obama to condemn Christian film maker before UN

they forget that there's also freedom to treat vile people like the scum they are.

Actually we don't. You, however, seem to forget that Obama is president, which actually places constraints on how he reacts to things.

So now that you admit you're talking about Obama,

what is the law that Obama is breaking, and who is the authority who is charged with enforcing that law?

Actually, I was responding to someone else that was misrepresenting what Obama is doing. The issue is still the same, the government cannot take sides in debates about the content of speech.

By the way, did you ever get back to me about imposing restrictions on abortion?
I think you need to read the OP where it says Obama is planning a speech going before the UN and condemning a video which is protected speech under US jurisprudence. After that you should go back and reread my question that challenged you to name a single example of any president condemning the speech of a US citizen in front of the UN in the last 237 years. After you do that you can explain why, since I am using the word condemn properly, I need to learn what it means.

Alternatively, you could take the simple way out and pretend this never happened.

Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

Not yet,

The rest is retarded opinion...this is all that matters...
(smile) How fitting dick breath, I have been a Raider fan longer than you have been alive.

how old are you?

Hey...we had your asses nailed to the wall...turnovers and penalties fucked us....Good game though....Contests.

The Steelers played like shit.. When number 96 screwed up and the Raiders scored off of that penalty, tieing the game.. it was all over.

Riiight. They dominated the game. Brown's fumble and 10 penalties against the Steelers left the Raiders hang around. The main criticism I have with the Steelers is the running game on Offense, and their Run Defense.
The filmmaker doesn't have an absolute right. There are no absolute rights in the Constitution.

None? Does that mean you support reasonable limits on abortion, like a three day waiting period, special licenses for providers, and background checks? Or does it actually mean that I once again proved that you really shouldn't post on message boards because you aren't smart enough not to trap yourself in stupidity?

I didn't say anything about what I support or don't support. I simply stated the irrefutable fact that there are no absolute rights in the Constitution.

Since you dispute that, name them.

Do you support or oppose restricting abortions using the exact same rules we use for restricting gun ownership?
I think you need to read the OP where it says Obama is planning a speech going before the UN and condemning a video which is protected speech under US jurisprudence. After that you should go back and reread my question that challenged you to name a single example of any president condemning the speech of a US citizen in front of the UN in the last 237 years. After you do that you can explain why, since I am using the word condemn properly, I need to learn what it means.

Alternatively, you could take the simple way out and pretend this never happened.

Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

Excuse me Plasmaboil? Can you point out where I said anyone's rights were violated? Because, if I did say that, I don't remember it, and if I didn't, you are a complete fucking idiot that doesn't deserve any more respect than the idiots that blamed the murders in Libya on a video.

Stupid inbred sack of meat, go have a shit throwing contest with a monkey.

so you can't answer the direct question i see. Need to flail around like a child.
Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

grow a set and answer it. You claim its a freedom of speech problem, so answer the two questions.
Who's dictating anything to you?

The ones, like you, that insist I have to worry about a bunch of backward idiots on the other side of the world.

Really? how am I doing that? By telling the truth, that the film doesn't represent our country's feeling on the religion?

Seems to me that those of you who want the country to rally behind this idiot wants a Holy War....if you want that to happen, hop on a plane and go get 'em. I refuse to support that agenda with my tax dollars.

As I pointed out, if it didn't represent our feelings on religion there would not be a parody called The Book of Mormon playing on Broadway. Since there is incontrovertible evidence that there is a hot Broadway play that mocks everything Mormons believe, you are obviously either misinformed, or lying.

First of all, why can't people speak out if they find such things offensive?

Apparently because they feel like our rules are not just for us...they're for everyone, and if they don't like it.....we will use every means necessary to make them submit.

I see the problem, you are batshit crazy. Muslims demand we not insult them we stand by the rights of every person in the universe to say whatever they want, they demand we pass laws that make offending them illegal, and we are trying to impose our views on them.

Fuck off.

