Obama Thinks A 5% Pay Cut Is Enough. My Pay Is Getting Cut 25%

I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Obama has all of his expenses paid for yet he thinks taking a 5% pay cut will make us happy.


They're telling us to cut out the TV, Cell-Phones, put our Debit card in a bucket of water.

Great advice. Good times.

I've been told all of my deductions will remain in effect yet they will cut 25% of my takehome pay.

If Obama and his fucken family can keep having parties he can afford to pay us.

So get off the government dole , we taxpayers are tired of paying for you sucking our money up on needless defense contracts that just fill your pockets
Or go back to flipping burgers at Jack N the Box. Who cares?

Sorry, but they never would hire me. I'm still too young and a bit over qualified.

White privileged bitch. If you need supplemental employment, you find it where you can.
You just illustrated the need for illegals to be here and employed. They are willing to do the work, some Americans think they are too good , or too "grand" to do.
Young? How young is young?

Under 60. They only hire teenagers, college students, and senior citizens. Most middle-aged men have no chance of getting a job like that because the job doesn't pay enough to support a family.

Btw, I don't ever remember being accepted into any club or position because I was a specific race. I never got a pay increase because of my sexual-orientation or the color of my skin. I do know that because I don't have a pair of hooters one lawyer said he would never hire me as a legal secretary. I don't recall any favoritism in the last 35 years. Where is all of this white privilege you blacks and liberals speak of? I want some.
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I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Obama has all of his expenses paid for yet he thinks taking a 5% pay cut will make us happy.


They're telling us to cut out the TV, Cell-Phones, put our Debit card in a bucket of water.

Great advice. Good times.

I've been told all of my deductions will remain in effect yet they will cut 25% of my takehome pay.

If Obama and his fucken family can keep having parties he can afford to pay us.

You spend too much time whining about Obama, get a second job. Consider for a moment President Bush's comment on Feb. 4, 2005 to a divorced mother of three, "“You work three jobs? Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that."
Because of my Native American background and lack of income I have been excluded from some groups and memberships. I have been called a ****** or a ******-lover because of my 35 year marriage to a black woman. My wife grew up in a little shack in Alabama where when it rained it rained harder inside than outside. Where the only meat she ate was what she could catch or here brothers could shoot. Where the best sound she could hear was rain on a tin roof because it meant you didn't have to work in the fields the next day and rainy season was the only time she could attend school. She learned the wonders of a grass mattress how fresh and clean it smelled yet how soon it would become hard as a rock.

Bet you never went 2 weeks without a bite to eat like I have. The only thing I had to eat was squirming.

I piss on you and your white privilege bull shit.
I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Obama has all of his expenses paid for yet he thinks taking a 5% pay cut will make us happy.


They're telling us to cut out the TV, Cell-Phones, put our Debit card in a bucket of water.

Great advice. Good times.

I've been told all of my deductions will remain in effect yet they will cut 25% of my takehome pay.

If Obama and his fucken family can keep having parties he can afford to pay us.

What's your problem with this?

You wanted government to cut spending.

They have.

You should be celebrating.


I appreciate the day off. I don't appreciate the fact that my deductions aren't going to be adjusted accordingly. I still have to maintain my health, vision, and dental insurance so after all of the deductions I will only be taking home half of my gross pay. The government will be keeping the rest. If I wanted to be working for $10 an hour I would get a job as a greeter at WalMart.

But you guys wanted to CUT government spending!! Oh wait as long as it wasn't your:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:s!!
What Bush did in TX was work. Clearing brush in the Texas sun is a bit more taxing than golfing in Martha's Vinyard or Wikiki.

And I didn't say he wasn't born here. He just spent too much time living abroad. He only moved to Chicago to establish residency. We can't really say what he considers his home town or even the country that he holds dear. Being born on Oahu doesn't really give one a sense of what the United States is. It is like a country all to itself. I lived there myself.

And fuck Donald Trump. He's a worthless RINO liberal.

