Obama to Military - Will you FIRE on Americans?

For a time I was in the military police. One of our drills was crowd control, and in this drill we used fixed bayonets. In a line we pushed forward jabbing our rifles at a supposed crowd. Would we have fired, if ordered, of course. Is a soldier going to argue with his superiors or shoot?
For a time I was in the military police. One of our drills was crowd control, and in this drill we used fixed bayonets. In a line we pushed forward jabbing our rifles at a supposed crowd. Would we have fired, if ordered, of course. Is a soldier going to argue with his superiors or shoot?

no sane soldier will fire on peaceful protestors.

no sane commanding officer would order such an act.

..if they did, they'd be brought up on charges of murder.
I'm a patriot unlike your cowardly little ass. I'll give you a hint retard: Google 16 year old kid from Colorado killed by drone.

You're no patriot, only a coward.

The terrorist was killed in Yemen, which is a haven for Al Qaeda and other terrorists.

If you don't want to get droned, don't hang out with violent Islamists and Jihadists.

That's the spirit statist. Meanwhile, I'll continue to fly your flag upside down and key every car I find with an Obama sticker on it while you people keeping up the rhetoric until you get your bloodshed.

Pay particular attention to the truckers running around the beltway this weekend. I'd be curious what your heroes will do with all that going on. Sounds like a great opportunity for a confrontation with future baby killers.
Peaceful? Not so much. The protesters were not sitting around singing Kumbaya. Still the fault is with the Guardsmen.

I think the fault is more with the people who sent them into an impossible situation. The NG there was vastly outnumbered, had no riot gear, no non-lethal weapons besides some tear gas grenades, no training, no intel, a suckass chain of command. The days of abuse with no rest wore them down, and so a military unit dissolved and turned into a mob with guns.

We did learn from it, for good or ill. Riot control units now respond in overwhelming numbers, with armor, with non-lethal weapons, they're trained, with command centers and intel, and they get rotated out for rest.

Oh, they may not "fire" now, but they will beat you and haul you off on a trumped-up charge. See "OWS". (Police, military, same thing). And the right will cheer, provided they see it's some dirty liberal getting the beating.
That's the spirit statist. Meanwhile, I'll continue to fly your flag upside down and key every car I find with an Obama sticker on it while you people keeping up the rhetoric until you get your bloodshed.....

so you're a coward AND a felon.

do you have the balls to key someone's car when they're around? of course not.

just another chickenhawk, armchair warrior, treasonous coward.

a dime a dozen these days. Just keep showing us how insecure you are with your constant chest thumping. You're like a gorilla in the zoo. :)

.....and no, American military will never again fire on non-violent protestors.
How much of the military's loyalty will the C In C command after closing the memorials to 90 year old veterans and refusing to pay the burial expenses of servicemen killed on duty in Afghanistan? He may have surrounded himself with command level officers who will unhesitatingly give the order to fire on their fellow citizens, ie Chuck Hagel over at DOD, who gets his daily marching orders transmitted to him through an Obamaresembling dildo sutured into Hagel's rectum, but how far down the line into the rank and file will the loyalty go without exhibiting some cracks? Obama has yet to demand the military swear oaths of loyalty personally to him instead of to the United States.
The final state will be Obama's giving carte blanche citizenship to any and every foreign national willing to come here and take up arms against the rebellion. Betcha before its over Obama'll even be offering to pay a $2,000 bonus for every white American rebel scalp these mercenaries bring in to him during their stay.
Obama, like every Liberal, has always hated and despised the old American military as much as he loathed and despised the America they helped to build, the folks who won WWII, fought the Korean and Vietnam Wars. You couldn't miss it watching the way the vets were treated. The only value they have to him right now is the military's maintaining and reinforcing his grip on power. Push will come to shove, count on it, he only has three years left to destroy the remaining independence streaks left in Texas, Louisianna, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina and when a guy is in a hurry, he sometimes makes a mistake or two.
Hitler always felt his time was limited and he didn't have that much left on this earth so he gambled on taking on the Soviet Union before finishing of the Brits completely. Figgered he could always go back and finish the Brits off after the Russkies had folded after a month or two. Big mistake that was.
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Americans to Military and Obama:

What will you do when we fire back?

they will laugh and then blow the terrorists and traitors away.
They won't fire on the invaders though huh - you ass wipe. Obama is the biggest trader this country has ever known.

There will be civil war before outright slaughter. The military is full of indivisuals who have nothing but contempt for the man. I"m not sure about the local dumb cop - they probably would.
Pay particular attention to the truckers running around the beltway this weekend. I'd be curious what your heroes will do with all that going on.

Poor R.C. Christian. I guess no one broke it to him that it was a hoax. At least one of the organizers said so.

Capital Beltway shutdown just a ploy for attention, trucker says - The Washington Post

Of course, it wasn't originally supposed to be hoax. The crank just backtracked to that hoax story after he realized nobody was coming to his protest.

Sounds like a great opportunity for a confrontation with future baby killers.

Or a great opportunity to see stand-your-ground laws used to defend women. I wonder if the right will be so thrilled with those laws after a few pro-life thugs end up with a bullet in the brainpan.

But then, RC is a dickless little shitstain vandal who brags about keying cars. When no one is watching, of course. If it comes to actual danger, such punks always lead from the rear.
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They won't fire on the invaders though huh - you ass wipe. Obama is the biggest trader this country has ever known.

