Obama to Urge UN to Break up Israel

...The OP title is a lie. The Occupied Territories are not part of Israel (according to the Israeli court rulings). No one is urging anyone to break up Israel.
The West Bank and Gaza are destined to become part of Israel, and that fairly soon, as history measures time.

The annexation of the West Bank and Gaza, and resettling those regions with Jews after the Muslims have been expelled to Jordan et al, is not far off.

Going back to the 1967 borders means Death-by-a-Thousand-Cuts for Israel; not immediate, but ultimately lethal.

That said, there is no other option than to complete the Reconquista of Eregtz Yisrael.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

We're not talking about futuristic speculation...we're talking about reality. No one is breaking up Israel.

Going back to the 1967 borders won't fly, I agree - but it IS a starting point for negotiations and swaps. Israel has the weight of international law and precedent against it in this and unless it wants to end up a pariah like Russia with it's annexing and expansionism into Ukraine...it might want to seriously rethink it's position. It has increasingly less and less support for it's policies.
...The OP title is a lie. The Occupied Territories are not part of Israel (according to the Israeli court rulings). No one is urging anyone to break up Israel.
The West Bank and Gaza are destined to become part of Israel, and that fairly soon, as history measures time.

The annexation of the West Bank and Gaza, and resettling those regions with Jews after the Muslims have been expelled to Jordan et al, is not far off.

Going back to the 1967 borders means Death-by-a-Thousand-Cuts for Israel; not immediate, but ultimately lethal.

That said, there is no other option than to complete the Reconquista of Eregtz Yisrael.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

We're not talking about futuristic speculation...we're talking about reality. No one is breaking up Israel.

Going back to the 1967 borders won't fly, I agree - but it IS a starting point for negotiations and swaps. Israel has the weight of international law and precedent against it in this and unless it wants to end up a pariah like Russia with it's annexing and expansionism into Ukraine...it might want to seriously rethink it's position. It has increasingly less and less support for it's policies.
The Jews have been pariahs throughout virtually the entire 2,000 -year-long Diaspora.

I don't think temporary 'pariah status' will bother them overly much, and that will not weigh very heavily against the possibility of annihilation.
...The OP title is a lie. The Occupied Territories are not part of Israel (according to the Israeli court rulings). No one is urging anyone to break up Israel.
The West Bank and Gaza are destined to become part of Israel, and that fairly soon, as history measures time.

The annexation of the West Bank and Gaza, and resettling those regions with Jews after the Muslims have been expelled to Jordan et al, is not far off.

Going back to the 1967 borders means Death-by-a-Thousand-Cuts for Israel; not immediate, but ultimately lethal.

That said, there is no other option than to complete the Reconquista of Eregtz Yisrael.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

We're not talking about futuristic speculation...we're talking about reality. No one is breaking up Israel.

Going back to the 1967 borders won't fly, I agree - but it IS a starting point for negotiations and swaps. Israel has the weight of international law and precedent against it in this and unless it wants to end up a pariah like Russia with it's annexing and expansionism into Ukraine...it might want to seriously rethink it's position. It has increasingly less and less support for it's policies.
The Jews have been pariahs throughout virtually the entire 2,000 -year-long Diaspora.

I don't think temporary 'pariah status' will bother them overly much, and that will not weigh very heavily against the possibility of annihilation.

It's about time they stop pulling the "annihilation card" at every turn to justify their actions.

So Obama trusts the UN to come up with the right plan.

Pretty interesting, Israel ain't gonna just roll over.


It would be interesting if Obama tried to send troops against our ally.

There's not the slightest indication that Obama is going to send troops against any ally. You're ruminating on a fantasy.

It's downright delusional. The only thing going on is Obama is reconsidering options in regards to a two-state peace solution since Netanyahu has made it clear that was never his intention in the first place. It might mean Obama will stop blocking Palestinian attempts before the UN for recognition. How they get from there to "sending troops against" Israel is sheer rightwing crazyness.
Well then use that "Brain" to whip up a link to when Obama went to the UN to move against our ally!

Wait a minute, you're "Pinky" aren't you?

I never could understand why you Communists think this stupidity works;

Yes BlindFool, I can indeed prove water is wet.

