Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem'

The ability to comprehend the world around Me.

You seem to have difficulty with it.

Well, I won't stand in the way of your lofty megalomania. Please share your thoughts about what Obama is spending money on. Since the Republicans control the purse strings ( House)
where is Obama's wild spending spree and what is it being spent on?

I've always wondered why Republicans complain about Obama's spending problem when spending bills originate in the Republican controlled House of Representatives.

I always wonder how brainwashed, stupid and ignorant you had to be in order to be a Democrat today
Republicans and their propaganda machine, the Heritage Foundation, have perpetuated the fallacious contention that all Democrats are big spenders, but none worse than President Obama, and it is unclear if their predisposition to lie is because the President is a Democrat or a Black man. Regardless their reason(s), President Obama has presided over the lowest spending since Eisenhower and five times less than Reagan or Bush II. The ARRA (stimulus) did amount to an increase in spending, but not only did it create millions of jobs and add to GDP growth, it contained tax cuts for 95% of working families, and it is one of those pesky facts Republicans and the Heritage Foundation consider an “utter failure.”
politicususa.com/obamas-record-destroys-republicans-big-spending-democrat-propaganda.html]Obama's Record Destroys the Republicans' Big Spending Democrat Propaganda[/COLOR]
I have never seen so much retarded mixed with race baiting in my life. This is f*cking epic. If obama has presided over lower spending than all those you listed how does his spending now exceed all presidents since Washington combined? How is that possible?

Click on the link below and read it for yourself. There is also a graph that supports the writer's premise.

Obama's Record Destroys the Republicans' Big Spending Democrat Propaganda

and you BELIEVE that..
politicususa isn't that a commie site?
Obama is a spending junkie, he can't even admit he has a problem.

The House needs to stage an intervention
One Obama Deficit > All Reagan Deficits

One Obama Deficit > Any Reagan Budget

Reagan, who Liberals hate for freeing Eastern Europe from Soviet Communism and blame for spending, ran the entire government on less that a single Obama deficit.
In an interview with Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal, newly re-elected House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) opened up about President Obama’s utter unwillingness to cut a single dollar from federal spending. In a stunning admission, Obama reportedly told Boehner, “We don’t have a spending problem.”

funny how it wasn't a 'spending problem' when baby bush was the only leader in recorded history to cut taxes during wartime.

the fact that we now have some issues can easily be remedied by a combination of slight tax increases on some (which we have now done) and intelligent cuts in terms of getting rid of waste. it would also be helpful to stop waging unnecessary wars of choice which we can't afford to pay for... BEFORE we start hurting the poor and middle class.

the fantasy world of cuts not being assessed in terms of real life repercussions is a huge problem on the right.

perhaps if you stop pledging allegience to destroying the federal government, intelligent conversations can begin?
Hey one of you fuking retarded rethugs. Just what is it that Obama has spent all this money on?
Was it wars he started? No. Was if Perscription drug programs? No. How about massive tax cuts? No.
UE insurance? Yes, but how much? Bail outs of Wall street? Somewhat, but who started the bail out ball a rolling? Bush. Right.

So we had a stimulus bill. That worked. Yep, he spent (ah actually Congress spent) money on Americans. OMG. To try and have jobs. OMG.

So one of you financial wizards just lay it out. What do you want to cut and how much you want to cut it?

Do something the supposed leadership of the rethugs couldn't do. And btw, has there ever been a more stupid bunch of supposed negoiators than the repubs? Have months to negioate a tax and spending bill and the stupid fuks can't get any cuts in spending because they waited till the last possible moment to try and do something. Stupid is what rethugs are.

Or in fact they could care less about cutting spending. It just plays well to their base idiots.
In an interview with Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal, newly re-elected House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) opened up about President Obama’s utter unwillingness to cut a single dollar from federal spending. In a stunning admission, Obama reportedly told Boehner, “We don’t have a spending problem.”

funny how it wasn't a 'spending problem' when baby bush was the only leader in recorded history to cut taxes during wartime.

the fact that we now have some issues can easily be remedied by a combination of slight tax increases on some (which we have now done) and intelligent cuts in terms of getting rid of waste. it would also be helpful to stop waging unnecessary wars of choice which we can't afford to pay for... BEFORE we start hurting the poor and middle class.

the fantasy world of cuts not being assessed in terms of real life repercussions is a huge problem on the right.

perhaps if you stop pledging allegience to destroying the federal government, intelligent conversations can begin?

lol, Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
I have to admit I find Stephen Moore smarmy, when talking heads make lots of money being talking heads I expect some sense of moral insight, some sense of balance and recognition of reality. He exhibits none. Ideological puppet who could be replaced by a robot. Do these ideologues realize who some of their spending cuts hurt? And do they know any history, any at all?

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself. It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." The Contemporary Condition: The Republican Pincer Machine
Obama is a spending junkie, he can't even admit he has a problem.