Are you fucking kidding me???? Ann Richards was the governor who "worked". Bush was a do-nothing governor, and let the Texas legislature do most of the work. The only worse governor is Rick Perry.
And who are you to criticize how he lived his life? He filled the qualifications required to run for and be POTUS, otherwise he wouldn't be it. I tell you what...his popularity is greater than yours (or mine).

Who are you to criticize Bush and Perry? Hypocrite!

A Texan. Born and raised. Problem?
Are you fucking kidding me???? Ann Richards was the governor who "worked". Bush was a do-nothing governor, and let the Texas legislature do most of the work. The only worse governor is Rick Perry.
And who are you to criticize how he lived his life? He filled the qualifications required to run for and be POTUS, otherwise he wouldn't be it. I tell you what...his popularity is greater than yours (or mine).

Who are you to criticize Bush and Perry? Hypocrite!

A Texan. Born and raised. Problem?

And mud whistle is an American, so he also has a right to criticize.

So, he has just as much of a right to criticize as you do. Thanks for answering your own damn question.

Who cares if you are a Texan, I wouldn't hold it against you.
Sorry, but they never would hire me. I'm still too young and a bit over qualified.

White privileged bitch. If you need supplemental employment, you find it where you can.
You just illustrated the need for illegals to be here and employed. They are willing to do the work, some Americans think they are too good , or too "grand" to do.
Young? How young is young?

Under 60. They only hire teenagers, college students, and senior citizens. Most middle-aged men have no chance of getting a job like that because the job doesn't pay enough to support a family.

Btw, I don't ever remember being accepted into any club or position because I was a specific race. I never got a pay increase because of my sexual-orientation or the color of my skin. I do know that because I don't have a pair of hooters one lawyer said he would never hire me as a legal secretary. I don't recall any favoritism in the last 35 years. Where is all of this white privilege you blacks and liberals speak of? I want some.

That you are aware of. You have it, inherently. White businesses show you favoritism you see as "being friendly". Banks are more willing to give you loans and financing. The "good ol' boy" network works on your behalf, and you can't even see it. Because you're oblivious to what you've enjoyed your whole life long...."a pass", because you're white.
You're not followed by store staff, when you go shopping, them, thinking you're going to steal. You're presumed to have a viable credit card, and are not asked for picture ID, as many blacks have to endure that indignity...the laundry list goes on and on and on...It's so intrinsic in American society and culture...you don't know about it. Still, you benefit.
Because of my Native American background and lack of income I have been excluded from some groups and memberships. I have been called a ****** or a ******-lover because of my 35 year marriage to a black woman. My wife grew up in a little shack in Alabama where when it rained it rained harder inside than outside. Where the only meat she ate was what she could catch or here brothers could shoot. Where the best sound she could hear was rain on a tin roof because it meant you didn't have to work in the fields the next day and rainy season was the only time she could attend school. She learned the wonders of a grass mattress how fresh and clean it smelled yet how soon it would become hard as a rock.

Bet you never went 2 weeks without a bite to eat like I have. The only thing I had to eat was squirming.

I piss on you and your white privilege bull shit.

Revealing you're a racist, at heart. Why must you write out the word (the n-word), knowing there are black forum members who are offended by it? No doubt, in a fit of anger, you've gone "there" with your wife. I really have zero sympathy for you.
Who are you to criticize Bush and Perry? Hypocrite!

A Texan. Born and raised. Problem?

And mud whistle is an American, so he also has a right to criticize.

So, he has just as much of a right to criticize as you do. Thanks for answering your own damn question.

Who cares if you are a Texan, I wouldn't hold it against you.

I would have more of a right to criticize the governor of my own state, than say, you or he.
I didn't pose a question, you imbecile. You did.
Sorry, but they never would hire me. I'm still too young and a bit over qualified.

White privileged bitch. If you need supplemental employment, you find it where you can.
You just illustrated the need for illegals to be here and employed. They are willing to do the work, some Americans think they are too good , or too "grand" to do.
Young? How young is young?

Under 60. They only hire teenagers, college students, and senior citizens. Most middle-aged men have no chance of getting a job like that because the job doesn't pay enough to support a family.

