Obama to visit Middle East - but NOT Israel

In fact he did...in His book.
God isn't a writer.

Isreal is a tiny country surrounded by it's enemies and has been since 1948. The Muslim countries surrounding them have hated them since the beginning of time.
I wouldn't call 1948 the beginning of time.

Yes, I do: the United States. Do you really believe that all of the countries in the Middle East are so hellbent on destroying Israel that they wouldn't take their own welfare into consideration? They're not going to try to rough up Israel, the neighborhood bully, while big daddy America's standing right there pointing a gun at them.

Israel's victory in their "war for independence" can be explained by the presence of approximately twice as many Israeli soldiers as Arab soldiers in Palestine by the war's end, as well as (generally) poor munitions and logistical capabilities on the Arabs' part. In all of the other wars in which Israel has participated, it has directly or indirectly received support from either us or some other foreign country.

You assume that this is the case because you aren't willing to examine the real circumstances surrounding Israel's relatively successful existence. By extension of your logic, I could just as easily say that America lost the War in Vietnam because God's a red-blooded commie who assisted the NVA. Suggesting that God takes any interest in our petty squabbles is laughable, but less so than suggesting that he actually participates in them. Implying that God actively meddles in the affairs of the physical universe implies that he believes that there are problems here that require divine interference. That, in turn, implies that he's of limited intelligence for not being able to foresee these problems, preventing them from happening in the first place. If you believe that God exists and is omniscient, you must logically assume that events in the universe occur as they're "supposed to" without God's active interference.

You can make fun of this all you want,
I'll criticize beliefs that seem worthy of criticism.

but some day i'm sure you will see the truth, and i hope it isn't too late for you.
I don't buy into the nonsense about God being a cranky little kid who throws a fit and commits genocide (a la the Old Testament) whenever things don't go his way. A god ruled by human emotions is a petty god indeed. Additionally, there are no "chosen people," and neither Israel nor any other nation or group is afforded any sort of special status. I don't and won't subscribe to a religious ideology that is racist and at odds with logic.

Say: O you who are Jews, if you think that you are the favorites of Allah to the exclusion of other people, then invoke death, if you are truthful. But they will never invoke it because of what their hands have sent before. And Allah is Knower of the wrongdoers. - 62:6-7​

Now that i've really paid attention to your Avatar and links...i see you're Muslim. So i really don't expect any different reaction from you than what i just got. Sorry for ever bothering you :cuckoo:
In fact he did...in His book.
God isn't a writer.

I wouldn't call 1948 the beginning of time.

Yes, I do: the United States. Do you really believe that all of the countries in the Middle East are so hellbent on destroying Israel that they wouldn't take their own welfare into consideration? They're not going to try to rough up Israel, the neighborhood bully, while big daddy America's standing right there pointing a gun at them.

Israel's victory in their "war for independence" can be explained by the presence of approximately twice as many Israeli soldiers as Arab soldiers in Palestine by the war's end, as well as (generally) poor munitions and logistical capabilities on the Arabs' part. In all of the other wars in which Israel has participated, it has directly or indirectly received support from either us or some other foreign country.

You assume that this is the case because you aren't willing to examine the real circumstances surrounding Israel's relatively successful existence. By extension of your logic, I could just as easily say that America lost the War in Vietnam because God's a red-blooded commie who assisted the NVA. Suggesting that God takes any interest in our petty squabbles is laughable, but less so than suggesting that he actually participates in them. Implying that God actively meddles in the affairs of the physical universe implies that he believes that there are problems here that require divine interference. That, in turn, implies that he's of limited intelligence for not being able to foresee these problems, preventing them from happening in the first place. If you believe that God exists and is omniscient, you must logically assume that events in the universe occur as they're "supposed to" without God's active interference.

I'll criticize beliefs that seem worthy of criticism.

but some day i'm sure you will see the truth, and i hope it isn't too late for you.
I don't buy into the nonsense about God being a cranky little kid who throws a fit and commits genocide (a la the Old Testament) whenever things don't go his way. A god ruled by human emotions is a petty god indeed. Additionally, there are no "chosen people," and neither Israel nor any other nation or group is afforded any sort of special status. I don't and won't subscribe to a religious ideology that is racist and at odds with logic.

