Obama thinks about a decrease of support for Israel

Netanyahu´s behavior during the Israeli elections did not find the US´ approval and Obama threatens to lift America´s shield over Israel at the UN.
Obama says US to re-assess options after Netanyahu win - Yahoo News

How can Obama support Israel less than he does now, are we going to bomb them ourselves?
Sounds good to me!

Yes, you've mentioned that, Grand Wizard
Indeed I have
kaz said:
The question is so the US doesn't block resolutions, then what you are saying will happen to Israel?
Israel would add another resolution to its world´s record list of resolutions, then. Maybe, Israel would happen to appear in the world guinness book of records, then.

So that's what you think Obama is threatening Israel with? Being in the Guinness Book of Records?
Yes. You got it!
Netanyahu´s behavior during the Israeli elections did not find the US´ approval and Obama threatens to lift America´s shield over Israel at the UN.
Obama says US to re-assess options after Netanyahu win - Yahoo News

Your OP title:

Obama thinks about a decrease of support for Israel

Excuse me, but not one word within that link talks about a DECREASE in support. Not one word.

So, you realize that your OP title is a blatant lie, right?

Why did you choose to lie?

Is your argument so weak that all that is left for you to do is to lie?

What a shame.

Schäme Dich!

Throughout the year, I am going to come back very often to this thread, to prove you wrong.
You accuse me of lying just because I chose my own verbalization?


I asked you why you chose to lie because that word in your your title does not reflect facts. That is the definition of a lie, right from the get-go.

A change in policy toward another nation does not necessarily mean a "decrease" in anything. I would think that you would be a smart enough person to already know this.

The only reason why cons would like to use the word "decrease" would be in an attempt to make it look as if our President, Pres. Obama, is going with an evil, diabolical plan of sorts to hurt Israel, when in reality, cooperation between the USA and Eretz Yisrael on many, many fronts has reached an all-time high over the last six years.

Just because the leaders of two nations may not agree with each other or even have a certain antipathy toward each other does not mean that the two countries suddenly do not like each other or that support in any way is "decreased".

I am bringing Coyote into this exchange, not because I think anything is wrong or report-worthy, but because I think she can bring some input into the issue that can be helpful.

"Pay attention, learn to discern and not to defame" - would be the advice I could recommend for you. But seeing how unbelievably stubborn many Righties are, I bet that that advice would never make it to your address...

I agree - the actual title is "Obama says US to 're-assess' options after Netanyahu win".

Up to this point much of US policy in the Israeli/Palestinian situation has been to work towards a 2-state solution as the only realistic solution for peace. All of our initiatives have been towards that end and, until Netanyahu (who's support for that has been lukewarm and amounted to little more than empty words) Israel's leaders have also shared that as a goal. In a great many ways Netanyahu has shown himself to be an untrustworthy partner - whether it's flip flopping on his stated position, leaking sensitive information about ongoing negotiations, how he feels about Arab Israeli citizens or expanding settlements in defiance of agreements. In this election Netanyahu made clear what his stated intentions are and exactly how trustworthy he is as a partner. He won the election, but it was still close and a lot of "ugly" came out in the process uncluding parinoid claims out outside inteference by Europe and the Obama administration etc etc that have yet to be actually substantiated and igore the fact that his own party has used American political "operatives" (to use the popular phrase) to assist in their campaign strategizing.

All that puts a pretty ugly picture on the potential for meaningful cooperation between the Obama Administration and the Netanyahu Administration in both the Iran deal and any Palestinian peace deal.
But that is just the dynamic between two administrations and the relationship between Israel and the US is far deeper and more complex than any two administrations and it's gone through upheavels before.

What is happening in the OP is a desire to keep pushing the narrative that: the Obama Administration "hates" Israel (despite the fact that there has been no substantive change in regards to Israel between the Obama Administration and preceding ones), that the Obama Administration (being a Islamofascist supporter of terrorists according to some) wants to kick Israel to the curb etc etc. ... which is crazy talk. :dunno:

From the article:
Obama warned that the veteran Israeli leader's last-minute campaign pledge to oppose the creation of a Palestinian state and comments about Israeli Arabs voting in "droves" would force a rethink in Washington..

