Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

A zygote or fetus is not the same as a full grown baby .

A baby can live outside the mom on its own, a fetus cant.

Conservatives are pro death penalty anyway . So get off your moral high horse .

See, hon, there are a couple of differences here that are apparently too "nuanced" for your simplistic little kindergarten logic. Let me see if I can clarify it.

A newborn baby is not the same as a 25-year-old adult, but that doesn't make the newborn less-alive, nor does it make it any less immoral to kill him.

A fetus isn't intended to live outside his mother, any more than an adult human is intended to live in the ocean. Life is not like real estate, all about "location, location, location", and it's a false standard to consider an organism less alive for being intended by nature for one environment instead of another. To dumb that down for you a little, every living organism in nature has a specific environment it is intended (one might even say designed) to exist in a certain environment. Some of them - and humans are among these - are designed for one type of environment at the early stages of life, and another type of environment later. This does not mean that the later stages are "alive" and the earlier stages are not.

The second difference is that an executed criminal has committed heinous acts which necessitate their removal from society for the good of society. What heinous act has an unborn child committed? Existing? If that was a capital crime, the Democrat leadership would be in trouble.
A zygote or fetus is not the same as a full grown baby .

A baby can live outside the mom on its own, a fetus cant.

So if that baby outside the mom is in an oxygen tent or incubator, we can kill it?

Conservatives are pro death penalty anyway .

Generalization fallacy. Untrue statement.

If it's a viable baby I'm with Ya. But take first term for example . It's basically part of the women , it can't survive on its own. It's potentially a human.

Whatever high school you took biology class in, you need to sue them immediately for malpractice.
Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Not good news for all the opponents to abortion who want deprive women their rights, better life and health. The Planned Parenthood won`t be defunded. Obama will veto Republican anti-abortion bill. Voila! Yet some of his presidential projects could be appreciated.

I do not understand what all the hubbub is about. The abortion happened, the women decided to terminate it, it is already dead. Would they be happier if the hospital just put it in the incinerator? It is not planned parenthood that is having abortions. It is pregnant women. And they use the unwanted material for science. They act like planned parenthood is impregnating women and forcing them to have abortions so they could make money off of the material.

I don't care if women get abortions. if they do not like abortions don't get them. Lol trying to control things that are out of your control is crazy. Just make a law saying no Christians are allowed to have abortions. Problem solved.

I am speechless. I have seen many posts from people who are utterly ignorant of a topic and proud of that ignorance - but in no way hindered from gasbagging about it, nonetheless - but you absolutely stand out from the crowd for both sheer imbecility and utterly erroneous self-satisfaction therein. If I thought for a second that you possessed an ounce of shame, I would suggest that you never, ever, EVER comment in public on anything more significant than the weather for the rest of your existence, because God knows, you are stunningly unqualified to do so.

But if you had a sense of shame, you wouldn't be such a mindwiped fuckstain in the first place, so . . .

Huh? You care about babies that were aborted? How many times have you helped babies that were not aborted? Don't give me your self righteous indignation of how aweful I am, when you don't do a damn thing to help anybody but yourself.

It is law, women can have abortions! Gays can get married to. So what? Your life hasn't changed. It does not affect you whatsoever. Get over yourself.

And what did I say that was untrue? go vote for trump or that other idiot huckabee. The quality and critical thinking skills of all politicians left and right, is atrocious. I would rather not have any president if this is all they offer.

Sweet cheeks, you can just take your little "let's make it personal" attack and stuff it where the sun don't shine.

In a more general sense, the three largest pregnancy resource groups - Heartbeat International, CareNet, and the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) - operate more than 2300 affiliates in the United States. They have residential facilities for women and children, offer prenatal care, parenting classes, material assistance, and post-abortion counseling.

Likewise, the Catholic Church spends so much money on and operates so many various charities that they are the largest private source of charitable donations in the country, and the number one source of aid to which government welfare offices send clients. And they're not even remotely the only church in this country operating charitable ministries such as soup kitchens, food banks, schools for underprivileged children, drug rehab facilities, adoption services (you should know about that; you pusbag leftists keep trying to shut them down because you don't like their policies on gays. Way to make born children a priority.)

