I truly don't understand in this age of the internet how people can post purely subjective opinions and hope idiots will believe THEIR WORD as this comment:
"Corrupted capitalism has killed millions of people, period." Geez please people if you make a statement back it up!
Like going to war over resources? Give me a break

No stats... no links! Don't believe a word you wrote!

Look moron, capitalism as a system has never killed anyone(Except for maybe poor people starving). Systems don't kill people, anyways But people have killed as a result of capitalism. IE resource wars.
There has NEVER been a communist country. So, technically, communism has killed ZERO. I think you are confusing communism with socialist dictatorships..

A) Where is your substantiation there NEVER has been a communist country!
Communist Body Count

View attachment 68895
That proves they were communist? lol
Do you know what communism is?
Maybe you should spend MORE time doing some research i.e. check the internet!
Screen Shot 2016-03-25 at 3.06.59 PM.png

Communist state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So with the facts there ARE communist countries and the facts 149 million people killed by communists governments, where in the hell
does Obama get off by saying there is "little difference"? Not one human life was caused by capitalism killing people consciously or as part of a methodical plan to exterminate enemies.

If this idiot president can't tell the difference and idiots voted for him twice it really is a sad statement on America's future!
The US capitalist system has a 2 party system and the communists have a 1 party system which resembles the GOP, so really, the only difference between China and the US is the Democrats.
The US capitalist system has a 2 party system and the communists have a 1 party system which resembles the GOP, so really, the only difference between China and the US is the Democrats.
Then how come Bernie is running as a Democrap?
Because Democrats are kinder, gentler people than either the GOP or communists. A lot of what Bernie wants to do has already been done in several "Liberal" (or is it "Liberated") countries, such as in Europe or Canada.
The US capitalist system has a 2 party system and the communists have a 1 party system which resembles the GOP, so really, the only difference between China and the US is the Democrats.
Then how come Bernie is running as a Democrap?
Because Democrats are kinder, gentler people than either the GOP or communists. A lot of what Bernie wants to do has already been done in several "Liberal" (or is it "Liberated") countries, such as in Europe or Canada.
Love and kindness are great concepts...especially when you have the number one capitalist nation in the world to provide for your defense.
The reason only 750,000 died in the US Civil war was because there were that many people living here at the time. And Today's GOP still want slaves.
The US capitalist system has a 2 party system and the communists have a 1 party system which resembles the GOP, so really, the only difference between China and the US is the Democrats.

Yeah, because it's the republicans that uphold the socialist ideals... as we all know.

Damn these people are retarded. So much wish they would just move to North Korea or whatever the paradise of theirs is already.
The reason only 750,000 died in the US Civil war was because there were that many people living here at the time. And Today's GOP still want slaves.

We beat the crap out of Democrat slaves owners only to have them back in power again
Capitalism has killed millions of people, too. Albeit a perverted version of it..
Im not saying Obama isn't a complete fucking moron, but deaths isn't a very good way to differentiate the two terms..
Do you have a list of the deaths where 149 million people were killed by capitalists?
I don't think so.
How about this for the benefits of capitalism.... YOU are using the Internet conversing with the world, talking on cell phones to the world! This was definitely not
done by "socialism/communism.
How about this benefit of capitalism:


View attachment 68888

NO thanks to socialism/communism!
So 1 billion uplifted versus 149 million killed.
Please tell me you can distinguish the difference????
I love capitalism, I just aint delusional about it.
Corrupted capitalism has killed millions of people, period.

Corrupted capitalism is not capitalism... And not the end result we want. Usually that also doesn't kill people.

Same can't be said of communism. Even if the commies claim otherwise, yet still presenting the exactly same old grand plan and claim it's somehow different... because...
Corrupt or non-corrupt, it's still capitalism....
Capitalism has killed millions of people, too. Albeit a perverted version of it..
Im not saying Obama isn't a complete fucking moron, but deaths isn't a very good way to differentiate the two terms..
Do you have a list of the deaths where 149 million people were killed by capitalists?
I don't think so.
How about this for the benefits of capitalism.... YOU are using the Internet conversing with the world, talking on cell phones to the world! This was definitely not
done by "socialism/communism.
How about this benefit of capitalism:


View attachment 68888

NO thanks to socialism/communism!
So 1 billion uplifted versus 149 million killed.
Please tell me you can distinguish the difference????
I love capitalism, I just aint delusional about it.
Corrupted capitalism has killed millions of people, period.

Corrupted capitalism is not capitalism... And not the end result we want. Usually that also doesn't kill people.

Same can't be said of communism. Even if the commies claim otherwise, yet still presenting the exactly same old grand plan and claim it's somehow different... because...
Corrupt or non-corrupt, it's still capitalism....

Yes, but it's not what we are arguing for. The commies on the other hand are arguing for what always leads to massacre. Isn't their first step usually a revolution... should give you a clue.

