Obama travel cost now $105,662,975.27

What was the outcome of the hearing 9/15?

(I noted I would accept the JW numbers.)
View attachment 151622
Federal Appeals Court Hearing Set for September 15 on Secret Service Failure to Comply with Additional Presidential Travel Information Requests

Judicial Watch also released travel expenses related to President Trump’s travel totaling $4,082,427.71

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27. The latest records show President Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Judicial Watch also announced that oral argument will be heard on Friday, September 15, 2017, in an additional FOIA lawsuit challenging the district court’s dismissal of Judicial Watch’s claim that Homeland Security has a history of violating FOIA’s requirements in the processing of Judicial Watch’s requests. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)). Judicial Watch sought discovery in this case.

The hearing will be held before D.C. Circuit Judges Judith W. Rogers, Sri Srinivasan, and Cornelia T.L. Pillard:

Date: Friday, September 15, 2017

Time: 9:30 A.M.
Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Now $105,662,975.27 - Judicial Watch
Oh well looky here the Obama crap lickers can't even say Trump's spending is anywhere near this.
The only way that is possible is some leftist BS lies as that is what they do best anything to make the prick look like a shining star.

Fake news

Fake news

Federal Appeals Court Hearing Set for September 15 on Secret Service Failure to Comply with Additional Presidential Travel Information Requests

Judicial Watch also released travel expenses related to President Trump’s travel totaling $4,082,427.71

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27. The latest records show President Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Judicial Watch also announced that oral argument will be heard on Friday, September 15, 2017, in an additional FOIA lawsuit challenging the district court’s dismissal of Judicial Watch’s claim that Homeland Security has a history of violating FOIA’s requirements in the processing of Judicial Watch’s requests. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)). Judicial Watch sought discovery in this case.

The hearing will be held before D.C. Circuit Judges Judith W. Rogers, Sri Srinivasan, and Cornelia T.L. Pillard:

Date: Friday, September 15, 2017

Time: 9:30 A.M.
Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Now $105,662,975.27 - Judicial Watch
Oh well looky here the Obama crap lickers can't even say Trump's spending is anywhere near this.
The only way that is possible is some leftist BS lies as that is what they do best anything to make the prick look like a shining star.
Wow you people are so easily duped.

I noted how the one number included Obama & his family and the other just your orange POS. The article did not say it was just personal travel or political travel. Did it include presidential trips overseas too?

What about the family travels? Ivanka to ski trips, Jr on his travels, etc. What about SS protection in NYC because Melania stayed in NY for 6 months.

This is the whiner reaction to the fact their hero is not doing as he promised. Remember the " I'll stay & work" bullshit you sucked up?

You're embarrassed that you actually voted for asshole Trump & now have to lie to try to hide it.

You approve of Trump flying to his own golf resorts & charging the SS for golf cart rental. Wow, You peole are such hypocrite liars.
Federal Appeals Court Hearing Set for September 15 on Secret Service Failure to Comply with Additional Presidential Travel Information Requests

Judicial Watch also released travel expenses related to President Trump’s travel totaling $4,082,427.71

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27. The latest records show President Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Judicial Watch also announced that oral argument will be heard on Friday, September 15, 2017, in an additional FOIA lawsuit challenging the district court’s dismissal of Judicial Watch’s claim that Homeland Security has a history of violating FOIA’s requirements in the processing of Judicial Watch’s requests. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)). Judicial Watch sought discovery in this case.

The hearing will be held before D.C. Circuit Judges Judith W. Rogers, Sri Srinivasan, and Cornelia T.L. Pillard:

Date: Friday, September 15, 2017

Time: 9:30 A.M.
Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Now $105,662,975.27 - Judicial Watch
Oh well looky here the Obama crap lickers can't even say Trump's spending is anywhere near this.
The only way that is possible is some leftist BS lies as that is what they do best anything to make the prick look like a shining star.

Fake news

Judicial watch is a bit BIASED:

On May 4, Judicial Watch reported that it obtained records from the Department of the Air Force in response to FOIA requests that show President Trump’s flights to Mar-a-Lago for two weekends (in February and March) cost $1,281,420.00. (Since 2009, Judicial Watch tracked President Obama’s travel, resulting in a tabulation of at least $96,938,882.51 in taxpayer dollars for Obama family travel during his eight years in office.)

“The public controversy over President Trump’s travel will only increase if the Pentagon and Secret Service won’t disclose basic costs and other details as FOIA law requires,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Extreme transparency should be the Trump administration’s ethic, especially after eight years of lawless Obama secrecy.”

