Obama Troubled Over Execution!!

This is the same President who has had US citizens summarily executed without trial, right? His hypocrisy knows no bounds.

US citizens don't get any US trial overseas unless they are our own US Military.

US rights do not pertain on foreign soil. You have to be actually at a US Embassy or US Consulate to exercise US rights.

Cannot believe you are still weeping for that POS Anwar al-Awlaki.

Regards from Rosie

It may not be wise to hang out at a US Consulate under Obama's or Hillary's watch.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.
Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news
The convicted killer being executed was black? Obama is starting to be Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton combined on his best day. :eusa_hand:

You're not too far from the truth. Obama started out as a rabble-rouser -- oops -- I mean "community organizer" just like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Fortunately for him, George Soros discovered him and bought his Presidency.
Obama son could have raped and shot and buried that young girl alive

Oh, yes. Here is conservative reason and logic. This kind of statement indeed shows how reasonable and logical, calm, etc., conservatives are. Right. (In case you conservatives don't get it, I am being sarcastic.)
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Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

There is evidence of racial bias when it comes to the death penalty. Like it or not.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.
Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

There is evidence of racial bias when it comes to the death penalty. Like it or not.

Please present the evidence. Claiming and proving are very, very different things. I'll patiently await your response.

By the way, do you think that the monster who tortured, raped, shot, and buried an innocent young lady deserved the death penalty or should we have all given him three hots and a cot for the rest of his life?
Chris Steven murdered by Jihadists isn't troubling, but Clayton Lockett has Obama up at night
Obama son could have raped and shot and buried that young girl alive

Oh, yes. Here is conservative reason and logic. This kind of statement indeed shows how reasonable and logical, calm, etc., conservatives are. Right. (In case you conservatives don't get it, I am being sarcastic.)

Look hun, Clayton Lockett could have been Obama's son. Obama is very sensitive to these things. Obama himself could have grown up wanting to beat and shoot and murder 19 year old white girls and the country might have been better off if he did
Why would anyone support cruel and unusual punishment?

Is the second amendment the only part of the Constitution you care about?
Why would anyone support cruel and unusual punishment?

Is the second amendment the only part of the Constitution you care about?

What part of the Constitution protects murderous animals from receiving their just reward? The death penalty! A rapist/murderer has announced to the world that human life means nothing to him. Therefore, he announces to the world that his own life means nothing to him.
All death row inmates should be allowed to attend the next Democrat National Convention
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news
The convicted killer being executed was black? Obama is starting to be Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton combined on his best day. :eusa_hand:

You're not too far from the truth. Obama started out as a rabble-rouser -- oops -- I mean "community organizer" just like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Fortunately for him, George Soros discovered him and bought his Presidency.

Its a real shame that some rw's never bothered to educate themselves as to what a "community organizer" really is because we need a lot more of them.

And, because some rw's have no clue what a community organizer is or does, that comment will be met with much whining and gnashing of teeth.

The dumbing down of the right continues ...
As to the OP, we should all be troubled over that and all executions.

I'm in favor of the death penalty for certain crimes but our system is so completely screwed up, it needs to be trashed and we need to start over.

It should never be easy to kill our fellow human beings.

It says a lot about a society that has a death penalty for those that commit a horrendous act.
The penalty should be a response to that.
Are you kidding? The botched execution was a gift to the Obama administration. It's the best thing that could happen to the scandal ridden mess of an administration. It galvanizes the radical left, gives the "bar scene from Star Wars" aka the UN something to blame America for. Everything Obama says can be interpreted exactly the opposite. When he says he is "troubled" it means he is relieved that he has something to talk about other than the ACA, Benghazi, IRS spying, gun running to Mexico, the economy, and his dismal ratings.
As to the OP, we should all be troubled over that and all executions.

I'm in favor of the death penalty for certain crimes but our system is so completely screwed up, it needs to be trashed and we need to start over.

It should never be easy to kill our fellow human beings.


If they were "fellow human beings" I might agree with you. But they ceased being "human beings" the moment they raped, beat, tortured, shot, and buried their innocent, helpless, unarmed, sweet-natured victims.

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