Say: O you who are Jews, if you think that you are the favorites of Allah to the exclusion of other people, then invoke death, if you are truthful. But they will never invoke it because of what their hands have sent before. And Allah is Knower of the wrongdoers. - 62:6-7​

Now that i've really paid attention to your Avatar and links...i see you're Muslim. So i really don't expect any different reaction from you than what i just got. Sorry for ever bothering you :cuckoo:
He probably didn't you either but he may have held out some hope that you would not be blinded by your own prejudices.
Comrade Obama has everything the Soviets loved (meaning commitment to expanding government control over the market place) except their strength and courage! He is weak and our enemies smelt it during the primaries! He nationalized banks, insurance companies, the auto industry, the secondary mortgage market and how long before America moves into the Steel business and manufacturing! A forest fire always starts will a single spark!

But back on his weakness! Here are the tests he failed:
Test #1: Yes he wasn't the President yet, but he stayed amazingly silent when Russia invaded Georgia

Test #2: Hugo Chavez! Yep he should have shook his hand, but the 21st century Fidel Castro has walked all over him. Wait until Iran gets the bomb, I guarantee Venezuela will be the first Latin American country to get the bomb leading to the nuclear arms race in Latin America! I am just so GLAD we still have open unprotected borders and ports!

Test #3: Cuba! Unilaterally ended the Cuba embargo at least partial (I am not against ending it), but still hasn't gotten anything from it, except maybe some swing votes in FL!

Test #4: Somolian Pirates: The lefist will point out he stopped some attackes, but what force is he exserting on Somolia. He didn't fail this test, but its still not an A either!

Test #5: Sudan: The killing fields are still ever present! The big man before the election talked about doing something in Sudan during the primaries. Yet he is breaking a promise here.

Test #6: Here is the FIRST OF THE BIG TEST - Iran! First he has let Iran continue to do whatever they want. Now he just about gave them the green light to develop the bomb. The day they get the bomb, Iran's regional enemies will start developing the bomb - Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, UAE and ironically Iraq (all which probably already have top secret plans). Next Iran's allies with Iranian support will develop the bomb - Syria, Lebanon aka Hezbollah, Venezuela and Bolivia. Soon the bomb making knowhows will spread all over like a virus - Libya, Algeria, Tunsia, Congo, Somolia, Senegal, Nigeria, Sudan, Morocco, Afghanistan etc. Once Venezuela and Bolivia get the bomb. Colombia is soon going to fear not having it and they will jump on board leading to Argentia, Peru, Brazil etc developing the bomb!

Test #7: 2nd Big Test - North Korea! They fired missile, the US did nothing. Now they exploded nukes! Obama does nothing. North Korea is developing nukes and will sell the technology to the highest bidder! How long before South Korea and Japan say they can't rely on the US nuclear Umbrella and develop their own nukes. Soon tyranical states in that region will develop the bomb - aka Myammar, Baglesdesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia (Ok they aren't really tyranical, but they have a large share of Islamic extremist)! How long until the bomb falls in terrorist groups hands that have no state affiliation or loyality. The bomb will be develop in countries big and small all across the globe in every country on the planet!

Test #8: Afghanistan: Doing a troop build up. Its a tough situation over there, but he is making it a priority and I think he is at least doing something, unlike Bush who F'up the whole Afghanistan operation when it had substantial international support.

Test #9: Pakistan: Exserted pressure on them to engage the Taliban. INC

The man is weak and everyone knows it. But weakness is nothing new for the left!
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In fact he did...in His book.
God isn't a writer.

I wouldn't call 1948 the beginning of time.

Yes, I do: the United States. Do you really believe that all of the countries in the Middle East are so hellbent on destroying Israel that they wouldn't take their own welfare into consideration? They're not going to try to rough up Israel, the neighborhood bully, while big daddy America's standing right there pointing a gun at them.

Israel's victory in their "war for independence" can be explained by the presence of approximately twice as many Israeli soldiers as Arab soldiers in Palestine by the war's end, as well as (generally) poor munitions and logistical capabilities on the Arabs' part. In all of the other wars in which Israel has participated, it has directly or indirectly received support from either us or some other foreign country.

You assume that this is the case because you aren't willing to examine the real circumstances surrounding Israel's relatively successful existence. By extension of your logic, I could just as easily say that America lost the War in Vietnam because God's a red-blooded commie who assisted the NVA. Suggesting that God takes any interest in our petty squabbles is laughable, but less so than suggesting that he actually participates in them. Implying that God actively meddles in the affairs of the physical universe implies that he believes that there are problems here that require divine interference. That, in turn, implies that he's of limited intelligence for not being able to foresee these problems, preventing them from happening in the first place. If you believe that God exists and is omniscient, you must logically assume that events in the universe occur as they're "supposed to" without God's active interference.

