Obama to Use EPA to Declare CO2 a Dangerous Pollutant ….

:lol::lol: Cut the Crap 'j', B. H. Obama is in way over his head, he reached his level of incompetence as soon as he took the oath of office.

No wonder the country will NEVER be,'united', even a small group of bloggers in here there is so much division it looks like a diced meat convention. Obama is NOT a leader in my opinion, he may be highly educated, and is a very articulate "BullChitter", but he has no clue in being an effective leader of a nation, or nations, as other nations have backed off from his 'leadership' inabilities.

We don't need a BS'er, we need a real leader.

first of all, 'g', i don't know why you'd put the first letter of my name in "quotes", other than some weird presumption that by doing so you're somehow being overly familiar see that as a sign of disrespect. i can tell a lot about who's a conservative and who's a wingnut by how they address me. thanks for helping clarify which you are.

second of all, people who post on political messageboards tend to have stronger opinions than the norm. most people do NOT discuss politics as hobby.

i think it's funny that you think other "nations" have somehow "backed off" obama. that tells me you don't read much beyond newsmax and watching fauxnews.

if "real leader" in your estimation is the disaster we had for the past eight years or palin, than you're sadly deluded.

now run along and do try next time to actually substantiate your assertions.
gatekeeper-- "faux" leadership? since when is the president's leadership "faux"?

damn, it's funny watching the wingnuts on this thread. the o/p makes an assertion.... undocumented; unsubstantiated.... then extrapolates out into some psychotic wingnut conspiracy theory hysteria and faux outrage....

and the other little wingnuts dance around.

nutters.... :cuckoo:

:lol::lol: Cut the Crap 'j', B. H. Obama is in way over his head, he reached his level of incompetence as soon as he took the oath of office.

No wonder the country will NEVER be,'united', even a small group of bloggers in here there is so much division it looks like a diced meat convention. Obama is NOT a leader in my opinion, he may be highly educated, and is a very articulate "BullChitter", but he has no clue in being an effective leader of a nation, or nations, as other nations have backed off from his 'leadership' inabilities.

We don't need a BS'er, we need a real leader.

Hey asshole, we elected a real leader. After eight years of total incompetance by the fellows that you support, we elected someone with brains. Get used to the idea that you are not going to like the results of that decision by the American citizens. Get used to the idea that the majority of us don't give a damn that it is not to your liking.

I wonder why Obama is considered to be so smart?

He won't release his transcripts.

He has to read from a TelePrompTer to keep from saying UUUUUUUHHHHH every couple of seconds while talking which means he can't put a group of words together into an coherent sentence.

Student athletes do it that well.

I see no evidence that he's any smarter then Bush...and judging by his performance on the economy so far I don't think he's really all that bright.

The only leadership skills he has shown is in forcing the private-sector into doing things that they know aren't in their best interests. And he accomplishes this through thuggery and the use of threats.

He vehemently hates the economic system of this country and he hates the military establishment, thus he hates the military to his roots. One would wonder why he took the job in the first place unless he wants to decimate both of them.
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Do you know the difference between a pollutant and a naturally occurring gas?

Why don't they regulate water vapor? Its the most significant green house gas in the atmosphere right now?

It doesn't mattter if it is naturally occuring. Too much of a good thing is still a pollutant. If it upsets the natural chemical balance it is harmful


That's like saying too much oxygen is a pollutant.

This is a fucken scam.

A way to tax us for naturally occuring emissions.

A fucken joke.

The proof is the sales of carbon credits. Making money off of the gullible.

Are you trying to be fucking stupid?

We lost Gus Grissom and two other astronauts because of a pure oxygen atmosphere.

Yes, there are many things which too much of can do great harm. Fucking idiots like you are too hung up in your idiotic political poses to think clearly on any issue.
:lol::lol: Cut the Crap 'j', B. H. Obama is in way over his head, he reached his level of incompetence as soon as he took the oath of office.

No wonder the country will NEVER be,'united', even a small group of bloggers in here there is so much division it looks like a diced meat convention. Obama is NOT a leader in my opinion, he may be highly educated, and is a very articulate "BullChitter", but he has no clue in being an effective leader of a nation, or nations, as other nations have backed off from his 'leadership' inabilities.

We don't need a BS'er, we need a real leader.

Hey asshole, we elected a real leader. After eight years of total incompetance by the fellows that you support, we elected someone with brains. Get used to the idea that you are not going to like the results of that decision by the American citizens. Get used to the idea that the majority of us don't give a damn that it is not to your liking.

I wonder why Obama is considered to be so smart?

He won't release his transcripts.

He has to read from a TelePrompTer to keep from saying UUUUUUUHHHHH every couple of seconds while talking which means he can't put a group of words together into an coherent sentence.

Student athletes do it that well.

I see no evidence that he's any smarter then Bush...and judging by his performance on the economy so far I don't think he's really all that bright.

The only leadership skills he has shown is in forcing the private-sector into doing things that they know aren't in their best interests. And he accomplishes this through thuggery and the use of threats.

He vehemently hates the economic system of this country and he hates the military establishment, thus he hates the military to his roots. One would wonder why he took the job in the first place unless he wants to decimate both of them.

And you back up all this bullshit with what?

President Obama drove the New GI Bill through as one of his first acts.

Your poster boy for retardations, Bush, stated that he would veto it if it came across his desk.

Now who hates our military?
Oxygen toxicity: A condition resulting from breathing high partial pressures of oxygen, characterized by visual and hearing abnormalities, unusual fatigue, muscular twitching, anxiety, confusion, incoordination, and convulsions.

oxygen toxicity - definition of oxygen toxicity in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Can happen to divers in particular. Can result in death in extreme cases. Part of what happens is it replaces carbon dioxide and inhibits the breathing reflex.

Then there's the blowing up thing too.
This NEWS has got to be distressing to the TreeHuggers because without CO2? Plants DIE.

Oh what to do? What to do?
This NEWS has got to be distressing to the TreeHuggers because without CO2? Plants DIE.

Oh what to do? What to do?
Don't worry. We can only reduce the amount by a grand total of 0.0038% of the total atmosphere or .4% of the Carbon Dioxide content that is man made.

That'll make all the difference in the world. :funnyface:

Fucking warmertards.
This NEWS has got to be distressing to the TreeHuggers because without CO2? Plants DIE.

Oh what to do? What to do?
Don't worry. We can only reduce the amount by a grand total of 0.0038% of the total atmosphere or .4% of the Carbon Dioxide content that is man made.

That'll make all the difference in the world. :funnyface:

Fucking warmertards.
Yes, the math is the major problem with the theory. See Monckton's razor.

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