, morals & ethics of America take a back seat to the power hungry bastards, of which he is one.

What is so amazing, so interesting and leaves me in awe, the fucking media didn't run this on a front cover. The bastards are as bad as Obama, and in that other world. It was just by chance that I found this article buried in the gutter of America. Don't tell me how high and mighty your fucking Treasonous bastard media people are. They are the dog shit of America.


White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos ( 0) Print This ShareThisBy John Andrews

11 November 2010
The five-year statute of limitations for criminally prosecuting the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials who destroyed videos depicting torture during interrogations expired Monday with no charges being filed. The lapsing of the case followed a nearly three-year-long investigation by a special prosecutor.

Before their destruction, government officials were ordered by courts to preserve all records of so-called “enhanced interrogations.” Both before and after the videos were destroyed, officials lied repeatedly about the recordings’ existence.

Monday’s non-action is the latest by the Obama administration to cover up Bush era war crimes. Previously, Attorney General Eric Holder invoked the “state secrets” privilege to quash a case brought by torture victims against the private contractor hired by the CIA to transport them abroad for torture, and to block a case brought against the National Security Agency for illegal wiretapping.

White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos | World News |Axisoflogic.com

Historical repeat. (They're all statist)

There has been no serious follow-up on a host of other Reagan-Bush crimes either: the support for Central American death squads; the cover-up of the 1981 El Mozote massacre in El Salvador; collaboration with Noriega; protection for the heroin trade of another CIA-backed group, the Afghan mujahadeen; Ferdinand Marcos's alleged multi-million-dollar pay-offs to Ronald Reagan; the BCCI affair; the savings-and-loan plundering and a hundred other economic rip-offs that enriched the few and left the nation trillions of dollars in debt.

So it was not entirely surprising that Gary Webb's remarkable story about contras and crack caused not a ripple of official reaction. The disclosures were not even mentioned in the nation's two leading papers, The New York Times and The Washington Post. After all, since both prestige papers had blown the story in the 1980s, they weren't eager to admit their screw-up now.

Apparently confident that the Republican crimes will continue to go unchallenged, GOP presidential candidate Bob Dole (who played a prominent role in the Iran-contra cover-up) even had the audacity to attack Clinton on the rise in drug use among teen-agers. Going still further, Dole pledged that as president, he would involve the CIA in the war on drugs.

Still, the elite of Washington seem content to turn a blind eye on the dark history of the 1980s. Presumably, the sanitized history is safer for the careers of those -- Republican, Democrat, journalist and bureaucrats -- who protected a criminal enterprise at the very heart of national power.

The Consortium
Well, we are not supposed to say we would kill the president if we had a chance, so........ I won't bring it up. This is one of the few issues I really have with Obama, in what I see as treason against America. It falls in the other World of the Elite, the untouchables where murder, torture & rape are protected sports, taxes only exist if they want them to, law means nothing, and dignity, morals & ethics of America take a back seat to the power hungry bastards, of which he is one.

What is so amazing, so interesting and leaves me in awe, the fucking media didn't run this on a front cover. The bastards are as bad as Obama, and in that other world. It was just by chance that I found this article buried in the gutter of America. Don't tell me how high and mighty your fucking Treasonous bastard media people are. They are the dog shit of America.


White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos ( 0) Print This ShareThisBy John Andrews

11 November 2010
The five-year statute of limitations for criminally prosecuting the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials who destroyed videos depicting torture during interrogations expired Monday with no charges being filed. The lapsing of the case followed a nearly three-year-long investigation by a special prosecutor.

Before their destruction, government officials were ordered by courts to preserve all records of so-called “enhanced interrogations.” Both before and after the videos were destroyed, officials lied repeatedly about the recordings’ existence.

Monday’s non-action is the latest by the Obama administration to cover up Bush era war crimes. Previously, Attorney General Eric Holder invoked the “state secrets” privilege to quash a case brought by torture victims against the private contractor hired by the CIA to transport them abroad for torture, and to block a case brought against the National Security Agency for illegal wiretapping.

