obama to condemn Christian film maker before UN

It helps to remind oneself, during conversations like this,

that 1) there is broad based hostility on the Right towards Islam in the first place, 2) the Right generally believes there's no such thing as a hate crime or hate speech, and 3) that anything Obama does has to be somehow denigrated, no matter how big the stretch.

It helps to remind everyone during conversations like this that;

  • There is broad based hostility on the left to everyone who disagrees with them. ?This hatred is so extensive that they are willing to ally themselves with people that would kill them in order to counter people who simply point out their mistakes.
  • Legally, there is no such thing as hate speech, and speaking is not a hate crime.
  • That anything Obama does has to be supported in order for people on the left not to be considered racists. This includes ignoring the fact that the protestors on the ground have repeatedly said in interviews that they are protesting the way the US uses drones indiscriminately, even when civilians are killed.

It's telling that you don't deny the broad based hostility towards Islam on the Right.

Remember the so-called ground zero mosque 'controversy'?

Conservatives, including conservative politicians, viciously attacked the people associated with mosque despite the indisputable Constitutional right those people were exercising.

Why did so many who are now throwing a fit that anyone would so much as criticize this filmmaker find it perfectly acceptable to excoriate the Muslims associated with that 'ground zero' mosque?

When did the standard flip flop, and why?
The guy who made that film is not a Christian. Christians aren't supposed to be hateful. This man may CLAIM to be a Christian.....but, he's following Satan....not Christ.

then NO democrat should ever call himself a christian.

Give me a break.

It's the fake republican, right on queue. :clap2: Amazing how you always take the leftist side of things and you've been a republican all of your life. You must have several personalities.. Which one is this?
But Obama can't exercise his right to free speech? So should the President of the United States stand before the world and praise the incendiary film that is not filled with truth, just hate filled propaganda?

He shouldn't make any remarks condemning someone exercising free speech.

Obama is shamefully representing this country especially in front of the UN.

Really? So President Obama is not to be afforded freedom of speech, because you don't like what he has to say.

Certainly not when he's on the job! His right to condemn provisions of the Constitution that enabled this film to be made ended when he took his oath of office.
It helps to remind oneself, during conversations like this,

that 1) there is broad based hostility on the Right towards Islam in the first place, 2) the Right generally believes there's no such thing as a hate crime or hate speech, and 3) that anything Obama does has to be somehow denigrated, no matter how big the stretch.

It helps to remind everyone during conversations like this that;

  • There is broad based hostility on the left to everyone who disagrees with them. ?This hatred is so extensive that they are willing to ally themselves with people that would kill them in order to counter people who simply point out their mistakes.
  • Legally, there is no such thing as hate speech, and speaking is not a hate crime.
  • That anything Obama does has to be supported in order for people on the left not to be considered racists. This includes ignoring the fact that the protestors on the ground have repeatedly said in interviews that they are protesting the way the US uses drones indiscriminately, even when civilians are killed.

It's telling that you don't deny the broad based hostility towards Islam on the Right.

Remember the so-called ground zero mosque 'controversy'?

Conservatives, including conservative politicians, viciously attacked the people associated with mosque despite the indisputable Constitutional right those people were exercising.

Why did so many who are now throwing a fit that anyone would so much as criticize this filmmaker find it perfectly acceptable to excoriate the Muslims associated with that 'ground zero' mosque?

When did the standard flip flop, and why?

Because the right to speak out includes the right to speak out against and no one was killed in any protest against the mosque.
then NO democrat should ever call himself a christian.

Give me a break.

It's the fake republican, right on queue. :clap2: Amazing how you always take the leftist side of things and you've been a republican all of your life. You must have several personalities.. Which one is this?

I find it amazing you can agree with such a broad brushed statement like Willow posted.

But then again...you are one of her ilk and can't think outside of the tiny box you placed yourself in.
Give me a break.

It's the fake republican, right on queue. :clap2: Amazing how you always take the leftist side of things and you've been a republican all of your life. You must have several personalities.. Which one is this?

I find it amazing you can agree with such a broad brushed statement like Willow posted.

But then again...you are one of her ilk and can't think outside of the tiny box you placed yourself in.

Don't hurt yourself thinking..:eusa_shifty:
Personally, I would like to see obama go before the UN and condemn the First Amendment. He personally agrees with the UN on gun control. I'd like to see him condemn that too. Chances are, since this speech is nothing but another campaign speech he will tippy toe around, apologizing and telling the world it's not his fault, but won't go further than that. He's trolling for votes.
He's going to condem a stupid hateful film that inflamed and insulted a billion people?

Good for him.

You boys wanting to throw flames on this fire are damned fools.

Grow up boys. He's representing out nation, not a biker club filled with hateful nitwits.

No grownups are impressed by your braggadocio.

obama does not represent me, he needs to shut the fuck up until after he loses in Nov.

So you're condemning the content of the president's exercise of his free speech rights?

I thought this entire discussion is about the impropriety of condemning the content of someone's free speech?

