Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Berg wasn't the first, but he too got his marching orders from the Clinton campaign.

Who was the first?

Furthermore, you can no more prove that Berg got his marching orders from the Clinton campaign then I can prove that the the moon has a cheese filled center.

Berg has kept fighting this thing long (albeit ineptly) long after the primary.
Actually I can prove it, I still have the emails.
Berg and the PUMAS are still birfers. They never stopped.

I am still kind of curious about those magic e-mails.....
Well, I wasn't talking about the OW appearance. I would have preferred him to wait until all real contenders took a stand on his citizenship before he blew them out of the water; Trump is finished because of it so I guess that was reward enough.

IMO, Trump never stood a chance with the conservative base. He's not a conservative and not a politician, he's an entertainer, and businessman.

I agree in part. He's this year's version of Perot; perhaps some good ideas but politics is a profession and it is a hard profession; you doubt it? Look at the incumbency rates.

I agree that he probably didn't stand much of a chance but he did himself no favors aligning with the birthers.

He's not running..nor did he have any intention of running. This was basically for ratings. He's been down this road a few times.
I would not call you on it if you did not say it.

Then man up and click on my User Name, select "Find All Posts By WorldWatcher" and provide the posts where I stated that it is impossible for someone to get a long form copy of their birth certificate.

You've already called me a lair once and I've proven you wrong. Man up.

IMO, Trump never stood a chance with the conservative base. He's not a conservative and not a politician, he's an entertainer, and businessman.

I agree in part. He's this year's version of Perot; perhaps some good ideas but politics is a profession and it is a hard profession; you doubt it? Look at the incumbency rates.

I agree that he probably didn't stand much of a chance but he did himself no favors aligning with the birthers.

He's not running..nor did he have any intention of running. This was basically for ratings. He's been down this road a few times.

Let me ask you something...do you know anybody who is now going to watch Celeb Apprentice who wasn't doing so before?

I don't and I live in a pretty GOP infested area.
Obama looked Presidential? I haven't seen that since he assumed office. To me, he looked like an absolute and complete idiot. But anyway, I'm a Physicist so the correct spelling of Richard Feynman's name is somewhat important to me. (BTW, it's hard to look Presidential on a talk show. Just my 2 cents.)

and therein lies the problem with extremists. you're unable to discern how he appears to others.

most people know the difference between a good showing and a bad one. but for some retarded reason, the obama derangement syndrome people, who never would have approved of anything he said or did, under any set of circumstances, think everything he does is, how do you put it? oh yeah.. "like a complete idiot".

that doesn't jibe with at least half the country.
I would not call you on it if you did not say it.

Then man up and click on my User Name, select "Find All Posts By WorldWatcher" and provide the posts where I stated that it is impossible for someone to get a long form copy of their birth certificate.

You've already called me a lair once and I've proven you wrong. Man up.


Lacks necessary equipment.
I agree in part. He's this year's version of Perot; perhaps some good ideas but politics is a profession and it is a hard profession; you doubt it? Look at the incumbency rates.

I agree that he probably didn't stand much of a chance but he did himself no favors aligning with the birthers.

He's not running..nor did he have any intention of running. This was basically for ratings. He's been down this road a few times.

Let me ask you something...do you know anybody who is now going to watch Celeb Apprentice who wasn't doing so before?

I don't and I live in a pretty GOP infested area.

That's a good question. But my assertions come from being well acquainted with Trump and his tactics. He's a real glutton for the limelight..he absolutely loves it. He puts his name on everything..and turns everything he touches into a garish monstrosity. I was sort of surprised when I read in the New York Post that he began shaking people's hands..because that's something he never does. However, this is a twofer for him, he gets the limelight and the ear of the Republican party in a way he never has..

But I am reasonably sure he will quit this in May.
He's not running..nor did he have any intention of running. This was basically for ratings. He's been down this road a few times.

Let me ask you something...do you know anybody who is now going to watch Celeb Apprentice who wasn't doing so before?

I don't and I live in a pretty GOP infested area.