Even more funny is that the corruption is caused by big government communist people. So what little bad capitalism has, still comes from these same retards.
Capitalism has killed millions of people, too. Albeit a perverted version of it..
Im not saying Obama isn't a complete fucking moron, but deaths isn't a very good way to differentiate the two terms..
Do you have a list of the deaths where 149 million people were killed by capitalists?
I don't think so.
How about this for the benefits of capitalism.... YOU are using the Internet conversing with the world, talking on cell phones to the world! This was definitely not
done by "socialism/communism.
How about this benefit of capitalism:


View attachment 68888

NO thanks to socialism/communism!
So 1 billion uplifted versus 149 million killed.
Please tell me you can distinguish the difference????
I love capitalism, I just aint delusional about it.
Corrupted capitalism has killed millions of people, period.

Corrupted capitalism is not capitalism... And not the end result we want. Usually that also doesn't kill people.

Same can't be said of communism. Even if the commies claim otherwise, yet still presenting the exactly same old grand plan and claim it's somehow different... because...
Corrupt or non-corrupt, it's still capitalism....

Yes, but it's not what we are arguing for. The commies on the other hand are arguing for what always leads to massacre. Isn't their first step usually a revolution... should give you a clue.

Even more funny is that the corruption is caused by big government communist people. So what little bad capitalism has, still comes from these same retards.
When capitalistic, although it was mercantilism and colonialism, endevours were beginning the Western Europeans were killers in establishing their domains and taking over Islands and continents for their own purposes...No one system has clean hands..
Even the papacy is guilty of murder to establish it's See..
Do you have a list of the deaths where 149 million people were killed by capitalists?
I don't think so.
How about this for the benefits of capitalism.... YOU are using the Internet conversing with the world, talking on cell phones to the world! This was definitely not
done by "socialism/communism.
How about this benefit of capitalism:


View attachment 68888

NO thanks to socialism/communism!
So 1 billion uplifted versus 149 million killed.
Please tell me you can distinguish the difference????
I love capitalism, I just aint delusional about it.
Corrupted capitalism has killed millions of people, period.

Corrupted capitalism is not capitalism... And not the end result we want. Usually that also doesn't kill people.

Same can't be said of communism. Even if the commies claim otherwise, yet still presenting the exactly same old grand plan and claim it's somehow different... because...
Corrupt or non-corrupt, it's still capitalism....

Yes, but it's not what we are arguing for. The commies on the other hand are arguing for what always leads to massacre. Isn't their first step usually a revolution... should give you a clue.

Even more funny is that the corruption is caused by big government communist people. So what little bad capitalism has, still comes from these same retards.
When capitalistic, although it was mercantilism and colonialism, was beginning the Western Europeans were killers in establishing their domains and taking over Islands and continents for their own purposes...No one system has clean hands..

Please prove with links. I've done it with my posts why is it so hard to establish your credibility with facts?
I agree there have been instances where those events occurred. For example here is a number you might have posted:
Native American disease and epidemics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Should we lay blame to Native American deaths due to the ignorance of the Indian regarding sanitary conditions?
Before we EVIL capitalist WHITE men came the average life span of the Native American Indian was
In the healthiest cultures in the 1,000 years before Columbus, a life span of no more than 35 years might be usual.
Don't Blame Columbus for All the Indians' Ills

Native American Indian Life expectancy in 2016. 76.9 years..
Screen Shot 2016-03-26 at 8.18.16 AM.png

Thank goodness for those EVIL white men who brought sanitation, vaccination, healthy living ..no more warfare between tribes.
You forget those things don't you?

Life Expectancy at Birth (in years), by Race/Ethnicity
I love capitalism, I just aint delusional about it.
Corrupted capitalism has killed millions of people, period.

Corrupted capitalism is not capitalism... And not the end result we want. Usually that also doesn't kill people.

Same can't be said of communism. Even if the commies claim otherwise, yet still presenting the exactly same old grand plan and claim it's somehow different... because...
Corrupt or non-corrupt, it's still capitalism....

Yes, but it's not what we are arguing for. The commies on the other hand are arguing for what always leads to massacre. Isn't their first step usually a revolution... should give you a clue.

Even more funny is that the corruption is caused by big government communist people. So what little bad capitalism has, still comes from these same retards.
When capitalistic, although it was mercantilism and colonialism, was beginning the Western Europeans were killers in establishing their domains and taking over Islands and continents for their own purposes...No one system has clean hands..

Please prove with links. I've done it with my posts why is it so hard to establish your credibility with facts?
I agree there have been instances where those events occurred. For example here is a number you might have posted:
Native American disease and epidemics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Should we lay blame to Native American deaths due to the ignorance of the Indian regarding sanitary conditions?
Before we EVIL capitalist WHITE men came the average life span of the Native American Indian was
In the healthiest cultures in the 1,000 years before Columbus, a life span of no more than 35 years might be usual.
Don't Blame Columbus for All the Indians' Ills

Native American Indian Life expectancy in 2016. 76.9 years..
View attachment 69098

Thank goodness for those EVIL white men who brought sanitation, vaccination, healthy living ..no more warfare between tribes.
You forget those things don't you?

Life Expectancy at Birth (in years), by Race/Ethnicity
Actually the Chinese began figuring out that water had bacteria in it and when boiled to make tea, did not make people sick... Sanitation was forgotten after the fall of Rome until the 18th century in Europe...The Natives American Indians already had peace treaties, that is not a white man construct only..Healthy living does not exist today, look at obesity weights and stats...White men are not the God sent they believe themselves to be...

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