And unlike leftists, who show their "compassion" and "dedication to the cause" by mandating money out of other people's pockets, conservatives do everything by putting their OWN money where their mouths are, and fund it 100% through voluntary donations. Not only do these services not receive one dime of government funding, they often have to operate through vicious opposition from pro-abortion forces.

So the people who REALLY need to answer the question of "how much do you care about born children" are the ones who try to limit the services available for them if they don't toe the leftist ideological line. Clearly, those children don't matter much to leftists as much as their agenda does.
Instead of letting greedy a-hole Pubs steal your vote with abortion bs wedge issue idiocy they do nothing about since it's law for over 40 years...stop your idiocy and stop voting for the greedy a-hole party, Pub dupe.
Instead of letting greedy a-hole Pubs steal your vote with abortion bs wedge issue idiocy they do nothing about since it's law for over 40 years...stop your idiocy and stop voting for the greedy a-hole party, Pub dupe.
Start offering up some decent Liberals instead of crooks and wackos.
Instead of letting greedy a-hole Pubs steal your vote with abortion bs wedge issue idiocy they do nothing about since it's law for over 40 years...stop your idiocy and stop voting for the greedy a-hole party, Pub dupe.
Start offering up some decent Liberals instead of crooks and wackos.

Sad thing is, I'm pretty sure this is their first-string squad. Leastways, I've never encountered anyone brighter with better arguments on the left.
Instead of letting greedy a-hole Pubs steal your vote with abortion bs wedge issue idiocy they do nothing about since it's law for over 40 years...stop your idiocy and stop voting for the greedy a-hole party, Pub dupe.
Start offering up some decent Liberals instead of crooks and wackos.

Sad thing is, I'm pretty sure this is their first-string squad. Leastways, I've never encountered anyone brighter with better arguments on the left.
Sadly... You are right. I won't hold my breath.
Instead of letting greedy a-hole Pubs steal your vote with abortion bs wedge issue idiocy they do nothing about since it's law for over 40 years...stop your idiocy and stop voting for the greedy a-hole party, Pub dupe.
Start offering up some decent Liberals instead of crooks and wackos.

Sad thing is, I'm pretty sure this is their first-string squad. Leastways, I've never encountered anyone brighter with better arguments on the left.
You two believe a gigantic pile of Pubcrappe, of course. Crooks and whackos like WHO? Examples? BULLSHYTTE, hater dupes.
Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Not good news for all the opponents to abortion who want deprive women their rights, better life and health. The Planned Parenthood won`t be defunded. Obama will veto Republican anti-abortion bill. Voila! Yet some of his presidential projects could be appreciated.

I do not understand what all the hubbub is about. The abortion happened, the women decided to terminate it, it is already dead. Would they be happier if the hospital just put it in the incinerator? It is not planned parenthood that is having abortions. It is pregnant women. And they use the unwanted material for science. They act like planned parenthood is impregnating women and forcing them to have abortions so they could make money off of the material.

I don't care if women get abortions. if they do not like abortions don't get them. Lol trying to control things that are out of your control is crazy. Just make a law saying no Christians are allowed to have abortions. Problem solved.

I am speechless. I have seen many posts from people who are utterly ignorant of a topic and proud of that ignorance - but in no way hindered from gasbagging about it, nonetheless - but you absolutely stand out from the crowd for both sheer imbecility and utterly erroneous self-satisfaction therein. If I thought for a second that you possessed an ounce of shame, I would suggest that you never, ever, EVER comment in public on anything more significant than the weather for the rest of your existence, because God knows, you are stunningly unqualified to do so.

But if you had a sense of shame, you wouldn't be such a mindwiped fuckstain in the first place, so . . .

Huh? You care about babies that were aborted? How many times have you helped babies that were not aborted? Don't give me your self righteous indignation of how aweful I am, when you don't do a damn thing to help anybody but yourself.

