Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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This has been out there for some time. Obama was NEVER a professor, he was a Senior Lecturer. In other words, he talked a lot. The man's not really done anything other than run his yap for 49 years.
Barack Obama - University of Chicago Law School - Official Statement on Obama at the University of Chicago

The Law School has received many media requests about Barack Obama, especially about his status as "Senior Lecturer."

From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. Like Obama, each of the Law School's Senior Lecturers has high-demand careers in politics or public service, which prevent full-time teaching. Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined.
I ran across this, and thught hmmmmm...

In what is being called 'the biggest hustle in human history,' a special investigation has discovered numerous bogus claims on Barack Obama's resume, including the outright lie that he was a 'Constitutional scholar and professor.'

The claim turns out to be false.

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume - National Conservative | Examiner.com Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume - National Conservative | Examiner.com

At first I thought, yeah right, ultra-right wing bs. Then I saw this link:
Sweet: Obama did NOT "hold the title" of a University of Chicago law school professor. - Lynn Sweet

So... the plot thickens I guess?

Media Inquiries | University of Chicago Law School

Old news. People were spreading that nonsense during the campaign.
I ran across this, and thught hmmmmm...

In what is being called 'the biggest hustle in human history,' a special investigation has discovered numerous bogus claims on Barack Obama's resume, including the outright lie that he was a 'Constitutional scholar and professor.'

The claim turns out to be false.

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume - National Conservative | Examiner.com Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume - National Conservative | Examiner.com

At first I thought, yeah right, ultra-right wing bs. Then I saw this link:
Sweet: Obama did NOT "hold the title" of a University of Chicago law school professor. - Lynn Sweet

So... the plot thickens I guess?

While not at all a surprise, the fact that there have been several pokes from the Left seem to indicate a sense that Obama's Sun is setting...

...hate to mix metaphors, but looks like rats fleeing a sinking ship.
The President, Michelle, and myself continue to be grateful for making us look so good while making the birthers look so bat-shit crazy.

Are you their adopted daughter? BTW, I've often called Obama "Bush-III" because they are so similar. Many people have noticed this as well. It's like Obama took the GWB playbook and followed it to the letter. I really didn't like GWB, but I don't want people to know I don't like Obama because people might think I'm a racist so please keep this between you and me. :eusa_shhh:

Lets face it...........this is our president now.............


But what does it matter now? It doesnt........and he'll continue to do everything in his power to fcukk over America for at least the next 18 months.
The President, Michelle, and myself continue to be grateful for making us look so good while making the birthers look so bat-shit crazy.

Are you their adopted daughter? BTW, I've often called Obama "Bush-III" because they are so similar. Many people have noticed this as well. It's like Obama took the GWB playbook and followed it to the letter. I really didn't like GWB, but I don't want people to know I don't like Obama because people might think I'm a racist so please keep this between you and me. :eusa_shhh:


I don't really like Obama either but I call people who are bat-shit crazy....bat-shit crazy. It's also quasi despicable to pretend that it's "just factfinding"; no such scrutiny has ever come to any President about such an obviously trivial matter--his birth certificate. We're never going to get over race in this country and the mis-trust will be our ultimate downfall since non-whites are going to vastly outnumber whites in the future. Then what? No trust of anybody--"He's the Latino President, not mine".

Cooler heads usually prevail. I hope it continues. I am fearful it will not.

As stated about 500 times, I didn't vote for Obama in the primary or in the general election. My post about making him look sane and reasonable is more or less a warning to the GOP as much as it is a dig at them; bigreb and people like him/her look like lunatics for first bringing it up and now for doubting the authenticity. I would bet that if we were to go back to the Inauguration Day screw-up between BHO and Chief Justice Roberts; there were morons swearing that he wasn't POTUS because of the oath being screwed up. They're batshit crazy too.

Obama is my President until another one is elected. Do I like it? No. Is it the end of the world? No. Do some people think it is? Yes. And they are the ones I ridicule. Feel free to hate the person and the policies all you want...thats America. Legitimacy is something else entirely; be an American about it is all I'm asking.
I ran across this, and thught hmmmmm...

In what is being called 'the biggest hustle in human history,' a special investigation has discovered numerous bogus claims on Barack Obama's resume, including the outright lie that he was a 'Constitutional scholar and professor.'

The claim turns out to be false.

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume - National Conservative | Examiner.com Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume - National Conservative | Examiner.com

At first I thought, yeah right, ultra-right wing bs. Then I saw this link:
Sweet: Obama did NOT "hold the title" of a University of Chicago law school professor. - Lynn Sweet

So... the plot thickens I guess?

was he a fucking senitor of Ill.

get over yourselves ass wipe
note teh right wing posters have still not accepted the real facts even though they are presented here clearly
I'm not playing your game. I am not answering your fucking question I have asked you 50 pages to answer one simple question you did not do it, you side steped iut grazed over it, then denied you made the claim. and then turned around continued to ask me questions and others jump in and try to insinuate that I refused to answer your question fuck you fuck them you're a lying sack of shit. You know exactly what you said, and I am not going through 15 threads with hundreds of post.

Translation: I know I don't have jack shit, so I'm going to puff out my chest and huff and puff. I know I'm a hypocrite for stating something I can't prove about "Africans" while supporting a document that says "English", "Korean", "German", and "Portuguese" which are also not racial identifiers but which parents self identified as when they supplied information to hospitals.

In other words I've been "pwn'd".

BTW - I would sincerely like to thank you as you have "played my game" quite well over the last couple of weeks you've done exactly what I expected you to do and reacted as exected. The sad part is you never realized it, nor how bad and pitiful you were making yourself look. Truly sad.



