Obama to Congress: I'll Go It Alone

"“When the Lord fights the battles of the Saints, he does it so effectually that nobody gets nervous but the enemy." - Brigham Young

Don't quote Brigham Young to me! Ever heard of, "The Mountain medow Massacre"?

First, I didn't quote him at you. I don't even know who the heck you are. I've never addressed you before in my life.

Second, it's a signature.

Third, yes im familiar with the MMM. I also know that Brigham sent a telegram telling them to leave the people be. Unfortunately it arrived to late. See, I've actually done research on the subject. I'm guessing from your outrage that you really haven't.
Executive orders are limited in what they can do if Obama tries to extend their power beyond what was intended and the people quietly accept it we're one step closer from going to democracy to dictatorship.

Nah, there are legal remedies that do not include impeachment. Btw, the House could vote on an article of impeachment at any time. All it requires is a simply majority to pass.

Thanks but I never mentioned impeachment.

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