Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem'


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2011
Boston, MA
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj8nFriU94E]Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem' - YouTube[/ame]

In an interview with Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal, newly re-elected House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) opened up about President Obama’s utter unwillingness to cut a single dollar from federal spending. In a stunning admission, Obama reportedly told Boehner, “We don’t have a spending problem.”

Boehner added that President Obama continues to maintain that America’s federal deficit is caused not by governmental overspending but by “a health-care problem.” Said Boehner, “They blame all of the fiscal woes on our health-care system.” Boehner told Obama, “Clearly we have a health-care problem, which is about to get worse with Obamacare. But, Mr. President, we have a very serious spending problem.” Obama eventually replied, “I’m getting tired of hearing you say that.”

Obama may be tired of hearing Boehner talk about a spending problem, particularly when Obama has been re-elected on the basis of ignoring government spending. Nonetheless, America does have a spending problem, which Obama is steadfastly ignoring. “He’s so ideological himself,” Boehner explained, “and he’s unwilling to take on the left of his own party.” That’s why Obama refused to raise the retirement age for Medicare after agreeing to it. “He admitted in meetings that he couldn’t sell things to his own members,” said Boehner. “But he didn’t even want to try … We could never get him to step up.”

Boehner says that there will be no new tax increases over the debt ceiling. “The tax issue is resolved,” he said. And he said that more closed-door negotiations with Obama would be “futile.” It’s a bit too late to recognize that, but better late than never.

Obama need not negotiate on spending. He can just continue to bully Republicans by suggesting that they are the party of the rich – and his media lackeys can pretend that it’s fiscally irresponsible to ask the government to live within its means.

Ben Shapiro
Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem' - YouTube

In an interview with Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal, newly re-elected House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) opened up about President Obama’s utter unwillingness to cut a single dollar from federal spending. In a stunning admission, Obama reportedly told Boehner, “We don’t have a spending problem.”

Boehner added that President Obama continues to maintain that America’s federal deficit is caused not by governmental overspending but by “a health-care problem.” Said Boehner, “They blame all of the fiscal woes on our health-care system.” Boehner told Obama, “Clearly we have a health-care problem, which is about to get worse with Obamacare. But, Mr. President, we have a very serious spending problem.” Obama eventually replied, “I’m getting tired of hearing you say that.”

Obama may be tired of hearing Boehner talk about a spending problem, particularly when Obama has been re-elected on the basis of ignoring government spending. Nonetheless, America does have a spending problem, which Obama is steadfastly ignoring. “He’s so ideological himself,” Boehner explained, “and he’s unwilling to take on the left of his own party.” That’s why Obama refused to raise the retirement age for Medicare after agreeing to it. “He admitted in meetings that he couldn’t sell things to his own members,” said Boehner. “But he didn’t even want to try … We could never get him to step up.”

Boehner says that there will be no new tax increases over the debt ceiling. “The tax issue is resolved,” he said. And he said that more closed-door negotiations with Obama would be “futile.” It’s a bit too late to recognize that, but better late than never.

Obama need not negotiate on spending. He can just continue to bully Republicans by suggesting that they are the party of the rich – and his media lackeys can pretend that it’s fiscally irresponsible to ask the government to live within its means.

