Obama travel cost now $105,662,975.27

Guys, Guys, Guys, we are all not stupid and white, damn
Blacks iq levels are lower than whites. Must suck to be you.
Guys, Guys, Guys, we are all not stupid and white, damn
Blacks iq levels are lower than whites. Must suck to be you.

And Asian IQ levels are higher than whites. So maybe we should let Asians take over and run things better.

Or maybe, the IQ tests are skewed to a bias that have been created based on general knowledge which certain ethnic groups are better at?

Anyone who thinks black people are stupid, obviously doesn't know many black people. There is a huge difference between stupid and uneducated. Americans have done their very best at keeping blacks uneducated.
I was referring to tigger. Reading her racist rants crap you know she isn't very educated. I know plenty of successful black peopl, but they don't blame white for anything.
I challenge you to site one post, one thread anything posted by me, where I blamed white people for the plight of black americans in this country, just one...I double dog dare you, I triple dog dare you...and because you can't or won't, in the future do not send for me unless you come to battle with FACTS!!
I won't have to look, you will blame whitey for something soon.
^^^^^Yet more evidence of a n-lover.
^^^ mindlessly squawks back like a parrot — yet more evidence of an abnormally low IQ.

^^^Making claims about someone you can't prove. Typical n*gger lover.
^^^ can’t prove his claims to have slept with my wife. Conservative65 = NL


That you keep addressing something you say is absolutely not true is all the proof I need. It's applying things in the same manner you claim a low IQ for me.

By your own standards, you’re a NL.

That's not why you're a NL. You just love kissing black ass because it's black.

By the time you find out, it will be too late.
Find out what? Why can’t you say?

I don't need to say. It's already been said.
That’s ok, I knew you had no idea what you were talking about anyway.

I knew you'd say what you did. You're so predictable, boy.

I know if I stated something about, well you know who, I know you'd address something that you continue to say didn't happen.
Continue to hide behind your computer and wait on me to visit, well you know who.

You poor thing, bless your heart. How many times do I have to humiliate you by pointing out you don’t know who I am or where I live?


I didn't mention you or where you live. How many times are you going to address something you claim isn't true? Continuing to do so is proof you have doubt about what you say.
You did so when you couldn’t say where I live. That you don’t know reveals how delusional you are.

That you keep addressing something you say absolutely isn't true proves you have doubt. If, as you claim, it didn't happen, you have no need to address it.
I keep talking about it because you keeps talking about it. You seem delusional to think you can talk about something and I shouldn’t respond. :cuckoo:

If, as you claim, it isn't true, you have no need to address it. Doing so proves you have doubt about your belief.

According to you it isn't true. If that's the case, how am I talking about something you say doesn't occur unless it actually have doubts?
^^^ mindlessly squawks back like a parrot — yet more evidence of an abnormally low IQ.

^^^Making claims about someone you can't prove. Typical n*gger lover.
^^^ can’t prove his claims to have slept with my wife. Conservative65 = NL


That you keep addressing something you say is absolutely not true is all the proof I need. It's applying things in the same manner you claim a low IQ for me.

By your own standards, you’re a NL.

That's not why you're a NL. You just love kissing black ass because it's black.

Look at the queer NL ^^^ trying to take back his words. :lmao:

Making claims about someone you can't prove. Typical n*gger lover.

That fits you to a T. Wear it proud.
Oh? When? Why?

By the time you find out, it will be too late.
Find out what? Why can’t you say?

I don't need to say. It's already been said.
That’s ok, I knew you had no idea what you were talking about anyway.

I knew you'd say what you did. You're so predictable, boy.

I know if I stated something about, well you know who, I know you'd address something that you continue to say didn't happen.
More evidence of an abnormally low IQ ^^^

Thinks pointing out how crazy he is means he’s not crazy.


You poor thing, bless your heart. How many times do I have to humiliate you by pointing out you don’t know who I am or where I live?


I didn't mention you or where you live. How many times are you going to address something you claim isn't true? Continuing to do so is proof you have doubt about what you say.
You did so when you couldn’t say where I live. That you don’t know reveals how delusional you are.

