obama to condemn Christian film maker before UN

Obama to Condemn Christian Filmmaker Before United Nations

Once again somehow someway it's America's fault. Always funny how it always turns out this way.

Christianity seem to be a major problem with America. This subhuman scum is a perfect example of Chiristianity. Most Christian are radical but most Muslims are not. He should be more than condemned but arrested and charges with inciting a riot that killed four americans. But our outdated Constitution protects this kind of of refuse and Rev Phelps,etc KKK and white supremacist. and other right wing village idiots. WE cannot let another white christian man in the white house and the white house needs a name change. America needs reforming.
The effect of condemning anything other than the terrorists themselves, any hint of understanding and sympathizing with their motivations will only guarantee more attacks in the future.
Obama to Condemn Christian Filmmaker Before United Nations

Once again somehow someway it's America's fault. Always funny how it always turns out this way.

Christianity seem to be a major problem with America. This subhuman scum is a perfect example of Chiristianity. Most Christian are radical but most Muslims are not. He should be more than condemned but arrested and charges with inciting a riot that killed four americans. But our outdated Constitution protects this kind of of refuse and Rev Phelps,etc KKK and white supremacist. and other right wing village idiots. WE cannot let another white christian man in the white house and the white house needs a name change. America needs reforming.

What a racist, bigoted c**t you are!! Negged!
It's odd that those attacking Obama for his condemnation of the film didn't show any displeasure when Romney did exactly the same thing.
It's odd that those attacking Obama for his condemnation of the film didn't show any displeasure when Romney did exactly the same thing.

Romney wasn't a sitting President and he didn't condemn the movie BEFORE he condemned the murderers. That is the issue, I mean duh...
The guy who made that film is not a Christian. Christians aren't supposed to be hateful. This man may CLAIM to be a Christian.....but, he's following Satan....not Christ.

I haven't seen the film so maybe you shed some light on this. What is so hateful about the film?

I haven't seen the film either. My understanding is that it "makes fun" of the perverted, demented asshole MOHAMMED that all the Muslims worship as some kind of infallible leader. He wrought a bunch of shit hundreds of years ago about how women should be totally owned by men and mutilated to prevent them from getting any joy out of sex. He wrought shit about how Muslims should own the fucking world and kill people that do not believe their fucked up Koran word for word.

It does not matter whether the video was produced by a Christian or not. Somebody disrespected their precious MOHAMMED and now people must die!

Islam is the most fucked up religion existing today. MOHAMMED was not a prophet...he was the Charles Manson of the day and his fucked up philosophy has been passed down for hundreds of years because Muslims constitute a totally fucked up society, brainwashing their initially innocent children into believing all the hateful shit that MOHAMMED had to cling to into order to maintain his following.
It's odd that those attacking Obama for his condemnation of the film didn't show any displeasure when Romney did exactly the same thing.

Romney wasn't a sitting President and he didn't condemn the movie BEFORE he condemned the murderers. That is the issue, I mean duh...
Neither one of them should have condemned the film. The film was an expression of free speech.

Now Obama is apologizing again....as if that will create some understanding and leniency within the Muslim world and they will calm down and stop killing us.

Obama is a fucking idiot if he thinks anything he does or says has any effect whatsoever on the Muslim determination to kill us all.
The extremist Christian nazi propagandist deserves to be condemned. Anyone who does not condemn a coward who hid and tried to get innocent people killed is a fellow traveler.

The extremist Muslims who killed the Ambassador also deserve to be condemned.

Anyone who does not condemn both is seriously confused, at best.

The president also directly addressed critics in the Muslim world who questioned the Obama administration for not forcing YouTube to take down the video or taking action against the filmmakers. He also argued that "the strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech."

"I know that not all countries in this body share this understanding of the protection of free speech," Obama told world leaders. "Yet in 2012, at a time when anyone with a cell phone can spread offensive views around the world with the click of a button, the notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete. "

Obama pays tribute to U.S. envoy at United Nations

So there you go. Obama stood up for free speech.

He also called on the Muslim world to condemn anti-Christian rhetoric.

See, when some jackoff scumbag religious extremist does something hateful, that does not mean EVERY person of that religion is a jackoff scumbag, too.

And for the mentally challenged, that works BOTH ways.

Nakoula is a jackoff scumbag religious extremist, but that does not mean all Christians are jackoff scumbag extremists. And for that point to be made very clear, people like the coward Nakoula must be condemned by sane Christians.

The people who killed the Ambassador are jackoff scumbag religious extremists, but this is where asshole bigots here say, "That means ALL Muslims are jackoff scumbags!"

Such people are too mentally handicapped to reach.

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It's odd that those attacking Obama for his condemnation of the film didn't show any displeasure when Romney did exactly the same thing.

Romney wasn't a sitting President and he didn't condemn the movie BEFORE he condemned the murderers. That is the issue, I mean duh...
Neither one of them should have condemned the film. The film was an expression of free speech.

Now Obama is apologizing again....as if that will create some understanding and leniency within the Muslim world and they will calm down and stop killing us.

Obama is a fucking idiot if he thinks anything he does or says has any effect whatsoever on the Muslim determination to kill us all.

No it was not. It was an expression of hate speech that incite violence and causes death. Bush experssed hate speech when he called countries "axis of evil" Not the intention of the farmers to express hate but to protect citizens from being harrassed by government when they speak out against Government. Diehard radical americans carry the Constitution way too far. It is not GOD's word. But the word of infallible men.
Romney wasn't a sitting President and he didn't condemn the movie BEFORE he condemned the murderers. That is the issue, I mean duh...
Neither one of them should have condemned the film. The film was an expression of free speech.

Now Obama is apologizing again....as if that will create some understanding and leniency within the Muslim world and they will calm down and stop killing us.

Obama is a fucking idiot if he thinks anything he does or says has any effect whatsoever on the Muslim determination to kill us all.

No it was not. It was an expression of hate speech that incite violence and causes death. Bush experssed hate speech when he called countries "axis of evil" Not the intention of the farmers to express hate but to protect citizens from being harrassed by government when they speak out against Government. Diehard radical americans carry the Constitution way too far. It is not GOD's word. But the word of infallible men.
Then what is the goddamned Koran if not HATE SPEECH?

It calls for the killing of infidels. That's why we should all HATE the great Mohammed and his goddamned, hateful followers.

Fuck you and your sympathetic bullshit! It would suit me fine if every goddamned radical Muslim asshole alive today would be dead tomorrow!
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Romney, echoing General David Petraeus, decried Jones’ plan as potentially endangering American lives:

'Burning the Quran is wrong on every level. It puts troops in danger, and it violates a founding principle of our republic.'

Ant-American A** w*** condemning American values of freedom of speech. Pissing on dead corpse of terrorist is experssion of freedom of speech also? What happen to "do into others as you would have them to unto you" from the Christain bible? Cutting heads off Americans freedom of speech?
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Romney, echoing General David Petraeus, decried Jones’ plan as potentially endangering American lives:

'Burning the Quran is wrong on every level. It puts troops in danger, and it violates a founding principle of our republic.'
Romney Condemned Anti-Islam Provocation In 2010 | ThinkProgress

Ant-American A** w*** condemning American values of freedom of speech. Pissing on dead corpse of terrorist is experssion of freedom of speech also? What happen to "do into others as you would have them to unto you" from the Christain bible? Cutting heads off Americans freedom of speech?

lol... no agenda there. i suppose he's desperate b/c he handled the embassy attack so badly.

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