Obama to Urge UN to Break up Israel

"Netanyahu’s pre-election declaration that he would never allow the creation of a Palestinian state. The comment completely reversed the Israeli leader’s previous support for an independent Palestine as part of a permanent peace deal between the two sides."

Otoh, all the Arab states rejected the two state solution. Their acceptance of Israels right to exist is paramount to any lasting agreement.
A UN resolution does nothing. It's a resolution. obumble also wants to get a UN resolution for mandatory voting here in accordance with the UN human rights resolution. obumble is petty and vindictive. He should get used to sitting in a corner and pouting.

UNSC resolution?
Obama to Urge UN to Break up Israel is a lie and the comment that America was trying to install a pro Muslim as PM of Israel is a lie.

Obama was trying to oust Bibi and Likhud. Jeremy Bird Obama's very own national field director in 2012 was in Israel co-ordinating efforts between One Voice and V15.

FACT. One Voice got hundreds of thousands of dollars in a grant from the State Department.

This issue of potential US funds going to One Voice who allegedly gave funds to V15 to unseat the current government in an election is now under investigation.
So, since Obama and his goons couldn't put in a pro Muslim leader in Israel, he's going to the UN now in hopes they can force a deal between Palestine and Israel

Anyone who thinks Obama is not pro Arab is completely beyond hope


The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal.

After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy

The occupied territories aren't Israel. Even Israel recognizes them as occupied territories.

If Israel wants to annex them, game on. But they haven't. Until Israel annexes the occupied territories, the territories aren't part of Israel.
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.

But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.

There is no two-state solution desired.... the Palestinians want the eradication of the Jews.. PERIOD.
A UN resolution does nothing. It's a resolution. obumble also wants to get a UN resolution for mandatory voting here in accordance with the UN human rights resolution.

When did Obama ever say he wanted a UN resolution for mandatory voting?

You may want to sit down. When you pulled that claim sideways out your ass, you may have torn something.
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.

But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.

There is no two-state solution desired.... the Palestinians want the eradication of the Jews.. PERIOD.
And the Zionists want the land, all of it. Shall we just arm the crap out of the Palestinians and let them slaughter each other?
So, since Obama and his goons couldn't put in a pro Muslim leader in Israel, he's going to the UN now in hopes they can force a deal between Palestine and Israel

Anyone who thinks Obama is not pro Arab is completely beyond hope


The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal.

After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy
Yo, dumbass.

UN Security Council Resolution 1397 was initiated by George Bush. I guess that makes him "pro Arab" and you a fucking moron.
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.

But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.

There is no two-state solution desired.... the Palestinians want the eradication of the Jews.. PERIOD.
And the Zionists want the land, all of it. Shall we just arm the crap out of the Palestinians and let them slaughter each other?

But not the people. The reason that Israel doesn't just annex the West Bank is because they'd have to annex the people too.

Thus, eternal 'occupation'.
The UN should simply undo its mistake, Israel.

I disagree. Israel has a right to exist. And annexation is definitely something it can do for the occupied territories. But sending their civilian population into territory they occupy is clearly a war crime.

If the law is off the table and its just a stand up fight, then we should step back and let the folks in the region settle it. If the law is worth defending, then Israel's existence is worth defending. AND war crimes are worth preventing.
The UN should simply undo its mistake, Israel.

I disagree. Israel has a right to exist. And annexation is definitely something it can do for the occupied territories. But sending their civilian population into territory they occupy is clearly a war crime.

If the law is off the table and its just a stand up fight, then we should step back and let the folks in the region settle it. If the law is worth defending, then Israel's existence is worth defending. AND war crimes are worth preventing.
They have been at war since that pox on history was put back on the map, only one side has never been armed. Either enforce the law or let them slaughter each other.
The UN should simply undo its mistake, Israel.

I disagree. Israel has a right to exist. And annexation is definitely something it can do for the occupied territories. But sending their civilian population into territory they occupy is clearly a war crime.

If the law is off the table and its just a stand up fight, then we should step back and let the folks in the region settle it. If the law is worth defending, then Israel's existence is worth defending. AND war crimes are worth preventing.
They have been at war since that pox on history was put back on the map, only one side has never been armed. Either enforce the law or let them slaughter each other.

I'm for enforcing the law. Defending Israel's right to exist. And preventing Israel from committing war crimes in the occupied territories.
The UN should simply undo its mistake, Israel.

I disagree. Israel has a right to exist. And annexation is definitely something it can do for the occupied territories. But sending their civilian population into territory they occupy is clearly a war crime.

If the law is off the table and its just a stand up fight, then we should step back and let the folks in the region settle it. If the law is worth defending, then Israel's existence is worth defending. AND war crimes are worth preventing.
They have been at war since that pox on history was put back on the map, only one side has never been armed. Either enforce the law or let them slaughter each other.

I'm for enforcing the law. Defending Israel's right to exist. And preventing Israel from committing war crimes in the occupied territories.
Well Bibi just said no to a two-state solution so that makes him very wrong eh, and he's taking the rest of the Israelis with him.
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.

But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.

There is no two-state solution desired.... the Palestinians want the eradication of the Jews.. PERIOD.
And the Zionists want the land, all of it. Shall we just arm the crap out of the Palestinians and let them slaughter each other?

But not the people. The reason that Israel doesn't just annex the West Bank is because they'd have to annex the people too.

Thus, eternal 'occupation'.
Yep, without a genocide it's standoff.
So, since Obama and his goons couldn't put in a pro Muslim leader in Israel, he's going to the UN now in hopes they can force a deal between Palestine and Israel

Anyone who thinks Obama is not pro Arab is completely beyond hope


The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal.

After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy

Was Obama elected into office in Iran or other Arab nation and we just don't know about it? It's like he goes out of his way to help the radical countries.

I see a pattern here. When Muslims are being aggressive, he wants to help them advance. When countries are trying to defend themselves against radical Muslims, he thinks we should not help. In fact, he thinks we should shoot planes down if Israel defends itself against hostiles.

You'd think Iran was our biggest ally the way Obama treats them.
The UN should simply undo its mistake, Israel.

I disagree. Israel has a right to exist. And annexation is definitely something it can do for the occupied territories. But sending their civilian population into territory they occupy is clearly a war crime.

If the law is off the table and its just a stand up fight, then we should step back and let the folks in the region settle it. If the law is worth defending, then Israel's existence is worth defending. AND war crimes are worth preventing.
They have been at war since that pox on history was put back on the map, only one side has never been armed. Either enforce the law or let them slaughter each other.

I'm for enforcing the law. Defending Israel's right to exist. And preventing Israel from committing war crimes in the occupied territories.
Well Bibi just said no to a two-state solution so that makes him very wrong eh, and he's taking the rest of the Israelis with him.

Israel isn't the only player here. We should support the 2 state solution and push recognition of a Palestinian state. Its clear that Israel under Bibi won't ever work in good faith to that end. He wants the status quo.

And the status quo is unacceptable.

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