Obama to Urge UN to Break up Israel

Does anyone really think the UN can force Israel to do anything?
In theory or in reality? In theory, sanctions could be applied that probably could change some behavior. But in fact, that's not going to happen because the US will never allow it.

What may happen is the US may allow the UN to recognize a "state" of Israel. After that, it's maybe possible that IF the Palestinians (and Iran and even the sunni states) satisfy some of Israel's very real and legitimate concerns about stuff like Hamas running the place, then if Israel would still refuse the establishment of a Palestinian state, some future potus might not block the UN from sanctioning Israel.
All true.
Of course, any consideration of sanctions must include Israel's realistic reactions - in contrast to the intended reactions - to same.
Any thought of real sanctions against Israel is not just purely hypothetical, but it would be based on various muslim and Persian groups behaving very differently than they do now, and would be years or decades down the road.

43 rolled back almost 300 million in aid to Israel, so years is wrong.
The UN made Israel, in case some of you have forgotten.
No, the Jews made Israel, along the lines of the 1947 UN proposal to partition Palestine - a proposal that the idiot Arab-Palestinians rejected.

They did so through force of arms, and the courage of lions in the face of overwhelming odds.

The UN came along much later (1949), and accepted the fait accompli, and recognized her.
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...Ethnic cleansing is a war crime. And Israel's supreme court has already ruled its criminal even by Israeli law.

Committing an atrocity isn't like getting a parking ticket. Just an FYI.
Lining-up artillery hub-to-hub along the northern border of Gaza, and slowing crawling it down the length of Gaza, north to south, and dropping fuel-air bombs on civilian population centers, and slaughtering every Arab man, woman and child that doesn't run south to get out of the way... now that would be an atrocity... and no worse than what the Palestinians have sworn to do to the Jews of Israel - promising to drown them in the Med - but the Jews are far more human than their adversaries.

Kicking the nasty Pals out, and putting their feet on the road, and providing humanitarian assistance along the way, until they're safe-and-sound and still alive, on the other side of the border? Not so much. Other than scale, not much different than a sheriff evicting homeowners after foreclosure sales, but, atrocity? De jure? Perhaps. De facto? Nope.

Hell, the Israelis would probably even gladly serve-up some wergeld and start-over money for the refugees.

And nobody is going to stop the Israelis if-and-when they proceed to this next logical and inevitable step.

There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill this time.

If it's a choice between booting-out the Neanderthal Palestinians, and survival, I'm guessing the Jews will choose survival.

The Palestinians will eventually be re-absorbed back into the surrounding countryside.

lol, you sound like Hitler talking about the Jews.

That's nice.
Meanwhile, somehow, I doubt that your Tokyo Rose fifth-column -style doom-and-gloom pronouncements about the fate of Israel and its Jews - is scaring off anyone.

These aren't your granddaddy's Jews - sheepishly filing into the gas chambers.

These Jews fight.

These Jews win.

Actually, the ZIonists haven't won a war without the US bailign their asses out since 1967. The Arabs almost drove their asses into the sea until Nixon rescued them.

It's why we decided to back them in the first place; having rediscovered their collective courage, after 6,000,000 of them were slaughtered like cattle.

Always a good idea to have an ally or two with balls.

Lord knows, we have few enough of those as-is.

I'd like an ally that doesn't drag us into wars over religious bullshit. Or manipulate our politicians into fighting their wars for them. That's what I'd like
...Actually, the ZIonists haven't won a war without the US bailign their asses out since 1967...
What did the US do in 1967 to bail their asses out? Did we put troops on the ground? Did we provide combat air sorties? The most I remember us doing was to undermine the French arms embargo and hold ourselves out as willing to sell them arms, and, if memory serves correctly, we made good on munitions they'd burned off.

...The Arabs almost drove their asses into the sea until Nixon rescued them...
What did the US do in 1973 to rescue their asses? Did we put troops on the ground? Did we provide combat air sorties? The most I remember us doing was to make good on the munitions they'd burned off and to provide some basic reconnaissance and intelligence services.

...I'd like an ally that doesn't drag us into wars over religious bullshit...
Yes, there IS that danger, being allied to Egypt, or Pakistan, or even Turkey.

...Or manipulate our politicians into fighting their wars for them...
What war(s) have we fought as proxies for Israel?

Who was manipulated into doing that?

And how?
More updates from Obamas pal's


Charge Netanyahu 'spat on face of American policy'

TEL AVIV, Israel – A spokesman for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party told WND his information confirms a report Thursday that the Obama administration is studying the possibility of supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for the resumption of talks to create a Palestinian state.