In the aftermath of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s big electoral win on Tuesday, the Obama administration reportedly seeks to use the United Nations as a club with which to beat those recalcitrant Jews into line.
According to Foreign Policy, the Obama administration may stop blocking United Nations efforts to “call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement” between Israelis and Palestinians. The fact that the United Nations wants to force Israel, a fully functioning diverse democracy, into negotiating with a terrorist regime led by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas demonstrates the moral bankruptcy of the institution. But more importantly, it demonstrates that President Obama’s big power grab is just beginning.}

Obama Rolls Out Plan to Use UN to Circumvent Congress on Israel Iran - Breitbart

A swing and a miss.

So what you and Brietphart are saying is that Obama might do something someday, but as of yet, haven't done squat.

Useless partisan speculation.

So Obama trusts the UN to come up with the right plan.

Pretty interesting, Israel ain't gonna just roll over.


It would be interesting if Obama tried to send troops against our ally.

There's not the slightest indication that Obama is going to send troops against any ally. You're ruminating on a fantasy.

It's downright delusional. The only thing going on is Obama is reconsidering options in regards to a two-state peace solution since Netanyahu has made it clear that was never his intention in the first place. It might mean Obama will stop blocking Palestinian attempts before the UN for recognition. How they get from there to "sending troops against" Israel is sheer rightwing crazyness.

Netanyahu has made it clear that it has never been his intention to have a two-state 'peace solution' with terrorists...
One thing Obama has been good at is MEDDLING in other countries and tearing them apart . Now he's working on our one ally in the middle east, Israel.

just some scary stuff..... who is pulling his stings and paying him?
It's downright delusional. The only thing going on is Obama is reconsidering options in regards to a two-state peace solution since Netanyahu has made it clear that was never his intention in the first place. It might mean Obama will stop blocking Palestinian attempts before the UN for recognition. How they get from there to "sending troops against" Israel is sheer rightwing crazyness.


Antisemitism in Europe is about the same now as it was in 1936. Islam and Europe would love to crush Israel and complete Hitler's genocide of the Jews, as would the American left. The veto of America is what has kept the UN from sanctioning such a move. Dear Leader is signaling that he will instruct his UN Ambassador not to veto the attack.
Funny, now Nation Building is back and cheered since Obama. Remember with Bush they wailed we can't be the policemen of the WORLD. We shouldn't be meddling in other countries.

it's just amazing to watch the instant turn around from them.
A swing and a miss.

So what you and Brietphart are saying is that Obama might do something someday, but as of yet, haven't done squat.

Useless partisan speculation.


Obama could rape and murder a young boy on national TV, and you'd claim he was just mentoring him. This is why no one takes you seriously.

You keep going to that boy rape/murder meme? Is there something you want to get off your chest? Something from your childhood that haunts you to this day?

If so, stick a sock in it, nobody wants to hear about your rabid_weird_sick fantasies.
So, since Obama and his goons couldn't put in a pro Muslim leader in Israel, he's going to the UN now in hopes they can force a deal between Palestine and Israel

Anyone who thinks Obama is not pro Arab is completely beyond hope


The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal.

After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy

Why do so many nutter threads have dishonest titles? Can you answer that? Why does this thread have a dishonest title?
It's downright delusional. The only thing going on is Obama is reconsidering options in regards to a two-state peace solution since Netanyahu has made it clear that was never his intention in the first place. It might mean Obama will stop blocking Palestinian attempts before the UN for recognition. How they get from there to "sending troops against" Israel is sheer rightwing crazyness.


Antisemitism in Europe is about the same now as it was in 1936. Islam and Europe would love to crush Israel and complete Hitler's genocide of the Jews, as would the American left. The veto of America is what has kept the UN from sanctioning such a move. Dear Leader is signaling that he will instruct his UN Ambassador not to veto the attack.

Funny, now Nation Building is back and cheered since Obama. Remember with Bush they wailed we can't be the policemen of the WORLD. We shouldn't be meddling in other countries.

it's just amazing to watch the instant turn around from them.

