obama to condemn Christian film maker before UN

Strangely enough, the White House says he is going to condemn the video because the US does not condone that type of speech. I can understand your confusion, you want things spelled out in detail.

That said, why is the President of the United States taking a position on the content of a video? Do you really think he should be doing that?

No, he's to say that "we reject the views in this video", he's not condemning the right of the bloke to make it, or express his views - but they don't reflect US policy.

Isn't that great?
Free speech is protected and and the right to it is reinforced by the President.

Excuse me for spelling it out in detail for you, but I thought it best.

Want to read what I said again? Why don't you answer the actual question instead of using a strawman to avoid the issue?

You set up your question with a false premise, so it can't be answered.

Try a proper question and I might have a go.
As I pointed out, if it didn't represent our feelings on religion there would not be a parody called The Book of Mormon playing on Broadway. Since there is incontrovertible evidence that there is a hot Broadway play that mocks everything Mormons believe, you are obviously either misinformed, or lying.

on THE religion...meaning....meaning the religion in question on this topic....meaning Islam. So what you are saying is that because the film was made, it represents our views? If so, you want Obama to go to the UN and embrace the film? Is that what you're saying?

Did they take out your brain when they put that steel plate in?

Obama has said that our country has never supported the right of anyone to denigrate the religious views of others. Tell me something, do you believe that crap? Can you show me any evidence from history that supports that? How do you explain all the films, books, songs, plays, and all the other works that mock other people's religious views if our country doesn't believe in the right to do that? Were both Carter and Reagan wrong to speak out in defense of Salmon Rushdie's right to write Satanic Verses?

Did he say that the guy shouldn't be allowed to make the film....did he forbid him to do it again?
Well, I think it's wrong for him to let this thing fester and get to the point that we have to do something militarily to quell it....Diplomacy, IMO is the correct call.

If you disagree, then you're awful liberal with our tax dollars, and more importantly, American. lives.

I have said we should pull our troops out of Afghanistan, Obama is the one keeping them there. Any consequences of that decision is on his head, not mine.

What does that have to with this? Nothing.... there's a timetable for our exit....personally? I'm with you...get the hell out of there...but that's irrelevant to the post you are responding to.

There is no timetable for our exit from Afghanistan anywhere outside the delusions of Obamazombies.

You challeneged me by implying I support military intervention in the Middle East. I pointed out that Obama is the one that has us in Afghanistan, he is also the one that is using drones to randomly kill people, which happens to be the actual reason behind the protests you are blaming on a video. I think that proves it has everything to do with this.
I have said we should pull our troops out of Afghanistan, Obama is the one keeping them there. Any consequences of that decision is on his head, not mine.

What does that have to with this? Nothing.... there's a timetable for our exit....personally? I'm with you...get the hell out of there...but that's irrelevant to the post you are responding to.

There is no timetable for our exit from Afghanistan anywhere outside the delusions of Obamazombies.

You challeneged me by implying I support military intervention in the Middle East. I pointed out that Obama is the one that has us in Afghanistan, he is also the one that is using drones to randomly kill people, which happens to be the actual reason behind the protests you are blaming on a video. I think that proves it has everything to do with this.

psst...I do believe the exit strategy is....shhhh...don't tell anyone....2014....I got that straight from the Obamazombie hotline.....so keep it under wraps...okay?
Excuse me Plasmaboil? Can you point out where I said anyone's rights were violated? Because, if I did say that, I don't remember it, and if I didn't, you are a complete fucking idiot that doesn't deserve any more respect than the idiots that blamed the murders in Libya on a video.

Stupid inbred sack of meat, go have a shit throwing contest with a monkey.

so you can't answer the direct question i see. Need to flail around like a child.
Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

grow a set and answer it. You claim its a freedom of speech problem, so answer the two questions.

I am not avoiding anything, I am refusing to let you change the subject. Obama is wrong to use his position as president to chose sides in a discussion about religion.

Im not changing jackshit you pussy. You claim its a freedom of speech issue. My questions revolve around your statement.

Stop flailing and answer them pussy.
so you can't answer the direct question i see. Need to flail around like a child.
Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

grow a set and answer it. You claim its a freedom of speech problem, so answer the two questions.

I am not avoiding anything, I am refusing to let you change the subject. Obama is wrong to use his position as president to chose sides in a discussion about religion.

Im not changing jackshit you pussy. You claim its a freedom of speech issue. My questions revolve around your statement.

Stop flailing and answer them pussy.

No, my claim is the government is wrong.
I am not avoiding anything, I am refusing to let you change the subject. Obama is wrong to use his position as president to chose sides in a discussion about religion.

Im not changing jackshit you pussy. You claim its a freedom of speech issue. My questions revolve around your statement.

Stop flailing and answer them pussy.

No, my claim is the government is wrong.

yeah i got that a long time ago. You still haven't answered the questions. but keep stalling, its totally helping.
I'd rather the Muslims keep rioting in the middle east than allow our government to touch our first amendment. Once their foot got into the door they would turn us into Europe. We would lose many of our rights covered under the bill of rights.
obama to condemn Christian film maker before UN
Here's a more accurate thread title:

obama to condemn Christian terrorist film maker before UN
Who did he terrorize?

Be very careful here....If words can be considered terrorism...I intend to hunt you down and put you in fucking jail.

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