Obama trolls for softer press...

I caught a few minutes of Beck today on my sat. radio.

It was funny as hell hearing ALL about the bravery of Pres. Obama going to get GRILLED by Nancy Odell on Entertainment Tonight!

For a U.S. President, he sure is a pussy.
Beck? Aw, you got your daily dose of Slanted High Ideology Transmissions (S.H.I.T.).
Beck? Aw, you got your daily dose of Slanted High Ideology Transmissions (S.H.I.T.).

Not a daily dose of his better than average radio. In fact, I rarely hear him at all.

I try to listen to Mark Levin every day, when I can, though.

That guy is so brilliant and so vastly superior to you plodding, drooling, moron libs, that it amazes me you guys still can't squarely face his words. You pussy.

Poor poor pitiable you.

The bravest President in the history of brave Presidents.

He FACES a grilling with ease, dignity, grace and a smile!

Obama campaign defends selective press availability

By Morgan Little

WASHINGTON -- Are all interviews created equal? Amid growing criticism about President Obama’s infrequent press conferences, campaign surrogates came out Sunday to defend a recent spate of softball interviews, equating CNN with “Entertainment Tonight” in the process.

Central to the complaints about Obama’s scheduling has been his reluctance to hold a press conference at the White House since June 8, when his remarks about the private sector “doing fine” set off a flurry of Republican attacks.


Obama campaign defends selective press availability - latimes.com

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