What "nation building" are you talking about? We've been involved in the peace process and committed to a 2-state solution through many administrations. The only thing that's changed is Netanyahu's rejection of a Palestinian state.
Funny, now Nation Building is back and cheered since Obama. Remember with Bush they wailed we can't be the policemen of the WORLD. We shouldn't be meddling in other countries.

it's just amazing to watch the instant turn around from them.

What "nation building" are you talking about? We've been involved in the peace process and committed to a 2-state solution through many administrations. The only thing that's changed is Netanyahu's rejection of a Palestinian state.
there is no change.....he still rejects a Palestinian state run by Hamas....
So you've pretty much abandoned your entire 'military attack' rhetoric then?

Skylar, you're dumb - it's why you're a Communist. Flat out lying might make you popular on the Soros hate sites, but here you just get looked at like the fuckwad you are.

......and not a peep about your debunked 'military action against Israel' idiocy.

You can learn.
...The OP title is a lie. The Occupied Territories are not part of Israel (according to the Israeli court rulings). No one is urging anyone to break up Israel.
The West Bank and Gaza are destined to become part of Israel, and that fairly soon, as history measures time.

The annexation of the West Bank and Gaza, and resettling those regions with Jews after the Muslims have been expelled to Jordan et al, is not far off.

Ethnic cleansing is a war crime. And Israel's supreme court has already ruled its criminal even by Israeli law.
Funny, now Nation Building is back and cheered since Obama. Remember with Bush they wailed we can't be the policemen of the WORLD. We shouldn't be meddling in other countries.

it's just amazing to watch the instant turn around from them.

What "nation building" are you talking about? We've been involved in the peace process and committed to a 2-state solution through many administrations. The only thing that's changed is Netanyahu's rejection of a Palestinian state.
there is no change.....he still rejects a Palestinian state run by Hamas....


That's not what he said. Of course who the hell knows what he is saying he's flipped flopped so much. We may be in for another flip...or flop.

Bennett to Benjamin Netanyahu No coalition without pledge to rule out Palestinian state - Israel News - Jerusalem Post
Naftali Bennett, the head of the religious-Zionist Bayit Yehudi Party, will condition his entry into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition on an explicit commitment from the premier that his government will rule out the creation of a Palestinian state, Channel 2 is reporting on Friday.

As the political parties prepare for coalition talks this coming week, the religious-Zionist leader will reportedly seek specific language in government guidelines effectively precluding the establishment of a Palestinian state prior to his party's entry into the coalition.

Following his re-election this week, Netanyahu reaffirmed his support for a two-state solution, though he added that circumstances in the region did not permit the establishment of a Palestinian state at this juncture.

The premier's campaign disavowal of his support for a Palestinian state has prompted the Obama administration to "reassess" its options regarding the Middle East peace process, with some observers believing that the US could end its policy of automatic support for Israel at the UN Security Council.
Funny, now Nation Building is back and cheered since Obama. Remember with Bush they wailed we can't be the policemen of the WORLD. We shouldn't be meddling in other countries.

it's just amazing to watch the instant turn around from them.

What "nation building" are you talking about? We've been involved in the peace process and committed to a 2-state solution through many administrations. The only thing that's changed is Netanyahu's rejection of a Palestinian state.
there is no change.....he still rejects a Palestinian state run by Hamas....


That's not what he said. Of course who the hell knows what he is saying he's flipped flopped so much. We may be in for another flip...or flop.

Bennett to Benjamin Netanyahu No coalition without pledge to rule out Palestinian state - Israel News - Jerusalem Post
Naftali Bennett, the head of the religious-Zionist Bayit Yehudi Party, will condition his entry into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition on an explicit commitment from the premier that his government will rule out the creation of a Palestinian state, Channel 2 is reporting on Friday.

As the political parties prepare for coalition talks this coming week, the religious-Zionist leader will reportedly seek specific language in government guidelines effectively precluding the establishment of a Palestinian state prior to his party's entry into the coalition.

Following his re-election this week, Netanyahu reaffirmed his support for a two-state solution, though he added that circumstances in the region did not permit the establishment of a Palestinian state at this juncture.

The premier's campaign disavowal of his support for a Palestinian state has prompted the Obama administration to "reassess" its options regarding the Middle East peace process, with some observers believing that the US could end its policy of automatic support for Israel at the UN Security Council.
exactly what was the flip or flop...?

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