It is law, women can have abortions! Gays can get married to. So what? Your life hasn't changed. It does not affect you whatsoever. Get over yourself.

And what did I say that was untrue? go vote for trump or that other idiot huckabee. The quality and critical thinking skills of all politicians left and right, is atrocious. I would rather not have any president if this is all they offer.

Sweet cheeks, you can just take your little "let's make it personal" attack and stuff it where the sun don't shine.

In a more general sense, the three largest pregnancy resource groups - Heartbeat International, CareNet, and the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) - operate more than 2300 affiliates in the United States. They have residential facilities for women and children, offer prenatal care, parenting classes, material assistance, and post-abortion counseling.

Likewise, the Catholic Church spends so much money on and operates so many various charities that they are the largest private source of charitable donations in the country, and the number one source of aid to which government welfare offices send clients. And they're not even remotely the only church in this country operating charitable ministries such as soup kitchens, food banks, schools for underprivileged children, drug rehab facilities, adoption services (you should know about that; you pusbag leftists keep trying to shut them down because you don't like their policies on gays. Way to make born children a priority.)

And unlike leftists, who show their "compassion" and "dedication to the cause" by mandating money out of other people's pockets, conservatives do everything by putting their OWN money where their mouths are, and fund it 100% through voluntary donations. Not only do these services not receive one dime of government funding, they often have to operate through vicious opposition from pro-abortion forces.

So the people who REALLY need to answer the question of "how much do you care about born children" are the ones who try to limit the services available for them if they don't toe the leftist ideological line. Clearly, those children don't matter much to leftists as much as their agenda does.
And what about the 5k women who used to DIE a year when abortions were illegal? Now at least we have free, actually better than free, birth control. No thanks to you chumps.
Instead of letting greedy a-hole Pubs steal your vote with abortion bs wedge issue idiocy they do nothing about since it's law for over 40 years...stop your idiocy and stop voting for the greedy a-hole party, Pub dupe.
Start offering up some decent Liberals instead of crooks and wackos.

Sad thing is, I'm pretty sure this is their first-string squad. Leastways, I've never encountered anyone brighter with better arguments on the left.
Sadly... You are right. I won't hold my breath.
POLICY, functional morons. You believe a bunch of malevolent BS gossip instead of looking at POLICY. Arrgh...
OF COURSE he plans to veto it. This is the guy who as a Senator argued that doctors should have the right to nurder babies that are alive outside the womb after surviving a failed abortion based on the mother's original intent to kill it. He has no respect for human life.

He is just another sick Liberal who demands the right to murder babies at any stage of pregnancy....even after they have been born.
FHFW, women can have all tha abortions they want....but they need to pay for that ELECTIVE SURGERY. It's called personal accountability / responsibility.
Not my fault your naive

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

But it's your fault for being the asshole that you are.
You want dead babies and I am the asshole? Yep you are pretty stupid

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I want any female to determine what's right for her & will not nor should be allowed to enslave her.

And damn right you are... a great big hairy one too.

"I want to totally redefine the debate so that I can ignore inconvenient realities!"

Not even going to address your fascination with anuses.

That cannot be- because i have no fascination with y-o-u whatsoever.

FHFW, women can have all tha abortions they want....but they need to pay for that ELECTIVE SURGERY. It's called personal accountability / responsibility.

& they do. it's called the HYDE AMENDMENT. Learn something. Unless you would deny females who have been raped or perhaps incestuous conception?
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

No all women want the right to decide when to increase their families. The right to medical privacy. It's not hard to fathom the idea that women should have the right to make their own decisions.

Oh, so now you're speaking for all women, are you? I don't recall having elected you as my spokescritter. I don't even recall receiving a ballot.

You don't speak for us. I have no problems with your decision to not ever have an abortion. That's just dandy.

Now you don't get to decide beyond yourself.

It's really that's simple.
That the issue. If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. Forcing a woman to have a child she doesn't want, for whatever reason, is more immoral than letting her proceed. It's invading her privacy, and stripping her of her free will and her freedom of religion.

