obama to condemn Christian film maker before UN

Is Hussein Obama going to condemn the crucifix immersed in urine at the UN also? After all, he stated the United States doesn't tolerate ANY and ALL religions being denegrated. Last time I checked, Christianity is a religion and claimed by over 70% of the population here in America.. Just who does Hussein Obama represent?

So, what you are saying is that our constitution is binding beyond our borders? That other countries have to bow down to our Constitution or risk the wrath of the United States?

This isn't about appeasing Islam....this is about avoiding a conflict that we can't afford...either monetarily or in American lives. If you feel it's something worth killing and dying for....I suggest that you yourself and likeminded individuals pay your own way over there, take your weapons with you, and have at it.

If you include the "war on drugs" we have been at war with something my entire life...Personally? I'm sick of it.

Show me where I said anything remotely stupid as to what you claim I did??? I stated that this PRESIDENT himself made the big fucking pronouncement that ALL religions should be respected and not denegrated. That this President has decided to use the back-drop of the UN to once again apologize for FREEDOM OF SPEECH concering Islam and asked a perfectly reasonable question. Will he also make an apology to Americans and condemn the Museum which plans to exhibit a crucifix in urine?? Has nothing to do with other countries you fucking dolt. I don't give a rats ass what muslims or anyone else doesn't like in regard to our freedoms. Fuck them and fuck you.

No...you want him to stick up for the film maker and denounce things like "piss Christ"

It DOES have to do with other countries. If that film were isolated to America, you'd have a point..... but it didn't.....it made it's way into the most politically unstable part of the world and it caused and is still causing international incidents. So....I ask you again....Is this something you want to go to war for?

Finally, you hit the nail on the head with your last sentence(not the fuck them and fuck you). You don't give a rat's ass about much of anything beyond yourself.
irony abounds here...

christian fundamentalists in france destroy "piss christ" artwork


paris - a group of christian fundamentalists armed with hammers and screwdrivers destroyed two artworks in an exhibition in the southern french city of avignon at the weekend, one of which depicted a crucifix immersed in urine, french media reported monday.

The attack on the photographs of us artist andres serrano, which were being shown as part the i believe in miracles exhibition of contemporary art followed calls by the local catholic archbishop for the 'piss christ' photograph to be taken down.

The photograph, taken by serrano in 1987, shows a plastic crucifix wallowing in a glass of the artist's urine. The christ figure appears to glow in the image, which caused a scandal when it was first exhibited in 1989 and which has since toured the world.

Civitas, a lobby group which says it aims to 're-christianize france,' called the piece 'sacrilege vis-a-vis god and catholics' and launched a petition for it to be removed from the exhibition at the residence housing the yvon lambert collection.

On saturday a group of around 500 people shouting christian slogans demonstrated outside the building, liberation reported.

The following day four youths wearing sunglasses entered the building and surrounded two security guards stationed in front of the artwork, while others began hacking at it and another of serrano's photographs, showing a nun meditating.

Culture minister frederic mitterand denounced the incident as an 'attack on the freedom of creation.'

while 'recognizing that the (piss christ) artwork could shock certain audiences,' mitterand said 'any act of violence, destruction and intolerance is unacceptable.'

the attack is not the first involving the artwork. A copy of piss christ was vandalized at the national gallery of victoria in the australian city of melbourne in 1997, during a serrano retrospective.

The melbourne gallery later cancelled the show.

Eric mezil, the director of the lambert collection, said he would leave the shattered artworks hanging so that the public could 'appreciate the barbarity committed by extremists.'

posted in: radicals

last time i check france is not in the united states of america.

then tell lady gun licker president obama should not comment on or condemn the crucifix immersed in urine at the un also. He doesn't represent france.

ok obama should also shut the fuck up in this case also.
obama would denounce the country before the UN. Maybe he's going to take a strong stance against the Constitution.
So, what you are saying is that our constitution is binding beyond our borders? That other countries have to bow down to our Constitution or risk the wrath of the United States?

This isn't about appeasing Islam....this is about avoiding a conflict that we can't afford...either monetarily or in American lives. If you feel it's something worth killing and dying for....I suggest that you yourself and likeminded individuals pay your own way over there, take your weapons with you, and have at it.

If you include the "war on drugs" we have been at war with something my entire life...Personally? I'm sick of it.

Show me where I said anything remotely stupid as to what you claim I did??? I stated that this PRESIDENT himself made the big fucking pronouncement that ALL religions should be respected and not denegrated. That this President has decided to use the back-drop of the UN to once again apologize for FREEDOM OF SPEECH concering Islam and asked a perfectly reasonable question. Will he also make an apology to Americans and condemn the Museum which plans to exhibit a crucifix in urine?? Has nothing to do with other countries you fucking dolt. I don't give a rats ass what muslims or anyone else doesn't like in regard to our freedoms. Fuck them and fuck you.