Ben Shapiro

Republicans and their propaganda machine, the Heritage Foundation, have perpetuated the fallacious contention that all Democrats are big spenders, but none worse than President Obama, and it is unclear if their predisposition to lie is because the President is a Democrat or a Black man. Regardless their reason(s), President Obama has presided over the lowest spending since Eisenhower and five times less than Reagan or Bush II. The ARRA (stimulus) did amount to an increase in spending, but not only did it create millions of jobs and add to GDP growth, it contained tax cuts for 95% of working families, and it is one of those pesky facts Republicans and the Heritage Foundation consider an “utter failure.”
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Republicans and their propaganda machine, the Heritage Foundation, have perpetuated the fallacious contention that all Democrats are big spenders, but none worse than President Obama, and it is unclear if their predisposition to lie is because the President is a Democrat or a Black man. Regardless their reason(s), President Obama has presided over the lowest spending since Eisenhower and five times less than Reagan or Bush II. The ARRA (stimulus) did amount to an increase in spending, but not only did it create millions of jobs and add to GDP growth, it contained tax cuts for 95% of working families, and it is one of those pesky facts Republicans and the Heritage Foundation consider an “utter failure.”
politicususa.com/obamas-record-destroys-republicans-big-spending-democrat-propaganda.html]Obama's Record Destroys the Republicans' Big Spending Democrat Propaganda[/COLOR]
I have never seen so much retarded mixed with race baiting in my life. This is f*cking epic. If obama has presided over lower spending than all those you listed how does his spending now exceed all presidents since Washington combined? How is that possible?
Republicans and their propaganda machine, the Heritage Foundation, have perpetuated the fallacious contention that all Democrats are big spenders, but none worse than President Obama, and it is unclear if their predisposition to lie is because the President is a Democrat or a Black man. Regardless their reason(s), President Obama has presided over the lowest spending since Eisenhower and five times less than Reagan or Bush II. The ARRA (stimulus) did amount to an increase in spending, but not only did it create millions of jobs and add to GDP growth, it contained tax cuts for 95% of working families, and it is one of those pesky facts Republicans and the Heritage Foundation consider an “utter failure.”
politicususa.com/obamas-record-destroys-republicans-big-spending-democrat-propaganda.html]Obama's Record Destroys the Republicans' Big Spending Democrat Propaganda[/COLOR]
I have never seen so much retarded mixed with race baiting in my life. This is f*cking epic. If obama has presided over lower spending than all those you listed how does his spending now exceed all presidents since Washington combined? How is that possible?

Click on the link below and read it for yourself. There is also a graph that supports the writer's premise.

Obama's Record Destroys the Republicans' Big Spending Democrat Propaganda
Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem' - YouTube

In an interview with Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal, newly re-elected House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) opened up about President Obama’s utter unwillingness to cut a single dollar from federal spending. In a stunning admission, Obama reportedly told Boehner, “We don’t have a spending problem.”

Boehner added that President Obama continues to maintain that America’s federal deficit is caused not by governmental overspending but by “a health-care problem.” Said Boehner, “They blame all of the fiscal woes on our health-care system.” Boehner told Obama, “Clearly we have a health-care problem, which is about to get worse with Obamacare. But, Mr. President, we have a very serious spending problem.” Obama eventually replied, “I’m getting tired of hearing you say that.”

Obama may be tired of hearing Boehner talk about a spending problem, particularly when Obama has been re-elected on the basis of ignoring government spending. Nonetheless, America does have a spending problem, which Obama is steadfastly ignoring. “He’s so ideological himself,” Boehner explained, “and he’s unwilling to take on the left of his own party.” That’s why Obama refused to raise the retirement age for Medicare after agreeing to it. “He admitted in meetings that he couldn’t sell things to his own members,” said Boehner. “But he didn’t even want to try … We could never get him to step up.”

Boehner says that there will be no new tax increases over the debt ceiling. “The tax issue is resolved,” he said. And he said that more closed-door negotiations with Obama would be “futile.” It’s a bit too late to recognize that, but better late than never.

Obama need not negotiate on spending. He can just continue to bully Republicans by suggesting that they are the party of the rich – and his media lackeys can pretend that it’s fiscally irresponsible to ask the government to live within its means.

Ben Shapiro

Republicans and their propaganda machine, the Heritage Foundation, have perpetuated the fallacious contention that all Democrats are big spenders, but none worse than President Obama, and it is unclear if their predisposition to lie is because the President is a Democrat or a Black man. Regardless their reason(s), President Obama has presided over the lowest spending since Eisenhower and five times less than Reagan or Bush II. The ARRA (stimulus) did amount to an increase in spending, but not only did it create millions of jobs and add to GDP growth, it contained tax cuts for 95% of working families, and it is one of those pesky facts Republicans and the Heritage Foundation consider an “utter failure.”
Obama's Record Destroys the Republicans' Big Spending Democrat Propaganda
It seems that you and Obama share a common ailment.