White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos | World News |Axisoflogic.com

For the slow and stupid. The measures that were used to interrogate were not Illegal. No war crime occurred. After Obama became President the Congress changed that status. Last I checked in the United States one can not be held retroactively. In other words if it was not illegal until Congress acted in 2009 then anything done from 2001 to 2009 ( day before the law went into effect) was LEGAL.

Pretty simple concept to grasp, even Obama has. Even Holder.

LOL. Pretty simple concept to grasp. The case is about destruction of evidence not the torture the tapes apparently showed.
Sounds like Obama has had a crash course in reality... and he is ill-equipped to deal with it.

You all were warned. Idiots.
Well, we are not supposed to say we would kill the president if we had a chance, so........ I won't bring it up. This is one of the few issues I really have with Obama, in what I see as treason against America. It falls in the other World of the Elite, the untouchables where murder, torture & rape are protected sports, taxes only exist if they want them to, law means nothing, and dignity, morals & ethics of America take a back seat to the power hungry bastards, of which he is one.

What is so amazing, so interesting and leaves me in awe, the fucking media didn't run this on a front cover. The bastards are as bad as Obama, and in that other world. It was just by chance that I found this article buried in the gutter of America. Don't tell me how high and mighty your fucking Treasonous bastard media people are. They are the dog shit of America.


White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos ( 0) Print This ShareThisBy John Andrews

11 November 2010
The five-year statute of limitations for criminally prosecuting the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials who destroyed videos depicting torture during interrogations expired Monday with no charges being filed. The lapsing of the case followed a nearly three-year-long investigation by a special prosecutor.

Before their destruction, government officials were ordered by courts to preserve all records of so-called “enhanced interrogations.” Both before and after the videos were destroyed, officials lied repeatedly about the recordings’ existence.

Monday’s non-action is the latest by the Obama administration to cover up Bush era war crimes. Previously, Attorney General Eric Holder invoked the “state secrets” privilege to quash a case brought by torture victims against the private contractor hired by the CIA to transport them abroad for torture, and to block a case brought against the National Security Agency for illegal wiretapping.

White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos | World News |Axisoflogic.com

For the slow and stupid. The measures that were used to interrogate were not Illegal. No war crime occurred. After Obama became President the Congress changed that status. Last I checked in the United States one can not be held retroactively. In other words if it was not illegal until Congress acted in 2009 then anything done from 2001 to 2009 ( day before the law went into effect) was LEGAL.

Pretty simple concept to grasp, even Obama has. Even Holder.

LOL. Pretty simple concept to grasp. The case is about destruction of evidence not the torture the tapes apparently showed.

Apparently? Hilarious.
For the slow and stupid. The measures that were used to interrogate were not Illegal. No war crime occurred. After Obama became President the Congress changed that status. Last I checked in the United States one can not be held retroactively. In other words if it was not illegal until Congress acted in 2009 then anything done from 2001 to 2009 ( day before the law went into effect) was LEGAL.

Pretty simple concept to grasp, even Obama has. Even Holder.

Sure they were. And they were Un-Constitutional. That's kind of the trouble with assigning the executive office powers not found in the Constitution. They are loathe to give them up.

President Bush's legal echo chamber basically told him he could do what he wanted by simply changing semantics and syntax. Which is exactly what happened.
Well, we are not supposed to say we would kill the president if we had a chance, so........ I won't bring it up. This is one of the few issues I really have with Obama, in what I see as treason against America. It falls in the other World of the Elite, the untouchables where murder, torture & rape are protected sports, taxes only exist if they want them to, law means nothing, and dignity, morals & ethics of America take a back seat to the power hungry bastards, of which he is one.

What is so amazing, so interesting and leaves me in awe, the fucking media didn't run this on a front cover. The bastards are as bad as Obama, and in that other world. It was just by chance that I found this article buried in the gutter of America. Don't tell me how high and mighty your fucking Treasonous bastard media people are. They are the dog shit of America.


White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos ( 0) Print This ShareThisBy John Andrews

11 November 2010
The five-year statute of limitations for criminally prosecuting the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials who destroyed videos depicting torture during interrogations expired Monday with no charges being filed. The lapsing of the case followed a nearly three-year-long investigation by a special prosecutor.

