Obama to Military - Will you FIRE on Americans?

Again....I wonder what the responsibility of the people who run this Message Board is when a poster ADMITS to committing crimes. Keying cars is vandalism.....everywhere.

well, we don't know where or when the crimes were committed.
You just insulted me and every veteran. Asshole.

I'm sorry your precious feelings were hurt, but if you crack open a history book or two you'll see the US military has opened fire on US citizens when commanded many times. I respect the military as much as the next guy, but facts are facts and there is no reason to think the military won't do it again when ordered.
We have already gone over this, the US Military won't fire upon Americans, they have silly excuses such as:
1. It's against the constitution
2. That's our friends & family out there
3. The amount of funding required doesn't exist on this earth
4. The American population will defeat by war of attrition in the end
5. The American land mass is too large of an area to provide resupply
................... the list goes on & on

It has been determined that the only way this will be achievable is to fool the American population into surrendering willingly.

This latest success by Obama standing his ground doesn't help matters eather .......... as the entire hurd of American Sheeple witnessed it on television ............ all is lost, the Sheeple will never give up the guns now, our only hope now is in the next generation.

.....P:........ HOPE ......... hope is only supposed to be for poor people, not the Elite.
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