Obama To Trump: ‘Perhaps Ignorant Racists Should Wear Special ID Badges Too’

Of course the President was also quick to point out that of the 2,000 Syrian refugees the U.S. has taken in thus far, half were children and another quarter were more than 60 years old. Of course facts are not always friendly to conservatives and will likely be met with confused stares followed by the yelling of such things as “Benghazi!” or “Obamacare sucks!” While these are excellent conservative identifiers, the President’s idea still has merit. If you walk into a random store and the owner is proudly wearing his or her “I’m a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, ignorant conservative” badge it might make you rethink your shopping habits.

As for Mr. Trump and those who share his desire to recreate Nazi Germany, in 2010 there were 1,600,000,000 Muslims in the world. Even some of the highest estimates (which are likely fabrications) of 250,000 ISIS militants would only equal 0.016% of the entire Muslim population. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, there is an extremely high level of disdain for ISIS in Muslim countries. The religion of Islam is not the enemy, extremists are. This is true whether the extremists are Muslims or Christians running for political office using fear and ignorance to scare the masses. So, Mr. Trump if the President offers to have you swing by to pick up your “ignorant racist” badge, I would take him up on it. It’s the only way you’ll be seeing the inside of the White House anytime soon.

The demographics of past Muslim immigration is no description of the 200,000 proposed Syrian immigrants who are 75% make ages 18 to 45.

And Hitler was a socialist, just like today's Dimmicrats.


Not quite that easy a comparison since hitler was anti union just like today's republicans. On the other hand, the nazis became very anti gun ownership later on like today's dems. Both extremes are bad.
Obama is a pretty bitter person. It's only going to get worse as he transitions into a lame duck. He seems a bit unhinged lately. Well, more so than usual.

I don't see him riding off quietly into the sunset. His Narcissistic Personality Disorder will force his to attention whore when he's no longer President

You're probably right. Like President Bush or not, he had enough class to leave and remain silent. I don't see Obama taking the same road.
If oba
"For President Obama, the political correctness gloves have been taken off and placed firmly up Donald Trump’s butt. Without the concern of reelection the President has become increasingly vocal, commenting frequently on the barrage of hate, intolerance and ignorance spewing from conservatives. Thursday was no exception as Obama took to Twitter to respond to an interview in which Trump indicated that a Muslim database and special ID badges that identify Muslims are policies he would consider to fight terrorism"

Their badges can be a cracker with a cross imposed on it with the stars and bars and a picture of cletus the slack jawed yokel

Obama To Trump: 'Perhaps Ignorant Racists Should Wear Special ID Badges Too'
Wish he would make up his mind....he puts confed flags off limits and out of business now wants to hand em out like candy
Obama is a pretty bitter person. It's only going to get worse as he transitions into a lame duck. He seems a bit unhinged lately. Well, more so than usual.

As compared to Trump, or Carson?

Trump looks like he's having the time of his life. If he loses he'll go back to what he loves anyway. Obama has always looked miserable - like he cant' believe people actually have the nerve to oppose him.

P. T. Barnum was always a happy man, too!
Obama is a pretty bitter person. It's only going to get worse as he transitions into a lame duck. He seems a bit unhinged lately. Well, more so than usual.

I don't see him riding off quietly into the sunset. His Narcissistic Personality Disorder will force his to attention whore when he's no longer President

You're probably right. Like President Bush or not, he had enough class to leave and remain silent. I don't see Obama taking the same road.

bush and company have to lay low. They know they could end up like Pinochet, due to their war crimes.
Of course the President was also quick to point out that of the 2,000 Syrian refugees the U.S. has taken in thus far, half were children and another quarter were more than 60 years old. Of course facts are not always friendly to conservatives and will likely be met with confused stares followed by the yelling of such things as “Benghazi!” or “Obamacare sucks!” While these are excellent conservative identifiers, the President’s idea still has merit. If you walk into a random store and the owner is proudly wearing his or her “I’m a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, ignorant conservative” badge it might make you rethink your shopping habits.

As for Mr. Trump and those who share his desire to recreate Nazi Germany, in 2010 there were 1,600,000,000 Muslims in the world. Even some of the highest estimates (which are likely fabrications) of 250,000 ISIS militants would only equal 0.016% of the entire Muslim population. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, there is an extremely high level of disdain for ISIS in Muslim countries. The religion of Islam is not the enemy, extremists are. This is true whether the extremists are Muslims or Christians running for political office using fear and ignorance to scare the masses. So, Mr. Trump if the President offers to have you swing by to pick up your “ignorant racist” badge, I would take him up on it. It’s the only way you’ll be seeing the inside of the White House anytime soon.

The demographics of past Muslim immigration is no description of the 200,000 proposed Syrian immigrants who are 75% make ages 18 to 45.

And Hitler was a socialist, just like today's Dimmicrats.