That you keep addressing something you say absolutely isn't true proves you have doubt. If, as you claim, it didn't happen, you have no need to address it.
I keep talking about it because you keeps talking about it. You seem delusional to think you can talk about something and I shouldn’t respond. :cuckoo:

If, as you claim, it isn't true, you have no need to address it. Doing so proves you have doubt about your belief.

According to you it isn't true. If that's the case, how am I talking about something you say doesn't occur unless it actually have doubts?
I keep pointing out you’re crazy because you are.
Shocking!!! Obama had higher travel expenses than trump in 8 years than trump had in a few months. And Obama didn't even make a profit off of some of the expenses the way trump has.
It's a disgrace. We need to consult with Tom Price.
^^^Making claims about someone you can't prove. Typical n*gger lover.
^^^ can’t prove his claims to have slept with my wife. Conservative65 = NL


That you keep addressing something you say is absolutely not true is all the proof I need. It's applying things in the same manner you claim a low IQ for me.

By your own standards, you’re a NL.

That's not why you're a NL. You just love kissing black ass because it's black.

Look at the queer NL ^^^ trying to take back his words. :lmao:

Making claims about someone you can't prove. Typical n*gger lover.

That fits you to a T. Wear it proud.

I've proven my claim. That you feel you have to keep denying is proof you have doubt in what you believe.
By the time you find out, it will be too late.
Find out what? Why can’t you say?

I don't need to say. It's already been said.
That’s ok, I knew you had no idea what you were talking about anyway.

I knew you'd say what you did. You're so predictable, boy.

I know if I stated something about, well you know who, I know you'd address something that you continue to say didn't happen.
More evidence of an abnormally low IQ ^^^

Thinks pointing out how crazy he is means he’s not crazy.


If I made another statement about you know who I bet you'd address AGAIN something you've said it absolutely untrue. If you have no doubt, you wouldn't feel the need to do so.
I didn't mention you or where you live. How many times are you going to address something you claim isn't true? Continuing to do so is proof you have doubt about what you say.
You did so when you couldn’t say where I live. That you don’t know reveals how delusional you are.

That you keep addressing something you say absolutely isn't true proves you have doubt. If, as you claim, it didn't happen, you have no need to address it.
I keep talking about it because you keeps talking about it. You seem delusional to think you can talk about something and I shouldn’t respond. :cuckoo:

If, as you claim, it isn't true, you have no need to address it. Doing so proves you have doubt about your belief.

According to you it isn't true. If that's the case, how am I talking about something you say doesn't occur unless it actually have doubts?
I keep pointing out you’re crazy because you are.

You keep making claims you haven't proven. I've proven mine. I'll let you watch next time if you want.
Federal Appeals Court Hearing Set for September 15 on Secret Service Failure to Comply with Additional Presidential Travel Information Requests

Judicial Watch also released travel expenses related to President Trump’s travel totaling $4,082,427.71

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27. The latest records show President Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Judicial Watch also announced that oral argument will be heard on Friday, September 15, 2017, in an additional FOIA lawsuit challenging the district court’s dismissal of Judicial Watch’s claim that Homeland Security has a history of violating FOIA’s requirements in the processing of Judicial Watch’s requests. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)). Judicial Watch sought discovery in this case.

The hearing will be held before D.C. Circuit Judges Judith W. Rogers, Sri Srinivasan, and Cornelia T.L. Pillard:

Date: Friday, September 15, 2017

Time: 9:30 A.M.
Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Now $105,662,975.27 - Judicial Watch
Oh well looky here the Obama crap lickers can't even say Trump's spending is anywhere near this.
The only way that is possible is some leftist BS lies as that is what they do best anything to make the prick look like a shining star.
Obama abusing the office. What a surprise...

He is not alone. The ruling class has a tendency for abusing the tax payer and usually there are no consequences.

Isn't big unlimited government, run by a very small criminal elite, wonderful?
^^^ can’t prove his claims to have slept with my wife. Conservative65 = NL


That you keep addressing something you say is absolutely not true is all the proof I need. It's applying things in the same manner you claim a low IQ for me.

By your own standards, you’re a NL.

That's not why you're a NL. You just love kissing black ass because it's black.

