Obama to Urge UN to Break up Israel

At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.
But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.
The choices are three:
1. Absorb the people living in Gaza and The West Bank into Israeli society.
2. Annihilate the people living in Gaza and The West Bank.
3. Free the people living in Gaza and The West Bank to pursue their own destiny.
It's way past time for Israel to poop or get off the pot - this decades old war of attrition is REALLY getting old.

You actually think the Muslims want a two state system?

Dear Lord why are liberals such ignoramuses.

True. Neither side wants to give up their position. They want to have everything.

The world and the United States have two choices.

Ignore them, have the media ignore them, or ignore the media when they cover the story and let genocide and injustice continue.

Or Force them to get along.

Neither side wants to give up anything.
There is no genocide going on.

Otherwise, where are the millions of dead?

No, this is more like keeping the local barbarians on a short leash.

Until they get it through their thick skulls that there is no future for them where they are, and pack up, and leave.

In sandlot baseball... when one side loses the coin-toss or bat-grab... that's called the "sucker's walk" , as the losers take the field and the winners prepare to bat.

The "sucker's walk"... what lies in store for the loser Palestinians.
There is no genocide going on.

Otherwise, where are the millions of dead?

No, this is more like keeping the local barbarians on a short leash.

Until they get it through their thick skulls that there is no future for them where they are, and pack up, and leave.

In sandlot baseball... when one side loses the coin-toss or bat-grab... that's called the "sucker's walk" , as the losers take the field and the winners prepare to bat.

The "sucker's walk"... what lies in store for the loser Palestinians.

Really? I think it's more likely to be the Zionists. A lot of zionists are wondering why they have a cost of living that is THREE TIMES what people in Europe have for the privilage of living next to people who want to kill them.
There is no genocide going on.

Otherwise, where are the millions of dead?

No, this is more like keeping the local barbarians on a short leash.

Until they get it through their thick skulls that there is no future for them where they are, and pack up, and leave.

In sandlot baseball... when one side loses the coin-toss or bat-grab... that's called the "sucker's walk" , as the losers take the field and the winners prepare to bat.

The "sucker's walk"... what lies in store for the loser Palestinians.

Really? I think it's more likely to be the Zionists. A lot of zionists are wondering why they have a cost of living that is THREE TIMES what people in Europe have for the privilage of living next to people who want to kill them.

For one who is always touting how we should stay out of other countries business.... yet you want to control Israel

Double standard much?

There is no genocide going on.

Otherwise, where are the millions of dead?

No, this is more like keeping the local barbarians on a short leash.

Until they get it through their thick skulls that there is no future for them where they are, and pack up, and leave.

In sandlot baseball... when one side loses the coin-toss or bat-grab... that's called the "sucker's walk" , as the losers take the field and the winners prepare to bat.

The "sucker's walk"... what lies in store for the loser Palestinians.

Really? I think it's more likely to be the Zionists. A lot of zionists are wondering why they have a cost of living that is THREE TIMES what people in Europe have for the privilage of living next to people who want to kill them.
That all depends upon how badly the Jews want their old spiritual homeland back.

Those who do not believe it worthwhile will go.

Those who are convinced that it is worthwhile will stay, or come over.

They hold their own fate in their hands, for the first time in 2,000 years.

What they do with that fate is up to them.
That all depends upon how badly the Jews want their old spiritual homeland back.

Those who do not believe it worthwhile will go.

Those who are convinced that it is worthwhile will stay, or come over.

They hold their own fate in their hands, for the first time in 2,000 years.

What they do with that fate is up to them.

You mean the smart ones will leave and the dumb ones will stay and die?

Darwinism in action, baby.
That all depends upon how badly the Jews want their old spiritual homeland back.

Those who do not believe it worthwhile will go.

Those who are convinced that it is worthwhile will stay, or come over.

They hold their own fate in their hands, for the first time in 2,000 years.

What they do with that fate is up to them.

You mean the smart ones will leave and the dumb ones will stay and die?

Darwinism in action, baby.
Time will tell.

Meanwhile, somehow, I doubt that your Tokyo Rose fifth-column -style doom-and-gloom pronouncements about the fate of Israel and its Jews - is scaring off anyone.

These aren't your granddaddy's Jews - sheepishly filing into the gas chambers.

These Jews fight.

These Jews win.

It's why we decided to back them in the first place; having rediscovered their collective courage, after 6,000,000 of them were slaughtered like cattle.

Always a good idea to have an ally or two with balls.

Lord knows, we have few enough of those as-is.
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Put pressure on the Palestinians to once and for all reject terrorism. Until then they get nothing.

They tried democracy. It didn't work.

They tried democracy and the people elected hamas. Tell me why again are the Palestinians deserving of their own country? Its simple - when they reject terrorism and show they are capable of behaving like human beings then the can have thier own country. Until then they get nothing.
And more on the topic


Israel's shield no more?

In the wake of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decisive reelection, the Obama administration is revisiting longtime assumptions about America’s role as a shield for Israel against international pressure.

Angered by Netanyahu’s hard-line platform toward the Palestinians, top Obama officials would not rule out the possibility of a change in American posture at the United Nations, where the U.S. has historically fended off resolutions hostile to Israel.

