Obama to Urge UN to Break up Israel

Defund them totally and get them out of our country. And then defund Obama


March 20, 2015, 08:31 am
Graham threatens to withhold UN

By Ben Kamisar


Greg Nash
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned Thursday that he would slash America’s funding to the United Nations if the body decides to lift its sanctions on Iran as part of a nuclear agreement.

“Twenty-two percent of the funding for the United Nations comes from the American taxpayer and I’m in charge of that account,” he said on Fox News’ “On the Record.”

“If they go to the UN Security council and the UN Security council lifts all sanctions before we ever get a chance to look at this deal, absolutely I would suspend funding the United Nations, because I don't think your money should go to an organization that irresponsible.”
Graham is the chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee’s subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs. America sent the United Nations $654 million for 2015.

all of it here:
Graham threatens to withhold UN funding TheHill
best thing Graham has ever proposed....the UN is a useless failure...

Do you mean "We're all gonna Die" Graham?

February 4, 2015

Last week, the World Health Organization announced that its response to the ebola outbreak in West Africa had entered a new phase. They were no longer focused solely on ending transmission of the disease, but totally eliminate it. here were fewer than 500 cases reported in the last 21 days–and under than 100 new cases reported in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea in the past week. The end of this outbreak is now tantalizingly in reach.

How the USA and the UN Helped Defeat Ebola in West Africa UN Dispatch

did you know that the UN does not formally recognize ANY country as a terrorist state.....? the organization is completely blind to terrorist threats like Iran...

United Nations General Assembly Adopts Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy - United Nations Action to Counter Terrorism
Apparently in the timeless annuals of Uncesored's imagination.

We're getting such a lovely demonstration of how the right wing echo chamber works, and the kind of hapless bullshit they tell each other. All based on 'feeling' and whatever blithering nonsense they can make up.

And no one ever calls them on it. Or even asks any questions. Its just a sea of nodding heads.

U.S. could back UN resolution on Palestine, White House official says
Move to come in response to Netanyahu's two-state reversal, official tells NYT. Obama to pass responsibility for Israel ties to Kerry; 'President doesn’t want to waste his time,' says U.S. official.}

U.S. could back UN resolution on Palestine White House official says - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz

Party above all, eh Comrade?
...Its occupied territory. Its not part of Israel. Israel's own supreme court recognizes the distinction...
Today's 'recognition' is tomorrow's 'withdrawal of recognition'.

...Holding hundreds of thousands of people without any rights for generations is ridiculous...
True. You would have thought that those Neanderthal Palestinians would have gotten the hint by now, and packed-up, and moved.

...Especially when the occupier claims to be a 'democracy'...
But Israel IS a democracy.

For its own citizens, anyway.

The residents of the West Bank and Gaza made their own choice, decades ago, and now they're paying the price for that bad choice.

...Israel needs to either annex the territory, or get the fuck out of it...
Not really. They have all the time in the world. But, not to worry. Annexation is not far off.

...But transferring its civilian population to territory it occupies is an explicit war crime.
C'est la vie.

The sooner those Neanderthals are relocated onto the East Bank of the Jordan River, the better.

That, too, is not very far off.
If The U.N. can "break up" nations then how about we petition them to remove California, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont so they can become a separate Socialist People's Republic?
Apparently in the timeless annuals of Uncesored's imagination.

We're getting such a lovely demonstration of how the right wing echo chamber works, and the kind of hapless bullshit they tell each other. All based on 'feeling' and whatever blithering nonsense they can make up.

And no one ever calls them on it. Or even asks any questions. Its just a sea of nodding heads.

U.S. could back UN resolution on Palestine, White House official says
Move to come in response to Netanyahu's two-state reversal, official tells NYT. Obama to pass responsibility for Israel ties to Kerry; 'President doesn’t want to waste his time,' says U.S. official.}

U.S. could back UN resolution on Palestine White House official says - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz

Party above all, eh Comrade?

And where is there any mention of military attacks?

Oh, wait...you were only *implying* a military attack by claiming we 'moved against an ally'. Despite the fact that there's no military component whatsoever.
Apparently in the timeless annuals of Uncesored's imagination.

We're getting such a lovely demonstration of how the right wing echo chamber works, and the kind of hapless bullshit they tell each other. All based on 'feeling' and whatever blithering nonsense they can make up.

And no one ever calls them on it. Or even asks any questions. Its just a sea of nodding heads.

