Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

Okay, so you bascially believe in the liberal position, not the conservative republican one.

No, the liberal position condones abortion under the guise of 'choice'. I don't. It is murder of the unborn.

The only think I don't agree with you on is shoving pictures of dead fetuses in the face of women. Why is it that conservative men are always obsessed with doing that? Women are fully capable of making their own choices, and evaluating upsides and downsides without having some male knuckledragging neanderthal shove a picture of a bloody fetus in their face. I wish conservative misogynists would give women a little more credit.
If you're under the impression that I'm a guy, you're wrong.

Why don't you think women should be shown pictures of aborted babies as part of their decision on whether to have one or not? Because those pictures are horribly graphic? Because they are awful to look at? Because when they see those pictures they see a tiny, innocent, human life destroyed? Because those pictures are the reality and brutality of what abortion really is? Don't like looking at what abortion really is and does, huh? You'd much prefer to put all that aside with your don't look, don't tell mentality. Coward.

You're a sick one, aren't you. Why would anyone believe pictures you tried to shove in their face represented reality?
I love it when liberals argue no one is pro abortion. yesss,, just like there is no war on Christmas.. It's funny as hell.:lol:

Pro abortion means that there are people out there who cheer abortion on Willow. Hold rallies in support of abortion, recruit women to have abortions, etc. I've seen no such activity. I see people who are pro-choice. Which means they are in support of whatever choice the women makes, be it abortion, adoption or keeping the baby to raise.

WillowTree might hold a pro-abortion rally if the Supreme Court elected that liberals and atheists be aborted.
Better yet does he advocate we show pictures of slaughterhouses every time we serve a burger?

Replace his talk of abortion with talk of meat and you've got Peta.
They should have let us vote on this!

Dear, Dear, Dear Mr. President.. First let me say I am thankful for your screen name. I have someone to call Mr. President.. Secondly, you may or may not realize this. You are living under a one party rule. Now. You need to learn to :eusa_whistle:

And where were your objections to this during the Bush years? LOL. Besides, what you are most afraid of is that Obama and the Democrats will actually be a success.
You're a sick one, aren't you. Why would anyone believe pictures you tried to shove in their face represented reality?

Are you really this dense? Have you ever seen a picture of an aborted fetus? Go take a look. This is the reality of what abortion does. Yeah, continue to tell yourself that 'its just a blob of cells'.

Aborted Fetus Photos

You don't think someone considering having an abortion should be given all the facts (including these types of pictures)? Why not?
Okay, so you bascially believe in the liberal position, not the conservative republican one.

No, the liberal position condones abortion under the guise of 'choice'. I don't. It is murder of the unborn.

The only think I don't agree with you on is shoving pictures of dead fetuses in the face of women. Why is it that conservative men are always obsessed with doing that? Women are fully capable of making their own choices, and evaluating upsides and downsides without having some male knuckledragging neanderthal shove a picture of a bloody fetus in their face. I wish conservative misogynists would give women a little more credit.
If you're under the impression that I'm a guy, you're wrong.

Why don't you think women should be shown pictures of aborted babies as part of their decision on whether to have one or not? Because those pictures are horribly graphic? Because they are awful to look at? Because when they see those pictures they see a tiny, innocent, human life destroyed? Because those pictures are the reality and brutality of what abortion really is? Don't like looking at what abortion really is and does, huh? You'd much prefer to put all that aside with your don't look, don't tell mentality. Coward.

You're a sick one, aren't you. Why would anyone believe pictures you tried to shove in their face represented reality?

Ahh... well there ya have it... the old "who ya gonna believe, ME or your lyin' eyes?' defense...

The reality of abortion is that it is the unjustified taking of a human life... and that is murder... now it may be LEGAL, having been condoned by an irrational decision of the SCOTUS; but it remains murder... but it shouldn't surprise anyone that we have a leftist here FLATLY demanding that the reality relfected in the photographs of chewed up babies should not be confused with the illusion advanced by evil, that what is being killed through the abortion process is something other than a human baby.

It's a lie friends, plain and simple and it's being advanced by nothing short of pure evil...
Okay, so you bascially believe in the liberal position, not the conservative republican one.