Right wingers are big on religious rights but refuse to acknowledge that abortion rights are tied to freedom of religion.
Instead of letting greedy a-hole Pubs steal your vote with abortion bs wedge issue idiocy they do nothing about since it's law for over 40 years...stop your idiocy and stop voting for the greedy a-hole party, Pub dupe.
Start offering up some decent Liberals instead of crooks and wackos.

Sad thing is, I'm pretty sure this is their first-string squad. Leastways, I've never encountered anyone brighter with better arguments on the left.
You two believe a gigantic pile of Pubcrappe, of course. Crooks and whackos like WHO? Examples? BULLSHYTTE, hater dupes.

Exhibit A, ladies and gentlemen.
Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Not good news for all the opponents to abortion who want deprive women their rights, better life and health. The Planned Parenthood won`t be defunded. Obama will veto Republican anti-abortion bill. Voila! Yet some of his presidential projects could be appreciated.

I do not understand what all the hubbub is about. The abortion happened, the women decided to terminate it, it is already dead. Would they be happier if the hospital just put it in the incinerator? It is not planned parenthood that is having abortions. It is pregnant women. And they use the unwanted material for science. They act like planned parenthood is impregnating women and forcing them to have abortions so they could make money off of the material.

I don't care if women get abortions. if they do not like abortions don't get them. Lol trying to control things that are out of your control is crazy. Just make a law saying no Christians are allowed to have abortions. Problem solved.

I am speechless. I have seen many posts from people who are utterly ignorant of a topic and proud of that ignorance - but in no way hindered from gasbagging about it, nonetheless - but you absolutely stand out from the crowd for both sheer imbecility and utterly erroneous self-satisfaction therein. If I thought for a second that you possessed an ounce of shame, I would suggest that you never, ever, EVER comment in public on anything more significant than the weather for the rest of your existence, because God knows, you are stunningly unqualified to do so.

But if you had a sense of shame, you wouldn't be such a mindwiped fuckstain in the first place, so . . .

Huh? You care about babies that were aborted? How many times have you helped babies that were not aborted? Don't give me your self righteous indignation of how aweful I am, when you don't do a damn thing to help anybody but yourself.

It is law, women can have abortions! Gays can get married to. So what? Your life hasn't changed. It does not affect you whatsoever. Get over yourself.

And what did I say that was untrue? go vote for trump or that other idiot huckabee. The quality and critical thinking skills of all politicians left and right, is atrocious. I would rather not have any president if this is all they offer.

Sweet cheeks, you can just take your little "let's make it personal" attack and stuff it where the sun don't shine.

In a more general sense, the three largest pregnancy resource groups - Heartbeat International, CareNet, and the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) - operate more than 2300 affiliates in the United States. They have residential facilities for women and children, offer prenatal care, parenting classes, material assistance, and post-abortion counseling.

Likewise, the Catholic Church spends so much money on and operates so many various charities that they are the largest private source of charitable donations in the country, and the number one source of aid to which government welfare offices send clients. And they're not even remotely the only church in this country operating charitable ministries such as soup kitchens, food banks, schools for underprivileged children, drug rehab facilities, adoption services (you should know about that; you pusbag leftists keep trying to shut them down because you don't like their policies on gays. Way to make born children a priority.)

And unlike leftists, who show their "compassion" and "dedication to the cause" by mandating money out of other people's pockets, conservatives do everything by putting their OWN money where their mouths are, and fund it 100% through voluntary donations. Not only do these services not receive one dime of government funding, they often have to operate through vicious opposition from pro-abortion forces.

So the people who REALLY need to answer the question of "how much do you care about born children" are the ones who try to limit the services available for them if they don't toe the leftist ideological line. Clearly, those children don't matter much to leftists as much as their agenda does.
And what about the 5k women who used to DIE a year when abortions were illegal? Now at least we have free, actually better than free, birth control. No thanks to you chumps.

When I want to hear about figments of your diseased imagination, I'll charge you $500 an hour for therapy. Until then, not interested.

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