I thought that was your point.

To paraphrase Clinton, it takes a lot of brass to attack someone for doing exactly what you yourself do.
When obama is on the job, representing the American people he doesn't have free speech rights. While he cannot be criminally prosecuted, he can be fired and he should be. The same as any salesman who goes out on a sales call and tells the prospect that the company he works for is crap and it's products are crap and it's company philosophy is crap.

The same people who find some make up freedom of speech for obama, will find the army private having no free speech rights if he says that the presidebt is full of shit and has policies designed to get the troops killed.
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Maybe you guys should realize that the United States Constitution holds no water away from the United States.

Maybe you liberals should realize that Obama is the President of the United States..Not Iran, not Syria..

Maybe you should realize the film was made in this country and it's speech is protected.

Protecting someone's speech does not mean you have to endorse what they say. Does the right wing brain have the capacity to hold two coexisting views?

Here is you task for the day...look up the definition of these two words and see if they are synonyms.


When obama is on the job, representing the American people he doesn't have free speech rights. While he cannot be criminally prosecuted, he can be fired and he should be. The same as any salesman who goes out on a sales call and tells the prospect that the company he works for is crap and it's products are crap and it's company philosophy is crap.

Don't waste your breath.. besides, Americans are pissed about this issue according to polls which show an overwhelming distrust of this President in national security.. Let him go to the UN and apologize for America again to the enemy who slaughtered innocent people.. It will make a great campaign ad :)
Maybe you guys should realize that the United States Constitution holds no water away from the United States.

Maybe you liberals should realize that Obama is the President of the United States..Not Iran, not Syria..

Maybe you should realize the film was made in this country and it's speech is protected.

Protecting someone's speech does not mean you have to endorse what they say. Does the right wing brain have the capacity to hold two coexisting views?

Here is you task for the day...look up the definition of these two words and see if they are synonyms.



Here's a clue for you braindead Zombie.. I don't need an American President to apologize for me or any other American who did absolutely NOTHING and were attacked, slaughtered.. I don't need an American President who lied for nearly 3 weeks trying to cover his own sorry ass because he and his Administration dropped the fucking ball and are DIRECTLY responsible for the deaths of Americans.. Most of us see through this BULLSHIT smoke screen.. This idiot thinks he can still run with , "the film made them do it," propaganda. You liberals think Americans are stupid. November is on the way.. Enjoy it while you still can..
It helps to remind everyone during conversations like this that;

  • There is broad based hostility on the left to everyone who disagrees with them. ?This hatred is so extensive that they are willing to ally themselves with people that would kill them in order to counter people who simply point out their mistakes.
  • Legally, there is no such thing as hate speech, and speaking is not a hate crime.
  • That anything Obama does has to be supported in order for people on the left not to be considered racists. This includes ignoring the fact that the protestors on the ground have repeatedly said in interviews that they are protesting the way the US uses drones indiscriminately, even when civilians are killed.

It's telling that you don't deny the broad based hostility towards Islam on the Right.

Remember the so-called ground zero mosque 'controversy'?

Conservatives, including conservative politicians, viciously attacked the people associated with mosque despite the indisputable Constitutional right those people were exercising.

Why did so many who are now throwing a fit that anyone would so much as criticize this filmmaker find it perfectly acceptable to excoriate the Muslims associated with that 'ground zero' mosque?

When did the standard flip flop, and why?

Because the right to speak out includes the right to speak out against and no one was killed in any protest against the mosque.

So the President criticizing the film is no different than someone criticizing the mosque builders??

Remember what one of the key elements was in the outrage over the 'ground zero' mosque??

It was that the Muslims building it were inconsiderate of the feelings of the families of the 9/11 victims...

...that Muslims building the mosque should be willing to forego their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT out of consideration for those hurt feelings.

Hmmmm....the analogy is??? Anyone???
Yet...you support killing unborn babies, you support a secular socialist, you were against stopping Saddam and terrorists in Iraq.

Pretty much you're a lying sack of crap. Christian....not, you're going to hell with Obamination, Reid, Pelosi, UBL, Biden, Maher, etc.:eusa_whistle:

The guy who made that film is not a Christian. Christians aren't supposed to be hateful. This man may CLAIM to be a Christian.....but, he's following Satan....not Christ.

then NO democrat should ever call himself a christian.

So says one of the most hateful posters on the USMB. Sorry dear, I am a Christian and a Democrat. I do my best to love all people....to try to understand instead of condemn. Do I always succeed? No....I fall short quite often. Mostly right here on this message board. This medium of communication has an astounding ability to anger and inflame even the most respectful people. But make no mistake, I consider you all my brothers and sisters, and even though I may disagree, and even get angry with you....I don't hate any of you.
Remember what one of the key elements was in the outrage over the 'ground zero' mosque??

It was that the Muslims building it were inconsiderate of the feelings of the families of the 9/11 victims...

...that Muslims building the mosque should be willing to forego their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT out of consideration for those hurt feelings.

