Obama tells NASA head to focus on drawing in Muslim countries.


Oct 2, 2007
What a puke.

"NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his "foremost" mission as the head of America's space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.

Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA's orbit, Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama assigned him. He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel.

"When I became the NASA administrator -- or before I became the NASA administrator -- he charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering," Bolden said in the interview. "

FOXNews.com - NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World
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"What a puke" hardly describes our President, or the traitors that support him.
Yep, Muslims are big into division and subtraction lately. Thanks for the zero Islam!
And what does NASA have anything to do with "strengthing ties" to the musulm world?

And why would obama tell him that it is TOP tasks?


This is beyond any doubt the dumbest thing i have heard from this administration yet. What NASA needs is a new improved shuttle, not a decree to make nice with Muslims, or any religion for that matter. There would be no Muslim countries if Carter hadn't given Iran away.
So...does this mean we'll need to redesign spacesuits to accomodate turbans?
I've been kicking around a few Ideas.......

So...does this mean we'll need to redesign spacesuits to accomodate turbans?

You also need to redesign space-ship to accomodate the dogs and the other small helpers of civilization you use in Abu Ghraib for optimal inter-cultural understanding.
No, no, it's actually a good idea. We can use suicide bombers as a propulsion system. Throw one out the back, he explodes and pushes the spaceship, throw another one out the back...

Wouldn't even need to spend money on spacesuits for them. :clap2:
Now why on earth would the President of the United States want to sent the head of NASA, to be interviewed by Al Jazeera? Do we now want to sent the first Muzzie to the moon? If we do, then I suggest that we leave him there! And possibly take Obama with him!
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Truth be known, we have a manned one way flight already planned for a trip to Pluto. We are just waiting for UBL to show up to take off.

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