The House needs to stage an intervention

And you are a fuking one liner mental midget. Go ahead, lay out the spending that Obama has been responsible for. Or are you one of those that think all debts are wiped out when a new President is elected?
I have to admit I find Stephen Moore smarmy, when talking heads make lots of money being talking heads I expect some sense of moral insight, some sense of balance and recognition of reality. He exhibits none. Ideological puppet who could be replaced by a robot. Do these ideologues realize who some of their spending cuts hurt? And do they know any history, any at all?

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself. It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." The Contemporary Condition: The Republican Pincer Machine

LOL, it was a right wing conspiracy..
how Clintonish of you
NOTICE people it's EVERYONE BUT the Dear Leader..
funny how it wasn't a 'spending problem' when baby bush was the only leader in recorded history to cut taxes during wartime.


I think we should have a standby War Tax. A VAT for the duration whenever a President sends the troops. Maybe the armchair Rambos will think twice now and then.


i think it's more telling that most of the bomb bomb bomb crowd (with certain exceptions) have never been to war themselves... nor do their children go.

my only problem with your suggestion above is that once things like that get implemented, they never are allowed to sunset... or there are huge problems when they're allowed to sunset (e.g., bush tax cuts... but in reverse).

Estimates on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan range from $3.2 to $4.0 TRILLION.

Money we didn't fucking have in the first fucking place.

Not to mention the thousands of lives, limbs and minds lost by our troops.

Not to mention the thousands of lives, limbs and minds lost by innocent civilians.

$3.2 to $4.0 fucking TRILLION, which is roughly 20% to 25% of our horrific fucking debt.

Talk about a fucking "spending problem".

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Estimates on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan range from $3.2 to $4.0 TRILLION.

Money we didn't fucking have in the first fucking place.

Not to mention the thousands of lives, limbs and minds lost by our troops.

Not to mention the thousands of lives, limbs and minds lost by innocent civilians.

$3.2 to $4.0 fucking TRILLION, which is roughly 20% to 25% of our horrific fucking debt.


not to mention the lie that the war would pay for itself with iraqi oil money.
I wonder if any of our resident nutters has ever figured this out? Is actually tracking federal spending too difficult for them? The data showing that Obama has, by comparison, not presided over a period of excessive spending has been shown hundreds of times. You'd think one or two would get it.
The OP uses no link, information supposedly from this guy, and a video that has no relevance to the post at all. (And I am replying to it. Shows my intelligence. :eusa_eh:)

Ben Shapiro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Writing career

Shapiro has written a book on his experiences in college, titled Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth (ISBN 0-7852-6148-6), which was published in 2004 by WND Books.[2] In Brainwashed, Shapiro accused professors of being "totalitarian" and "indoctrination" through "[m]aking a case for one side and completely discarding the other side. He also criticized campus speech codes.[4] In the Christian Science Monitor, Marjorie Kehe wrote: "Shapiro makes sweeping - and many would say absurd - charges that they promote atheism, absolute sexual freedom (including pedophilia and statutory rape, which are crimes), and rampant environmentalism."[5] UCLA professor Robert N. Watson accused Shapiro of personal attacks and fabrications.[6]

His next book, Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism Is Corrupting Our Future (ISBN 0-89526-016-6), was published by Regnery in June 2005. Michelle Malkin recommended the book for summer reading in a feature by the conservative magazine National Review: "Ben argues valiantly on behalf of modesty in a flesh-baring world."[7]

His following book, Project President: Bad Hair and Botox on the Road to the White House (ISBN 1-5955-5100-X), was published in 2008. Shapiro's latest book, Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV was published by Harper Collins in June 2011. In that book, Shapiro argues that Hollywood has a left-wing agenda construed in the messages in primetime entertainment programming and interviewed many in the entertainment industry.[8] He was interviewed by Fox News and RT (TV network) about his book and called, for example, the children's show Sesame Street left-wing propaganda.[9] As substantiation of his criticism Shapiro interviewed several producers who said that Happy Days and M*A*S*H had an intended pro-pacifist orientation.[10]

Shapiro is currently the Editor-At-Large for Breitbart News and a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Estimates on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan range from $3.2 to $4.0 TRILLION.

Money we didn't fucking have in the first fucking place.

Not to mention the thousands of lives, limbs and minds lost by our troops.

Not to mention the thousands of lives, limbs and minds lost by innocent civilians.

$3.2 to $4.0 fucking TRILLION, which is roughly 20% to 25% of our horrific fucking debt.

And the worse part is, we got nothing in return for that investment!

Why would anyone support spending so much money on something with no benefits?

I challenge anyone to tell me how average American's have personally benefited from these wars!

Anyone supporting these wars should be tried for sedition.

Estimates on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan range from $3.2 to $4.0 TRILLION.

Money we didn't fucking have in the first fucking place.

Not to mention the thousands of lives, limbs and minds lost by our troops.

Not to mention the thousands of lives, limbs and minds lost by innocent civilians.

$3.2 to $4.0 fucking TRILLION, which is roughly 20% to 25% of our horrific fucking debt.

And the worse part is, we got nothing in return for that investment!

Why would anyone support spending so much money on something with no benefits?

I challenge anyone to tell me how average American's have personally benefited from these wars!

Anyone supporting these wars should be tried for sedition.

That goes for all the DEMOCRATS who voted for it?

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