Obama To Trump: ‘Perhaps Ignorant Racists Should Wear Special ID Badges Too’

If oba
"For President Obama, the political correctness gloves have been taken off and placed firmly up Donald Trump’s butt. Without the concern of reelection the President has become increasingly vocal, commenting frequently on the barrage of hate, intolerance and ignorance spewing from conservatives. Thursday was no exception as Obama took to Twitter to respond to an interview in which Trump indicated that a Muslim database and special ID badges that identify Muslims are policies he would consider to fight terrorism"

Their badges can be a cracker with a cross imposed on it with the stars and bars and a picture of cletus the slack jawed yokel

Obama To Trump: 'Perhaps Ignorant Racists Should Wear Special ID Badges Too'
Wish he would make up his mind....he puts confed flags off limits and out of business now wants to hand em out like candy
Where are Con-federate flags off limits?
Obama is a pretty bitter person. It's only going to get worse as he transitions into a lame duck. He seems a bit unhinged lately. Well, more so than usual.

I don't see him riding off quietly into the sunset. His Narcissistic Personality Disorder will force his to attention whore when he's no longer President

You're probably right. Like President Bush or not, he had enough class to leave and remain silent. I don't see Obama taking the same road.

bush and company have to lay low. They know they could end up like Pinochet, due to their war crimes.

Liberals are pretty angry and unhinged bunch. They'd rather waste time on revenge than trying to move the country forward. Does Hillary and Biden get brought up on war crimes also since they voted for the war? Does Obama get charged with war crimes due to his drone attacks killing innocent people? Game, Set, Match... Thanks for playing.

There's a difference between those who voted for war, and those who lied to get the vote to go to war.
Hillary and Biden received exactly the same intelligence briefings as did Powell and Bush and the JC's in the same briefing room at exactly the same time. So you can stop with your bullshit lie.

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