"The president told the prime minister that we will need to re-assess our options following the prime minister's new positions and comments regarding the two state solution," an administration official said on condition of anonymity.

"They also discussed Prime Minister Netanyahu's comments about Israeli Arabs."

None of that transpires into a "decrease" of "support" in critical ways: defense, the right of Israel to exist, the right of Israel to defend itself.

The article also goes on to to state:

The United States -- a veto-wielding member of the UN Security Council -- has opposed moves at the UN to recognize a Palestinian state, saying that must be part of a negotiated peace deal.

It has also shielded Israel from often Arab-led UN votes castigating the Jewish state for various actions, including alleged human rights abuses.

Israeli co-leaders of the Zionist Union party, Labour Party's leader Isaac Herzog (R) and MP and …
"Steps that the United States has taken at the United Nations had been predicated on this idea that the two-state solution is the best outcome," said White House spokesman Josh Earnest.

"Now our ally in these talks has said that they are no longer committed to that solution. That means we need to re-evaluate our position in this matter, and that is what we will do moving forward."

- All options open -

Netanyahu has made his true feelings known (which explains why there has been virtually NO movement for a lasting peace deal from his administration) - he has never fully committed to a 2-state solution, and now that is out in the open, the US, in the form of the Obama Administration, needs to rethink it's position in regards to that and one of those rethinks might be to quit blocking Palestinian overtures to the UN because now a negotiated peace settlement with Israel seems to be off the table.

That's how I see it :dunno:

But I anticpate more baseless rhetoric on how the Obama administration is "the most anti-semitic ever" - an allegation that never seems to be supported by facts.
Netanyahu´s behavior during the Israeli elections did not find the US´ approval and Obama threatens to lift America´s shield over Israel at the UN.
Obama says US to re-assess options after Netanyahu win - Yahoo News

How can Obama support Israel less than he does now, are we going to bomb them ourselves?

The next war they have with Gaza, raise the price of resupply by 15%!

It's the same old BS, good cop, bad cop.

"I object to your behavior"

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink!
With the number of Jewish congressmen and senators an obama turn against Israel may just give republicans a super majority.
Israel pokes a finger in the eye of peace negotiations and expects the US to make up for it

Netanyahu needs to be accountable for his actions

Should Dear Leader nuke Tel Aviv? Will the Won send U.S. troops to help with a Hamas invasion?
Netanyahu´s behavior during the Israeli elections did not find the US´ approval and Obama threatens to lift America´s shield over Israel at the UN.
Obama says US to re-assess options after Netanyahu win - Yahoo News

Your OP title:

Obama thinks about a decrease of support for Israel

Excuse me, but not one word within that link talks about a DECREASE in support. Not one word.

So, you realize that your OP title is a blatant lie, right?

Why did you choose to lie?

Is your argument so weak that all that is left for you to do is to lie?

What a shame.

Schäme Dich!

Throughout the year, I am going to come back very often to this thread, to prove you wrong.

You think Obama's going to INCREASE our support of Israel?
[Sounds good to me!

Of course it does - you Nazis are the core of the modern democratic party.

Netanyahu´s behavior during the Israeli elections did not find the US´ approval and Obama threatens to lift America´s shield over Israel at the UN.
Obama says US to re-assess options after Netanyahu win - Yahoo News

Your OP title:

Obama thinks about a decrease of support for Israel

Excuse me, but not one word within that link talks about a DECREASE in support. Not one word.

So, you realize that your OP title is a blatant lie, right?

Why did you choose to lie?

Is your argument so weak that all that is left for you to do is to lie?

What a shame.

Schäme Dich!

Throughout the year, I am going to come back very often to this thread, to prove you wrong.
You accuse me of lying just because I chose my own verbalization?


I asked you why you chose to lie because that word in your your title does not reflect facts. That is the definition of a lie, right from the get-go.

A change in policy toward another nation does not necessarily mean a "decrease" in anything. I would think that you would be a smart enough person to already know this.