Btw, I don't ever remember being accepted into any club or position because I was a specific race. I never got a pay increase because of my sexual-orientation or the color of my skin. I do know that because I don't have a pair of hooters one lawyer said he would never hire me as a legal secretary. I don't recall any favoritism in the last 35 years. Where is all of this white privilege you blacks and liberals speak of? I want some.

White privilege was implicit back then, unspoken. If a white man and a person of color applied for the same job you know who got it. the good old boys white privilege thing.

Let's face it, the more white guys feel besieged by a multi-cultural society in which women and minorities have chewed away at their perch until it is about to crash to the ground and leave them equals among other humans,
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I admire a good work ethic. I'm sorry you don't.

Ahh so the guy with almost 30k posts on here most of which seem to happen throughout the workday admires a good work ethic? You indicated you were at work yesterday yet you were making posts at around:

7:00 am
8:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:20 pm
2:00 pm (from the briefing)
2:15 pm
3:15 pm

etc. the irony of a government worker wasting our taxpayer dollars goofing off on the internet all day complaining about sequester forcing cuts and how his shop can't get stuff done is precious.

I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.
White privileged bitch. If you need supplemental employment, you find it where you can.
You just illustrated the need for illegals to be here and employed. They are willing to do the work, some Americans think they are too good , or too "grand" to do.
Young? How young is young?

Under 60. They only hire teenagers, college students, and senior citizens. Most middle-aged men have no chance of getting a job like that because the job doesn't pay enough to support a family.

Btw, I don't ever remember being accepted into any club or position because I was a specific race. I never got a pay increase because of my sexual-orientation or the color of my skin. I do know that because I don't have a pair of hooters one lawyer said he would never hire me as a legal secretary. I don't recall any favoritism in the last 35 years. Where is all of this white privilege you blacks and liberals speak of? I want some.

That you are aware of. You have it, inherently. White businesses show you favoritism you see as "being friendly". Banks are more willing to give you loans and financing. The "good ol' boy" network works on your behalf, and you can't even see it. Because you're oblivious to what you've enjoyed your whole life long...."a pass", because you're white.
You're not followed by store staff, when you go shopping, them, thinking you're going to steal. You're presumed to have a viable credit card, and are not asked for picture ID, as many blacks have to endure that indignity...the laundry list goes on and on and on...It's so intrinsic in American society and culture...you don't know about it. Still, you benefit.

I see your problem is of your own making. If you didn't assume racism in everything maybe your attitude would improve. Wearing your blackness on your sleeve so to speak. Don't show up talking that bs and treat people like human-beings would. I wouldn't hire your black ass nor loan you money because I would sense you hate me right away.
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Under 60. They only hire teenagers, college students, and senior citizens. Most middle-aged men have no chance of getting a job like that because the job doesn't pay enough to support a family.

Btw, I don't ever remember being accepted into any club or position because I was a specific race. I never got a pay increase because of my sexual-orientation or the color of my skin. I do know that because I don't have a pair of hooters one lawyer said he would never hire me as a legal secretary. I don't recall any favoritism in the last 35 years. Where is all of this white privilege you blacks and liberals speak of? I want some.

That you are aware of. You have it, inherently. White businesses show you favoritism you see as "being friendly". Banks are more willing to give you loans and financing. The "good ol' boy" network works on your behalf, and you can't even see it. Because you're oblivious to what you've enjoyed your whole life long...."a pass", because you're white.
You're not followed by store staff, when you go shopping, them, thinking you're going to steal. You're presumed to have a viable credit card, and are not asked for picture ID, as many blacks have to endure that indignity...the laundry list goes on and on and on...It's so intrinsic in American society and culture...you don't know about it. Still, you benefit.

I see your problem is of your own making. If you didn't assume racism in everything maybe your attitude would improve. Wearing your blackness on your sleeve so to speak. Don't show up talking that bs and treat people like human-beings would. I wouldn't hire your black ass nor loan you money because I would sense you hate me right away.