Bozo three of the post you used to support you were edited so kiss my ass liar. the only oine that wasn't eited was the second link.


And to the accusation of being a liar.

Here are a few more posts where I've clearly laid out my position that birth certificate race identifications are self-selected by the parent(s) and not from a restrictive government list like BR claims.




Worldwatcher said:
The person taking the hospital forms and then typing up medical records and hospital birth records - that are the sent to the government to create the official birth certificate - will never have even seen the person that filled out the forms.

Yes they would. Racial identifiers are SELF identification and when that information is provided by the individual it is completely up to them to SELF identify. If a fair skinned Irish redhead walks into our office to be hired and fills out her paperwork and lists black as her race, then that's what goes into the system. We do not have the authority to override a self identification.

That's her choice and we follow the self identification.



Those posts date from 4/8/2011 (and on 4/9/2011) and they were all edited within minutes for grammatical or typographical errors not content. Any one that cares to go look can see the original post time (at the top) and the edit time (at the bottom).

The point at which made your false was on 4/29/2011. There is no way in God's green earth I could have edited them after your 4/29/2011 post because the date stamp would have changed.

Link #1 was made on 4/8/2011 @ 08:42AM. Edit was on 4/8/2011 @ 08:46. I'm sure I edited a post 4 minutes latter so that could claim THREE WEEKS later that I'd made a change to content.

Link #2 as you point out was not changed.

Link #3 was made on 4/8/2011 @ 11:58PM. Edit was made on 4/9/2011 at 12:01AM. Again I'm such a devious bastard that I edited a post within three minutes so that you could claim THREE WEEKS later that I'd made a change to content.

Link #4 was made on 4/9/2011 @ 07:32AM. Edit was made on 4/9/2011 @ 07:51 AM. Fourteen minutes later is all part of my master conspiracy plot, I figured no one would notice the 14-minute gap. I just knew that THREE WEEKS later you would be going back to look for it.​

PS - This edit, with 3 minutes, was to totally rewrite content and not just add this note. :lol::lol:

Last edited:
Translation: I know I don't have jack shit, so I'm going to puff out my chest and huff and puff. I know I'm a hypocrite for stating something I can't prove about "Africans" while supporting a document that says "English", "Korean", "German", and "Portuguese" which are also not racial identifiers but which parents self identified as when they supplied information to hospitals.

In other words I've been "pwn'd".

BTW - I would sincerely like to thank you as you have "played my game" quite well over the last couple of weeks you've done exactly what I expected you to do and reacted as exected. The sad part is you never realized it, nor how bad and pitiful you were making yourself look. Truly sad.



Bozo three of the post you used to support you were edited so kiss my ass liar. the only oine that wasn't eited was the second link.


And to the accusation of being a liar.

Here are a few more posts where I've clearly laid out my position that birth certificate race identifications are self-selected by the parent(s) and not from a restrictive government list like BR claims.



Those posts date from 4/8/2011 (and on 4/9/2011) and they were all edited within minutes for grammatical or typographical errors not content. Any one that cares to go look can see the original post time (at the top) and the edit time (at the bottom).

The point at which made your false was on 4/29/2011. There is no way in God's green earth I could have edited them after your 4/29/2011 post because the date stamp would have changed.

Link #1 was made on 4/8/2011 @ 08:42AM. Edit was on 4/8/2011 @ 08:46. I'm sure I edited a post 4 minutes latter so that could claim THREE WEEKS later that I'd made a change to content.

Link #2 as you point out was not changed.

Link #3 was made on 4/8/2011 @ 11:58PM. Edit was made on 4/9/2011 at 12:01AM. Again I'm such a devious bastard that I edited a post within three minutes so that you could claim THREE WEEKS later that I'd made a change to content.

Link #4 was made on 4/9/2011 @ 07:32AM. Edit was made on 4/9/2011 @ 07:51 AM. Fourteen minutes later is all part of my master conspiracy plot, I figured no one would notice the 14-minute gap. I just knew that THREE WEEKS later you would be going back to look for it.​


Don't talk to me hack fuck off your edited evidence is no evidence.
Bozo three of the post you used to support you were edited so kiss my ass liar. the only oine that wasn't eited was the second link.


Those posts date from 4/8/2011 (and on 4/9/2011) and they were all edited within minutes for grammatical or typographical errors not content. Any one that cares to go look can see the original post time (at the top) and the edit time (at the bottom).

The point at which made your false was on 4/29/2011. There is no way in God's green earth I could have edited them after your 4/29/2011 post because the date stamp would have changed.

Link #1 was made on 4/8/2011 @ 08:42AM. Edit was on 4/8/2011 @ 08:46. I'm sure I edited a post 4 minutes latter so that could claim THREE WEEKS later that I'd made a change to content.

Link #2 as you point out was not changed.

Link #3 was made on 4/8/2011 @ 11:58PM. Edit was made on 4/9/2011 at 12:01AM. Again I'm such a devious bastard that I edited a post within three minutes so that you could claim THREE WEEKS later that I'd made a change to content.

Link #4 was made on 4/9/2011 @ 07:32AM. Edit was made on 4/9/2011 @ 07:51 AM. Fourteen minutes later is all part of my master conspiracy plot, I figured no one would notice the 14-minute gap. I just knew that THREE WEEKS later you would be going back to look for it.​


Don't talk to me hack fuck off your edited evidence is no evidence.

Truth hurts.........

......................... and can be quite embarrassing.


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