No, the liberal position condones abortion under the guise of 'choice'. I don't. It is murder of the unborn.

The only think I don't agree with you on is shoving pictures of dead fetuses in the face of women. Why is it that conservative men are always obsessed with doing that? Women are fully capable of making their own choices, and evaluating upsides and downsides without having some male knuckledragging neanderthal shove a picture of a bloody fetus in their face. I wish conservative misogynists would give women a little more credit.

If you're under the impression that I'm a guy, you're wrong.

Why don't you think women should be shown pictures of aborted babies as part of their decision on whether to have one or not? Because those pictures are horribly graphic? Because they are awful to look at? Because when they see those pictures they see a tiny, innocent, human life destroyed? Because those pictures are the reality and brutality of what abortion really is? Don't like looking at what abortion really is and does, huh? You'd much prefer to put all that aside with your don't look, don't tell mentality. Coward.

For the same reason I've never demanded that Bush supporters like you be forced to look at the mangled and bloody bodies of dead iraqi babies that you killed in your war.

I'm not your judge, and I'm not in a position to force you to endure graphic images in a lame and disingenous attempt to sway your morality.

You'll be judged someday. We all will. Whether its by a christian God, or by karmic forces, I have no idea. But, that's for every individual to deal with. Your nobodies judge, priest, or morality counselor. And neither am I.
Better yet does he advocate we show pictures of slaughterhouses every time we serve a burger?

Replace his talk of abortion with talk of meat and you've got Peta.

Well there we go again... this idiot wants to equate the processing of food, with the murder of the most innocent human beings.

They're both bloody, unappealing and hard on the appetite... don't you see?

Of course one is necessary to sustain human life and the other is the unjustified taking of human life...
They should have let us vote on this!

Dear, Dear, Dear Mr. President.. First let me say I am thankful for your screen name. I have someone to call Mr. President.. Secondly, you may or may not realize this. You are living under a one party rule. Now. You need to learn to :eusa_whistle:

And where were your objections to this during the Bush years? LOL. Besides, what you are most afraid of is that Obama and the Democrats will actually be a success.

There is no means for the Hussein regime to be successful, if one defines 'success' as 'preservation, protection and defense of the Constitution of the United States.' What Americans hope is that the left FAILS TO ADVANCE LEFTIST POLICY THAT WILL ENSURE FAILURE.

There is no potential means for leftist policy to succeed in the 'preservation, protection and defense of the Constitution of the United States;' given that leftist policy stands antithetical TO the principles and tenets defended and expressed in that Constitution.

The US Constitution was written and exist to LIMIT THE POWER OF THE US FEDERAL GOVERNEMNT TO INFRINGE AND USURP THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL... The left is designed to advance the fallacious notion of 'collective rights'... collective rights EMPOWERS GOVERNMENT TO INFRINGE UPON AND USURP THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL... thus the left on the whole stands AGAINST the very essence of that which America stands for.
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For the same reason I've never demanded that Bush supporters like you be forced to look at the mangled and bloody bodies of dead iraqi babies that you killed in your war.

I'm not your judge, and I'm not in a position to force you to endure graphic images in a lame and disingenous attempt to sway your morality.

You'll be judged someday. We all will. Whether its by a christian God, or by karmic forces, I have no idea. But, that's for every individual to deal with. Your nobodies judge, priest, or morality counselor. And neither am I.

So a 2 month pregnant 14 year old walks into planned parenthood to find out her options. She's told she can have the baby and raise him, have the baby and give him up for adopton, have an abortion. And that's it?? No further information?

You don't think she should be given the pros and cons of raising a child, the pros and cons of giving the child away for adoption, the pros and cons of abortion? You don't think she should be fully informed before making a decision as crucial as this?

This isn't about judging, this is about providing all information -- and yes, pictures of these aborted babies is information that should be given so she knows exactly what she is considering doing -- so that she will be able to make her decision knowing what it entails, graphicness and all. Abortion IS horrific, or hadn't you realized that?