Dmitry Diliani, who is also a member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, stated, “Now the United States, at the same time, yes, it has been studying its position.

“Especially at a time when Benjamin Netanyahu basically not only slapped the face of American policy by a statement rejecting a two-state solution,” he said. “He spat on the face of the American policy. Something that I don’t think any American would allow this to happen to the greatest country in the world.”

Read more at Palestinians confirm U.S. studying abandoning Israel at U.N.
So, since Obama and his goons couldn't put in a pro Muslim leader in Israel, he's going to the UN now in hopes they can force a deal between Palestine and Israel

Anyone who thinks Obama is not pro Arab is completely beyond hope


The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal.

After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy

What precisely do you mean by "break up Israel" and where is that in the article to which you linked? For I read the article in full and did not see that passage...
It isn't. No one knows what he is going to propose yet.
The OP probably should not have been entitled "...break up Israel", but it could quite probably have been labeled "...do great damage to Israel and its prospects" .

And, given that Speaker of the House, John Boehner, is planning to personally visit Israel, hard on the heels of Netanyahu's address to a joint session of Congress, and in light of Obumble's petulant turning on one of our oldest and dearest friends and allies in the region, well...

It is clear that neither the Congress (a majority of members, anyway) nor a substantial percentage of the American People, trust Obumble to continue to manage this important relationship, and are beginning to isolate and marginalize the Failed Messiah, to the greatest extent possible, in order to minimize the damage that he can do, prior to his eagerly-awaited departure on January 20, 2017.

It seems likely that we can expect a far more visible and proactive Congress over the next 21-22 months until Obama leaves, and that we can expect one Constitutional battle after another, as Congress seeks to sideline Obama as best it can, and to exercise the Power of the Purse, to an unprecedented extent, in order to rein-in this runaway Executive.

So far, checks-and-balances seem to be alive and well.

Thank God.

It is specifically for times like these, when the Executive attempts to rule as an autocrat, by EO (Imperial Decree), and charge-off in his own misguided or vengeful direction, in contravention to the Will of the People, that Checks-and-Balances were embedded into the US Constitution.

It is at times like these, that the profound wisdom of some of our Founding Fathers manifests in its most clear and powerful forms.
What did the US do in 1973 to rescue their asses? Did we put troops on the ground? Did we provide combat air sorties? The most I remember us doing was to make good on the munitions they'd burned off and to provide some basic reconnaissance and intelligence services.

we did more than that. We rushed them replacement tanks after their army had been decimated by the Egyptians and Syrians.
What did the US do in 1973 to rescue their asses? Did we put troops on the ground? Did we provide combat air sorties? The most I remember us doing was to make good on the munitions they'd burned off and to provide some basic reconnaissance and intelligence services.

we did more than that. We rushed them replacement tanks after their army had been decimated by the Egyptians and Syrians.
So what?

It's not like we put boots on the ground or combat planes in the air.

Besides, out of the 24,000 (-ish) tons of supplies that we sent them, only 9,000 (-ish) tons arrived prior to the end of the war.

Nice try.
And in the mean time.....one has to LAUGH at the Obuma bitch slap, and NOTHING said or being done about it..... Kerry will probably give the Ayatollah a BLOW JOB and ask for his forgiveness....BUT don't yell at the spineless Sec. of State ....Talk about the Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight!....


Iran’s leader calls Obama a liar (responds to Zero's Iran holiday video message)

DEBKAfile ^ | March 21, 2015, 6:33 PM (IDT)
Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei used his new year’s message to slam military intervention in Libya and accuse US President Barack Obama of lying. “The US president has sent a message that he supports (the Iranian people), he claims to be against dictatorship and a supporter of (regional) nations. But he is lying when he says some parts of the Iranian people are opposed to a nuclear accord,” he said. No one in Iran is against a deal, but demands that the removal of sanctions be part of the deal - not its outcome. “We reject the policy of...
So what?

It's not like we put boots on the ground or combat planes in the air.

Besides, out of the 24,000 (-ish) tons of supplies that we sent them, only 9,000 (-ish) tons arrived prior to the end of the war.

Nice try.

Point is, without us bailing them out, the Zionshit Entity would have been wiped out.

It simply would have accelerated Chinese-Israel relationships...They really don't need us IF China signs on to sponsor them!

The Growing Chinese-Israeli Relationship FrontPage Magazine

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