Obama Told, 'Apology Not Welcomed Here'


Restore the Republic
Nov 19, 2010
The more important question I would like to hear various views on is this: Should we be apologizing for past Presidents that were left making very difficult decisions they knew they had to live with, and history may deem unpopular? Opon hearing this I wondered, what in the world Obama was thinking in believing Japan was ever seeking an apology over a time of war? Where does this "Apology Tour" stop?

Japanese Government Nixed Idea of Obama Visiting, Apologizing for, Hiroshima
By Jake Tapper
Oct 12, 2011 1:03pm

In September 2009, US Ambassador to Japan John Roos reported to the Obama administration that the Japanese government did not think it was a good idea for President Obama to visit Hiroshima to apologize for the US having dropped an atomic bomb on that city, a secret cable published by Wikileaks revealed.

Roos wrote the cable after his August meeting with Vice Foreign Minister Mitoji Yabunaka, reporting to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the Japanese government felt “the idea of President Obama visiting Hiroshima to apologize for the atomic bombing during World War II is a ‘non-starter.’ While a simple visit to Hiroshima without fanfare is sufficiently symbolic to convey the right message, it is premature to include such program in the November visit.”

A senior White House official asserts to ABC News that there was never any plan for the president to apologize for Hiroshima. The cable does not state that the idea was from the U.S. Rather, Roos writes that Yabunaka thought that following President Obama’s call earlier that year for a world free of nuclear weapons, anti-nuclear groups would speculate as to whether he would visit Hiroshima.

Yabunaka recommended that President Obama’s November 2009 visit be focused mostly in Tokyo.

The cable was first reported by the Japanese Times
Obama Hiroshima trip discouraged in '09: Wikileaks cable | The Japan Times Online

On August 6, 1945, the U.S. B-29 Superfortress bomber Enola Gay dropped “Little Boy” — a 8,900-pound uranium bomb – 31,000 feet above the Japanese city of Hiroshima, killing up to 70,000 Japanese citizens immediately, with another 70,000 speculated to have died from injuries including exposure to radiation.

On August 9, the US dropped a similar device on the Japanese port city of Nagasaki.

Truman on that day delivered a radio address in which he said, “I realize the tragic significance of the atomic bomb. Its production and its use were not lightly undertaken by this Government. But we knew that our enemies were on the search for it. We know now how close they were to finding it. And we knew the disaster which would come to this Nation, and to all peace-loving nations, to all civilization, if they had found it first…Having found the bomb we have used it. We have used it against those who attacked us without warning at Pearl Harbor, against those who have starved and beaten and executed American prisoners of war, against those who have abandoned all pretense of obeying international laws of warfare. We have used it in order to shorten the agony of war, in order to save the lives of thousands and thousands of young Americans.

“We shall continue to use it until we completely destroy Japan’s power to make war. Only a Japanese surrender will stop us…It is an awful responsibility which has come to us. We thank God that it has come to us, instead of to our enemies; and we pray that He may guide us to use it in His ways and for His purposes.”

Six days later, Japan surrendered to the Allied Powers.

Three years later, President Harry S Truman expressed misgivings about his decision to have dropped those bombs to Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission David Lilienthal, who recorded the conversation in his diaries, which were later published.

Truman Library - Public Papers of the Presidents: Harry S. Truman
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With all of the problems we have in this country, the last thing this man has to do is go around apologizing for our country! Sometimes he acts as if he has no brain! Honestly.

I don't expect any president to apologize for his mistakes, policies or acts. He is certainly the last one capable of correctly analyzing the actions of other great men! That just pisses me off! And I seldom get angry. Sorry.
From your article:

"A senior White House official asserts to ABC News that there was never any plan for the president to apologize for Hiroshima. The cable does not state that the idea was from the U.S. Rather, Roos writes that Yabunaka thought that following President Obama’s call earlier that year for a world free of nuclear weapons, anti-nuclear groups would speculate as to whether he would visit Hiroshima.
From your article:

"A senior White House official asserts to ABC News that there was never any plan for the president to apologize for Hiroshima. The cable does not state that the idea was from the U.S. Rather, Roos writes that Yabunaka thought that following President Obama’s call earlier that year for a world free of nuclear weapons, anti-nuclear groups would speculate as to whether he would visit Hiroshima.
Of course, I believe what a WH spokesman says - it's the God's truth if it came from a WH official, especially if there is no way to support of rebut it.
From your article:

"A senior White House official asserts to ABC News that there was never any plan for the president to apologize for Hiroshima. The cable does not state that the idea was from the U.S. Rather, Roos writes that Yabunaka thought that following President Obama’s call earlier that year for a world free of nuclear weapons, anti-nuclear groups would speculate as to whether he would visit Hiroshima.
Of course, I believe what a WH spokesman says - it's the God's truth if it came from a WH official, especially if there is no way to support of rebut it.