Again, the I don't like the source therefore it isn't valid excuse.
Federal Appeals Court Hearing Set for September 15 on Secret Service Failure to Comply with Additional Presidential Travel Information Requests

Judicial Watch also released travel expenses related to President Trump’s travel totaling $4,082,427.71

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27. The latest records show President Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Judicial Watch also announced that oral argument will be heard on Friday, September 15, 2017, in an additional FOIA lawsuit challenging the district court’s dismissal of Judicial Watch’s claim that Homeland Security has a history of violating FOIA’s requirements in the processing of Judicial Watch’s requests. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)). Judicial Watch sought discovery in this case.

The hearing will be held before D.C. Circuit Judges Judith W. Rogers, Sri Srinivasan, and Cornelia T.L. Pillard:

Date: Friday, September 15, 2017

Time: 9:30 A.M.
Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Now $105,662,975.27 - Judicial Watch
Oh well looky here the Obama crap lickers can't even say Trump's spending is anywhere near this.
The only way that is possible is some leftist BS lies as that is what they do best anything to make the prick look like a shining star.
Wow you people are so easily duped.

I noted how the one number included Obama & his family and the other just your orange POS. The article did not say it was just personal travel or political travel. Did it include presidential trips overseas too?

What about the family travels? Ivanka to ski trips, Jr on his travels, etc. What about SS protection in NYC because Melania stayed in NY for 6 months.

This is the whiner reaction to the fact their hero is not doing as he promised. Remember the " I'll stay & work" bullshit you sucked up?

You're embarrassed that you actually voted for asshole Trump & now have to lie to try to hide it.

You approve of Trump flying to his own golf resorts & charging the SS for golf cart rental. Wow, You peole are such hypocrite liars.

Dream on, Dream on your HERO BITCH is a rip off artist and you stupid asses keep sticking up for the c-----t

he's got proof and left a paper Trail stopping trying to make your pathetic selves feel better by dreaming up your LIES on Trump all so you can feel better about yourselves supporting an asshole named Obama.

What do you a.h call this as these pos losers shut down a park and treat their WHOLE FAMILY to a fkn AFRICAN SAFARI ON UR DIMES dumbasses...


Obama's Africa trip will cost taxpayers $100 mln
Federal Appeals Court Hearing Set for September 15 on Secret Service Failure to Comply with Additional Presidential Travel Information Requests

Judicial Watch also released travel expenses related to President Trump’s travel totaling $4,082,427.71

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27. The latest records show President Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Judicial Watch also announced that oral argument will be heard on Friday, September 15, 2017, in an additional FOIA lawsuit challenging the district court’s dismissal of Judicial Watch’s claim that Homeland Security has a history of violating FOIA’s requirements in the processing of Judicial Watch’s requests. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)). Judicial Watch sought discovery in this case.

The hearing will be held before D.C. Circuit Judges Judith W. Rogers, Sri Srinivasan, and Cornelia T.L. Pillard:

Date: Friday, September 15, 2017

Time: 9:30 A.M.
Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Now $105,662,975.27 - Judicial Watch
Oh well looky here the Obama crap lickers can't even say Trump's spending is anywhere near this.
The only way that is possible is some leftist BS lies as that is what they do best anything to make the prick look like a shining star.

Fake news

Judicial watch is a bit BIASED:

On May 4, Judicial Watch reported that it obtained records from the Department of the Air Force in response to FOIA requests that show President Trump’s flights to Mar-a-Lago for two weekends (in February and March) cost $1,281,420.00. (Since 2009, Judicial Watch tracked President Obama’s travel, resulting in a tabulation of at least $96,938,882.51 in taxpayer dollars for Obama family travel during his eight years in office.)

“The public controversy over President Trump’s travel will only increase if the Pentagon and Secret Service won’t disclose basic costs and other details as FOIA law requires,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Extreme transparency should be the Trump administration’s ethic, especially after eight years of lawless Obama secrecy.”

Again, the I don't like the source therefore it isn't valid excuse.

I wrote I accept the numbers, READ.

Your posts are the proof. :dance:

Your claims are subjective opinion. Since you want to go with that, your posts are proof you're a n-lover.

Shrieks a low IQ idiot.

Claims a n-lover that can't keep his own bitch in line.
Just one of the many differences between us — I didn’t just point out your IQ is abnormally low ... I cited an example. Whereas you merely blurt out whatever thought pops into your racist head without citing any specific examples.

You made a subjective statement.