There will be civil war before outright slaughter. The military is full of indivisuals who have nothing but contempt for the man. I"m not sure about the local dumb cop - they probably would.

there won't be any revolution from idiot right-wingers who can't spell. :)

only maybe, maybe little outbursts of right-wing violent idiocy.

but nothing big. these guys are just too scared and cowardly.

but if they do get violent, the army will cut them down nice and quick. :)
Do you need some examples punk?

the tougher you talk, the smaller you sound...the more insecure you clearly are.

no, the USA won't fire on peaceful Americans.

It already has, even on American soil. I'm pretty sure the boy, the dog, and the mother with the baby at the Weaver cabin were relatively innocent before being executed by that dirty jap sniper. That's just 1 example.

Oh, but wait, you want to hear about the military killing civilians even it's own veterans and a few babies. Look no further than Herbert Hoover in the year 1932 history scholar. There is another for the books.
For a time I was in the military police. One of our drills was crowd control, and in this drill we used fixed bayonets. In a line we pushed forward jabbing our rifles at a supposed crowd. Would we have fired, if ordered, of course. Is a soldier going to argue with his superiors or shoot?

no sane soldier will fire on peaceful protestors.

no sane commanding officer would order such an act.

..if they did, they'd be brought up on charges of murder.

Yep, that was covered. If we pulled our automatic, there was to be a corpse. We would then be charged, found guilty and fined a couple of dollars. As we paid the fine we would be given a carton of cigarettes. And that closed the case. How it's done today I don't know but I strongly believe soldiers will fire on civilians, and on college students and veterans. Women and children I don't know, but look at My lai.
I'm a patriot unlike your cowardly little ass. I'll give you a hint retard: Google 16 year old kid from Colorado killed by drone.

You're no patriot, only a coward.

The terrorist was killed in Yemen, which is a haven for Al Qaeda and other terrorists.

If you don't want to get droned, don't hang out with violent Islamists and Jihadists.

That's the spirit statist. Meanwhile, I'll continue to fly your flag upside down and key every car I find with an Obama sticker on it while you people keeping up the rhetoric until you get your bloodshed.

Pay particular attention to the truckers running around the beltway this weekend. I'd be curious what your heroes will do with all that going on. Sounds like a great opportunity for a confrontation with future baby killers.

So....does anyone know what we do, or what the Mods do, about reporting someone who ADMITS to breaking the law?
That's the spirit statist. Meanwhile, I'll continue to fly your flag upside down and key every car I find with an Obama sticker on it while you people keeping up the rhetoric until you get your bloodshed.....

so you're a coward AND a felon.

do you have the balls to key someone's car when they're around? of course not.

just another chickenhawk, armchair warrior, treasonous coward.

a dime a dozen these days. Just keep showing us how insecure you are with your constant chest thumping. You're like a gorilla in the zoo. :)

.....and no, American military will never again fire on non-violent protestors.

I tell people right to their faces what I think of them when I see them get out of their Obama love car. I'd rather berate them than key their Prius. What are they going to do, beat my ass?

But to be a felon I'd have to have been convicted of a felony which I haven't since I own an aresnal.
I tell people right to their faces what I think of them when I see them get out of their Obama love car. I'd rather berate them than key their Prius. What are they going to do, beat my ass?

But to be a felon I'd have to have been convicted of a felony which I haven't since I own an aresnal.

no, you most likely only key these cars at night when no one is around.

then you quickly run and hide, like the big baby that you are.

admitting to keying peoples' cars that have an Obama bumper sticker on it, doesn't make you look like an adult. it makes you look like a petty, immature child who should be arrested.

no, American forces would not fire on peaceful Americans.
That's the spirit statist. Meanwhile, I'll continue to fly your flag upside down and key every car I find with an Obama sticker on it while you people keeping up the rhetoric until you get your bloodshed.....

so you're a coward AND a felon.

do you have the balls to key someone's car when they're around? of course not.

just another chickenhawk, armchair warrior, treasonous coward.

a dime a dozen these days. Just keep showing us how insecure you are with your constant chest thumping. You're like a gorilla in the zoo. :)

.....and no, American military will never again fire on non-violent protestors.

I tell people right to their faces what I think of them when I see them get out of their Obama love car. I'd rather berate them than key their Prius. What are they going to do, beat my ass?

But to be a felon I'd have to have been convicted of a felony which I haven't since I own an aresnal.

Squirt guns, water balloons, and Wii plastic guns don't really count, you know.
I tell people right to their faces what I think of them when I see them get out of their Obama love car. I'd rather berate them than key their Prius. What are they going to do, beat my ass?

But to be a felon I'd have to have been convicted of a felony which I haven't since I own an aresnal.

You actually harrass people for having different political views than your own?

is that supposed to intimidate us? make us think you're some sort of tough guy?

no, it makes you an immature, intolerant qausi-terrorist.

the National Guard would never shoot on peaceful protestors.
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I tell people right to their faces what I think of them when I see them get out of their Obama love car. I'd rather berate them than key their Prius. What are they going to do, beat my ass?

But to be a felon I'd have to have been convicted of a felony which I haven't since I own an aresnal.

You actually harrass people for having different political views than your own?

is that supposed to intimidate us? make us think you're some sort of tough guy?

no, it makes you an immature, intolerant terrorist.

the National Guard would never shoot on peaceful protestors.

Again....I wonder what the responsibility of the people who run this Message Board is when a poster ADMITS to committing crimes. Keying cars is vandalism.....everywhere.

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