The cable does not state that the idea was from the U.S.
From your article:

"A senior White House official asserts to ABC News that there was never any plan for the president to apologize for Hiroshima. The cable does not state that the idea was from the U.S. Rather, Roos writes that Yabunaka thought that following President Obama’s call earlier that year for a world free of nuclear weapons, anti-nuclear groups would speculate as to whether he would visit Hiroshima.
Of course, I believe what a WH spokesman says - it's the God's truth if it came from a WH official, especially if there is no way to support of rebut it.

The cable does not state that the idea was from the U.S.
:lol: Right. It said it wasn't a good idea for Obama to 'apologize'.
From your article:

"A senior White House official asserts to ABC News that there was never any plan for the president to apologize for Hiroshima. The cable does not state that the idea was from the U.S. Rather, Roos writes that Yabunaka thought that following President Obama’s call earlier that year for a world free of nuclear weapons, anti-nuclear groups would speculate as to whether he would visit Hiroshima.

After the denial cover-up that's been uncovered through "Fast and Furious" and the past "apologies" that were given by this President, I'm not convinced that it DIDN'T happen. The concerns and discouragment of such, by Japan, is shown below:

The cable indicates the Japanese government was then effectively discouraging Obama from visiting Hiroshima despite growing expectations over it following his call for a world free from nuclear weapons in a speech in Prague in April 2009.

The cable, dated Sept. 3, 2009, and sent to U.S. State Secretary Hillary Clinton, reported Japan's then Vice Foreign Minister Mitoji Yabunaka telling Ambassador John Roos on Aug. 28 that antinuclear groups would speculate over whether the president would visit Hiroshima in light of his Prague speech on nuclear nonproliferation

The question still exists: Should any President be in a position to apologize for decisions that were made by past Presidents that, under the circumstances, were very difficult to make and may be deemed unpopular by history?
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From your article:

"A senior White House official asserts to ABC News that there was never any plan for the president to apologize for Hiroshima. The cable does not state that the idea was from the U.S. Rather, Roos writes that Yabunaka thought that following President Obama’s call earlier that year for a world free of nuclear weapons, anti-nuclear groups would speculate as to whether he would visit Hiroshima.
Of course, I believe what a WH spokesman says - it's the God's truth if it came from a WH official, especially if there is no way to support of rebut it.

These are the same officials notified of fast and furious but the president didnt know.

The president is on a need to know basis.
Of course, I believe what a WH spokesman says - it's the God's truth if it came from a WH official, especially if there is no way to support of rebut it.

The cable does not state that the idea was from the U.S.
:lol: Right. It said it wasn't a good idea for Obama to 'apologize'.

There is ZERO evidence that the President ever planned to apologize to the Japanese government for the horrible thing we did to them.

Just another ODS threads for the Obama haters to jack off to.
"Its not God bless America! Its God d@mn America!" Jeremiah Wright, pastor, friend, mentor, and confidante to Barack Hussein Obama for some twenty odd years.

"This is the first time I have ever been proud of my country" Michelle Obama

"By their friends yee shall know them"

In November, 2008 America elected the most anti American president ever. He will do, and he has done, whatever possible within his power to degrade, debase, weaken, and undermine America whenever possible.
Why would we apologize for Hiroshima? We probably saved untold lives by beating those crazies into submission.

Screw that.
The cable does not state that the idea was from the U.S.
:lol: Right. It said it wasn't a good idea for Obama to 'apologize'.

There is ZERO evidence that the President ever planned to apologize to the Japanese government for the horrible thing we did to them.

Just another ODS threads for the Obama haters to jack off to.
Right. Sure. There is a cable telling him it is not a good idea to apologize to the Japanese and a WH spokesman said there was no plan ever to do so.

As I said before only without the sarcasm this time, I do not automatically believe what comes from a WH spokesperson, especially when there is no way to support or rebut it.

I don't think I can simplify what I said any more than that.
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Obama has been apologizing since taking office, bowing to foreign royalty for example. He is clearly the most anti-American ever to be POTUS or perhaps ever to just be in the white house.
I'd like to apologize to the world for having a leader as anti-American and unAmerica as Barack Hussein Obama representing us; we're a better country than this.
Poor Obama is obviously running low on people to apologize too.

Something about the respect of the world.
"Its not God bless America! Its God d@mn America!" Jeremiah Wright, pastor, friend, mentor, and confidante to Barack Hussein Obama for some twenty odd years.

"This is the first time I have ever been proud of my country" Michelle Obama

"By their friends yee shall know them"

In November, 2008 America elected the most anti American president ever. He will do, and he has done, whatever possible within his power to degrade, debase, weaken, and undermine America whenever possible.

This President appears ashamed of this country, not afraid to quickly "judge" the policies and mistakes made other past leaders of this great nation. Should someone perhaps be apologizing to the America people for his?
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