That's a good question. But my assertions come from being well acquainted with Trump and his tactics. He's a real glutton for the limelight..he absolutely loves it. He puts his name on everything..and turns everything he touches into a garish monstrosity. I was sort of surprised when I read in the New York Post that he began shaking people's hands..because that's something he never does. However, this is a twofer for him, he gets the limelight and the ear of the Republican party in a way he never has..

But I am reasonably sure he will quit this in May.

I agree; there is no good ROI for spending that much on what I'm sure his advisors will tell him is a losing enterprise.
Well, I wasn't talking about the OW appearance. I would have preferred him to wait until all real contenders took a stand on his citizenship before he blew them out of the water; Trump is finished because of it so I guess that was reward enough.

IMO, Trump never stood a chance with the conservative base. He's not a conservative and not a politician, he's an entertainer, and businessman.

I agree in part. He's this year's version of Perot; perhaps some good ideas but politics is a profession and it is a hard profession; you doubt it? Look at the incumbency rates.

I agree that he probably didn't stand much of a chance but he did himself no favors aligning with the birthers.

I wonder. The American public can have a really short memory and is pretty forgiving if given a reason to be so. Trump knows from watching other politicians that running on serious issues doesn't win elections. You have to have something that is hot button, that resonates with the people, that generates lots of message board and talk show interest, that gets you invited before the microphone and cameras again and again and again over a long period of time.

Perot's hot button was the economy that tanked big time after Bush41 imprudently agreed to a tax increase on the 'rich'. A 90+% approval rating in the wake of a highly successful Desert Storm plummeted to below 50%. So Perot was going to 'get under the hood' and fix it. He didn't give us any specifics on how to do it. He just gave us a lot of colorful imagery that a lot of folks bought into.

Trumps media magnet has been the birther issue and as many of you who hold him in contempt for that, there are likely many more who admire him for being the one person capable of forcing Obama to produce the birth certificate and for putting the matter to rest. But it has given him exposure enjoyed by no others in the past months. He'll no doubt be coming up with another hot button in the near future.
IMO, Trump never stood a chance with the conservative base. He's not a conservative and not a politician, he's an entertainer, and businessman.

I agree in part. He's this year's version of Perot; perhaps some good ideas but politics is a profession and it is a hard profession; you doubt it? Look at the incumbency rates.

I agree that he probably didn't stand much of a chance but he did himself no favors aligning with the birthers.

I wonder. The American public can have a really short memory and is pretty forgiving if given a reason to be so. Trump knows from watching other politicians that running on serious issues doesn't win elections. You have to have something that is hot button, that resonates with the people, that generates lots of message board and talk show interest, that gets you invited before the microphone and cameras again and again and again over a long period of time.

Perot's hot button was the economy that tanked big time after Bush41 imprudently agreed to a tax increase on the 'rich'. A 90+% approval rating in the wake of a highly successful Desert Storm plummeted to below 50%. So Perot was going to 'get under the hood' and fix it. He didn't give us any specifics on how to do it. He just gave us a lot of colorful imagery that a lot of folks bought into.

Trumps media magnet has been the birther issue and as many of you who hold him in contempt for that, there are likely many more who admire him for being the one person capable of forcing Obama to produce the birth certificate and for putting the matter to rest. But it has given him exposure enjoyed by no others in the past months. He'll no doubt be coming up with another hot button in the near future.

Hey he might. You're right about the short memory;

The Democrats aren't going to have much of a short memory. So about 1/3 of the electorate is gone (they were gone before Trump was there in all honesty so it's a wash).

The GOP? The hard right isn't going to like the divorces, the alleged infidelity (I'm not much of Trump historian so don't quote me on that), and profane speech. And he's a largely unknown commodity; I have a hunch he's Pro-Choice. Thats not good for a GOP'er.

But lets give him that 1/3 (I doubt they'd vote for Obama in any circumstance)

The 1/3 independents....how is a billionaire going to play in Peoria? I wouldn't think too well when you're already seen as the party in the pocket of big business.

We'll see
I would not call you on it if you did not say it.

Then man up and click on my User Name, select "Find All Posts By WorldWatcher" and provide the posts where I stated that it is impossible for someone to get a long form copy of their birth certificate.