You dumb statue groveling ignorant goy

Obama is a pretty bitter person. It's only going to get worse as he transitions into a lame duck. He seems a bit unhinged lately. Well, more so than usual.

I don't see him riding off quietly into the sunset. His Narcissistic Personality Disorder will force his to attention whore when he's no longer President

You're probably right. Like President Bush or not, he had enough class to leave and remain silent. I don't see Obama taking the same road.

bush and company have to lay low. They know they could end up like Pinochet, due to their war crimes.

Liberals are pretty angry and unhinged bunch. They'd rather waste time on revenge than trying to move the country forward. Does Hillary and Biden get brought up on war crimes also since they voted for the war? Does Obama get charged with war crimes due to his drone attacks killing innocent people? Game, Set, Match... Thanks for playing.
What about all poor black people who have a heart attack at site of confed flag and start quivering like jelly
Obama is a pretty bitter person. It's only going to get worse as he transitions into a lame duck. He seems a bit unhinged lately. Well, more so than usual.

I don't see him riding off quietly into the sunset. His Narcissistic Personality Disorder will force his to attention whore when he's no longer President

You're probably right. Like President Bush or not, he had enough class to leave and remain silent. I don't see Obama taking the same road.

bush and company have to lay low. They know they could end up like Pinochet, due to their war crimes.

Liberals are pretty angry and unhinged bunch. They'd rather waste time on revenge than trying to move the country forward. Does Hillary and Biden get brought up on war crimes also since they voted for the war? Does Obama get charged with war crimes due to his drone attacks killing innocent people? Game, Set, Match... Thanks for playing.

There's a difference between those who voted for war, and those who lied to get the vote to go to war.
Obama has said he wants white people (which he considers all as racists, including his grandmother) to wear a badge to identify them. Why am I not surprised by this revelation? Yet here is the media accusing Trump of suggesting the same thing. One is innuendo (Trump) and one is an actual statement (Obama's).
Obama is a pretty bitter person. It's only going to get worse as he transitions into a lame duck. He seems a bit unhinged lately. Well, more so than usual.

I don't see him riding off quietly into the sunset. His Narcissistic Personality Disorder will force his to attention whore when he's no longer President

You're probably right. Like President Bush or not, he had enough class to leave and remain silent. I don't see Obama taking the same road.

bush and company have to lay low. They know they could end up like Pinochet, due to their war crimes.

Liberals are pretty angry and unhinged bunch. They'd rather waste time on revenge than trying to move the country forward. Does Hillary and Biden get brought up on war crimes also since they voted for the war? Does Obama get charged with war crimes due to his drone attacks killing innocent people? Game, Set, Match... Thanks for playing.

Obama won't get impeached either. He's done nothing to upset the people who run this country and fund political campaigns. He does a few nice things for his base, but on the whole, he's as establishment as the republicans. Notice how they are all good buddies on the TPP? Both sides.
Obama has said he wants white people (which he considers all as racists, including his grandmother) to wear a badge to identify them. Why am I not surprised by this revelation? Yet here is the media accusing Trump of suggesting the same thing. One is innuendo (Trump) and one is an actual statement (Obama's).

Where does he say I have to wear a badge?
Obama is a pretty bitter person. It's only going to get worse as he transitions into a lame duck. He seems a bit unhinged lately. Well, more so than usual.

I don't see him riding off quietly into the sunset. His Narcissistic Personality Disorder will force his to attention whore when he's no longer President

You're probably right. Like President Bush or not, he had enough class to leave and remain silent. I don't see Obama taking the same road.

Back in the day Presidents - having served their term(s) - retired with dignity.

Carter and Clinton said piss on dignity and have shamelessly badmouthed America, home or overseas.

Hate to see what Obama will do.
Islamophobia by definition is NOT "racist".

Islam and Muslim aren't a "race". For the 1000th time libs.
Of course the President was also quick to point out that of the 2,000 Syrian refugees the U.S. has taken in thus far, half were children and another quarter were more than 60 years old. Of course facts are not always friendly to conservatives and will likely be met with confused stares followed by the yelling of such things as “Benghazi!” or “Obamacare sucks!” While these are excellent conservative identifiers, the President’s idea still has merit. If you walk into a random store and the owner is proudly wearing his or her “I’m a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, ignorant conservative” badge it might make you rethink your shopping habits.