I'll criticize beliefs that seem worthy of criticism.

but some day i'm sure you will see the truth, and i hope it isn't too late for you.
I don't buy into the nonsense about God being a cranky little kid who throws a fit and commits genocide (a la the Old Testament) whenever things don't go his way. A god ruled by human emotions is a petty god indeed. Additionally, there are no "chosen people," and neither Israel nor any other nation or group is afforded any sort of special status. I don't and won't subscribe to a religious ideology that is racist and at odds with logic.

Say: O you who are Jews, if you think that you are the favorites of Allah to the exclusion of other people, then invoke death, if you are truthful. But they will never invoke it because of what their hands have sent before. And Allah is Knower of the wrongdoers. - 62:6-7​

Now that i've really paid attention to your Avatar and links...i see you're Muslim. So i really don't expect any different reaction from you than what i just got. Sorry for ever bothering you :cuckoo:

funny, I thought the same thing the very first time you posted your flat earther shit while dancing around the jesus bonfire, christian.
Because when they were here, they told him to shove his two-state solution up his ass, so there is no photo opportunity to be had with anyone in Israel.

broom hilda ...did stormfront close?

I have Broom on ignore, but of course I can see her comments when copied. She's right, to an extent. Obama and Netanyahu met in Washington only a couple of weeks ago. Smiling for the cameras is about all that got accomlished. So why spend the *travel* money (which I know the cons care so much about) to do another side trip to Israel for another round of nothing?
Wow. This is certainly a mature and enlightening thread.

Now I think I'll have a relatively mature discussion about Paul Blart Mall Cop with my 6 year old. You guys are pathetic.
In a blatant show of disinterest toward the Israeli position, President Obama is heading to the Middle East, but will snub the Israeli government.

Is this an end to seven decades of American support for the Israeli state?

Why would Obama make such a disrespectful gesture?

Is this yet another bow to the Muslim world? Dissatisfaction toward the conservative and newly elected Israeli president?

Or is Obama just an idiot boy-king with no real sense of purpose and responsibility?

He has no respect for anything that America has ever done regarding Israel, or anything else. He is going over to the Muslim countries to offer more apologies for us stupid Americans. I am not joking!

He is not an American! He is 100% muslim!!! He might even be a terrorist himself.

I believe he is the Judas for the times. He is seting the world government up for the second coming. He will cause that war with Israel that is spoken of in the Bible. 1/3 of the world is in some real trouble, but, guess what...Israel cannot lose!!!

I cannot believe he is still not being asked to resign. Now he has proclaimed June as gay month!!! Gays get a month, blacks get a month, hispanics get a month, but prayer gets only a day, and with no observance by the so called president.

He is absolutely an insult to this nation. We are in some deep doo doo!

Those who voted for him were hoping for 40 acres and a mule...well, they got the mule!!!

Yikes!!! Somebody get the smelling salts for this fella!!


Kevin James is a shitty comic and his movies suck. There, I said it.
Well Mall Cop is a movie I can actually watch with my daughter, which makes it okay.

I don't think he's top notch but it was cute. Actually, his co-stars are the ones who were great...and the score. Which is because it's a happy madison production.

You don't have to belong to a religion to be gay. Like it or not, the gay population encompasses at the very least 1.5% of the American population (those being the ones who have emerged from the closet, so the percentage is obviously much higher). On the other hand, the ceremony in the White House for National Prayer Day should have been abolished long ago, on pure constitutional grounds.
I dunno if I have a problem with this. Obama has already met with Israeli leaders and had several discussions with them this month.

Let him try appeasement and understanding of Muslims. Then, when we get hit again by one of them, it'll be time to wipe the floor clean of those dogs.

So you think Muslims are dogs?

I thought he was talking bout democwats.:lol:

You have to learn Willow's special language, jgbkab. She hasn't graduated from third grade yet and still gets her witty comments from comic books.
That thought crossed my mind - but what a dangerous game that would be to play...

dangerous for who.....it is how he played the election game...the banks and the auto makers.....it is how he plays....

Well, dangerous for Israel for one!

How is setting up the Middle East to attack Israel a good thing?

Or perhaps you meant something else?

Please elaborate.

There is no major player in the Middle East that wants another war. Period. The Saudis have been using leverage to tamp down the Iranian rhetoric, and neither Jordon nor Syria want to see another rash of refugees on their doorsteps if all hell breaks loose again somewhere.