You've already called me a lair once and I've proven you wrong. Man up.


I'm not playing your game. I am not answering your fucking question I have asked you 50 pages to answer one simple question you did not do it, you side steped iut grazed over it, then denied you made the claim. and then turned around continued to ask me questions and others jump in and try to insinuate that I refused to answer your question fuck you fuck them you're a lying sack of shit. You know exactly what you said, and I am not going through 15 threads with hundreds of post.
IMO, Trump never stood a chance with the conservative base. He's not a conservative and not a politician, he's an entertainer, and businessman.

I agree in part. He's this year's version of Perot; perhaps some good ideas but politics is a profession and it is a hard profession; you doubt it? Look at the incumbency rates.

I agree that he probably didn't stand much of a chance but he did himself no favors aligning with the birthers.

I wonder. The American public can have a really short memory and is pretty forgiving if given a reason to be so. Trump knows from watching other politicians that running on serious issues doesn't win elections. You have to have something that is hot button, that resonates with the people, that generates lots of message board and talk show interest, that gets you invited before the microphone and cameras again and again and again over a long period of time.

Perot's hot button was the economy that tanked big time after Bush41 imprudently agreed to a tax increase on the 'rich'. A 90+% approval rating in the wake of a highly successful Desert Storm plummeted to below 50%. So Perot was going to 'get under the hood' and fix it. He didn't give us any specifics on how to do it. He just gave us a lot of colorful imagery that a lot of folks bought into.

Trumps media magnet has been the birther issue and as many of you who hold him in contempt for that, there are likely many more who admire him for being the one person capable of forcing Obama to produce the birth certificate and for putting the matter to rest. But it has given him exposure enjoyed by no others in the past months. He'll no doubt be coming up with another hot button in the near future.

Personally speaking, Obama is normally like stage magician. Makes you watch one hand and patters along so that you don't watch what the other hand is doing.

I think from a political standpoint he screwed the pooch on this one, be delivering the goods way to early. This early delivery will (hopefully) now work to our (Republican) advantage. If he'd been smart, he would have strung the birthers out much longer, deep into Republican primary season. During the primaries candidates play to their fringe elements. Once the primaries are over the nomination is done, candidates start swinging to the middle since they are smart enough to recognize political reality. 40% of the voters are going to vote for the Deomocrat - no matter who the candidate is. 40% of the voters are going to vote for the Republican - no matter who the candidate is. The real decision makers are the 20% in the middle who actually think about for whom they will vote. Very likely some or most of the Republican contenders would then have come out in support of the birther issue as the claw their way through the primaries. Once a large field of Republicans was committed and on record, THEN release the long form and allow the media to paint them as extremists, having the greatest impact on that 20% swing vote. As it stands now the only one really tainted with the issue is The Donald, someone unlikely to win the primaries. The issue will be over and done with and won't get much media play in the near future.

So personally I'm quite glad he messed up on this one, it will pass into history and maybe we can focus on really issues like Obamacare, government expansion, Job, and reducing the deficit.

Last edited:
I would not call you on it if you did not say it.

Then man up and click on my User Name, select "Find All Posts By WorldWatcher" and provide the posts where I stated that it is impossible for someone to get a long form copy of their birth certificate.

You've already called me a lair once and I've proven you wrong. Man up.


I'm not playing your game. I am not answering your fucking question I have asked you 50 pages to answer one simple question you did not do it, you side steped iut grazed over it, then denied you made the claim. and then turned around continued to ask me questions and others jump in and try to insinuate that I refused to answer your question fuck you fuck them you're a lying sack of shit. You know exactly what you said, and I am not going through 15 threads with hundreds of post.

Translation: I know I don't have jack shit, so I'm going to puff out my chest and huff and puff. I know I'm a hypocrite for stating something I can't prove about "Africans" while supporting a document that says "English", "Korean", "German", and "Portuguese" which are also not racial identifiers but which parents self identified as when they supplied information to hospitals.

In other words I've been "pwn'd".

