Obama Troubled Over Execution!!

Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

Yeah...who should be worried about a botched execution.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.
Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

First, statistics show that the death penalty in this country is racially biased, so he isn't saying anything anyone doesn't know.

Second, how could anyone with half a brain not imagine that a black American persident would address racial issues in the country. That is what he should be doing. If a woman is elected president, she will probably speak on occasion about sexist issues in this coutry. Are you going to condemn her for doing that?

Well I suppose if blacks would stop committing the vast majority of violent crimes then the statistics would change dramatically.

LOL. Using your brilliant logic I suppose you won't mind a white, male President addressing issues surrounding white males -- will you? Is that what they're "supposed to do?" :)
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.
Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

Yeah...who should be worried about a botched execution.

We can solve the problem my inserting a rapidly moving piece of hot led into the noggin' of the next animal convicted of such a crime. Problem solved!
I don't know that it's a race war he wants to start. It looks more like the creation of a master race. Legal recognition that based on skin color, a personal is above being criticized or punished. A right to commit any kind of crime without fear of repercussions simply because of skin color.

Oh! You mean like the first 250 years of our nation....

I don't have any slave owners in my family tree.

Gen. Sherman is my cousin from my Mom's side.

Daniel Boone on my Dad's side.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

Yeah...who should be worried about a botched execution.

We can solve the problem my inserting a rapidly moving piece of hot led into the noggin' of the next animal convicted of such a crime. Problem solved!

And third world country firmly established.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

First, statistics show that the death penalty in this country is racially biased, so he isn't saying anything anyone doesn't know.

Second, how could anyone with half a brain not imagine that a black American persident would address racial issues in the country. That is what he should be doing. If a woman is elected president, she will probably speak on occasion about sexist issues in this coutry. Are you going to condemn her for doing that?

Well I suppose if blacks would stop committing the vast majority of violent crimes then the statistics would change dramatically.

LOL. Using your brilliant logic I suppose you won't mind a white, male President addressing issues surrounding white males -- will you? Is that what they're "supposed to do?" :)

That's what they have always done, so it wouldn't be anything new. I can't tell if your guys are really so stupid you completely miss the point, or if you are so partisan and closed minded you refuse to see it. Well, it doesn't matter. You don't matter. Not to me. It's sad for the country, however.
Black people need 250 years of unfettered criminal conduct and superiority. That is really what they believe. The black man should have the right to rape white 19 year old girls and bury them alive for the next 250 years without even standing trial for their lawful actions.

It's payback and needs to be codified.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

First, statistics show that the death penalty in this country is racially biased, so he isn't saying anything anyone doesn't know.

Second, how could anyone with half a brain not imagine that a black American president would address racial issues in the country. That is what he should be doing. If a woman is elected president, she will probably speak on occasion about sexist issues in this coutry. Are you going to condemn her for doing that?

No it doesn't. The statistic shows that more people of a particular race are prone to violent acts.

If you were to take every black in Chicago and put them on an island, the crime rate would drop precipitously.
First, statistics show that the death penalty in this country is racially biased, so he isn't saying anything anyone doesn't know.

Second, how could anyone with half a brain not imagine that a black American persident would address racial issues in the country. That is what he should be doing. If a woman is elected president, she will probably speak on occasion about sexist issues in this coutry. Are you going to condemn her for doing that?

Well I suppose if blacks would stop committing the vast majority of violent crimes then the statistics would change dramatically.

LOL. Using your brilliant logic I suppose you won't mind a white, male President addressing issues surrounding white males -- will you? Is that what they're "supposed to do?" :)

That's what they have always done, so it wouldn't be anything new. I can't tell if your guys are really so stupid you completely miss the point, or if you are so partisan and closed minded you refuse to see it. Well, it doesn't matter. You don't matter. Not to me. It's sad for the country, however.

Failed to address your liberal, double-standard.

1) I'm not partisan because I belong to none of the major Parties.
2) Could you imagine the liberal outcry if a white President stated that whites were being singled out and that there was "bias" against them?
3) For a "compassionate liberal" I'm surprised that you would say that another human being "doesn't matter." How non-compassionate of you.
4) Obama has no basis for his claim that blacks are singled out for execution. The law is clear in most states: if you commit a heinous crimes you are rewarded with the dire consequence of that crime. Death is often times that consequence. It's the same for all violent criminals regardless of race.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

First, statistics show that the death penalty in this country is racially biased, so he isn't saying anything anyone doesn't know.

Second, how could anyone with half a brain not imagine that a black American president would address racial issues in the country. That is what he should be doing. If a woman is elected president, she will probably speak on occasion about sexist issues in this coutry. Are you going to condemn her for doing that?

No it doesn't. The statistic shows that more people of a particular race are prone to violent acts.

If you were to take every black in Chicago and put them on an island, the crime rate would drop precipitously.

The crime rate in Chicago would drop precipitously but the crime rate on the island would increase exponentially.
First, statistics show that the death penalty in this country is racially biased, so he isn't saying anything anyone doesn't know.

Second, how could anyone with half a brain not imagine that a black American persident would address racial issues in the country. That is what he should be doing. If a woman is elected president, she will probably speak on occasion about sexist issues in this coutry. Are you going to condemn her for doing that?

Well I suppose if blacks would stop committing the vast majority of violent crimes then the statistics would change dramatically.

LOL. Using your brilliant logic I suppose you won't mind a white, male President addressing issues surrounding white males -- will you? Is that what they're "supposed to do?" :)

That's what they have always done, so it wouldn't be anything new. I can't tell if your guys are really so stupid you completely miss the point, or if you are so partisan and closed minded you refuse to see it. Well, it doesn't matter. You don't matter. Not to me. It's sad for the country, however.

