Obama To Pardon Hundreds Thursday

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Maybe even a thousand. Can you believe this shit? He's already commuted more than the last five Presidents combined.

There's so many of them the Justice Dept. has been working 24/7 over Christmas break according to Deputy Yates. I can't wait to see the list. Who's going to the South Side of Chicago to see Obama's museum and the parolees camping on the grounds?

As if Chicago needs any more drug dealers on the street. Damn, what a disaster!

Obama to grant hundreds more drug commutations
The War on Drugs is a War on the Poor and designed to maintain a permanent underclass
We have 2.5 million in our prisons

I doubt if they will miss a few thousand
Depends on how those few thousand ended up in prison.

Mostly, victims of the war on drugs

Now the drug dealers are victims?????? fucking idiot

I was about to comment on that, how are Crack dealers um victims? How are Meth dealers um victims? These POS would have been executed in a society that had it's priorities right.

Zero Tolerance for drug dealers.

Leftists though think that nearly all criminals are um victims.
Not a single narcotics dealer of any prominence who doesn't have a murder or two under their belt. Anybody got any stats on WHITE felons he's pardoned....I bet you can count them on one hand.

The white felons either avoided incarceration or were released years ago for the same crime
Depends on how those few thousand ended up in prison.

Mostly, victims of the war on drugs

Now the drug dealers are victims?????? fucking idiot

Actually, the taxpayers who pay to keep nonviolent offenders in jail are the victims

"Actually, the taxpayers who pay to keep nonviolent offenders in jail are the victims"

Drug dealers should be on the streets?
In a similar story...

And then there were 45: With days to go in office, Obama transfers 10 more from Gitmo

"As President Obama’s time in office continues to dwindle, so to the number of detainees at Gitmo:
BREAKING: Oman says it has accepted 10 inmates from U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay ahead of Obama leaving office.
— The Associated Press (@AP)
January 16, 2017

There are now fewer than four dozen detainees remaining at Gitmo:
Pentagon official confirms transfer of 10 detainees from Guantanamo Bay to the government of Oman." That means 45 detainees remain.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller)
January 16, 2017

Will Obama have Gitmo emptied out by noon Friday?"

You better believe it....
That would be something wouldn't it.
Trump being accused of being the enemy of the FBI and obama frees a felon who murdered 2.

Yeah, naturally, the government claims he murdered two. And he stood trial in a US court.

The crime took place on Indian land, shouldn't it have been tried in an Indian court?
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