BTW - I would sincerely like to thank you as you have "played my game" quite well over the last couple of weeks you've done exactly what I expected you to do and reacted as exected. The sad part is you never realized it, nor how bad and pitiful you were making yourself look. Truly sad.


Last edited:
I agree in part. He's this year's version of Perot; perhaps some good ideas but politics is a profession and it is a hard profession; you doubt it? Look at the incumbency rates.

I agree that he probably didn't stand much of a chance but he did himself no favors aligning with the birthers.

I wonder. The American public can have a really short memory and is pretty forgiving if given a reason to be so. Trump knows from watching other politicians that running on serious issues doesn't win elections. You have to have something that is hot button, that resonates with the people, that generates lots of message board and talk show interest, that gets you invited before the microphone and cameras again and again and again over a long period of time.

Perot's hot button was the economy that tanked big time after Bush41 imprudently agreed to a tax increase on the 'rich'. A 90+% approval rating in the wake of a highly successful Desert Storm plummeted to below 50%. So Perot was going to 'get under the hood' and fix it. He didn't give us any specifics on how to do it. He just gave us a lot of colorful imagery that a lot of folks bought into.

Trumps media magnet has been the birther issue and as many of you who hold him in contempt for that, there are likely many more who admire him for being the one person capable of forcing Obama to produce the birth certificate and for putting the matter to rest. But it has given him exposure enjoyed by no others in the past months. He'll no doubt be coming up with another hot button in the near future.

Personally speaking, Obama is normally like stage magician. Makes you watch one hand and patters along so that you don't watch what the other hand is doing.

I think from a political standpoint he screwed the pooch on this one, be delivering the goods way to early. This early delivery will (hopefully) now work to our (Republican) advantage. If he'd been smart, he would have strung the birthers out much longer, deep into Republican primary season. During the primaries candidates play to their fringe elements. Once the primaries are over the nomination is done, candidates start swinging to the middle since they are smart enough to recognize political reality. 40% of the voters are going to vote for the Deomocrat - no matter who the candidate is. 40% of the voters are going to vote for the Republican - no matter who the candidate is. The real decision makers are the 20% in the middle who actually think about for whom they will vote. Very likely some or most of the Republican contenders would then have come out in support of the birther issue. Once a large field of Republicans was committed and on record, THEN release the long form and allow the media to paint them as extremists, having the greatest impact on that 20% swing vote. As it stands now the only one really tainted with the issue is The Donald, someone unlikely to win the primaries. The issue will be over and done with and won't get much media play in the near future.

So personally I'm quite glad he messed up on this one, it will pass into history and maybe we can focus on really issues like Obamacare, government expansion, Job, and reducing the deficit.


Yeah, I think he messed up too. Moreover, I think his political strategists couldn't figure out how to best use this unique issue.

For example; you don't want it to go into the booth with the voter in November 2012. So it has to come to an end at some point and it needs to be released.

So, I think that they had a discussion about when best to do it and couldn't agree. Sort of like the Space Shuttle, any hiccup at all in any system and they abort the liftoff; any ambiguity=getting it out there and really decapitating Trump. Obama undressed him at the Dinner; was pitch perfect in his dismantling of The Donald, and was the perfect foil to the profane crusade-like nonsense Trump has spewed lately.
I would not call you on it if you did not say it.

Then man up and click on my User Name, select "Find All Posts By WorldWatcher" and provide the posts where I stated that it is impossible for someone to get a long form copy of their birth certificate.

You've already called me a lair once and I've proven you wrong. Man up.


I'm not playing your game. I am not answering your fucking question I have asked you 50 pages to answer one simple question you did not do it, you side steped iut grazed over it, then denied you made the claim. and then turned around continued to ask me questions and others jump in and try to insinuate that I refused to answer your question fuck you fuck them you're a lying sack of shit. You know exactly what you said, and I am not going through 15 threads with hundreds of post.


Brave, Brave, Brave Sir Robin of Camelot.
I ran across this, and thught hmmmmm...

In what is being called 'the biggest hustle in human history,' a special investigation has discovered numerous bogus claims on Barack Obama's resume, including the outright lie that he was a 'Constitutional scholar and professor.'

