Obama the Robber Baron stealing Houses and real-estate


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Left with nothing | The Washington Post



This man owed $134 in property taxes. The District sold the lien to an investor who foreclosed on his $197,000 house and sold it. He and many other homeowners like him were
Left with nothing.

At this rate, this country will go down French Revolution style.

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The liberoidals don't give a fuck.

They're looters at heat.

They think that they benefit when someone else is taken down.

Whatchagonnado? :dunno:
Finding yourself suddenly on the street is a problem wherever you live, but at least, I heard in the news the last couple of days, a city across the bay from me is trying to make a local law to do something.

Richmond underwater mortgage program survives court challenge | www.ktvu.com

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal judge Thursday rejected a request by Wells Fargo and Deutsche Bank to issue a preliminary injunction blocking the potential implementation of a plan by the city of Richmond to use eminent domain to force the sale of more than 600 underwater mortgages.
Surely you have never owned real estate. In every county and every city that has property taxes you can and will loose your property for not paying taxes due.
It has been this way for decades, yet you have the ignorance and short sightedness to blame a current standing President of the USA which does not collect property taxes for cities or counties.
Your statements yet again prove that you are ignorant and I can see why at your age all you can do with your skills is work for a catering company.
Surely you have never owned real estate. In every county and every city that has property taxes you can and will loose your property for not paying taxes due.
It has been this way for decades, yet you have the ignorance and short sightedness to blame a current standing President of the USA which does not collect property taxes for cities or counties.
Your statements yet again prove that you are ignorant and I can see why at your age all you can do with your skills is work for a catering company.

Your claiming people normally lose houses over $35?

That's feudalism bullshit your sociopathic fiend.
Surely you have never owned real estate. In every county and every city that has property taxes you can and will loose your property for not paying taxes due.
It has been this way for decades, yet you have the ignorance and short sightedness to blame a current standing President of the USA which does not collect property taxes for cities or counties.
Your statements yet again prove that you are ignorant and I can see why at your age all you can do with your skills is work for a catering company.

Your claiming people normally lose houses over $35?

That's feudalism bullshit your sociopathic fiend.

Yeah, actualy, it happens all the time. But usually it's some crank who thinks he dont owe the gummit no money.

And your beloved banks were foreclosing on properties they didn't even own the paper on.
Surely you have never owned real estate. In every county and every city that has property taxes you can and will loose your property for not paying taxes due.
It has been this way for decades, yet you have the ignorance and short sightedness to blame a current standing President of the USA which does not collect property taxes for cities or counties.
Your statements yet again prove that you are ignorant and I can see why at your age all you can do with your skills is work for a catering company.

Your claiming people normally lose houses over $35?

That's feudalism bullshit your sociopathic fiend.

2a, are you saying that the home owner was so stupid that he didn't pay a tax bill of 35 dollars to protect a 200k home.

And you think that was Obamas fault?

I know you are young but grow the fuk up.
Surely you have never owned real estate. In every county and every city that has property taxes you can and will loose your property for not paying taxes due.
It has been this way for decades, yet you have the ignorance and short sightedness to blame a current standing President of the USA which does not collect property taxes for cities or counties.
Your statements yet again prove that you are ignorant and I can see why at your age all you can do with your skills is work for a catering company.

I'm not buying the blaming obummer for it, but your place sold out from under you for $135 bucks? Man, it's no wonder people go postal.
Finding yourself suddenly on the street is a problem wherever you live, but at least, I heard in the news the last couple of days, a city across the bay from me is trying to make a local law to do something.

Richmond underwater mortgage program survives court challenge | www.ktvu.com

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal judge Thursday rejected a request by Wells Fargo and Deutsche Bank to issue a preliminary injunction blocking the potential implementation of a plan by the city of Richmond to use eminent domain to force the sale of more than 600 underwater mortgages.

This horrible law is even worse than taking property from people that actually owe money. This law gives the authority to seize homes where the mortgages are being paid on time and the owners are not in a financial bind.

When this law started being used in California to seize homes my son was terrified that his home would be taken. He was making his mortgage payments on time. He had never been late. The depression in the housing market just made his home worth less than the mortgage balance. My son and daughter in law didn't want to sell anyway. They were satisfied with the mortgage they had and felt that they could ride it out until housing prices rose. This is exactly the kind of homes that are being seized. Homes were the owners weren't in a bind and kept the property up. He eventually had the home extensively remodeled to force the price up to where it was no longer in any danger of being seized.

Under the seizure plan, the home taken is rented out to the former owners at prevailing rental rates. When housing prices rise, the state puts the home back on the market at the current price. All the profit from the sale of course goes to the state. The former owner can make an offer to buy the home for its new value. All the equity that the homeowner might have realized had they been able to ride out the housing depression is lost. And, as it happens, the reasonable rental value might be more than the mortgage the owner was paying.
On the bright side, the Libtards have been exposing their sociopathic nature more and more everyday.

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