Hey...I never said that they don't have any responsibilities in this. Once again....for the umpteenth time...are you willing to go to war for this asshole? Because make no mistake...if shit doesn't get settled down, things will get worse and we will end up in the sand pit...again.....or should I say the Money Pit?
Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

Excuse me Plasmaboil? Can you point out where I said anyone's rights were violated? Because, if I did say that, I don't remember it, and if I didn't, you are a complete fucking idiot that doesn't deserve any more respect than the idiots that blamed the murders in Libya on a video.

Stupid inbred sack of meat, go have a shit throwing contest with a monkey.

so you can't answer the direct question i see. Need to flail around like a child.
Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

grow a set and answer it. You claim its a freedom of speech problem, so answer the two questions.

I am not avoiding anything, I am refusing to let you change the subject. Obama is wrong to use his position as president to chose sides in a discussion about religion.
The ones, like you, that insist I have to worry about a bunch of backward idiots on the other side of the world.

Really? how am I doing that? By telling the truth, that the film doesn't represent our country's feeling on the religion?

Seems to me that those of you who want the country to rally behind this idiot wants a Holy War....if you want that to happen, hop on a plane and go get 'em. I refuse to support that agenda with my tax dollars.

As I pointed out, if it didn't represent our feelings on religion there would not be a parody called The Book of Mormon playing on Broadway. Since there is incontrovertible evidence that there is a hot Broadway play that mocks everything Mormons believe, you are obviously either misinformed, or lying.

on THE religion...meaning....meaning the religion in question on this topic....meaning Islam. So what you are saying is that because the film was made, it represents our views? If so, you want Obama to go to the UN and embrace the film? Is that what you're saying?
Apparently because they feel like our rules are not just for us...they're for everyone, and if they don't like it.....we will use every means necessary to make them submit.

I see the problem, you are batshit crazy. Muslims demand we not insult them we stand by the rights of every person in the universe to say whatever they want, they demand we pass laws that make offending them illegal, and we are trying to impose our views on them.

Fuck off.

Hey...I never said that they don't have any responsibilities in this. Once again....for the umpteenth time...are you willing to go to war for this asshole? Because make no mistake...if shit doesn't get settled down, things will get worse and we will end up in the sand pit...again.....or should I say the Money Pit?

I already answered that question, idiot.
The ones, like you, that insist I have to worry about a bunch of backward idiots on the other side of the world.

Really? how am I doing that? By telling the truth, that the film doesn't represent our country's feeling on the religion?

Seems to me that those of you who want the country to rally behind this idiot wants a Holy War....if you want that to happen, hop on a plane and go get 'em. I refuse to support that agenda with my tax dollars.

You just don't fucking get it, do you?? IT'S not about supporting that dumbass filmmaker.. IT'S ABOUT FREEDOM OF SPEECH, you damn idiot. He has a protected right to free speech and NO PRESIDENT should ever encroach upon that. Especially one that claims to be some kind of a Constitutional scholar..

zero has selective constitutional views. If he don't like you he'll go as far as chasing you down with his AG. If you're a terrorist, of moslem faith for some reason you get a pass. I mean the guy had to be talked into 3 times to get bin laden
Calling him the kenyan moslem seams a bit dishonest but he sure plays to the narrative.
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Excuse me Plasmaboil? Can you point out where I said anyone's rights were violated? Because, if I did say that, I don't remember it, and if I didn't, you are a complete fucking idiot that doesn't deserve any more respect than the idiots that blamed the murders in Libya on a video.

Stupid inbred sack of meat, go have a shit throwing contest with a monkey.

so you can't answer the direct question i see. Need to flail around like a child.
Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

grow a set and answer it. You claim its a freedom of speech problem, so answer the two questions.

I am not avoiding anything, I am refusing to let you change the subject. Obama is wrong to use his position as president to chose sides in a discussion about religion.

:clap2: Absofuckinglutely.. and from here on out, I'm going to remind these dumbass liberals every single time religion comes up and they scream SEPARATION OF CHURCH and STATE that they fucked themselves royally to ever cling to that again.
Excuse me Plasmaboil? Can you point out where I said anyone's rights were violated? Because, if I did say that, I don't remember it, and if I didn't, you are a complete fucking idiot that doesn't deserve any more respect than the idiots that blamed the murders in Libya on a video.