Before their destruction, government officials were ordered by courts to preserve all records of so-called “enhanced interrogations.” Both before and after the videos were destroyed, officials lied repeatedly about the recordings’ existence.

Monday’s non-action is the latest by the Obama administration to cover up Bush era war crimes. Previously, Attorney General Eric Holder invoked the “state secrets” privilege to quash a case brought by torture victims against the private contractor hired by the CIA to transport them abroad for torture, and to block a case brought against the National Security Agency for illegal wiretapping.

White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos | World News |Axisoflogic.com

Historical repeat. (They're all statist)

There has been no serious follow-up on a host of other Reagan-Bush crimes either: the support for Central American death squads; the cover-up of the 1981 El Mozote massacre in El Salvador; collaboration with Noriega; protection for the heroin trade of another CIA-backed group, the Afghan mujahadeen; Ferdinand Marcos's alleged multi-million-dollar pay-offs to Ronald Reagan; the BCCI affair; the savings-and-loan plundering and a hundred other economic rip-offs that enriched the few and left the nation trillions of dollars in debt.

So it was not entirely surprising that Gary Webb's remarkable story about contras and crack caused not a ripple of official reaction. The disclosures were not even mentioned in the nation's two leading papers, The New York Times and The Washington Post. After all, since both prestige papers had blown the story in the 1980s, they weren't eager to admit their screw-up now.

Apparently confident that the Republican crimes will continue to go unchallenged, GOP presidential candidate Bob Dole (who played a prominent role in the Iran-contra cover-up) even had the audacity to attack Clinton on the rise in drug use among teen-agers. Going still further, Dole pledged that as president, he would involve the CIA in the war on drugs.

Still, the elite of Washington seem content to turn a blind eye on the dark history of the 1980s. Presumably, the sanitized history is safer for the careers of those -- Republican, Democrat, journalist and bureaucrats -- who protected a criminal enterprise at the very heart of national power.

The Consortium

It would almost be foolish for one President to charge another President with real crime that would land that person in jail. Clinton was about as close as it came..and he lost his licence to practice law for some time. But I am sure both parties are breathing a sigh of relief over that one.
It would almost be foolish for one President to charge another President with real crime that would land that person in jail. Clinton was about as close as it came..and he lost his licence to practice law for some time. But I am sure both parties are breathing a sigh of relief over that one.

So it continues. The Democrat hold up the rug for the Republicans to sweep their dirt under. The two parties and the media play Three-Card Monty with the truth. The public is too confounded to understand. Empire safe.
President Bush's legal echo chamber basically told him he could do what he wanted by simply changing semantics and syntax. Which is exactly what happened.

I didn't realize liberals could squeal so much when their own tactics are used against them... ;)
For the slow and stupid. The measures that were used to interrogate were not Illegal. No war crime occurred. After Obama became President the Congress changed that status. Last I checked in the United States one can not be held retroactively. In other words if it was not illegal until Congress acted in 2009 then anything done from 2001 to 2009 ( day before the law went into effect) was LEGAL.

Pretty simple concept to grasp, even Obama has. Even Holder.

LOL. Pretty simple concept to grasp. The case is about destruction of evidence not the torture the tapes apparently showed.

Apparently? Hilarious.

Allegedly? Symatics don't really matter as they were ordered to keep the tapes they destroyed.
It would almost be foolish for one President to charge another President with real crime that would land that person in jail. Clinton was about as close as it came..and he lost his licence to practice law for some time. But I am sure both parties are breathing a sigh of relief over that one.

So it continues. The Democrat hold up the rug for the Republicans to sweep their dirt under. The two parties and the media play Three-Card Monty with the truth. The public is too confounded to understand. Empire safe.

The day one party puts another party's president in jail..is the day that civil war might well start. And..it also makes the nation basically ungovernable.

The best remedy would to be to produce legislation..and a possible Constitutional amendment to keep this sort of chicanery from happening.
President Bush's legal echo chamber basically told him he could do what he wanted by simply changing semantics and syntax. Which is exactly what happened.

I didn't realize liberals could squeal so much when their own tactics are used against them... ;)

You're mistaken..but that's okay.

These tactics were used against some freakishly extremist theocratic conservatives.

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