As for Mr. Trump and those who share his desire to recreate Nazi Germany, in 2010 there were 1,600,000,000 Muslims in the world. Even some of the highest estimates (which are likely fabrications) of 250,000 ISIS militants would only equal 0.016% of the entire Muslim population. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, there is an extremely high level of disdain for ISIS in Muslim countries. The religion of Islam is not the enemy, extremists are. This is true whether the extremists are Muslims or Christians running for political office using fear and ignorance to scare the masses. So, Mr. Trump if the President offers to have you swing by to pick up your “ignorant racist” badge, I would take him up on it. It’s the only way you’ll be seeing the inside of the White House anytime soon.
All Muslims are the enemy. They should be rounded up and catalogued. Trump will win the presidency. His poll numbers are not dropping but increasing. White American are awakening and we will take this country back. Down with diversity and multiculturalism.
I am coming to the conclusion that I can't disagree with Steve. Leftist radicals are pushing Americans in a violent direction they will regret. Perhaps a resurgence of the KKK is called for. Ask me if I would have said that before Obama's destruction of American life over that last 7 years.
Obama is a pretty bitter person. It's only going to get worse as he transitions into a lame duck. He seems a bit unhinged lately. Well, more so than usual.

I don't see him riding off quietly into the sunset. His Narcissistic Personality Disorder will force his to attention whore when he's no longer President

You're probably right. Like President Bush or not, he had enough class to leave and remain silent. I don't see Obama taking the same road.

Back in the day Presidents - having served their term(s) - retired with dignity.

Carter and Clinton said piss on dignity and have shamelessly badmouthed America, home or overseas.

Hate to see what Obama will do.

bush remains silent but I don't see where he has any dignity. He's a war criminal same as his poppy. will check this thread later, gotta go.
Of course the President was also quick to point out that of the 2,000 Syrian refugees the U.S. has taken in thus far, half were children and another quarter were more than 60 years old. Of course facts are not always friendly to conservatives and will likely be met with confused stares followed by the yelling of such things as “Benghazi!” or “Obamacare sucks!” While these are excellent conservative identifiers, the President’s idea still has merit. If you walk into a random store and the owner is proudly wearing his or her “I’m a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, ignorant conservative” badge it might make you rethink your shopping habits.

As for Mr. Trump and those who share his desire to recreate Nazi Germany, in 2010 there were 1,600,000,000 Muslims in the world. Even some of the highest estimates (which are likely fabrications) of 250,000 ISIS militants would only equal 0.016% of the entire Muslim population. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, there is an extremely high level of disdain for ISIS in Muslim countries. The religion of Islam is not the enemy, extremists are. This is true whether the extremists are Muslims or Christians running for political office using fear and ignorance to scare the masses. So, Mr. Trump if the President offers to have you swing by to pick up your “ignorant racist” badge, I would take him up on it. It’s the only way you’ll be seeing the inside of the White House anytime soon.
Why are half the Syrian refugees accepted into the US children and 25% over 60?
Incidentally, identifying items of clothing, markings etc were used way back in the 700's to designate Jews, Christians and others as dhimmi's. Who do you think thought that up?
Obama supports affirmative action and thus he is the racist. I wish trump would say that but unfortunately trump supports AA too. I suspect most repubs do and that needs to change.
Ok. Guno won't answer so I'll do it for him.

He and Obama and all the brain dead liberal turds are calling those of us who are anti Islamic refugee "racist". Even Obama is now saying this.

Once again......ISLAM IS NOT A RACE.

How many times must Obama and his leftist zombies be told....Islam is not a race. Muslim is not a race. Not a race. Not a race. Not a race. Cannot be "racist".

Islamaphobic?? Yes. Count me in. Fuck islam.
Just another loser religion. Yep.
Of course the President was also quick to point out that of the 2,000 Syrian refugees the U.S. has taken in thus far, half were children and another quarter were more than 60 years old. Of course facts are not always friendly to conservatives and will likely be met with confused stares followed by the yelling of such things as “Benghazi!” or “Obamacare sucks!” While these are excellent conservative identifiers, the President’s idea still has merit. If you walk into a random store and the owner is proudly wearing his or her “I’m a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, ignorant conservative” badge it might make you rethink your shopping habits.

As for Mr. Trump and those who share his desire to recreate Nazi Germany, in 2010 there were 1,600,000,000 Muslims in the world. Even some of the highest estimates (which are likely fabrications) of 250,000 ISIS militants would only equal 0.016% of the entire Muslim population. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, there is an extremely high level of disdain for ISIS in Muslim countries. The religion of Islam is not the enemy, extremists are. This is true whether the extremists are Muslims or Christians running for political office using fear and ignorance to scare the masses. So, Mr. Trump if the President offers to have you swing by to pick up your “ignorant racist” badge, I would take him up on it. It’s the only way you’ll be seeing the inside of the White House anytime soon.

In all fairness, guno, those Muslim kids can be dangerous. They have been trained to kick you in the shin with their sandals, which doesn't sound like much, but they have wooden clogs on the bottom of them. Not only that, they carry fake bombs, claiming that they are home made clocks, and in a crisis, will whip it out and give you a heart attack!

At least 15 people have been killed after two female suicide bombers, one said to be aged as young as 11, blew themselves up at a busy mobile phone market in north-east Nigeria, a day after more than 30 were killed in a bomb blast.

Young female suicide bombers kill 15 in Nigeria market attack
Be afraid of little girls now, Sassygirl.

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