Read more: Israel s shield no more - Michael Crowley - POLITICO
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.
But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.
The choices are three:
1. Absorb the people living in Gaza and The West Bank into Israeli society.
2. Annihilate the people living in Gaza and The West Bank.
3. Free the people living in Gaza and The West Bank to pursue their own destiny.
It's way past time for Israel to poop or get off the pot - this decades old war of attrition is REALLY getting old.

You actually think the Muslims want a two state system?

Dear Lord why are liberals such ignoramuses.

What possible difference could my opinion on the matter make? Number three on the list is only one of the choices facing Israel and I don't really give a fuck which one they pick - it's not up to me.

I just want them to pick a solution to their problem so that history can judge them and the world can move on.

Dear Cosmos, why must Theowl32 jump straight in to personal insults during what should be a simple conversation?

Just so long as you agree that muslims are not interested in any kind of two state system and that they want Israel obliterated. You agree right? Why don't you put on your "little list."

If I was insulting you and I offended your delicate left wing pathetic sensibilities, let me be more clear.

I hate fucking liberals, I hate your pathetic hypocrisy, I hate your double talk, your lies, and the fact you perpetuate every pathetic left wing American hating, Israel hating talking points.

The so called mythical Palestinian people are free. They are all free to vote. They are are not being systematically killed. The Israelis are treating them far better in their country than Israelis are being treated....in any of their countries.

Hell, they are being treated better than Israelis are being treated by your pathetic liar in chief.

Let me know if you want to be really insulting.

Just so long as I agree...? :eusa_eh:

:dunno: Or what, exactly?
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.
But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.
The choices are three:
1. Absorb the people living in Gaza and The West Bank into Israeli society.
2. Annihilate the people living in Gaza and The West Bank.
3. Free the people living in Gaza and The West Bank to pursue their own destiny.
It's way past time for Israel to poop or get off the pot - this decades old war of attrition is REALLY getting old.

You actually think the Muslims want a two state system?

Dear Lord why are liberals such ignoramuses.

What possible difference could my opinion on the matter make? Number three on the list is only one of the choices facing Israel and I don't really give a fuck which one they pick - it's not up to me.

I just want them to pick a solution to their problem so that history can judge them and the world can move on.

Dear Cosmos, why must Theowl32 jump straight in to personal insults during what should be a simple conversation?

Just so long as you agree that muslims are not interested in any kind of two state system and that they want Israel obliterated. You agree right? Why don't you put on your "little list."

If I was insulting you and I offended your delicate left wing pathetic sensibilities, let me be more clear.

I hate fucking liberals, I hate your pathetic hypocrisy, I hate your double talk, your lies, and the fact you perpetuate every pathetic left wing American hating, Israel hating talking points.

The so called mythical Palestinian people are free. They are all free to vote. They are are not being systematically killed. The Israelis are treating them far better in their country than Israelis are being treated....in any of their countries.

Hell, they are being treated better than Israelis are being treated by your pathetic liar in chief.

Let me know if you want to be really insulting.

What the non-Israeli people of Gaza and The West Bank want is irrelevant.

The choice of solutions to the problem belongs to Israel alone.
Defund them totally and get them out of our country. And then defund Obama


March 20, 2015, 08:31 am
Graham threatens to withhold UN

By Ben Kamisar


Greg Nash
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned Thursday that he would slash America’s funding to the United Nations if the body decides to lift its sanctions on Iran as part of a nuclear agreement.

“Twenty-two percent of the funding for the United Nations comes from the American taxpayer and I’m in charge of that account,” he said on Fox News’ “On the Record.”

“If they go to the UN Security council and the UN Security council lifts all sanctions before we ever get a chance to look at this deal, absolutely I would suspend funding the United Nations, because I don't think your money should go to an organization that irresponsible.”
Graham is the chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee’s subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs. America sent the United Nations $654 million for 2015.

all of it here:
Graham threatens to withhold UN funding TheHill
If I was insulting you and I offended your delicate left wing pathetic sensibilities, let me be more clear.

I hate fucking liberals, I hate your pathetic hypocrisy, I hate your double talk, your lies, and the fact you perpetuate every pathetic left wing American hating, Israel hating talking points.

Whatever helps you to sleep at night, Bro'.

Just remember that the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.

Sounds like you're getting obsessed to this ol' average liberal... be careful.
What the non-Israeli people of Gaza and The West Bank want is irrelevant.

Why would the wants of the people of Gaza and the West Bank be irrelevant? What you're assailing is the very concept of representative democracy.

Worse, neither Gaza nor the West Bank are part of Israel. Even Israel recognizes this.
So, since Obama and his goons couldn't put in a pro Muslim leader in Israel, he's going to the UN now in hopes they can force a deal between Palestine and Israel

Anyone who thinks Obama is not pro Arab is completely beyond hope


The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal.

After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy

Obama is anti-America. Israel is an ally of America, so an enemy of Obama. Obama yearns for the complete and utter destruction of the Constitutional Republic and works diligently to bring this about. Muslim terrorists are merely a tool to be used to further the goals of the left.

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