obama to condemn Christian film maker before UN

Two years ago this month, General Petraeus condemned the Koran burning threat on the grounds that it was a danger to US troops.

Was he wrong to do that? Was that a condemnation of free speech? Was that a violation of any oath he might have been working under?????

Petraeus: Burning Qurans Could Endanger Troops - CBS News

Was he wrong? Yes.


First of all, why can't people speak out if they find such things offensive?

Apparently because they feel like our rules are not just for us...they're for everyone, and if they don't like it.....we will use every means necessary to make them submit.
Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

they forget that there's also freedom to treat vile people like the scum they are.

Actually we don't. You, however, seem to forget that Obama is president, which actually places constraints on how he reacts to things.

So now that you admit you're talking about Obama,

what is the law that Obama is breaking, and who is the authority who is charged with enforcing that law?
A nation's leader appearing before an international body doesn't have free speech. He is doing the nation's business, as a representative of that nation's people. If he has a personal opinion in disagreement with the people who elected him, voicing that disagreement before others is not the place to do it. obama isn't on his own time but OUR time. obama is a lawyer. He should know that when he appears before a tribunal his right to say "In my opinion my client is guilty" doesn't exist. If that's the way he feels, he should be fired, immediately, and someone hired who understands the obligations of the job.

obama's oath of office is not to defend or condemn this film. His oath is to protect and defend the Constitution that underlies the absolute right of the filmmaker to say whatever he likes. Even if, personally and privately, obama would like to pass his own law making criminal any provision in the Constitution.

obama is going to use his address before the general assembly as a campaign speech. He will yet again apologize for this crass and uncouth country and its ignorant and equally crass and uncouth people.

The filmmaker doesn't have an absolute right. There are no absolute rights in the Constitution.

None? Does that mean you support reasonable limits on abortion, like a three day waiting period, special licenses for providers, and background checks? Or does it actually mean that I once again proved that you really shouldn't post on message boards because you aren't smart enough not to trap yourself in stupidity?

I didn't say anything about what I support or don't support. I simply stated the irrefutable fact that there are no absolute rights in the Constitution.

Since you dispute that, name them.
Of course he doesn't.
But it doesn't hurt to say what you will do.

Steel has beebes for balls...he would support the UN....but he hasn't the balls to say it.

Once again...STFU. You don't own me....nor do you know me.

I don't think I owe ANY of you an answer....but No, I would not support it any more than I would an International law doing the same for Christianity.

Religion is a personal thing. Not a dictatorial one.

Shut up assbite, you are anti american sissy boy.
Steel has beebes for balls...he would support the UN....but he hasn't the balls to say it.

Once again...STFU. You don't own me....nor do you know me.

I don't think I owe ANY of you an answer....but No, I would not support it any more than I would an International law doing the same for Christianity.

Religion is a personal thing. Not a dictatorial one.

Shut up assbite, you are anti american sissy boy.

Internet tough guy....
Once again...STFU. You don't own me....nor do you know me.

I don't think I owe ANY of you an answer....but No, I would not support it any more than I would an International law doing the same for Christianity.

Religion is a personal thing. Not a dictatorial one.

Shut up assbite, you are anti american sissy boy.

Internet tough guy....

(smile) How fitting dick breath, I have been a Raider fan longer than you have been alive.
I think you need to learn what condemn means. We've been over this already, your wrong, let it go.

I think you need to read the OP where it says Obama is planning a speech going before the UN and condemning a video which is protected speech under US jurisprudence. After that you should go back and reread my question that challenged you to name a single example of any president condemning the speech of a US citizen in front of the UN in the last 237 years. After you do that you can explain why, since I am using the word condemn properly, I need to learn what it means.

Alternatively, you could take the simple way out and pretend this never happened.

Again does obama condemning mean this man cant make this video again?
Where is this mans free speech violated?

Not yet, but it's bad enough that the guy is being lied about by our government when they falsey blame him for the terrorist attacks. With liberals, it's only a matter of time before they disapprove of something and shove some legislation through that bans it.
oh...nice. You play games...I didn't know about the Broadway Musical. I mean, you do know that the Mormon Holy Book is also called "The Book of Mormon", right? I assumed that's what you were talking about.

No, I don't really pay attention to pop culture.....so, if that means I have my "head up my ass", I'll wear it as a badge of honor. There was a thread a few weeks ago about Nikki Minaj, or whatever the hell her name is,...I didn't know who she was either....nor do I care.

If you didn't know that "The Book of Mormon" Was the title of the the Mormon Holy Book and was just a Broadway Play, the you're the one with your head up your ass....and that kind of ignorance has no honor to be found in.

As far as the play? Let's put it in perspective....are we the Middle East? Where we are trying to promote Democracy and peace? Or are we in the United States, where we already have it? Once again....our Constitution is not every one else's.

The guy who made the film inflamed a significant number of people. They are told by their version of Rush Limbaugh and Rachel Maddow that that film represents how America feels about Islam, and they believe it. The more we say nothing, the more people over there will believe it.

