Obama To Sign Fair Pay Order, But Does It Do What He Claims?

Deep down Obama really believes he was born to be a dictator

Unfortunately for us, he is fulfilling his dreams on us and our country

this guy is a frikken JOKE but this kind of stuff feeds his and Democrats low information rabid base

and they eat it up big time....good thing a majority of the people has caught on to his GAMES/SHAMS

So...Dictators typically strive for all in their nation to have equal access to healthcare and for equal pay for equal work for women ?..
Ur the "frikken joke" lady...and apparently enjoy kissing ass on ur oppressors.

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The wage gap statistic, however, doesn’t compare two similarly situated co-workers of different sexes, working in the same industry, performing the same work, for the same number of hours a day. It merely reflects the median earnings of all men and women classified as full-time workers.

The Department of Labor’s Time Use Survey, for example, finds that the average full-time working man spends 8.14 hours a day on the job, compared to 7.75 hours for the full-time working woman. Employees who work more likely earn more. Men working five percent longer than women alone explains about one-quarter of the wage gap.

There are numerous other factors that affect pay. Most fundamentally, men and women tend to gravitate toward different industries. Feminists may charge that women are socialized into lower-paying sectors of the economy. But women considering the decisions they’ve made likely have a different view. Women tend to seek jobs with regular hours, more comfortable conditions, little travel, and greater personal fulfillment. Often times, women are willing to trade higher pay for jobs with other characteristics that they find attractive.

Men, in contrast, often take jobs with less desirable characteristics in pursuit of higher pay. They work long hours and overnight shifts. They tar roofs in the sun, drive trucks across the country, toil in sewer systems, stand watch as prison guards, and risk injury on fishing boats, in coal mines, and in production plants. Such jobs pay more than others because otherwise no one would want to do them.

Unsurprisingly, children play an important role in men and women’s work-life decisions. Simply put, women who have children or plan to have children tend to be willing to trade higher pay for more kid-friendly positions. In contrast, men with children typically seek to earn more money in order to support children, sometimes taking on more hours and less attractive positions to do so.

Academics can debate why men and women make these different choices. The important takeaway, however, is that there are many reasons that men and women on average earn different amounts. It’s a mistake to assume that “wage gap” statistics reflect on-the-job discrimination.

Women have many reasons to celebrate today. Women are increasingly taking on leadership roles in businesses around the world. Technology is increasingly creating more flexible work arrangements, creating new options for parents to combine work and family life. Women are excelling academically (earning far more college degrees than men). Given that the economy tends to place a premium on education, we can expect women to contribute (and earn!) more in the future.

Feminists may protest, but American women aren’t the victims of a sexist economy. It’s time to declare an end to the Equal Pay Day myth.

It's Time That We End the Equal Pay Myth - Forbes

Anyone care to dispute this?

Yup. Please read my post...

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"But Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's spokesman, Don Stewart, questioned the substance of the White House and Senate Democrats push on the issue.

"The president has been telling us for the last five years that he already made equal pay 'a reality,' and that he made sure that women are treated 'the same,' that the first bill he signed 'ensures' equal pay," Stewart said in an e-mail. "So you have to wonder if maybe, just maybe, this is an effort to distract from the consequences of Obamacare, the economy, lack of new ideas."

^^ That's what I was thinking.

Hasn't he been saying that for years? So much that sheeple across the nation gave him credit for the equal pay act of 1963.

Edit: what bunches of people above have already said, lol
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So...Dictators typically strive for all in their nation to have equal access to healthcare
Yep. Just like Cuba. Why not take your "practice" there?
and for equal pay for equal work for women ?..
We have that now. As has been pointed out many times, women tend to make different life choices. Honestly, this isn't rocket science. This issue isn't about more equal bullshit, it's priming the pump for something to run on next election. Apparently they aren't confindent about their record so far.
Deep down Obama really believes he was born to be a dictator

Unfortunately for us, he is fulfilling his dreams on us and our country

this guy is a frikken JOKE but this kind of stuff feeds his and Democrats low information rabid base

and they eat it up big time....good thing a majority of the people has caught on to his GAMES/SHAMS

So...Dictators typically strive for all in their nation to have equal access to healthcare and for equal pay for equal work for women ?..
Ur the "frikken joke" lady...and apparently enjoy kissing ass on ur oppressors.