Swaying someone's morality? What a twit. Aren't you pro-abortionists the one's crying 'my body, my choice'? So you want that choice to be made without all information?? Unfuckingbelievable. Try going back and actually reading my posts.
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Okay, so you bascially believe in the liberal position, not the conservative republican one.

No, the liberal position condones abortion under the guise of 'choice'. I don't. It is murder of the unborn.

The only think I don't agree with you on is shoving pictures of dead fetuses in the face of women. Why is it that conservative men are always obsessed with doing that? Women are fully capable of making their own choices, and evaluating upsides and downsides without having some male knuckledragging neanderthal shove a picture of a bloody fetus in their face. I wish conservative misogynists would give women a little more credit.

If you're under the impression that I'm a guy, you're wrong.

Why don't you think women should be shown pictures of aborted babies as part of their decision on whether to have one or not? Because those pictures are horribly graphic? Because they are awful to look at? Because when they see those pictures they see a tiny, innocent, human life destroyed? Because those pictures are the reality and brutality of what abortion really is? Don't like looking at what abortion really is and does, huh? You'd much prefer to put all that aside with your don't look, don't tell mentality. Coward.

For the same reason I've never demanded that Bush supporters like you be forced to look at the mangled and bloody bodies of dead iraqi babies that you killed in your war.

I'm not your judge, and I'm not in a position to force you to endure graphic images in a lame and disingenous attempt to sway your morality.

You'll be judged someday. We all will. Whether its by a christian God, or by karmic forces, I have no idea. But, that's for every individual to deal with. Your nobodies judge, priest, or morality counselor. And neither am I.

Well here we have the classic leftist tactic of misdirection... The dead Iraqi babies resulting from the US liberation of Iraq; a campaigh within the US Global War on islamic terrorism are the reponsibility of the Islamic people that advocated for and promoted the interests OF International Islamic Terrorism... No more or less so than the dead men, women and childred that they murdered on 9-11 and in the thousands of murderous attacks that they've committed in the period before and since 9-11...

The US invasion of Iraq and the subsequent liberation of that nation, along with the invasion of and subsequent liberation of Afghanistan were actions taken IN THE DEFENSE OF INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE... and that the tactic of terrorism is to hide in and amongst the innocent promotes the likelihood that innocents will be harmed, does NOT excuse the terrorist from BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INJURY which the innocent realize as a result of THE ACTIONS OF THOSE TERRORIST.

But it is great when leftists come forward, such as this leftist has done, to promote the interests of mass murderers of the innocent, even as she laments the killing of the innocent; it's yet another example of WHY these people should NEVER be allowed to get within 100 miles of a voting booth...
Well here we have the classic leftist tactic of misdirection... The dead Iraqi babies resulting from the US liberation of Iraq; a campaigh within the US Global War on islamic terrorism are the reponsibility of the Islamic people that advocated for and promoted the interests OF International Islamic Terrorism... No more or less so than the dead men, women and childred that they murdered on 9-11 and in the thousands of murderous attacks that they've committed in the period before and since 9-11...

The US invasion of Iraq and the subsequent liberation of that nation, along with the invasion of and subsequent liberation of Afghanistan were actions taken IN THE DEFENSE OF INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE... and that the tactic of terrorism is to hide in and amongst the innocent promotes the likelihood that innocents will be harmed, does NOT excuse the terrorist from BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INJURY which the innocent realize as a result of THE ACTIONS OF THOSE TERRORIST.

But it is great when leftists come forward, such as this leftist has done, to promote the interests of mass murderers of the innocent, even as she laments the killing of the innocent; it's yet another example of WHY these people should NEVER be allowed to get within 100 miles of a voting booth...

Yup, I just chose to ignore that misdirection --- feeding time at the zoo is closed for me today. ;)
Better yet does he advocate we show pictures of slaughterhouses every time we serve a burger?

Replace his talk of abortion with talk of meat and you've got Peta.


Good point.

Actually, informing myself of how animals are treated in factory farms has made me stop eating meat that comes out of those torture chambers.
I've also seen photos of fetuses, even the altered photos that anti-choice fascists try to force people to look at. None of those photos has ever made me question the right of women to make their own personal choices about whether or not to continue a pregnancy to term.
You're a sick one, aren't you. Why would anyone believe pictures you tried to shove in their face represented reality?