The only reason why cons would like to use the word "decrease" would be in an attempt to make it look as if our President, Pres. Obama, is going with an evil, diabolical plan of sorts to hurt Israel, when in reality, cooperation between the USA and Eretz Yisrael on many, many fronts has reached an all-time high over the last six years.

Just because the leaders of two nations may not agree with each other or even have a certain antipathy toward each other does not mean that the two countries suddenly do not like each other or that support in any way is "decreased".

I am bringing Coyote into this exchange, not because I think anything is wrong or report-worthy, but because I think she can bring some input into the issue that can be helpful.

"Pay attention, learn to discern and not to defame" - would be the advice I could recommend for you. But seeing how unbelievably stubborn many Righties are, I bet that that advice would never make it to your address...

I agree - the actual title is "Obama says US to 're-assess' options after Netanyahu win".

No. Or not only. Just mouse over the link in the OP to see an alternative headline or mouse over this link, that also turns into another:
Obama says US to re-assess options after Netanyahu win - Yahoo New Zealand

Now, as we have three headlines, I just made my own.
If O bama thought he could get away with it, he would remove all support of Israel. Fortunately there are enough on the left that will try to keep him in check, if he tries it transparently. Now, what he does behind closed doors is another matter.
Netanyahu´s behavior during the Israeli elections did not find the US´ approval and Obama threatens to lift America´s shield over Israel at the UN.
Obama says US to re-assess options after Netanyahu win - Yahoo News

Your OP title:

Obama thinks about a decrease of support for Israel

Excuse me, but not one word within that link talks about a DECREASE in support. Not one word.

So, you realize that your OP title is a blatant lie, right?

Why did you choose to lie?

Is your argument so weak that all that is left for you to do is to lie?

What a shame.

Schäme Dich!

Throughout the year, I am going to come back very often to this thread, to prove you wrong.

You think Obama's going to INCREASE our support of Israel?

No, I did not say that, either. You know, change does not necessarily mean up-down.
Netanyahu´s behavior during the Israeli elections did not find the US´ approval and Obama threatens to lift America´s shield over Israel at the UN.
Obama says US to re-assess options after Netanyahu win - Yahoo News

Your OP title:

Obama thinks about a decrease of support for Israel

Excuse me, but not one word within that link talks about a DECREASE in support. Not one word.

So, you realize that your OP title is a blatant lie, right?

Why did you choose to lie?

Is your argument so weak that all that is left for you to do is to lie?

What a shame.

Schäme Dich!

Throughout the year, I am going to come back very often to this thread, to prove you wrong.
You accuse me of lying just because I chose my own verbalization?


I asked you why you chose to lie because that word in your your title does not reflect facts. That is the definition of a lie, right from the get-go.

A change in policy toward another nation does not necessarily mean a "decrease" in anything. I would think that you would be a smart enough person to already know this.

The only reason why cons would like to use the word "decrease" would be in an attempt to make it look as if our President, Pres. Obama, is going with an evil, diabolical plan of sorts to hurt Israel, when in reality, cooperation between the USA and Eretz Yisrael on many, many fronts has reached an all-time high over the last six years.

Just because the leaders of two nations may not agree with each other or even have a certain antipathy toward each other does not mean that the two countries suddenly do not like each other or that support in any way is "decreased".

I am bringing Coyote into this exchange, not because I think anything is wrong or report-worthy, but because I think she can bring some input into the issue that can be helpful.

"Pay attention, learn to discern and not to defame" - would be the advice I could recommend for you. But seeing how unbelievably stubborn many Righties are, I bet that that advice would never make it to your address...

I agree - the actual title is "Obama says US to 're-assess' options after Netanyahu win".

No. Or not only. Just mouse over the link in the OP to see an alternative headline or mouse over this link, that also turns into another:
Obama says US to re-assess options after Netanyahu win - Yahoo New Zealand

Now, as we have three headlines, I just made my own.

Realizing we seldom agree, I do agree that your "headline" is the most accurate of those referencing what Obama and the WH are saying about our support of Israel. We do seem to be signaling to the security council, and EU, that we will not block recognition of a Palestinian state if we think that will nudge a two state solution Or even that we'd abstain from any condemnation of Israel building settlements, and that actually would be more in line with what we've done when even Reagan or BushI were potus

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