U.S. could back UN resolution on Palestine, White House official says
Move to come in response to Netanyahu's two-state reversal, official tells NYT. Obama to pass responsibility for Israel ties to Kerry; 'President doesn’t want to waste his time,' says U.S. official.}

U.S. could back UN resolution on Palestine White House official says - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz

Party above all, eh Comrade?

Our Petulant POTUS may be recusing himself.

Smart move.

Nobody trusts him in this matter any longer, anyway.
And where is there any mention of military attacks?

Oh, wait...you were only *implying* a military attack by claiming we 'moved against an ally'. Despite the fact that there's no military component whatsoever.

Shouldn't you get a dolly? Those goal posts look heavy.

Hey it's cool, you HAVE to lie - the truth reveals what a pile of shit Obama is. It's not your fault.
The UN General Assembly votes 140-6 in favor of a resolution supporting Palestinian claims to territory seized by Israel during the Six Day War of 1967. The resolution describes Israel as an"occupying power" which has no sovereignty over any part of the West Bank or Gaza Strip.

Israel vehemently objects to this resolution, but President Barack Obama also calls upon Israel to withdraw to its pre-war boundaries of 1967 and give the occupied territories to the Palestinians for a homeland.

Is this what you're referring to 'moving against an ally', Uncensored? You'll note there's no call for military action there either.
And where is there any mention of military attacks?

Oh, wait...you were only *implying* a military attack by claiming we 'moved against an ally'. Despite the fact that there's no military component whatsoever.

Shouldn't you get a dolly? Those goal posts look heavy.

Hey it's cool, you HAVE to lie - the truth reveals what a pile of shit Obama is. It's not your fault.

So you've pretty much abandoned your entire 'military attack' rhetoric then?
So, since Obama and his goons couldn't put in a pro Muslim leader in Israel, he's going to the UN now in hopes they can force a deal between Palestine and Israel

Anyone who thinks Obama is not pro Arab is completely beyond hope


The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal.

After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy

The OP title is a lie. The Occupied Territories are not part of Israel (according to the Israeli court rulings). No one is urging anyone to break up Israel.
Well then use that "Brain" to whip up a link to when Obama went to the UN to move against our ally!

Wait a minute, you're "Pinky" aren't you?

I never could understand why you Communists think this stupidity works;

Yes BlindFool, I can indeed prove water is wet.

In the aftermath of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s big electoral win on Tuesday, the Obama administration reportedly seeks to use the United Nations as a club with which to beat those recalcitrant Jews into line.
According to Foreign Policy, the Obama administration may stop blocking United Nations efforts to “call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement” between Israelis and Palestinians. The fact that the United Nations wants to force Israel, a fully functioning diverse democracy, into negotiating with a terrorist regime led by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas demonstrates the moral bankruptcy of the institution. But more importantly, it demonstrates that President Obama’s big power grab is just beginning.}

Obama Rolls Out Plan to Use UN to Circumvent Congress on Israel Iran - Breitbart
I wonder what in 2008 could possibly have unhinged him so. (-:

Ohh, ad hom - what a clever way to avoid the subject.

Did Obama approach the UN to move against our ally?

Do we have a treaty with that ally?

Is Obama guilty of treason?
Well, the entire OP is factually ... a lie. So, don't pretend this thread has any logical consistency, and the bs you put up about what Obama doing is no step up in terms of truth.
...The OP title is a lie. The Occupied Territories are not part of Israel (according to the Israeli court rulings). No one is urging anyone to break up Israel.
The West Bank and Gaza are destined to become part of Israel, and that fairly soon, as history measures time.

The annexation of the West Bank and Gaza, and resettling those regions with Jews after the Muslims have been expelled to Jordan et al, is not far off.

Going back to the 1967 borders means Death-by-a-Thousand-Cuts for Israel; not immediate, but ultimately lethal.

That said, there is no other option than to complete the Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael.


In for a penny, in for a pound.
Well, the entire OP is factually ... a lie. So, don't pretend this thread has any logical consistency, and the bs you put up about what Obama doing is no step up in terms of truth.

It is? Someone forgot to tell Dear Leader.

Schumer: 'No Comment' on Obama Administration Threat to Israel (Update: Schumer Issues a Statement)}

Schumer No Comment on Obama Administration Threat to Israel Update Schumer Issues a Statement The Weekly Standard

You Communists have no fucking idea what is going on around you, do you? You blindly defend Obama, but you actually didn't know this was going on, did you? You just defend Obama, regardless of fact or circumstance, don't you?

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