The reason only 750,000 died in the US Civil war was because there were that many people living here at the time. And Today's GOP still want slaves.

We beat the crap out of Democrat slaves owners only to have them back in power again
What job did you have during the Civil War?
there is little difference between taking a crap out of ur butt and taking a crap out of your mouth,,,,right? just like in one of those south park episodes. wansn't martha stuart in that episode?
Corrupted capitalism is not capitalism... And not the end result we want. Usually that also doesn't kill people.

Same can't be said of communism. Even if the commies claim otherwise, yet still presenting the exactly same old grand plan and claim it's somehow different... because...
Corrupt or non-corrupt, it's still capitalism....

Yes, but it's not what we are arguing for. The commies on the other hand are arguing for what always leads to massacre. Isn't their first step usually a revolution... should give you a clue.

Even more funny is that the corruption is caused by big government communist people. So what little bad capitalism has, still comes from these same retards.
When capitalistic, although it was mercantilism and colonialism, was beginning the Western Europeans were killers in establishing their domains and taking over Islands and continents for their own purposes...No one system has clean hands..

Please prove with links. I've done it with my posts why is it so hard to establish your credibility with facts?
I agree there have been instances where those events occurred. For example here is a number you might have posted:
Native American disease and epidemics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Should we lay blame to Native American deaths due to the ignorance of the Indian regarding sanitary conditions?
Before we EVIL capitalist WHITE men came the average life span of the Native American Indian was
In the healthiest cultures in the 1,000 years before Columbus, a life span of no more than 35 years might be usual.
Don't Blame Columbus for All the Indians' Ills

Native American Indian Life expectancy in 2016. 76.9 years..
View attachment 69098

Thank goodness for those EVIL white men who brought sanitation, vaccination, healthy living ..no more warfare between tribes.
You forget those things don't you?

Life Expectancy at Birth (in years), by Race/Ethnicity
Actually the Chinese began figuring out that water had bacteria in it and when boiled to make tea, did not make people sick... Sanitation was forgotten after the fall of Rome until the 18th century in Europe...The Natives American Indians already had peace treaties, that is not a white man construct only..Healthy living does not exist today, look at obesity weights and stats...White men are not the God sent they believe themselves to be...

Who said the Chinese figured bacteria... etc. peace treaties,, etc. Where are your FACTS?
Who in the hell are YOU that I should take your word?
I provide LINKS to my statements so therefore I'm more credible then your personal subjective opinion!
Indians live over twice as long today then before the evil white man!
See Don't Blame Columbus for All the Indians' Ills
Indians don't have tribal warfare today as they did before the evil white man!
After 1250, villages were often destroyed by fire, and human skeletons regularly show marks of violence, scalping, and other mutilations. Warfare was most intense along the Missouri River in the present-day Dakotas, where ancestors of the Mandans, Hidatsas, and Arikaras were at war with each other, and towns inhabited by as many as 1,000 people were often fortified with ditch and palisade defenses. Excavations at the Crow Creek site, an ancestral Arikara town dated to 1325, revealed the bodies of 486 people–men, women, and children, essentially the town's entire population–in a mass grave. These individuals had been scalped and dismembered, and their bones showed clear evidence of severe malnutrition, suggesting that violence resulted from competition for food, probably due to local overpopulation and climatic deterioration. Violence among farmers continued from the 1500s through the late 1800s.
Encyclopedia of the Great Plains | INTERTRIBAL WARFARE


Evil white men and asian communists have murder 149 million.
Communist body count Communist Body Count

Please provide links to your purely subjective and totally personal unsubstantiated OPINION!
But as it is with Obama defenders they obscure, try to deflect, in other words LIE to cover up their Messiah... the guy who told us that
the "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."-- Barack Obama
The same guy who said little difference between 149 million people killed and 1 billion lifted out of poverty!
So with the facts there ARE communist countries and the facts 149 million people killed by communists governments, where in the hell
does Obama get off by saying there is "little difference"? Not one human life was caused by capitalism killing people consciously or as part of a methodical plan to exterminate enemies.

If this idiot president can't tell the difference and idiots voted for him twice it really is a sad statement on America's future!

These people, and Obama, have no idea. They all want to sing the praises of Socialism, and very possibly, Communism. Why don't you ask them a few questions------->

1. What country has gotten wealthy under Socialism? Is it not true that they either turned Socialist AFTER becoming wealthy, or had to take on more capitalistic form to become wealthy?

2. Why do they talk about Denmark, when their own President says they are a market economy, and NOT Socialist?

3. When did China start to prosper, when they became more free market, or when they were not?

4. Is the United States "national debt," due to capitalism, or due to the Socialistic policies of some of its programs? And is it NOT true, that as we add more Socialistic policies, our "national debt" rises.

5. Who consistently has the largest economy in the world, the Capitalistic United States, or the Socialistic countries, and how long has that been a fact! And with a larger economy in motion, does that NOT mean it is easier for citizens to get a piece of a much larger pie, that is created by far fewer people.

These are just facts in evidence, and all some of these people have are feel good ideas. They never address how to pay for any of their ideas, and in fact wish to install more ideas without ever paying off the losses of their past ideas. They should tell all of us how much spending has taken place on the "war on poverty," and the result from that spending. How much money do we throw at the Federal Education system compared to other countries, and how that has worked out.

But no, they do not want to talk about their "Socialistic" programs that have failed miserably, because to do so shows are ridiculous they are. They want to talk about NEW programs, and use "buzz words" to make you defensive. They can't talk about it on a substantive level, they have to go to their buzz words. They fear actual debate.

It is what it is, and they are winning, and that is a fact. And when you do nail them, their response is always something akin to, "there is nothing you will be able to do about it, very soon." Maybe they are correct, but that doesn't mean we should quit trying!

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