You both are delusional.
Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem' - YouTube

In an interview with Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal, newly re-elected House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) opened up about President Obama’s utter unwillingness to cut a single dollar from federal spending. In a stunning admission, Obama reportedly told Boehner, “We don’t have a spending problem.”

Boehner added that President Obama continues to maintain that America’s federal deficit is caused not by governmental overspending but by “a health-care problem.” Said Boehner, “They blame all of the fiscal woes on our health-care system.” Boehner told Obama, “Clearly we have a health-care problem, which is about to get worse with Obamacare. But, Mr. President, we have a very serious spending problem.” Obama eventually replied, “I’m getting tired of hearing you say that.”

Obama may be tired of hearing Boehner talk about a spending problem, particularly when Obama has been re-elected on the basis of ignoring government spending. Nonetheless, America does have a spending problem, which Obama is steadfastly ignoring. “He’s so ideological himself,” Boehner explained, “and he’s unwilling to take on the left of his own party.” That’s why Obama refused to raise the retirement age for Medicare after agreeing to it. “He admitted in meetings that he couldn’t sell things to his own members,” said Boehner. “But he didn’t even want to try … We could never get him to step up.”

Boehner says that there will be no new tax increases over the debt ceiling. “The tax issue is resolved,” he said. And he said that more closed-door negotiations with Obama would be “futile.” It’s a bit too late to recognize that, but better late than never.

Obama need not negotiate on spending. He can just continue to bully Republicans by suggesting that they are the party of the rich – and his media lackeys can pretend that it’s fiscally irresponsible to ask the government to live within its means.

Ben Shapiro

Republicans and their propaganda machine, the Heritage Foundation, have perpetuated the fallacious contention that all Democrats are big spenders, but none worse than President Obama, and it is unclear if their predisposition to lie is because the President is a Democrat or a Black man. Regardless their reason(s), President Obama has presided over the lowest spending since Eisenhower and five times less than Reagan or Bush II. The ARRA (stimulus) did amount to an increase in spending, but not only did it create millions of jobs and add to GDP growth, it contained tax cuts for 95% of working families, and it is one of those pesky facts Republicans and the Heritage Foundation consider an “utter failure.”
Obama's Record Destroys the Republicans' Big Spending Democrat Propaganda
It seems that you and Obama share a common ailment.

You both are delusional.

And to what irrefutable source do you attach your unbridled wisdom? FAUX NEWS or Limbaugh?
Republicans and their propaganda machine, the Heritage Foundation, have perpetuated the fallacious contention that all Democrats are big spenders, but none worse than President Obama, and it is unclear if their predisposition to lie is because the President is a Democrat or a Black man. Regardless their reason(s), President Obama has presided over the lowest spending since Eisenhower and five times less than Reagan or Bush II. The ARRA (stimulus) did amount to an increase in spending, but not only did it create millions of jobs and add to GDP growth, it contained tax cuts for 95% of working families, and it is one of those pesky facts Republicans and the Heritage Foundation consider an “utter failure.”
Obama's Record Destroys the Republicans' Big Spending Democrat Propaganda
It seems that you and Obama share a common ailment.

You both are delusional.

And to what irrefutable source do you attach your unbridled wisdom? FAUX NEWS or Limbaugh?
The ability to comprehend the world around Me.

You seem to have difficulty with it.
I can't believe that guy seriously thinks that. I don't see how anyone can not see that we have a spending problem when we are spending Trillions more dollars than we have.
It seems that you and Obama share a common ailment.

You both are delusional.

And to what irrefutable source do you attach your unbridled wisdom? FAUX NEWS or Limbaugh?
The ability to comprehend the world around Me.

You seem to have difficulty with it.

Well, I won't stand in the way of your lofty megalomania. Please share your thoughts about what Obama is spending money on. Since the Republicans control the purse strings ( House)
where is Obama's wild spending spree and what is it being spent on?
And to what irrefutable source do you attach your unbridled wisdom? FAUX NEWS or Limbaugh?
The ability to comprehend the world around Me.

