Obama To Inflate Meat Prices On Purpose To Help Ethanol

tjvh -

From YOUR link:

Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House was in Iowa recently, cravenly wooing the ethanol producers and slamming “big city” critics of the ethanol industry.

So why are you blaming Obama - and not Gingrich - for this again?

I'm blaming everyone who thinks creating fuel out of food is a good ides... Including Newt.
We all know that the move to make fuel from foodstuffs was created and moved by farmers. they knew that a higher denmand for a product would yield a higher price.
Mudwhistle -

Rather than just repeating the same rant, why not address points other posters are raising.

"Ethanol production also results in distillers grains, a byproduct of manufacturing the fuel, that can be fed to livestock and poultry,"

Moonglow raised a good point here - why not respond to it?

That doesn't help people in poor countries who depend on America's agriculture to eat... But what do they matter? As long as nobody is allowed to drill or refine Oil everybody's happy.
We all know that the move to make fuel from foodstuffs was created and moved by farmers. they knew that a higher denmand for a product would yield a higher price.

Oh... Conveniently forget Environmentalists, and Politicians who are in bed with them... It's entirely the farmers fault. :lol:
tjvh -

You think farmers and environmentalists are on the same side?

Because I thought environmentalists had spent most of the past 20 years attacking companies like Monsanto for unsafe farming practices, uses of genetically modified crops, use of pesticides etc etc etc.
tjvh -

You think farmers and environmentalists are on the same side?

Because I thought environmentalists had spent most of the past 20 years attacking companies like Monsanto for unsafe farming practices, uses of genetically modified crops, use of pesticides etc etc etc.

No... I do not. Farmers have merely had a carrot dangled in front of them... "sell your goods to the Ethanol man, and you'll make a few extra pennies." Farmers are constantly attacked by special interest... "Your cattle herds carbon footprint is stomping on our swimming hole", but in the case of using renewable crops (food) for fuel they are a necessary evil that the green crowd must deal with... Their ideologies are far more comfortable with farmers than allowing that evil Big Oil to inconvenience Caribou in Alaska... But so what if people starve? Saving the environment is far more important than the lives of mere humans who depend on those crops in poor nations overseas.
The best thing to happen to the country right now are massive shortages, skyrocketing food prices if food is even available at all. A nice little governmental induced famine (or close to it) will do wonders for obama's reelection efforts.
We all know that the move to make fuel from foodstuffs was created and moved by farmers. they knew that a higher denmand for a product would yield a higher price.

Sorry, no.

The Obama Administration is behind it.
Didn't Marx say the best way to bring down an economy is get it deeply into debt than inflate it's currency?
Partisan paranoia and hate is feed for ignorance and unfortunatly it is drought resistant.
Drought is the problem. It is a very real challenge with domino implications.
To fault the Administration for trying to react to a bad situation is the equivalent of me charging Republicans in Congress of Fillabusting rainfall to make Obama look bad.
I fault him when his green ideology overrules his fucken common-sense.

obama's answer is "If there is no corn, let the people eat steak" Except that the government bought all the steak and there is nothing for the people to eat.

The government appears to be quite adept at manipulating markets. I am not only wondering what the government plans to do with all that meat...what does the government plan to do with millions and millions of rounds of ammunition?
I fault him when his green ideology overrules his fucken common-sense.

obama's answer is "If there is no corn, let the people eat steak" Except that the government bought all the steak and there is nothing for the people to eat.

The government appears to be quite adept at manipulating markets. I am not only wondering what the government plans to do with all that meat...what does the government plan to do with millions and millions of rounds of ammunition?

Tenderize their meat.
Partisan paranoia and hate is feed for ignorance and unfortunatly it is drought resistant.
Drought is the problem. It is a very real challenge with domino implications.
To fault the Administration for trying to react to a bad situation is the equivalent of me charging Republicans in Congress of Fillabusting rainfall to make Obama look bad.
I fault him when his green ideology overrules his fucken common-sense.

You put "green ideology" and "common sense" in the same sentence. Also, you attributed common sense to obamma. Are we sleepy?


Obama has directed the Dept of Agriculture to buy up millions of dollars of beef, pork, and poltry.

He says it's to help farmers.

What he's doing is screwing consumers.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Examiner Editorial: To protect ethanol, Obama seeks to inflate meat prices
Examiner Editorial

Campaigning in Missouri Valley, Iowa, yesterday, President Obama announced yet another government spending program -- this time designed to inflate meat prices in Midwest swing states. "Today the Department of Agriculture announced that it will buy up to $100 million worth of pork products, $50 million worth of chicken, and $20 million worth of lamb and farm-raised catfish," Obama explained to reporters in front of a drought-stricken cornfield.
"Prices are low, farmers and ranchers need help, so it makes sense," Obama explained. "It makes sense for farmers who get to sell more of their product, and it makes sense for taxpayers who will save money because we're getting food we would have bought anyway at a better price."

None of this makes sense. In fact, Obama's move only harms American consumers while protecting a corrupt federal program.

=http://m.washingtonexaminer.com/ex...late meat prices | Mobile Washington Examiner

You'd prefer the government pay as high a price as possible with your tax dollars?
Last edited:

Obama has directed the Dept of Agriculture to buy up millions of dollars of beef, pork, and poltry.

He says it's to help farmers.

What he's doing is screwing consumers.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Examiner Editorial: To protect ethanol, Obama seeks to inflate meat prices
Examiner Editorial

Campaigning in Missouri Valley, Iowa, yesterday, President Obama announced yet another government spending program -- this time designed to inflate meat prices in Midwest swing states. "Today the Department of Agriculture announced that it will buy up to $100 million worth of pork products, $50 million worth of chicken, and $20 million worth of lamb and farm-raised catfish," Obama explained to reporters in front of a drought-stricken cornfield.
"Prices are low, farmers and ranchers need help, so it makes sense," Obama explained. "It makes sense for farmers who get to sell more of their product, and it makes sense for taxpayers who will save money because we're getting food we would have bought anyway at a better price."

None of this makes sense. In fact, Obama's move only harms American consumers while protecting a corrupt federal program.

=http://m.washingtonexaminer.com/ex...late meat prices | Mobile Washington Examiner

You'd prefer the government pay as high a price as possible with your tax dollars?

Or, they could cut eliminate the ethanol mandate and make food cheaper for everybody?
What exactly is so special about Agriculture that the government bends over and we the consumers (and taxpayers) take it up the asses for their benefit?

Bad weather? No problem- there's insurance for that.
Low prices? No problem- there are supports for that.
Buy their grain and turn it into school lunches, give it away to foreign countries, or burn it in our cars. Hell, store it in massive caves. Let them dump milk into the sewer if they make too much- gotta get that price up there.

And what does Ag run on? Oil and natural gas. Without them there would be no Ag industry.

So... when gasoline prices rise we have calls for flooding the market with SPR crude in order to bring prices down. Never mind what suppressed prices does to the oil and natural gas industries.

Obama- ass backwards and stick stupid. As was Clinton, as was Carter.

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