Hmmmm....the analogy is??? Anyone???

YES! The killing and burning over the building of the ground zero affront to America was tragic. But of course that is just sarcaism because as we all know the death of the Americans had nothing to do with the protest over a freakin' movie. I think more of Muslims then to think they are that immature.
They didn't? Can you point out one example of any president going before the UN and condemning the speech of a US citizen in the last 237 years?

I think you need to learn what condemn means. We've been over this already, your wrong, let it go.

I think you need to read the OP where it says Obama is planning a speech going before the UN and condemning a video which is protected speech under US jurisprudence. After that you should go back and reread my question that challenged you to name a single example of any president condemning the speech of a US citizen in front of the UN in the last 237 years. After you do that you can explain why, since I am using the word condemn properly, I need to learn what it means.

Alternatively, you could take the simple way out and pretend this never happened.

Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?
Yet...you support killing unborn babies, you support a secular socialist, you were against stopping Saddam and terrorists in Iraq.

Pretty much you're a lying sack of crap. Christian....not, you're going to hell with Obamination, Reid, Pelosi, UBL, Biden, Maher, etc.:eusa_whistle:

then NO democrat should ever call himself a christian.

So says one of the most hateful posters on the USMB. Sorry dear, I am a Christian and a Democrat. I do my best to love all people....to try to understand instead of condemn. Do I always succeed? No....I fall short quite often. Mostly right here on this message board. This medium of communication has an astounding ability to anger and inflame even the most respectful people. But make no mistake, I consider you all my brothers and sisters, and even though I may disagree, and even get angry with you....I don't hate any of you.

Ahhhh... the old "guilt by association" ruse. So....by that same token, I must be queer because I support Gay Rights, I must be drug addict because I support legalization of Pot, I must be a Communist because I support labor rights.

Here's some news for you chum, I despise abortion. I think it's a sin. I don't agree with homosexuality...I also think that it is a sin. Same with drugs and alcohol....they are sins....but since when is this country about legislating sin?

You see, God gave us something that, or so it seems, that people like you are trying to take away. That something is free will. These things that you want to ban are personal choices, and as destructive as they may be, are just that....personal.

I said it last night in this very thread....go back and look. If my 19 year old daughter were to become pregnant and was considering aborting the pregnancy, I would do everything in my power to avoid that black mark on her soul. I would offer to raise that child until she finishes college and would be capable of raising it on her own...I would beg, plead and pray for her to make the right choice. And if she made the decision despite my efforts? I would pray for her forgiveness to God.

You and some other people on this board have a problem understanding the difference between being against legislation and condoning.
I think you need to learn what condemn means. We've been over this already, your wrong, let it go.

I think you need to read the OP where it says Obama is planning a speech going before the UN and condemning a video which is protected speech under US jurisprudence. After that you should go back and reread my question that challenged you to name a single example of any president condemning the speech of a US citizen in front of the UN in the last 237 years. After you do that you can explain why, since I am using the word condemn properly, I need to learn what it means.

Alternatively, you could take the simple way out and pretend this never happened.

Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

You're still going to burn in hell for being a liberal.

"Oh, I didn't personally support abortion but I kept voting politicians that promoted it."

Liberals are the anti-thesis of being a Christian.

When you vote for Obamination, you are doing an evil act.

Yet...you support killing unborn babies, you support a secular socialist, you were against stopping Saddam and terrorists in Iraq.

Pretty much you're a lying sack of crap. Christian....not, you're going to hell with Obamination, Reid, Pelosi, UBL, Biden, Maher, etc.:eusa_whistle:

So says one of the most hateful posters on the USMB. Sorry dear, I am a Christian and a Democrat. I do my best to love all people....to try to understand instead of condemn. Do I always succeed? No....I fall short quite often. Mostly right here on this message board. This medium of communication has an astounding ability to anger and inflame even the most respectful people. But make no mistake, I consider you all my brothers and sisters, and even though I may disagree, and even get angry with you....I don't hate any of you.

Ahhhh... the old "guilt by association" ruse. So....by that same token, I must be queer because I support Gay Rights, I must be drug addict because I support legalization of Pot, I must be a Communist because I support labor rights.

Here's some news for you chum, I despise abortion. I think it's a sin. I don't agree with homosexuality...I also think that it is a sin. Same with drugs and alcohol....they are sins....but since when is this country about legislating sin?

You see, God gave us something that, or so it seems, that people like you are trying to take away. That something is free will. These things that you want to ban are personal choices, and as destructive as they may be, are just that....personal.

I said it last night in this very thread....go back and look. If my 19 year old daughter were to become pregnant and was considering aborting the pregnancy, I would do everything in my power to avoid that black mark on her soul. I would offer to raise that child until she finishes college and would be capable of raising it on her own...I would beg, plead and pray for her to make the right choice. And if she made the decision despite my efforts? I would pray for her forgiveness to God.

You and some other people on this board have a problem understanding the difference between being against legislation and condoning.

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