Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

From your own link:


While this second drone
targeted someone else, among those it killed was Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi, Anwar Al-Aulaqi’s
teenage son. Nasser Al-Aulaqi, father of Anwar and grandfather of Abdulrahman, and Sarah
Khan, mother of Samir, sue various U.S. officials in their personal capacities. Plaintiffs claim,
inter alia, that these officials violated the Fifth Amendment rights of the decedents by
authorizing the drone strikes. The question presented is whether federal officials can be held
personally liable for their roles in drone strikes abroad that target and kill U.S. citizens.
question raises fundamental issues regarding constitutional principles, and it is not easy to 2
However, on these facts and under this Circuit’s precedent, the Court will grant
Defendants’ motion to dismiss
Nope, BHO did not. The kid's dad put him in mortal danger.

Obama murdered an American teenager and he has the nerve to talk about Gitmo? And of course, you defend him

It wasn't murder. It was defense of America during a time of war. That is how the courts view it. The son will not follow in his fathers footsteps and produce terrorist to come to America and kill Americans.
Moral of the story is that teenage sons of confirmed al Qaeda terrorist should not visit war zones where terrorist are being droned, and hang out around terrorist. Yemen is one of those places. Nobody should go there and hang out with terrorist.

LISTEN TO YOURSELF. The sins of the father are being visited on the son. Really that is your moral equivalency on this issue? I am thinking that now the grandfather needs to be taken out because I am quite sure he is very pissed at the US for killing his innocent grandson. YEMEN is an ally country it is not a WAR ZONE unless you want to say the whole world is a WAR ZONE then none of us are safe, which is where I think we are heading. How do you know who the 16 year old was "hanging out with?" There is no report of anyone of interest being killed in that strike, so how and why was he killed? He was killed because the program is flawed.
It does not validate the process, you savvy fuckin' reject, it makes the case that no officials will be held accountable for the actions. The ;legal question of assassination is not answered in that decision.

Fuckin' idiots. They multiply like maggots here.

Yes it is. You didn't bother to read the reasons the court ruled the way it did by referencing the abundance of case laws cited in reaching it's decision. You can debate the meaning of "no officials will be held accountable for the actions" all you want, but if you would have read and understood the ruling you would not be trying to debate the topic.
Can anyone explain for what reason did he need to lay this on us at this time?

Like we don't have ENOUGH of the shit he's created to deal with?

Can he give us just one minute of peace without his ugliness about everyone and everything

I'm horrified to call him our President.... he has not one good thing to say about us the people he suppose to REPRESENT, Bush, Republicans and our country

And CNN might as well just hump his leg and stay attached to it they are so frikken biased and ugly just like he is

pull your head out of your ass and take a peek at reality, you must have had it firmly buried in crap for 8 yrs. while the Bushie's wrecking ball just about smashed America and a big chunk of the world, feel free to re-insert and let the clean-up crew do it's job.

go diddle yourself and don't ever respond to me again
It does not validate the process, you savvy fuckin' reject, it makes the case that no officials will be held accountable for the actions. The ;legal question of assassination is not answered in that decision.

Fuckin' idiots. They multiply like maggots here.

Yes it is. You didn't bother to read the reasons the court ruled the way it did by referencing the abundance of case laws cited in reaching it's decision. You can debate the meaning of "no officials will be held accountable for the actions" all you want, but if you would have read and understood the ruling you would not be trying to debate the topic.


Another one with massive comprehension problems. Read that ruling again nice and slow, Dullard.
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

I'm looking forward to the next administration stopping covering for the abuses of Obama/Biden.
The court views it differently. They view the process and method of the selection and targeting of individuals, specifically US citizens to be eliminated, to be legal and to follow the definition of due process defined in the US Constitution.


The same thing was found for torture during the Bush years, you savvy reject, you.

It was? Can you link us to that Federal Court opinion or ruling? The document I provided a link to is a court ruling that validates the process used by the Executive and military of selecting drone targets. It has absolutely nothing to do with torture. Torture comes under the link I provided for Article 75 of the GC.

So the administration can kill, injure, maim and disfigure people by shooting them from the sky with no evidence or trial, kill their families or anyone with them, but they can't waterboard them causing no permanent harm to save lives. Liberals have no ability to recognize your own hypocrisy, it's sad.
I'm very curious what type of interrogation techniques Obama would have authorized if he had been President on 9-11-2001 if any.
Type of torture,,,,,(dream waves)
They had to share a room with Michele....
It does not validate the process, you savvy fuckin' reject, it makes the case that no officials will be held accountable for the actions. The ;legal question of assassination is not answered in that decision.

Fuckin' idiots. They multiply like maggots here.

Yes it is. You didn't bother to read the reasons the court ruled the way it did by referencing the abundance of case laws cited in reaching it's decision. You can debate the meaning of "no officials will be held accountable for the actions" all you want, but if you would have read and understood the ruling you would not be trying to debate the topic.


Another one with massive comprehension problems. Read that ruling again nice and slow, Dullard.

The important part is at the end where the court rules on behalf of the defendant and dismisses the case brought forward by the relatives of the drone targets.
The same thing was found for torture during the Bush years, you savvy reject, you.

It was? Can you link us to that Federal Court opinion or ruling? The document I provided a link to is a court ruling that validates the process used by the Executive and military of selecting drone targets. It has absolutely nothing to do with torture. Torture comes under the link I provided for Article 75 of the GC.