Stupid inbred sack of meat, go have a shit throwing contest with a monkey.

so you can't answer the direct question i see. Need to flail around like a child.
Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

grow a set and answer it. You claim its a freedom of speech problem, so answer the two questions.

I am not avoiding anything, I am refusing to let you change the subject. Obama is wrong to use his position as president to chose sides in a discussion about religion.

Well, I think it's wrong for him to let this thing fester and get to the point that we have to do something militarily to quell it....Diplomacy, IMO is the correct call.

If you disagree, then you're awful liberal with our tax dollars, and more importantly, American. lives.
WTF is with you people? The riots that killed our people were NOT over the stinking movie or video. So what is the hell is Obama's purpose???? The only thing I can think is he is selling out America yet again. If you want to make the claim that this whole thing was over a movie then you disagree with the Libyan and Obama administration. Now that is not when they were trying to cya.

I don't believe it was over the movie I am getting pretty tired of the liberal left denouncing Muslims as radicals that fly off the handle at a moments notice. I wonder if Muslims realize what liberals really think about them? Of course it is what liberals think of all people. Blacks need their masterful help because blacks just can't cut it on their own. The poor need the liberal gentle hand because the poor are just too lazy to work. It is simply amazing how poorly the liberal think of people other then their high and mighty selves.
Really? how am I doing that? By telling the truth, that the film doesn't represent our country's feeling on the religion?

Seems to me that those of you who want the country to rally behind this idiot wants a Holy War....if you want that to happen, hop on a plane and go get 'em. I refuse to support that agenda with my tax dollars.

As I pointed out, if it didn't represent our feelings on religion there would not be a parody called The Book of Mormon playing on Broadway. Since there is incontrovertible evidence that there is a hot Broadway play that mocks everything Mormons believe, you are obviously either misinformed, or lying.

on THE religion...meaning....meaning the religion in question on this topic....meaning Islam. So what you are saying is that because the film was made, it represents our views? If so, you want Obama to go to the UN and embrace the film? Is that what you're saying?

Did they take out your brain when they put that steel plate in?

Obama has said that our country has never supported the right of anyone to denigrate the religious views of others. Tell me something, do you believe that crap? Can you show me any evidence from history that supports that? How do you explain all the films, books, songs, plays, and all the other works that mock other people's religious views if our country doesn't believe in the right to do that? Were both Carter and Reagan wrong to speak out in defense of Salmon Rushdie's right to write Satanic Verses?
so you can't answer the direct question i see. Need to flail around like a child.
Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

grow a set and answer it. You claim its a freedom of speech problem, so answer the two questions.

I am not avoiding anything, I am refusing to let you change the subject. Obama is wrong to use his position as president to chose sides in a discussion about religion.

Well, I think it's wrong for him to let this thing fester and get to the point that we have to do something militarily to quell it....Diplomacy, IMO is the correct call.

If you disagree, then you're awful liberal with our tax dollars, and more importantly, American. lives.

I have said we should pull our troops out of Afghanistan, Obama is the one keeping them there. Any consequences of that decision is on his head, not mine.
No, he's to say that "we reject the views in this video", he's not condemning the right of the bloke to make it, or express his views - but they don't reflect US policy.

Isn't that great?
Free speech is protected and and the right to it is reinforced by the President.

Excuse me for spelling it out in detail for you, but I thought it best.

Want to read what I said again? Why don't you answer the actual question instead of using a strawman to avoid the issue?[/QUOTE]

That's the number one tactic of a losing liberal.

The whole premise of this thread is a strawman.
I am not avoiding anything, I am refusing to let you change the subject. Obama is wrong to use his position as president to chose sides in a discussion about religion.

Well, I think it's wrong for him to let this thing fester and get to the point that we have to do something militarily to quell it....Diplomacy, IMO is the correct call.

If you disagree, then you're awful liberal with our tax dollars, and more importantly, American. lives.

I have said we should pull our troops out of Afghanistan, Obama is the one keeping them there. Any consequences of that decision is on his head, not mine.

What does that have to with this? Nothing.... there's a timetable for our exit....personally? I'm with you...get the hell out of there...but that's irrelevant to the post you are responding to.

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