Your posts prove you're a n-lover.
^^^ yet more evidence of a low IQ poster. I said nothing about niggers, yet the above aborigine thinks I did due to his abnormally low IQ.
Federal Appeals Court Hearing Set for September 15 on Secret Service Failure to Comply with Additional Presidential Travel Information Requests

Judicial Watch also released travel expenses related to President Trump’s travel totaling $4,082,427.71

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27. The latest records show President Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Judicial Watch also announced that oral argument will be heard on Friday, September 15, 2017, in an additional FOIA lawsuit challenging the district court’s dismissal of Judicial Watch’s claim that Homeland Security has a history of violating FOIA’s requirements in the processing of Judicial Watch’s requests. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)). Judicial Watch sought discovery in this case.

The hearing will be held before D.C. Circuit Judges Judith W. Rogers, Sri Srinivasan, and Cornelia T.L. Pillard:

Date: Friday, September 15, 2017

Time: 9:30 A.M.
Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Now $105,662,975.27 - Judicial Watch
Oh well looky here the Obama crap lickers can't even say Trump's spending is anywhere near this.
The only way that is possible is some leftist BS lies as that is what they do best anything to make the prick look like a shining star.
You know you're crazy, right?

Each trip Trump takes to Mar-a-lago costs close to $4 million...
Given variations in each trip, estimating the security costs around a presidential trip is difficult. But a 2016 Government Accountability Office report about a four-day trip Obama took to Florida in 2013 -- one similar to Trump's trips -- found the total cost to the Secret Service and Coast Guard was $3.6 million.

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year
... and he's made no less than 7 trips to there.
^^^ another conservative idiot who can’t handle being refuted.


View attachment 151612

Is that supposed to mean something to me?

It doesn’t.
Federal Appeals Court Hearing Set for September 15 on Secret Service Failure to Comply with Additional Presidential Travel Information Requests

Judicial Watch also released travel expenses related to President Trump’s travel totaling $4,082,427.71

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27. The latest records show President Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Judicial Watch also announced that oral argument will be heard on Friday, September 15, 2017, in an additional FOIA lawsuit challenging the district court’s dismissal of Judicial Watch’s claim that Homeland Security has a history of violating FOIA’s requirements in the processing of Judicial Watch’s requests. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)). Judicial Watch sought discovery in this case.

The hearing will be held before D.C. Circuit Judges Judith W. Rogers, Sri Srinivasan, and Cornelia T.L. Pillard:

Date: Friday, September 15, 2017

Time: 9:30 A.M.
Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Now $105,662,975.27 - Judicial Watch
Oh well looky here the Obama crap lickers can't even say Trump's spending is anywhere near this.
The only way that is possible is some leftist BS lies as that is what they do best anything to make the prick look like a shining star.
You know you're crazy, right?

Each trip Trump takes to Mar-a-lago costs close to $4 million...
Given variations in each trip, estimating the security costs around a presidential trip is difficult. But a 2016 Government Accountability Office report about a four-day trip Obama took to Florida in 2013 -- one similar to Trump's trips -- found the total cost to the Secret Service and Coast Guard was $3.6 million.

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year
... and he's made no less than 7 trips to there.
^^^ another conservative idiot who can’t handle being refuted.


View attachment 151612

Is that supposed to mean something to me?

It doesn’t.

Federal Appeals Court Hearing Set for September 15 on Secret Service Failure to Comply with Additional Presidential Travel Information Requests

Judicial Watch also released travel expenses related to President Trump’s travel totaling $4,082,427.71

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27. The latest records show President Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Judicial Watch also announced that oral argument will be heard on Friday, September 15, 2017, in an additional FOIA lawsuit challenging the district court’s dismissal of Judicial Watch’s claim that Homeland Security has a history of violating FOIA’s requirements in the processing of Judicial Watch’s requests. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)). Judicial Watch sought discovery in this case.

The hearing will be held before D.C. Circuit Judges Judith W. Rogers, Sri Srinivasan, and Cornelia T.L. Pillard:

Date: Friday, September 15, 2017

Time: 9:30 A.M.
Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Now $105,662,975.27 - Judicial Watch
Oh well looky here the Obama crap lickers can't even say Trump's spending is anywhere near this.
The only way that is possible is some leftist BS lies as that is what they do best anything to make the prick look like a shining star.
You know you're crazy, right?

Each trip Trump takes to Mar-a-lago costs close to $4 million...
Given variations in each trip, estimating the security costs around a presidential trip is difficult. But a 2016 Government Accountability Office report about a four-day trip Obama took to Florida in 2013 -- one similar to Trump's trips -- found the total cost to the Secret Service and Coast Guard was $3.6 million.

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year
... and he's made no less than 7 trips to there.

I do not see the 105 MILLION plus on any sites but right wing news, and independent verification?
None that I’m aware of.