So the administration can kill, injure, maim and disfigure people by shooting them from the sky with no evidence or trial, kill their families or anyone with them, but they can't waterboard them causing no permanent harm to save lives. Liberals have no ability to recognize your own hypocrisy, it's sad.

So waterboarding does not cause no damage? Like Death is not damaging to ones health?
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

I'm looking forward to the next administration stopping covering for the abuses of Obama/Biden.

Adverb and verb with "ing" together, C- on paper....
The same thing was found for torture during the Bush years, you savvy reject, you.

It was? Can you link us to that Federal Court opinion or ruling? The document I provided a link to is a court ruling that validates the process used by the Executive and military of selecting drone targets. It has absolutely nothing to do with torture. Torture comes under the link I provided for Article 75 of the GC.

So the administration can kill, injure, maim and disfigure people by shooting them from the sky with no evidence or trial,
kill their families or anyone with them, but they can't waterboard them causing no permanent harm to save lives. Liberals have no ability to recognize your own hypocrisy, it's sad.

of course that's ok with them
it's Obama doing it and as long as it's out of site it's out mind and not really happening in their shallow minds
Bammy is a total fuck up, the World is falling apart so he has to bring up Bush again.

Whereas the likes of you would like to forget it. Did he call a press conference just to raise the subject?
It was? Can you link us to that Federal Court opinion or ruling? The document I provided a link to is a court ruling that validates the process used by the Executive and military of selecting drone targets. It has absolutely nothing to do with torture. Torture comes under the link I provided for Article 75 of the GC.

So the administration can kill, injure, maim and disfigure people by shooting them from the sky with no evidence or trial, kill their families or anyone with them, but they can't waterboard them causing no permanent harm to save lives. Liberals have no ability to recognize your own hypocrisy, it's sad.

So waterboarding does not cause no damage? Like Death is not damaging to ones health?

Any comment on my point? Or just making random, irrelevant snarky comments using bad grammar?
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

I'm looking forward to the next administration stopping covering for the abuses of Obama/Biden.

Adverb and verb with "ing" together, C- on paper....

There was nothing grammatically incorrect in my sentence. I normally would not have phrased it that way, but I was obviously mimicking the sentence in the post I was responding to. Well, obvious to people who aren't idiots, which is why you didn't get it.

Good luck on your quest to grammar check the internet. First, you should learn grammar. I just want to let you know though it's a big job. Good luck with that.
Bammy is a total fuck up, the World is falling apart so he has to bring up Bush again.

Whereas the likes of you would like to forget it. Did he call a press conference just to raise the subject?

Why yes, yes he did..... Did you not read the OP?

"President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.

The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."

And conservatives I know are not happy with Bush either..... But you have to admit it is pretty sad when you have a POTUS still blaming Bush after having been in office for 6 years. I mean this is just funny now, in a sad pathetic sort of way....
It was? Can you link us to that Federal Court opinion or ruling? The document I provided a link to is a court ruling that validates the process used by the Executive and military of selecting drone targets. It has absolutely nothing to do with torture. Torture comes under the link I provided for Article 75 of the GC.

So the administration can kill, injure, maim and disfigure people by shooting them from the sky with no evidence or trial,
kill their families or anyone with them, but they can't waterboard them causing no permanent harm to save lives. Liberals have no ability to recognize your own hypocrisy, it's sad.

of course that's ok with them
it's Obama doing it and as long as it's out of site it's out mind and not really happening in their shallow minds
Yes, they've repeatedly demonstrated flagrant double standards on how they view Obama and W doing the same things both domestically and internationally.

So the administration can kill, injure, maim and disfigure people by shooting them from the sky with no evidence or trial,
kill their families or anyone with them, but they can't waterboard them causing no permanent harm to save lives. Liberals have no ability to recognize your own hypocrisy, it's sad.

of course that's ok with them
it's Obama doing it and as long as it's out of site it's out mind and not really happening in their shallow minds
Yes, they've repeatedly demonstrated flagrant double standards on how they view Obama and W doing the same things both domestically and internationally.

Did a light bulb just go off in your head? Presidents are liars and Congress covers for them. The more corrupt and dysfunctional Congress is the more Presidents can get away with. Wars are great for Presidents. That is why we have so many of them. Citizens pay less attention to details when there is a war going on and we always reelect Presidents during a war. Citizens allow crap to go on too. Kind of turn a blind eye to all the horrible stuff being committed in their name. National Security is the key scam term.
Blame the Congress. That is were the people have real power. We get a chance to kick the criminals out every two years, but we don't. We are stuck on thinking it is the President that is important and ignore the filth that is really in control.
of course that's ok with them
it's Obama doing it and as long as it's out of site it's out mind and not really happening in their shallow minds
Yes, they've repeatedly demonstrated flagrant double standards on how they view Obama and W doing the same things both domestically and internationally.

Did a light bulb just go off in your head? Presidents are liars and Congress covers for them. The more corrupt and dysfunctional Congress is the more Presidents can get away with. Wars are great for Presidents. That is why we have so many of them. Citizens pay less attention to details when there is a war going on and we always reelect Presidents during a war. Citizens allow crap to go on too. Kind of turn a blind eye to all the horrible stuff being committed in their name. National Security is the key scam term.
Blame the Congress. That is were the people have real power. We get a chance to kick the criminals out every two years, but we don't. We are stuck on thinking it is the President that is important and ignore the filth that is really in control.

Um...yeah dude. I just realized the things you said. Which is why I am a libertarian, I didn't realize that. LOL.

BTW, I wasn't talking about the hypocrisy of congress and the president, I was talking about the hypocrisy of you and the other liberal minions.

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