You seem to have difficulty with it.

Well, I won't stand in the way of your lofty megalomania. Please share your thoughts about what Obama is spending money on. Since the Republicans control the purse strings ( House)
where is Obama's wild spending spree and what is it being spent on?

I've always wondered why Republicans complain about Obama's spending problem when spending bills originate in the Republican controlled House of Representatives.
Republicans and their propaganda machine, the Heritage Foundation, have perpetuated the fallacious contention that all Democrats are big spenders, but none worse than President Obama, and it is unclear if their predisposition to lie is because the President is a Democrat or a Black man. Regardless their reason(s), President Obama has presided over the lowest spending since Eisenhower and five times less than Reagan or Bush II. The ARRA (stimulus) did amount to an increase in spending, but not only did it create millions of jobs and add to GDP growth, it contained tax cuts for 95% of working families, and it is one of those pesky facts Republicans and the Heritage Foundation consider an “utter failure.”
politicususa.com/obamas-record-destroys-republicans-big-spending-democrat-propaganda.html]Obama's Record Destroys the Republicans' Big Spending Democrat Propaganda[/COLOR]
I have never seen so much retarded mixed with race baiting in my life. This is f*cking epic. If obama has presided over lower spending than all those you listed how does his spending now exceed all presidents since Washington combined? How is that possible?
Yes. that would be impossible. And it is. because, you see, it is not true. Which is why you posted your opinion without a link.
I can't believe that guy seriously thinks that. I don't see how anyone can not see that we have a spending problem when we are spending Trillions more dollars than we have.
And, Avatar, your proof of that is where?? I would say that is your opinion, and you know how much we all respect your opinion.
Republicans and their propaganda machine, the Heritage Foundation, have perpetuated the fallacious contention that all Democrats are big spenders, but none worse than President Obama, and it is unclear if their predisposition to lie is because the President is a Democrat or a Black man. Regardless their reason(s), President Obama has presided over the lowest spending since Eisenhower and five times less than Reagan or Bush II. The ARRA (stimulus) did amount to an increase in spending, but not only did it create millions of jobs and add to GDP growth, it contained tax cuts for 95% of working families, and it is one of those pesky facts Republicans and the Heritage Foundation consider an “utter failure.”
politicususa.com/obamas-record-destroys-republicans-big-spending-democrat-propaganda.html]Obama's Record Destroys the Republicans' Big Spending Democrat Propaganda[/COLOR]
I have never seen so much retarded mixed with race baiting in my life. This is f*cking epic. If obama has presided over lower spending than all those you listed how does his spending now exceed all presidents since Washington combined? How is that possible?

Based on Bush's 2009 Budget, which actually gets credited to Bush, spending under Obama has barely increased. This is not to say that it is not going to increase over the next few years. The truth is that a huge portion of our deficit is due to a lack of revenue due to the poor economy, along with a reduction in revenue from levels during the Clinton administration. This is due to the Bush tax cuts that everyone is so in love with. Next, we are paying more on the debt due to the increased debt that built up during the Bush years and the last four years.

The bottom line is that we have a massive deficit in revenue. Much of our increased spending has come about due to wars we probably should not have been involved with and additional spending on social welfare programs, again increased due to the poor economy. If we get the economy working again, some spending is reduced, and revenues go up. Our real problem is a long term problem with SS and more specifically, Medicare. When Obama says our biggest problem is healthcare costs, he is correct. The problem is that Obamacare is not going to resolve that problem. Will it cost us more or save us money? That is debatable. There are many money saving items included in the ACA, and there is a good possibility that it will reduce increases in costs over the long run. That does not mean it will reduce costs, just that it will reduce the amount of increases. This leads us to a big problem with funding Medicare, the albatross that we face. Raising the retirement age is a good starting point to reduce spending for the long term on Medicare. What we need are more people to understand that it's going to have to happen at some point. Some Republicans have suggested doing it, but the truth is that voters, both Dem and Republicans are against this. The problem is voters aren't thinking with their heads on straight. Everyone wants these programs, but everyone wants someone else to pay for them.