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No, but they have to lie to get into a position of power, then it's just a matter of keeping them from blaming you for anything you do to them....
Deep down Obama really believes he was born to be a dictator

Unfortunately for us, he is fulfilling his dreams on us and our country

this guy is a frikken JOKE but this kind of stuff feeds his and Democrats low information rabid base

and they eat it up big time....good thing a majority of the people has caught on to his GAMES/SHAMS

So...Dictators typically strive for all in their nation to have equal access to healthcare and for equal pay for equal work for women ?..
Ur the "frikken joke" lady...and apparently enjoy kissing ass on ur oppressors.

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No, but they have to lie to get into a position of power, then it's just a matter of keeping them from blaming you for anything you do to them....

That's really weak...Especially when prez power, unlike that of a dictator, is term limited...Dictators play for keeps.
So u really think that Obama is doing all
This because he wants to be a dictator...for 2 more years?

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That's really weak...Especially when prez power, unlike that of a dictator, is term limited...Dictators play for keeps.
So u really think that Obama is doing all
This because he wants to be a dictator...for 2 more years?
Of course not. After eight years he'll take his capitalist earnings and retire and do all he can to turn the socialist reigns over to someone else.
So...Dictators typically strive for all in their nation to have equal access to healthcare and for equal pay for equal work for women ?..
Ur the "frikken joke" lady...and apparently enjoy kissing ass on ur oppressors.

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No, but they have to lie to get into a position of power, then it's just a matter of keeping them from blaming you for anything you do to them....

That's really weak...Especially when prez power, unlike that of a dictator, is term limited...Dictators play for keeps.
So u really think that Obama is doing all
This because he wants to be a dictator...for 2 more years?

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He dreams of being king......

Hey, if he was king he wouldn't have to bribe the subsequent administration into not investigating his various illegal acts.
No, but they have to lie to get into a position of power, then it's just a matter of keeping them from blaming you for anything you do to them....

That's really weak...Especially when prez power, unlike that of a dictator, is term limited...Dictators play for keeps.
So u really think that Obama is doing all
This because he wants to be a dictator...for 2 more years?

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He dreams of being king......

Hey, if he was king he wouldn't have to bribe the subsequent administration into not investigating his various illegal acts.

Sounds reasonable...so u agree he's no aspiring dictator?

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How do u know what he dreams about...and what "illegal acts"?

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That's really weak...Especially when prez power, unlike that of a dictator, is term limited...Dictators play for keeps.
So u really think that Obama is doing all
This because he wants to be a dictator...for 2 more years?

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He dreams of being king......

Hey, if he was king he wouldn't have to bribe the subsequent administration into not investigating his various illegal acts.

Sounds reasonable...so u agree he's no aspiring dictator?

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No. He doesn't like messy Democracies.

Being an actual dictator might result in a coup, which usually results in a death sentence.
How do u know what he dreams about...and what "illegal acts"?

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well we know who you dream about...And if you don't think he's overstepped his position as dictator, I mean President then you're a die hard cult member that has been living under a rock

thank gawd there only a 30something percent of you today...The rest (60% of the people) has caught on FINALLY
good grief, scary scary
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Obama had a televised EO signing today over equal pay for women.......

He claims it's simple, this order assures equal pay for women, but does it?

What it does is little or nothing to address the causes of income inequality. The primary cause being women take more leave than men for legitimate reasons. Care of family members, etc....

Nevermind his own White House pays women 12% less than men. This issue is another attempt to cause divisions. It solves nothing. It is a meaningless act that has no legitimacy.

Obama to take executive action on equal pay rules

And, we wonder how many Senate and House Democrat female staffers are paid equal to their male counterparts????? :eek:
Well, I think we need to knock down the Obozos and all congressscritters salaries to what us little peons make....what the fxxk do they do but sit on their ass all day in their cushy office and raise their hands when a vote is coming up....

their pay is so damned UNEQUAL to what us mainstream citizens make and we do all the HARD WORK to make this country run

call your Representatives, DEMAND Obama start by example and dock his pay to 30.000 a year... then the rest can follow

minimum wage is too damn high for these career leeches who suck their living off us taxpayers
Ur post is idiotic and unworthy of thoughtful response.

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Ur post is idiotic and unworthy of thoughtful response.

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then don't...it wasn't posted to YOU was it?
just because you think you and your posting's make's you some brilliant masterbater...I especially liked the one asking how they know what the Dear Leader dreams about..that one was so worthy of thought and a thoughtful response....:rolleyes:

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