The claim turns out to be false.

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume - National Conservative | Examiner.com Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume - National Conservative | Examiner.com

At first I thought, yeah right, ultra-right wing bs. Then I saw this link:
Sweet: Obama did NOT "hold the title" of a University of Chicago law school professor. - Lynn Sweet

So... the plot thickens I guess?
Then man up and click on my User Name, select "Find All Posts By WorldWatcher" and provide the posts where I stated that it is impossible for someone to get a long form copy of their birth certificate.

You've already called me a lair once and I've proven you wrong. Man up.


I'm not playing your game. I am not answering your fucking question I have asked you 50 pages to answer one simple question you did not do it, you side steped iut grazed over it, then denied you made the claim. and then turned around continued to ask me questions and others jump in and try to insinuate that I refused to answer your question fuck you fuck them you're a lying sack of shit. You know exactly what you said, and I am not going through 15 threads with hundreds of post.

Translation: I know I don't have jack shit, so I'm going to puff out my chest and huff and puff. I know I'm a hypocrite for stating something I can't prove about "Africans" while supporting a document that says "English", "Korean", "German", and "Portuguese" which are also not racial identifiers but which parents self identified as when they supplied information to hospitals.

In other words I've been "pwn'd".

BTW - I would sincerely like to thank you as you have "played my game" quite well over the last couple of weeks you've done exactly what I expected you to do and reacted as exected. The sad part is you never realized it, nor how bad and pitiful you were making yourself look. Truly sad.



Bozo three of the post you used to support you were edited so kiss my ass liar. the only oine that wasn't eited was the second link.


And to the accusation of being a liar.

Here are a few more posts where I've clearly laid out my position that birth certificate race identifications are self-selected by the parent(s) and not from a restrictive government list like BR claims.

Worldwatcher said:
Thing about that birth certificate back in the 60's is that they were typed up based on what the individuals put down on paper forms and were not based on computer generated drop-down lists which limit you to a predefined list. What would have gone in the box is what the individual wrote (be it Dunham or Obama Sr.) and it's perfectly logical for someone from Africa, not familiar with American vernacular or idiom to list their race as African.

I remember being at the hospital when my kids were born, part of the paperwork was a worksheet that I filled out as a parent, that worksheet was then transcribed into the Birth Certificate issued by the government.

Worldwatcher said:
A birth certificate is not a U.S. Government document. It is not filled out by the U.S. Government, it is completed by local hospitals based on information provided by the parent.

Worldwatcher said:
Oh bullshit. The hospital would have had no idea what to put down. They wouldn't know whether to put White (Caucasian) or if I could claim a Hispanic derivative, or if I had Native American blood. (And no you can't tell just by looking at people.)

Actually I filled out the paperwork and it included race/ethnicity information, that is what is on the birth certificate.

What do you think the government conducts investigations as to race/ethnicity of it's patients? Do they use the local police, FBI or to they hire private investigators?

Worldwatcher said:
The person taking the hospital forms and then typing up medical records and hospital birth records - that are the sent to the government to create the official birth certificate - will never have even seen the person that filled out the forms.

Yes they would. Racial identifiers are SELF identification and when that information is provided by the individual it is completely up to them to SELF identify. If a fair skinned Irish redhead walks into our office to be hired and fills out her paperwork and lists black as her race, then that's what goes into the system. We do not have the authority to override a self identification.

That's her choice and we follow the self identification.

I ran across this, and thught hmmmmm...

In what is being called 'the biggest hustle in human history,' a special investigation has discovered numerous bogus claims on Barack Obama's resume, including the outright lie that he was a 'Constitutional scholar and professor.'

The claim turns out to be false.

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume - National Conservative | Examiner.com Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume - National Conservative | Examiner.com

At first I thought, yeah right, ultra-right wing bs. Then I saw this link:
Sweet: Obama did NOT "hold the title" of a University of Chicago law school professor. - Lynn Sweet

So... the plot thickens I guess?

The 'plot' thickened in 2008. Can't you keep up with real current shit?


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