Obama To Name Guided Missile Destroyer After Carl Levin, A Democrat Who Never Served In The Military

Why do you believe that is un-American?
Read the article!

I don't have a problem with the naming of naval ships, or the names they choose, so reading the article won't ne necessary.
Apparently, you have never served.

You're an idiot for thinking stupid shit like that, has relevance in anything.
It has relevance to everything dumass. Nobody I have ever served with would want to serve on a ship named after a leftist. Since you have obviously never served your country, your opinion is irrelevant.

That's a seriously bad attitude. You and your pals need to just grow up
Our military fights to keep us all free and be free to express our thoughts, even disgusting, bigoted, unintelligent people like you.
Carl Levin was a friend of funding the military.
You are a disgusting human being.
But in this country you can say what you like showing the world you are a disgusting, unintelligent, immoral, fearful, insecure thing.
Obama To Name Guided Missile Destroyer After Carl Levin, A Democrat Who Never Served In The Military

Next Obummer will christen a new submarine "The George Soros". Gotta pay off all that money that helped get him elected when he's on the way out the door.
Obama To Name Guided Missile Destroyer After Carl Levin, A Democrat Who Never Served In The Military

Next Obummer will christen a new submarine "The George Soros". Gotta pay off all that money that helped get him elected when he's on the way out the door.

What branch of service did Carl Vinson and Henry "Scoop" Jackson serve in again?

Some of you are just bitching to hear yourself bitch.
Just a few other ships named after non-military figures...

  • USS Henry M Jackson (1983)
  • USS John C. Stennis (2007)
  • USS Amelia Earhart (2008)

But brain-dead rightards screech when Obama does it. <smh>
Anyone familiar with the naming of navy vessels knows that there are vessels that have always been named for political reasons- from the U.S.S. Reagan to the U.S.S. New Jersey.

If President Bush was doing this no one would have even mentioned it.

Just more evidence of Obama derangement syndrome.
Obama To Name Guided Missile Destroyer After Carl Levin, A Democrat Who Never Served In The Military

Next Obummer will christen a new submarine "The George Soros". Gotta pay off all that money that helped get him elected when he's on the way out the door.

The really big bribes kick in after leaving office, for appearances sake; he'll now get $500,000 dollar checks for 5 minutes of rambling at some Goldman Sachs dinner and the like. Reagan got $5,000,000 from the Japanese for selling out America to their dumping programs for some random babbling gibberish, for instance.
They should name the boat after Obama...The USS WHALESHIT.

Wow.....did you have to ask one of your fellow fourth graders for help with that post?
No...I was inspired by the size of your ass.

Why exactly were you fantasizing about my ass?
I wasn't fantasizing. I was reading Ripleys believe it or not....yo..

Okay- so you spend your time looking through books for asses to fantasize about.......not a surprise to anyone who reads your posts.

Best not let your mom catch you.
They should name the boat after Obama...The USS WHALESHIT.

Wow.....did you have to ask one of your fellow fourth graders for help with that post?
No...I was inspired by the size of your ass.

Why exactly were you fantasizing about my ass?
I wasn't fantasizing. I was reading Ripleys believe it or not....yo..

Okay- so you spend your time looking through books for asses to fantasize about.......not a surprise to anyone who reads your posts.

Best not let your mom catch you.
Yup...and there you was....

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