Once again....is this something you want to go to war over? No one is prosecuting this man, no one is executing him....hell, no one is even stopping him from making another....but his hatred of Islam doesn't represent America, and that's something that the president should have the right to address.

Romney has been asked about the musical, more than once, there have been threads about it here. I figured that anyone that follows politics would know about it. Forgive me for overestimating you.

Do I want to go to war over my rights? No, but I am willing to rather than let a bunch of idiots dictate to me what I say and think. Just because you are afraid of them does not mean everyone is.

Who's dictating anything to you?

The ones, like you, that insist I have to worry about a bunch of backward idiots on the other side of the world.
An opinion piece isn't news.
The Politico piece reporting the WH announcement, on which Breitbart bases his view, doesn't mention condemning the film-maker.

So, yeah, I still can't find a link where he is intending to condemn the film-maker - or apologise for it, or the US Constitution etc, etc....

Strangely enough, the White House says he is going to condemn the video because the US does not condone that type of speech. I can understand your confusion, you want things spelled out in detail.

That said, why is the President of the United States taking a position on the content of a video? Do you really think he should be doing that?

No, he's to say that "we reject the views in this video", he's not condemning the right of the bloke to make it, or express his views - but they don't reflect US policy.

Isn't that great?
Free speech is protected and and the right to it is reinforced by the President.

Excuse me for spelling it out in detail for you, but I thought it best.

Want to read what I said again? Why don't you answer the actual question instead of using a strawman to avoid the issue?
No one is ever going to convince the blame America first Leftists that apologizing to a bunch of barbarians sends the wrong message as well we destroying freedom of speech simply to appease a bunch of back woods violent assholes.
Romney has been asked about the musical, more than once, there have been threads about it here. I figured that anyone that follows politics would know about it. Forgive me for overestimating you.

Do I want to go to war over my rights? No, but I am willing to rather than let a bunch of idiots dictate to me what I say and think. Just because you are afraid of them does not mean everyone is.

Who's dictating anything to you?

The ones, like you, that insist I have to worry about a bunch of backward idiots on the other side of the world.

Really? how am I doing that? By telling the truth, that the film doesn't represent our country's feeling on the religion?

Seems to me that those of you who want the country to rally behind this idiot wants a Holy War....if you want that to happen, hop on a plane and go get 'em. I refuse to support that agenda with my tax dollars.
Strangely enough, the White House says he is going to condemn the video because the US does not condone that type of speech. I can understand your confusion, you want things spelled out in detail.

That said, why is the President of the United States taking a position on the content of a video? Do you really think he should be doing that?

No, he's to say that "we reject the views in this video", he's not condemning the right of the bloke to make it, or express his views - but they don't reflect US policy.

Isn't that great?
Free speech is protected and and the right to it is reinforced by the President.

Excuse me for spelling it out in detail for you, but I thought it best.

Want to read what I said again? Why don't you answer the actual question instead of using a strawman to avoid the issue?[/QUOTE]

That's the number one tactic of a losing liberal.
Who's dictating anything to you?

The ones, like you, that insist I have to worry about a bunch of backward idiots on the other side of the world.

Really? how am I doing that? By telling the truth, that the film doesn't represent our country's feeling on the religion?

Seems to me that those of you who want the country to rally behind this idiot wants a Holy War....if you want that to happen, hop on a plane and go get 'em. I refuse to support that agenda with my tax dollars.

You just don't fucking get it, do you?? IT'S not about supporting that dumbass filmmaker.. IT'S ABOUT FREEDOM OF SPEECH, you damn idiot. He has a protected right to free speech and NO PRESIDENT should ever encroach upon that. Especially one that claims to be some kind of a Constitutional scholar..
Two years ago this month, General Petraeus condemned the Koran burning threat on the grounds that it was a danger to US troops.

Was he wrong to do that? Was that a condemnation of free speech? Was that a violation of any oath he might have been working under?????

Petraeus: Burning Qurans Could Endanger Troops - CBS News

Was he wrong? Yes.


First of all, why can't people speak out if they find such things offensive?

There are a couple of reasons. Under the UCMJ members of the military, especially officers, are actually prohibited from taking stances on politics or making political statements. The simple fact is that the military simply does not have the same freedom of speech we do. Another reason is that he was acting as part of the government, and making an argument against free speech that is entirely legal. That actually puts him into conflict with the constitution he is sworn to protect against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

I could go on, but you are simply going to pretend that you are right no matter how much evidence piles up to show you are wrong.
Was he wrong? Yes.


First of all, why can't people speak out if they find such things offensive?

Apparently because they feel like our rules are not just for us...they're for everyone, and if they don't like it.....we will use every means necessary to make them submit.

I see the problem, you are batshit crazy. Muslims demand we not insult them we stand by the rights of every person in the universe to say whatever they want, they demand we pass laws that make offending them illegal, and we are trying to impose our views on them.

Fuck off.

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