Obama the Immigration Enforcer


Apr 22, 2007
It seems he is doing something good! He is deporting illegals!!! :clap2:
I hope the right doesn't use this against him for a poltical edge. The country should push for both D and R's to do this.

Bravo Obama! You finally are doing something right! However 393K is still about 4-5% of the illegal population!

Read more: Record Number of Criminals Deported, Many Based on Traffic Violations - FoxNews.com
WASHINGTON -- Huge increases in deportations of people after they were arrested for breaking traffic or immigration laws or driving drunk helped the Obama administration set a record last year for the number of criminal immigrants forced to leave the country, documents show.

The U.S. deported nearly 393,000 people in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, half of whom were considered criminals. Of those, 27,635 had been arrested for drunken driving, more than double the 10,851 deported after drunken driving arrests in 2008, the last full year of the Bush administration, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement data provided to The Associated Press.

An additional 13,028 were deported last year after being arrested on less serious traffic law violations, nearly three times the 4,527 traffic offenders deported two years earlier, according to the data.

The spike in the numbers of people deported for traffic offenses as well as a 78 percent increase in people deported for immigration-related offenses renewed skepticism about the administration's claims that it is focusing on the most dangerous criminals.

President Barack Obama regularly says his administration is enforcing immigration laws more wisely than his predecessor by focusing on arresting the "worst of the worst." He promised in his 2008 presidential campaign to focus immigration enforcement on dangerous criminals. As recently as May 10, Obama said in a speech in El Paso, Texas, that his administration was focused on violent offenders and not families or "folks who are looking to scrape together an income.”

Most of the immigrants deported last year had committed drug-related crimes. They totaled 45,003, compared with 36,053 in 2008. Drug-related crime -- described as the manufacture, distribution, possession or sale of drugs -- has been the No. 1 crime among immigration for years. Drunken driving was third in the number of offenses last year.
Deportations Of Immigrants Hits Record Number Under Obama Administration

Deportations Of Immigrants Hits Record Number Under Obama Administration

ETA: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano noted that most people in the United States are arrested for misdemeanor offenses. But she told the AP that the percentage of felons deported will change over time.

"The more serious offenders are still in prison," she said in an interview Thursday. "We're not going to see them reflected in the numbers until we can begin to remove them."

and more to come.
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It seems he is doing something good! He is deporting illegals!!! : I hope the right doesn't use this against him for a poltical edge.

This is a farce to make it seem as if he's doing anything about the illegal alien invasion. Millions of them remain in this country - THAT'S illegal, and he's not only doing nothing about it, he's actively working against efforts by states like arizona to do something about it.
Obama isn't doing a damned thing to deport illegals. What new laws has he passed to improve deportation of illegals?

The DoJ and Department of Homeland Security are the ones doing all the work. They've been trying their best to inforce what laws we have, despite having a President that supports amnesty.
If everything negative that happens on his watch is his fault, than everything positive that happens is to his credit. You don't get it both ways.
If everything negative that happens on his watch is his fault, than everything positive that happens is to his credit. You don't get it both ways.

He got credit for ordering the kill of OBL.

When something else positive actually happens during his reign, let us know.

During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S. from the Southern border.


Homeland Security Report: A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border


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