You can't express your point, you lose the argument and then claim no ones point of view matters. Then run off and cry.

The President is very partisan, he is just like the people you think "don't matter," your are a partisan, so you are you saying you "don't matter."

What you said was ignorant and you got called on it.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

First, statistics show that the death penalty in this country is racially biased, so he isn't saying anything anyone doesn't know.

Second, how could anyone with half a brain not imagine that a black American president would address racial issues in the country. That is what he should be doing. If a woman is elected president, she will probably speak on occasion about sexist issues in this coutry. Are you going to condemn her for doing that?

No it doesn't. The statistic shows that more people of a particular race are prone to violent acts.

If you were to take every black in Chicago and put them on an island, the crime rate would drop precipitously.
Indeed, the crime rate among blacks is considerably higher than it is among whites. I don't know the statistics, but I wonder if the rate of executions among whites and among blacks is roughly equal to their respective rates of capital crime commissions. Perhaps blacks are even favored.
A four-time felon that was let loosed, thanks to our liberal justice system....oops, I mean "racially biased" justice system.

Lockett was already a four-time felon when he was convicted by a jury in 2000 of murder, rape, kidnapping, burglary and other charges and received his death penalty sentence. The murder victim was 19-year-old Stephanie Neiman, who came upon Lockett and two accomplices as they were beating a man in front of his 9-month-old son during a robbery.

Neiman and a friend came to the house while the robbery was in progress, and the robbers bound the two women with duct tape and raped Neiman's friend. The three men then drove all four victims, including the baby, to a remote area, where Lockett shot Neiman with a sawed-off shotgun after she refused to say she wouldn't report them to police. Lockett then watched as his two accomplices buried her alive.

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

These assholes deserved to be executed with a flamethrower.
What a guy huh?

He's not troubled over abortion though

55MILLION and counting daily

this man troubles me in what his agenda about
First, statistics show that the death penalty in this country is racially biased, so he isn't saying anything anyone doesn't know.

Second, how could anyone with half a brain not imagine that a black American president would address racial issues in the country. That is what he should be doing. If a woman is elected president, she will probably speak on occasion about sexist issues in this coutry. Are you going to condemn her for doing that?

No it doesn't. The statistic shows that more people of a particular race are prone to violent acts.

If you were to take every black in Chicago and put them on an island, the crime rate would drop precipitously.
Indeed, the crime rate among blacks is considerably higher than it is among whites. I don't know the statistics, but I wonder if the rate of executions among whites and among blacks is roughly equal to their respective rates of capital crime commissions. Perhaps blacks are even favored.

Just go to the FBI/DoJ website. They have statistics breakdown of perps and victims of violent crimes broken down by race/sex/age ect..
Blacks account for half of the violent crime in the US. It's hard to tell how much whites are accountable for since they conveniently lump Hispanics in with whites.
First, statistics show that the death penalty in this country is racially biased, so he isn't saying anything anyone doesn't know.

Second, how could anyone with half a brain not imagine that a black American president would address racial issues in the country. That is what he should be doing. If a woman is elected president, she will probably speak on occasion about sexist issues in this coutry. Are you going to condemn her for doing that?

No it doesn't. The statistic shows that more people of a particular race are prone to violent acts.

If you were to take every black in Chicago and put them on an island, the crime rate would drop precipitously.
Indeed, the crime rate among blacks is considerably higher than it is among whites. I don't know the statistics, but I wonder if the rate of executions among whites and among blacks is roughly equal to their respective rates of capital crime commissions. Perhaps blacks are even favored.

How long did it take for them to off Timothy McVeigh?
A four-time felon that was let loosed, thanks to our liberal justice system....oops, I mean "racially biased" justice system.

Lockett was already a four-time felon when he was convicted by a jury in 2000 of murder, rape, kidnapping, burglary and other charges and received his death penalty sentence. The murder victim was 19-year-old Stephanie Neiman, who came upon Lockett and two accomplices as they were beating a man in front of his 9-month-old son during a robbery.

Neiman and a friend came to the house while the robbery was in progress, and the robbers bound the two women with duct tape and raped Neiman's friend. The three men then drove all four victims, including the baby, to a remote area, where Lockett shot Neiman with a sawed-off shotgun after she refused to say she wouldn't report them to police. Lockett then watched as his two accomplices buried her alive.

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

These assholes deserved to be executed with a flamethrower.

The fact that these guys were guilty as hell doesn't matter to our first post-racial president.

The fact that the guilty were black guys did matter.
First, statistics show that the death penalty in this country is racially biased, so he isn't saying anything anyone doesn't know.

Second, how could anyone with half a brain not imagine that a black American persident would address racial issues in the country. That is what he should be doing. If a woman is elected president, she will probably speak on occasion about sexist issues in this coutry. Are you going to condemn her for doing that?

Well I suppose if blacks would stop committing the vast majority of violent crimes then the statistics would change dramatically.

LOL. Using your brilliant logic I suppose you won't mind a white, male President addressing issues surrounding white males -- will you? Is that what they're "supposed to do?" :)

That's what they have always done, so it wouldn't be anything new.
I can't tell if your guys are really so stupid you completely miss the point, or if you are so partisan and closed minded you refuse to see it. Well, it doesn't matter. You don't matter. Not to me. It's sad for the country, however.

I missed your statement earlier. Glad we agree.

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