Use your heads, people. Those people may be Arabs, and they may be Muslims, but they are NOT stupid.
dangerous for who.....it is how he played the election game...the banks and the auto makers.....it is how he plays....

Well, dangerous for Israel for one!

How is setting up the Middle East to attack Israel a good thing?

Or perhaps you meant something else?

Please elaborate.

well the us doesn't want iran to get nukes but can't really do anything....so if they get everyone believing israel is on its own and an attack by the arabs is looming....israel will strike first....same as they have when other attacjs are looming....and israel solves the problem....

obama is setting both sides up and can claim non-involvment...

That's got to be the dumbest comment by far. Now why on earth would he do that? What would be in it for the United States, and particularly Obama? We are basically starved for military ground forces these days, and with North Korea sounding the drumbeat, it's not likely the Obama Administration has any intention of poking more sticks into hornet nests in the ME region. We don't even have adequate military aircraft to do two more wars, you fools.

Israel will NOT attack Iran without U.S. backup. Saudi Arabia has absolutely NO interest in attacking Israel. The only way anything like that could escalate would be some sort of secret "wag the dog" operation which got both sides drawing their swords and running amok. And remember, Barack Obama is about as far from being a neocon as Jesus Christ was.
In a blatant show of disinterest toward the Israeli position, President Obama is heading to the Middle East, but will snub the Israeli government.

Is this an end to seven decades of American support for the Israeli state?

Why would Obama make such a disrespectful gesture?

Is this yet another bow to the Muslim world? Dissatisfaction toward the conservative and newly elected Israeli president?

Or is Obama just an idiot boy-king with no real sense of purpose and responsibility?

It was obvious to any who bothered to check his bona fides where his sympathies lie, but many didn't. So, elections do have consequences.

You mean the faux bona fides, don't you?
In a blatant show of disinterest toward the Israeli position, President Obama is heading to the Middle East, but will snub the Israeli government.

Is this an end to seven decades of American support for the Israeli state?

Why would Obama make such a disrespectful gesture?

Is this yet another bow to the Muslim world? Dissatisfaction toward the conservative and newly elected Israeli president?

Or is Obama just an idiot boy-king with no real sense of purpose and responsibility?

It was obvious to any who bothered to check his bona fides where his sympathies lie, but many didn't. So, elections do have consequences.

They sure as heck do Annie! They surely do! And they won't be pleasant consequences either.. a lot of people are going to die.I'm afraid.. I feel as if we are right back there in the days of the Salem Witch Trials in this atmosphere! Shudder!

Ohhhh noooooooooo!!!!!!!!! If the libruls don't get me, them ragheads will!!!!

dangerous for who.....it is how he played the election game...the banks and the auto makers.....it is how he plays....

Well, dangerous for Israel for one!

How is setting up the Middle East to attack Israel a good thing?

Or perhaps you meant something else?

Please elaborate.

There is no major player in the Middle East that wants another war. Period. The Saudis have been using leverage to tamp down the Iranian rhetoric, and neither Jordon nor Syria want to see another rash of refugees on their doorsteps if all hell breaks loose again somewhere.

Use your heads, people. Those people may be Arabs, and they may be Muslims, but they are NOT stupid.

No, they are not. They certainly have you fooled.
In a blatant show of disinterest toward the Israeli position, President Obama is heading to the Middle East, but will snub the Israeli government.

Is this an end to seven decades of American support for the Israeli state?

Why would Obama make such a disrespectful gesture?

Is this yet another bow to the Muslim world? Dissatisfaction toward the conservative and newly elected Israeli president?

Or is Obama just an idiot boy-king with no real sense of purpose and responsibility?

Again? He didn't embarrass us enough the first time?

Israel probably warned him they turned their gaydar on.

Well hey, at least he didn't *bow* to The King when he stepped off the plane. Otherwise, threads like this wouldn't even exist. The chatter would be all about that, not the purpose of the trip.
Well Mall Cop is a movie I can actually watch with my daughter, which makes it okay.

I don't think he's top notch but it was cute. Actually, his co-stars are the ones who were great...and the score. Which is because it's a happy madison production.

i'll go one step further.. who the hell believes that his fat ass could land a wife like Leah Remini in King of Queens? for real. While she is a terrorbitch it's just not believable in the slightest.

Have you seen previews for the latest Eddie Murphy child friendly flick? *sigh* I miss 80s Eddie Murphy.

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