No...you want him to stick up for the film maker and denounce things like "piss Christ"

It DOES have to do with other countries. If that film were isolated to America, you'd have a point..... but it didn't.....it made it's way into the most politically unstable part of the world and it caused and is still causing international incidents. So....I ask you again....Is this something you want to go to war for?

Finally, you hit the nail on the head with your last sentence(not the fuck them and fuck you). You don't give a rat's ass about much of anything beyond yourself.

You love trying to assign some bullshit you think in your warped mind to others.. that crap doesn't work for me..Perhaps in weak knee'd libs, yes. This President has NO BUSINESS apologizing for free speech AT ALL.. Not on ANY type of speech issue to include religion. But you knew my point already.. You're the typical propagandist that has to create a strawman to cover for your messiah who apologizes to terrorists that slaughter americans, for our Constitution right to free speech.

The point: Obama represents MUSLIMS in his attack on free speech and remains silent on Christianity. You either stand up for all religions, or not. A leopard can't change his spots.
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But Obama can't exercise his right to free speech? So should the President of the United States stand before the world and praise the incendiary film that is not filled with truth, just hate filled propaganda?

He shouldn't make any remarks condemning someone exercising free speech.

Obama is shamefully representing this country especially in front of the UN.

Really? So President Obama is not to be afforded freedom of speech, because you don't like what he has to say.

He can say what he wants but we have the right not to like it.
Maybe you guys should realize that the United States Constitution holds no water away from the United States.

Maybe you liberals should realize that Obama is the President of the United States..Not Iran, not Syria..

Maybe you should realize the film was made in this country and it's speech is protected.
Maybe you guys should realize that the United States Constitution holds no water away from the United States.

We agree on something

What does that have to do with an American President apologizing and using the UN as his back-drop after already slobbering all over himself for two straights weeks, in regard to a film made here in the US?

obama should not be apologizing for what citizens of another nation do.. If he's doing that he's being a political hack.
Holy Hell people the riot that killed our people was NOT over the stinking movie or video, quit arguing as if it was. This is just another great bit of propaganda. The administration failed to protect our people from a known threat THAT is despicable. I actually think more of Muslims then to believe that this little known film or video would incite murder. Understandable protest maybe, murder with RPGs, no.

It is apparent to me that as with blacks and the poor the liberal left just doesn't think much of Muslims. Or think they are capable of acting like civilized human beings, I believe otherwise.

What exactly is Obama apologizing for? A poorly made little known film? An intolerant America? Or the actions of an organized attack on America?
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Show me where I said anything remotely stupid as to what you claim I did??? I stated that this PRESIDENT himself made the big fucking pronouncement that ALL religions should be respected and not denegrated. That this President has decided to use the back-drop of the UN to once again apologize for FREEDOM OF SPEECH concering Islam and asked a perfectly reasonable question. Will he also make an apology to Americans and condemn the Museum which plans to exhibit a crucifix in urine?? Has nothing to do with other countries you fucking dolt. I don't give a rats ass what muslims or anyone else doesn't like in regard to our freedoms. Fuck them and fuck you.

No...you want him to stick up for the film maker and denounce things like "piss Christ"

It DOES have to do with other countries. If that film were isolated to America, you'd have a point..... but it didn't.....it made it's way into the most politically unstable part of the world and it caused and is still causing international incidents. So....I ask you again....Is this something you want to go to war for?

Finally, you hit the nail on the head with your last sentence(not the fuck them and fuck you). You don't give a rat's ass about much of anything beyond yourself.

You love trying to assign some bullshit you think in your warped mind to others.. that crap doesn't work for me..Perhaps in weak knee'd libs, yes. This President has NO BUSINESS apologizing for free speech AT ALL.. Not on ANY type of speech issue to include religion. But you knew my point already.. You're the typical propagandist that has to create a strawman to cover for your messiah who apologizes to terrorists that slaughter americans, for our Constitution right to free speech.

Blah, blah, blah...you keep regurgitating right wing talking points...no substance, no independent thought...just bullshit. Our Constitution is nothing more than a piece of paper to 196 other countries across the globe and you think because we are the most powerful nation on the planet that those other countries should recognize it as international law.

We do have the right to free speech....inside our borders. When our NATIONAL right to free speech causes INTERNATIONAL incidents, then we need to calm things down and create a diplomatic solution....that is.... unless you are willing to go to war for this idiot.....and I ask for the THIRD time.....are you?
No...you want him to stick up for the film maker and denounce things like "piss Christ"

It DOES have to do with other countries. If that film were isolated to America, you'd have a point..... but it didn't.....it made it's way into the most politically unstable part of the world and it caused and is still causing international incidents. So....I ask you again....Is this something you want to go to war for?