Are you really this dense? Have you ever seen a picture of an aborted fetus? Go take a look. This is the reality of what abortion does. Yeah, continue to tell yourself that 'its just a blob of cells'.

Aborted Fetus Photos

You don't think someone considering having an abortion should be given all the facts (including these types of pictures)? Why not?

The problem with those pictures is that they don't tell the whole story. The fetus is inside the body of a human being who has the right to remove it if she wants.

If people want to look at photos like that when considering abortion, I support their right to do so. Harassing them outside clinics or trying to pass legislation which forces people to look at them is wrong.
You're a sick one, aren't you. Why would anyone believe pictures you tried to shove in their face represented reality?

Are you really this dense? Have you ever seen a picture of an aborted fetus? Go take a look. This is the reality of what abortion does. Yeah, continue to tell yourself that 'its just a blob of cells'.

Aborted Fetus Photos

You don't think someone considering having an abortion should be given all the facts (including these types of pictures)? Why not?

The problem with those pictures is that they don't tell the whole story. The fetus is inside the body of a human being who has the right to remove it if she wants.

If people want to look at photos like that when considering abortion, I support their right to do so. Harassing them outside clinics or trying to pass legislation which forces people to look at them is wrong.

funny, the use of that word force, you don't mind forcing us to pay for it though. or you don't mind forcing a doctor to perform an abortion though huh?
Are you really this dense? Have you ever seen a picture of an aborted fetus? Go take a look. This is the reality of what abortion does. Yeah, continue to tell yourself that 'its just a blob of cells'.

Aborted Fetus Photos

You don't think someone considering having an abortion should be given all the facts (including these types of pictures)? Why not?

The problem with those pictures is that they don't tell the whole story. The fetus is inside the body of a human being who has the right to remove it if she wants.

If people want to look at photos like that when considering abortion, I support their right to do so. Harassing them outside clinics or trying to pass legislation which forces people to look at them is wrong.

funny, the use of that word force, you don't mind forcing us to pay for it though. or you don't mind forcing a doctor to perform an abortion though huh?

I'd like to see more tax dollars spent on making abortion affordable and available to all American women.

If an OB-GYN has a problem performing abortions for moral or religious reasons, they should choose another medical specialty.

If an OB-GYN is reluctant to perform abortions because of having received death threats from anti choice terrorists or because they anticipate that they will, then that means we need more law enforcement.
Actually, informing myself of how animals are treated in factory farms has made me stop eating meat that comes out of those torture chambers.

Wow... so you were so effected by the photos of FOOD being processed, that you stopped eating food?

I've also seen photos of fetuses ... None of those photos has ever made me question the right of women to make their own personal choices about whether or not to continue a pregnancy to term.



Well that is an honest answer and I want to thank you for having the courage to post it... few murderers would take such a public advocacy of their desire to murder an innocent baby which they're responsible through their actions for conceiving.

Sure, it proves you're an agent of pure evil... but at least your substandard intellect may serve to influence someone from CHOOSING to participate in behavior that will likely cause them to CHOOSE TO MURDER THEIR OWN CHILD...:clap2::clap2::clap2:
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Better yet does he advocate we show pictures of slaughterhouses every time we serve a burger?

Replace his talk of abortion with talk of meat and you've got Peta.

Well there we go again... this idiot wants to equate the processing of food, with the murder of the most innocent human beings.

They're both bloody, unappealing and hard on the appetite... don't you see?

Of course one is necessary to sustain human life and the other is the unjustified taking of human life...

Ah lighten up.
Better yet does he advocate we show pictures of slaughterhouses every time we serve a burger?

Replace his talk of abortion with talk of meat and you've got Peta.

Well there we go again... this idiot wants to equate the processing of food, with the murder of the most innocent human beings.

They're both bloody, unappealing and hard on the appetite... don't you see?

Of course one is necessary to sustain human life and the other is the unjustified taking of human life...
How about a compromise. I have a modest proposal ...

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