Bottom line is that we would see much more getting done if Republicans would stop fighting tax increases at every step of the way. Nobody wants to budge, and we have to address both spending and revenue problems, of which we have both.
Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem' - YouTube

In an interview with Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal, newly re-elected House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) opened up about President Obama’s utter unwillingness to cut a single dollar from federal spending. In a stunning admission, Obama reportedly told Boehner, “We don’t have a spending problem.”

Boehner added that President Obama continues to maintain that America’s federal deficit is caused not by governmental overspending but by “a health-care problem.” Said Boehner, “They blame all of the fiscal woes on our health-care system.” Boehner told Obama, “Clearly we have a health-care problem, which is about to get worse with Obamacare. But, Mr. President, we have a very serious spending problem.” Obama eventually replied, “I’m getting tired of hearing you say that.”

Obama may be tired of hearing Boehner talk about a spending problem, particularly when Obama has been re-elected on the basis of ignoring government spending. Nonetheless, America does have a spending problem, which Obama is steadfastly ignoring. “He’s so ideological himself,” Boehner explained, “and he’s unwilling to take on the left of his own party.” That’s why Obama refused to raise the retirement age for Medicare after agreeing to it. “He admitted in meetings that he couldn’t sell things to his own members,” said Boehner. “But he didn’t even want to try … We could never get him to step up.”

Boehner says that there will be no new tax increases over the debt ceiling. “The tax issue is resolved,” he said. And he said that more closed-door negotiations with Obama would be “futile.” It’s a bit too late to recognize that, but better late than never.

Obama need not negotiate on spending. He can just continue to bully Republicans by suggesting that they are the party of the rich – and his media lackeys can pretend that it’s fiscally irresponsible to ask the government to live within its means.

Ben Shapiro

Republicans and their propaganda machine, the Heritage Foundation, have perpetuated the fallacious contention that all Democrats are big spenders, but none worse than President Obama, and it is unclear if their predisposition to lie is because the President is a Democrat or a Black man. Regardless their reason(s), President Obama has presided over the lowest spending since Eisenhower and five times less than Reagan or Bush II. The ARRA (stimulus) did amount to an increase in spending, but not only did it create millions of jobs and add to GDP growth, it contained tax cuts for 95% of working families, and it is one of those pesky facts Republicans and the Heritage Foundation consider an “utter failure.”
Obama's Record Destroys the Republicans' Big Spending Democrat Propaganda

I think you should be in a padded cell next to Joe Biden and Liz Warren
Republicans and their propaganda machine, the Heritage Foundation, have perpetuated the fallacious contention that all Democrats are big spenders, but none worse than President Obama, and it is unclear if their predisposition to lie is because the President is a Democrat or a Black man. Regardless their reason(s), President Obama has presided over the lowest spending since Eisenhower and five times less than Reagan or Bush II. The ARRA (stimulus) did amount to an increase in spending, but not only did it create millions of jobs and add to GDP growth, it contained tax cuts for 95% of working families, and it is one of those pesky facts Republicans and the Heritage Foundation consider an “utter failure.”
politicususa.com/obamas-record-destroys-republicans-big-spending-democrat-propaganda.html]Obama's Record Destroys the Republicans' Big Spending Democrat Propaganda[/COLOR]
I have never seen so much retarded mixed with race baiting in my life. This is f*cking epic. If obama has presided over lower spending than all those you listed how does his spending now exceed all presidents since Washington combined? How is that possible?

Are you really that fuking stupid? Really? Do you think that when a new President is elected that all the prior debt is magically erased and the new President starts over?

Are you really that fuking stupid? Really. Take the wars for instance. We didn't pay for them when they were started bY Bush. You think the war debts just went away when Obama was elected?

Are you that stupid? Really. Or just pretending. If pretending; good job.

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