Finally, you hit the nail on the head with your last sentence(not the fuck them and fuck you). You don't give a rat's ass about much of anything beyond yourself.

You love trying to assign some bullshit you think in your warped mind to others.. that crap doesn't work for me..Perhaps in weak knee'd libs, yes. This President has NO BUSINESS apologizing for free speech AT ALL.. Not on ANY type of speech issue to include religion. But you knew my point already.. You're the typical propagandist that has to create a strawman to cover for your messiah who apologizes to terrorists that slaughter americans, for our Constitution right to free speech.

Blah, blah, blah...you keep regurgitating right wing talking points...no substance, no independent thought...just bullshit. Our Constitution is nothing more than a piece of paper to 196 other countries across the globe and you think because we are the most powerful nation on the planet that those other countries should recognize it as international law.

We do have the right to free speech....inside our borders. When our NATIONAL right to free speech causes INTERNATIONAL incidents, then we need to calm things down and create a diplomatic solution
....that is.... unless you are willing to go to war for this idiot.....and I ask for the THIRD time.....are you?

roflmao THERE IT IS^^^^^ Blaming America and free speech for VIOLENT assholes who slaughter people over words.. So WE need to apologize. You're a fucking idiot.
A nation's leader appearing before an international body doesn't have free speech. He is doing the nation's business, as a representative of that nation's people. If he has a personal opinion in disagreement with the people who elected him, voicing that disagreement before others is not the place to do it. obama isn't on his own time but OUR time. obama is a lawyer. He should know that when he appears before a tribunal his right to say "In my opinion my client is guilty" doesn't exist. If that's the way he feels, he should be fired, immediately, and someone hired who understands the obligations of the job.

obama's oath of office is not to defend or condemn this film. His oath is to protect and defend the Constitution that underlies the absolute right of the filmmaker to say whatever he likes. Even if, personally and privately, obama would like to pass his own law making criminal any provision in the Constitution.

obama is going to use his address before the general assembly as a campaign speech. He will yet again apologize for this crass and uncouth country and its ignorant and equally crass and uncouth people.
Holy Hell people the riot that killed our people was NOT over the stinking movie or video, quit arguing as if it was. This is just another great bit of propaganda. The administration failed to protect our people from a known threat THAT is despicable. I actually think more of Muslims then to believe that this little known film or video would incite murder. understandable protest maybe, murder no.

It is apparent to me that as with blacks and poor the liberal left just doesn't think much of Muslims. Or think they are capable of acting like civilized human beings, I believe otherwise.

What exactly is Obama apologizing for? A poorly little known film? An intolerant America? Or the actions of an organized attack on America?

I'm not....However....the subsequent rioting is because of the film. I think it's been well established now that the embassy attack was a planned one. I happen to think that the attackers used the film as a diversion to take the heat off of them.
You love trying to assign some bullshit you think in your warped mind to others.. that crap doesn't work for me..Perhaps in weak knee'd libs, yes. This President has NO BUSINESS apologizing for free speech AT ALL.. Not on ANY type of speech issue to include religion. But you knew my point already.. You're the typical propagandist that has to create a strawman to cover for your messiah who apologizes to terrorists that slaughter americans, for our Constitution right to free speech.

Blah, blah, blah...you keep regurgitating right wing talking points...no substance, no independent thought...just bullshit. Our Constitution is nothing more than a piece of paper to 196 other countries across the globe and you think because we are the most powerful nation on the planet that those other countries should recognize it as international law.

We do have the right to free speech....inside our borders. When our NATIONAL right to free speech causes INTERNATIONAL incidents, then we need to calm things down and create a diplomatic solution
....that is.... unless you are willing to go to war for this idiot.....and I ask for the THIRD time.....are you?

roflmao THERE IT IS^^^^^ Blaming America and free speech for VIOLENT assholes who slaughter people over words.. So WE need to apologize. You're a fucking idiot.

no...you're a fucking idiot. You think I was talking about the embassy attacks.
Blah, blah, blah...you keep regurgitating right wing talking points...no substance, no independent thought...just bullshit. Our Constitution is nothing more than a piece of paper to 196 other countries across the globe and you think because we are the most powerful nation on the planet that those other countries should recognize it as international law.

We do have the right to free speech....inside our borders. When our NATIONAL right to free speech causes INTERNATIONAL incidents, then we need to calm things down and create a diplomatic solution
....that is.... unless you are willing to go to war for this idiot.....and I ask for the THIRD time.....are you?

roflmao THERE IT IS^^^^^ Blaming America and free speech for VIOLENT assholes who slaughter people over words.. So WE need to apologize. You're a fucking idiot.

no...you're a fucking idiot. You think I was talking about the embassy attacks.

:eusa_boohoo: Leftist whining. It's all there for everyone to see. BLAME AMERICA FIRST.

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