Funniest part is watching rightards eat this shit up without ever realizing the secret service doesn’t allow any such details of a sitting president to be released without their approval; not even through the freedom of information act. That’s why most of the money spent on Trump is detailed from before he became president. Rightards are too stupid to notice that pesky detail.
Last edited:
Federal Appeals Court Hearing Set for September 15 on Secret Service Failure to Comply with Additional Presidential Travel Information Requests

Judicial Watch also released travel expenses related to President Trump’s travel totaling $4,082,427.71

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27. The latest records show President Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Judicial Watch also announced that oral argument will be heard on Friday, September 15, 2017, in an additional FOIA lawsuit challenging the district court’s dismissal of Judicial Watch’s claim that Homeland Security has a history of violating FOIA’s requirements in the processing of Judicial Watch’s requests. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)). Judicial Watch sought discovery in this case.

The hearing will be held before D.C. Circuit Judges Judith W. Rogers, Sri Srinivasan, and Cornelia T.L. Pillard:

Date: Friday, September 15, 2017

Time: 9:30 A.M.
Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Now $105,662,975.27 - Judicial Watch
Oh well looky here the Obama crap lickers can't even say Trump's spending is anywhere near this.
The only way that is possible is some leftist BS lies as that is what they do best anything to make the prick look like a shining star.

Fake news

Judicial watch is a bit BIASED:

On May 4, Judicial Watch reported that it obtained records from the Department of the Air Force in response to FOIA requests that show President Trump’s flights to Mar-a-Lago for two weekends (in February and March) cost $1,281,420.00. (Since 2009, Judicial Watch tracked President Obama’s travel, resulting in a tabulation of at least $96,938,882.51 in taxpayer dollars for Obama family travel during his eight years in office.)

“The public controversy over President Trump’s travel will only increase if the Pentagon and Secret Service won’t disclose basic costs and other details as FOIA law requires,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Extreme transparency should be the Trump administration’s ethic, especially after eight years of lawless Obama secrecy.”

Again, the I don't like the source therefore it isn't valid excuse.

I wrote I accept the numbers, READ.
Hey now, you’re expecting too much from that one.
You know you're crazy, right?

Each trip Trump takes to Mar-a-lago costs close to $4 million...
... and he's made no less than 7 trips to there.
^^^ another conservative idiot who can’t handle being refuted.


View attachment 151612

Is that supposed to mean something to me?

It doesn’t.

View attachment 151628

and when I don’t... then what?
Federal Appeals Court Hearing Set for September 15 on Secret Service Failure to Comply with Additional Presidential Travel Information Requests

Judicial Watch also released travel expenses related to President Trump’s travel totaling $4,082,427.71

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27. The latest records show President Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Judicial Watch also announced that oral argument will be heard on Friday, September 15, 2017, in an additional FOIA lawsuit challenging the district court’s dismissal of Judicial Watch’s claim that Homeland Security has a history of violating FOIA’s requirements in the processing of Judicial Watch’s requests. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)). Judicial Watch sought discovery in this case.

The hearing will be held before D.C. Circuit Judges Judith W. Rogers, Sri Srinivasan, and Cornelia T.L. Pillard:

Date: Friday, September 15, 2017

Time: 9:30 A.M.
Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Now $105,662,975.27 - Judicial Watch
Oh well looky here the Obama crap lickers can't even say Trump's spending is anywhere near this.
The only way that is possible is some leftist BS lies as that is what they do best anything to make the prick look like a shining star.
You know you're crazy, right?

Each trip Trump takes to Mar-a-lago costs close to $4 million...
Given variations in each trip, estimating the security costs around a presidential trip is difficult. But a 2016 Government Accountability Office report about a four-day trip Obama took to Florida in 2013 -- one similar to Trump's trips -- found the total cost to the Secret Service and Coast Guard was $3.6 million.

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year
... and he's made no less than 7 trips to there.
^^^ another conservative idiot who can’t handle being refuted.


View attachment 151612


Nice juxtaposition - showing a cross and then calling another poster an asshole. Really find display of Christianity there.

14,000 posts in less than a year, mindlessly praising Trump and quoting faking news sources every single time.

You like working in Putin's troll farm?
Your claims are subjective opinion. Since you want to go with that, your posts are proof you're a n-lover.

Shrieks a low IQ idiot.

Claims a n-lover that can't keep his own bitch in line.
Just one of the many differences between us — I didn’t just point out your IQ is abnormally low ... I cited an example. Whereas you merely blurt out whatever thought pops into your racist head without citing any specific examples.

You made a subjective statement.

Your posts prove you're a n-lover.
^^^ yet more evidence of a low IQ poster. I said nothing about *******, yet the above aborigine thinks I did due to his abnormally low IQ.

^^^^^Yet more evidence of a n-lover.

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