Again, you refuse to take responsibility for your own actions, stereotypes, shortcomings, etc....
I don't assume racism in everything, and I'm quite congenial. I don't wear my blackness on my sleeve, as everyone can see it, when I enter a room. I don't talk bs....I despise bs. And I treat people like human beings, provided they reciprocate.
I wouldn't come to you for a job (mainly, because I'm retired and work for myself), nor would I ask you for any money. I don't hate for no reason. Obviously, you've just proven that you don't know me.
I admire a good work ethic. I'm sorry you don't.

Ahh so the guy with almost 30k posts on here most of which seem to happen throughout the workday admires a good work ethic? You indicated you were at work yesterday yet you were making posts at around:

7:00 am
8:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:20 pm
2:00 pm (from the briefing)
2:15 pm
3:15 pm

etc. the irony of a government worker wasting our taxpayer dollars goofing off on the internet all day complaining about sequester forcing cuts and how his shop can't get stuff done is precious.

I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Glad to know you think $30k is being over paid.

Guess you never heard of a blackberry before.
Nice thing about some jobs is waiting by a radio affords one the free time to type a message on a cell without being accused of fucking off by folks that know what they're talking about. It's especially so when it's raining like yesterday.
I admire a good work ethic. I'm sorry you don't.

Ahh so the guy with almost 30k posts on here most of which seem to happen throughout the workday admires a good work ethic? You indicated you were at work yesterday yet you were making posts at around:

7:00 am
8:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:20 pm
2:00 pm (from the briefing)
2:15 pm
3:15 pm

etc. the irony of a government worker wasting our taxpayer dollars goofing off on the internet all day complaining about sequester forcing cuts and how his shop can't get stuff done is precious.

I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

touche'. LOL. Exposed.
I admire a good work ethic. I'm sorry you don't.

Ahh so the guy with almost 30k posts on here most of which seem to happen throughout the workday admires a good work ethic? You indicated you were at work yesterday yet you were making posts at around:

7:00 am
8:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:20 pm
2:00 pm (from the briefing)
2:15 pm
3:15 pm

etc. the irony of a government worker wasting our taxpayer dollars goofing off on the internet all day complaining about sequester forcing cuts and how his shop can't get stuff done is precious.

I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Glad to know you think $30k is being over paid.

Guess you never heard of a blackberry before.
Nice thing about some jobs is waiting by a radio affords one the free time to type a message on a cell without being accused of fucking off by folks that know what they're talking about. It's especially so when it's raining like yesterday.

Uh, that's called "not working". Who said that "white privilege" isn't in full effect?
I bet you have an excuse for everything.
That you are aware of. You have it, inherently. White businesses show you favoritism you see as "being friendly". Banks are more willing to give you loans and financing. The "good ol' boy" network works on your behalf, and you can't even see it. Because you're oblivious to what you've enjoyed your whole life long...."a pass", because you're white.
You're not followed by store staff, when you go shopping, them, thinking you're going to steal. You're presumed to have a viable credit card, and are not asked for picture ID, as many blacks have to endure that indignity...the laundry list goes on and on and on...It's so intrinsic in American society and culture...you don't know about it. Still, you benefit.

I see your problem is of your own making. If you didn't assume racism in everything maybe your attitude would improve. Wearing your blackness on your sleeve so to speak. Don't show up talking that bs and treat people like human-beings would. I wouldn't hire your black ass nor loan you money because I would sense you hate me right away.

Again, you refuse to take responsibility for your own actions, stereotypes, shortcomings, etc....
I don't assume racism in everything, and I'm quite congenial. I don't wear my blackness on my sleeve, as everyone can see it, when I enter a room. I don't talk bs....I despise bs. And I treat people like human beings, provided they reciprocate.
I wouldn't come to you for a job (mainly, because I'm retired and work for myself), nor would I ask you for any money. I don't hate for no reason. Obviously, you've just proven that you don't know me.

Oh contrare.

You made your true feelings clear. You also made it clear your public persona is an act.

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