Look at the queer NL ^^^ trying to take back his words. :lmao:

Making claims about someone you can't prove. Typical n*gger lover.

That fits you to a T. Wear it proud.

I've proven my claim. That you feel you have to keep denying is proof you have doubt in what you believe.
Where did I deny you’re a queer NL? You said so yourself based on your own standards.
Find out what? Why can’t you say?

I don't need to say. It's already been said.
That’s ok, I knew you had no idea what you were talking about anyway.

I knew you'd say what you did. You're so predictable, boy.

I know if I stated something about, well you know who, I know you'd address something that you continue to say didn't happen.
More evidence of an abnormally low IQ ^^^

Thinks pointing out how crazy he is means he’s not crazy.


If I made another statement about you know who I bet you'd address AGAIN something you've said it absolutely untrue. If you have no doubt, you wouldn't feel the need to do so.
I’m merely repeating how crazy you are for believing your delusions are real.
That you keep addressing something you say is absolutely not true is all the proof I need. It's applying things in the same manner you claim a low IQ for me.

By your own standards, you’re a NL.

That's not why you're a NL. You just love kissing black ass because it's black.

Look at the queer NL ^^^ trying to take back his words. :lmao:

Making claims about someone you can't prove. Typical n*gger lover.

That fits you to a T. Wear it proud.

I've proven my claim. That you feel you have to keep denying is proof you have doubt in what you believe.
Where did I deny you’re a queer NL? You said so yourself based on your own standards.

You keep denying I do to you know who which proves you have doubts about what you say.

How sad it must be to know someone you call a queer does her better than you ever could. Next time you kiss her, it will be my dick you taste.
I don't need to say. It's already been said.
That’s ok, I knew you had no idea what you were talking about anyway.

I knew you'd say what you did. You're so predictable, boy.

I know if I stated something about, well you know who, I know you'd address something that you continue to say didn't happen.
More evidence of an abnormally low IQ ^^^

Thinks pointing out how crazy he is means he’s not crazy.


If I made another statement about you know who I bet you'd address AGAIN something you've said it absolutely untrue. If you have no doubt, you wouldn't feel the need to do so.
I’m merely repeating how crazy you are for believing your delusions are real.

That's not what you do. You deny it happened. Statements of "you don't know her" and "you don't know where I live" aren't claims that I'm crazy. It's denying what you have no reason to keep denying if, as you say, it didn't happen. Whatever makes you feel better.

By your own standards, you’re a NL.

That's not why you're a NL. You just love kissing black ass because it's black.

Look at the queer NL ^^^ trying to take back his words. :lmao:

Making claims about someone you can't prove. Typical n*gger lover.

That fits you to a T. Wear it proud.

I've proven my claim. That you feel you have to keep denying is proof you have doubt in what you believe.
Where did I deny you’re a queer NL? You said so yourself based on your own standards.

You keep denying I do to you know who which proves you have doubts about what you say.

How sad it must be to know someone you call a queer does her better than you ever could. Next time you kiss her, it will be my dick you taste.

Who knows who you’re “doing” since it’s not my wife. I know you’re delirious but have you forgotten already? You already admitted you don’t know who we are or where we live. That means you’re probably doing some black dude while you fantasize it’s my wife.

That’s ok, I knew you had no idea what you were talking about anyway.

I knew you'd say what you did. You're so predictable, boy.

I know if I stated something about, well you know who, I know you'd address something that you continue to say didn't happen.
More evidence of an abnormally low IQ ^^^

Thinks pointing out how crazy he is means he’s not crazy.


If I made another statement about you know who I bet you'd address AGAIN something you've said it absolutely untrue. If you have no doubt, you wouldn't feel the need to do so.
I’m merely repeating how crazy you are for believing your delusions are real.

That's not what you do. You deny it happened. Statements of "you don't know her" and "you don't know where I live" aren't claims that I'm crazy. It's denying what you have no reason to keep denying if, as you say, it didn't happen. Whatever makes you feel better.
Of course that’s what I do. Just how insane are you to not know what I mean when I said, ”You did so when you couldn’t say where I live. That you don’t know reveals how delusional you are.

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